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    Favourite Child Detector短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 新西兰是一个自由的国家,大多数事情都去那里。然而,Prime TV 面临一个独特的问题,即任何带有 Prime 品牌的东西都不会被竞争对手媒体 (即所有大型电视台) 播放。这种独特的地位迫使我们转向更民主的数字和社交媒体平台来讲述我们品牌的故事。 有效性 在 2014 总理电视获得了有争议的热门系列现代家庭的权利。这是一个巨大的壮举。问题是他们没有预算来宣布这一举动,使用在线广告。我们的简报是在非常适度的预算下,让人们普遍意识到这一举措。 prime 将他们的目标受众视为现实生活中的现代家庭 -- 即使是爸爸妈妈也是如此,他们都精通技术,在 Facebook 上生活(不是那种通常看 Prime 的人) 我们的观点是,尽管他们永远不会承认,但所有的父母都有一个最喜欢的孩子。例如,在现代家庭中,菲尔似乎更喜欢他的儿子卢克而不是他的女儿。这种普遍相关的人类洞察力让我们创造了一个像节目本身一样厚颜无耻的想法,通过回答父母不会回答的一个问题 -- 谁是最喜欢的孩子? 最喜欢的儿童探测器是一个品牌微型网站和 Facebook 应用程序,它使用算法分析用户父母的 Facebook 行为 (包括他们的 “喜欢” 、标签、评论和照片)并确定哪个孩子。最初横幅广告和赞助的 Facebook 帖子促进了微型网站。但是随着有争议的结果蔓延到 Facebook,私人家庭争斗变得公开,用户为我们推广了这个网站。这个想法受到了很多社会关注,并迅速传播到新西兰和世界各地。通过重新筛选现成的社交数据,我们为目标受众创造了有趣、相关和揭示的社交体验。 实施 几乎没有预算,我们使用赞助的 Facebook 帖子、横幅广告和快速新闻稿来推动这个想法,成功地在众多广播电台上讨论了这个想法。不久,用户开始成群结队地到达,并将结果分享给他们的 Facebook 网络。从育儿博客到像 Fast Company 这样的知名科技网站,全球无数不同的网站都发起了这项运动。一旦发生这种情况,竞选就变得自给自足,我们不再需要为媒体付费。 结果 到目前为止,最喜欢的儿童探测器已经分析了近 3500万种社会互动,包括 1900万种 “喜欢” 和 850万种评论。平均在网站上花费 1 分钟 32 秒。无数不同的网站 -- 从育儿博客到科技网站,涵盖了最喜欢的儿童探测器。这个想法从在线空间中爆发出来,在广播和电视上被报道。129 个国家的家庭使用。现代家庭的收视率在第一集和第二集之间翻了一番。 相关性 Prime TV 最喜欢的儿童探测器是一个品牌的微型网站和 Facebook 应用程序,用于宣传政治不正确的情景喜剧现代家庭的新一季。在体验结束时,用户自愿分享他们最喜欢的儿童探测器的结果。生成的可共享的 Facebook wallpost 是他们的照片和我们的品牌和调谐信息的混合。用户有效地帮助我们在互联网上创建并传播我们的品牌内容。


    案例简介:Campaign Description New Zealand is a liberal country where most things go. Prime TV however faces a unique problem whereby anything carrying Prime branding will not be shown by rival media outlets (i.e. all the big TV stations).This unique position forced us to look to the more democratic digital and social media platforms to tell our brand’s story. Effectiveness In 2014 Prime TV secured the rights to the controversial hit series Modern Family. This was a huge coup for Prime. The problem was they had no budget to announce the move using above the line advertising.Our brief was to create widespread awareness of the move on a very modest budget.Prime saw their target audience as real-life modern families – the kind where even Mum and Dad are tech savvy and live their lives on Facebook (not the kind who’d usually watch Prime).Our insight was that, although they'd never admit it, all parents have a favourite child. On Modern Family, for example, Phil seems to favour his son Luke over his daughters.This universally relevant human insight allowed us to create an idea as cheeky as the show itself, an idea that would spread organically by answering the one question parents won’t – who is the favourite child?The Favourite Child Detector is a branded microsite and Facebook app that uses an algorithm to analyses user’s parent’s Facebook behaviour (including their ‘likes’, tags, comments and photos) and determines which child.Initially banner ads and sponsored Facebook posts promoted the microsite. But as the controversial results spilled out on to Facebook and private family feuds became public, users promoted the site for us. The idea received a lot of social attention and quickly spread across NZ and around the world.By re-skinning readily available social data we created a funny, relevant and revealing social experience for our target audience. Implementation With next to no budget we pushed the idea out using sponsored Facebook posts, banner ads and a quick press release that succeeded in getting the idea talked about on a multitude of radio stations.Before long, the users began arriving in droves and sharing the results to their Facebook networks. The campaign was picked up by Countless and diverse sites globally - from parenting blogs to prominent tech websites like Fast Company.Once this happened the campaign became self-sustaining and we no longer needed paid for media. Outcome So far the Favourite Child Detector has analysed nearly 35 million social interactions including 19 million 'likes' and 8.5 million comments. Average of 1min 32secs spent on the site.Countless and diverse sites - from parenting blogs to tech websites, covered the Favourite Child Detector. The idea broke out of the online space and was covered on radio and TV.Used by families in 129 countries.Modern Family ratings doubled between the first and second episodes. Relevancy Prime TV’s Favourite Child Detector was a branded microsite and Facebook app used to promote the new season of the politically incorrect sitcom Modern Family.At the end of the experience users willingly shared their results from The Favourite Child Detector. The shareable Facebook wallpost that was generated was a mix of their photos and our branding and tune in information. Effectively users helped us create and then spread our branded content all across the Internet.

    Favourite Child Detector

    案例简介:活动描述 新西兰是一个自由的国家,大多数事情都去那里。然而,Prime TV 面临一个独特的问题,即任何带有 Prime 品牌的东西都不会被竞争对手媒体 (即所有大型电视台) 播放。这种独特的地位迫使我们转向更民主的数字和社交媒体平台来讲述我们品牌的故事。 有效性 在 2014 总理电视获得了有争议的热门系列现代家庭的权利。这是一个巨大的壮举。问题是他们没有预算来宣布这一举动,使用在线广告。我们的简报是在非常适度的预算下,让人们普遍意识到这一举措。 prime 将他们的目标受众视为现实生活中的现代家庭 -- 即使是爸爸妈妈也是如此,他们都精通技术,在 Facebook 上生活(不是那种通常看 Prime 的人) 我们的观点是,尽管他们永远不会承认,但所有的父母都有一个最喜欢的孩子。例如,在现代家庭中,菲尔似乎更喜欢他的儿子卢克而不是他的女儿。这种普遍相关的人类洞察力让我们创造了一个像节目本身一样厚颜无耻的想法,通过回答父母不会回答的一个问题 -- 谁是最喜欢的孩子? 最喜欢的儿童探测器是一个品牌微型网站和 Facebook 应用程序,它使用算法分析用户父母的 Facebook 行为 (包括他们的 “喜欢” 、标签、评论和照片)并确定哪个孩子。最初横幅广告和赞助的 Facebook 帖子促进了微型网站。但是随着有争议的结果蔓延到 Facebook,私人家庭争斗变得公开,用户为我们推广了这个网站。这个想法受到了很多社会关注,并迅速传播到新西兰和世界各地。通过重新筛选现成的社交数据,我们为目标受众创造了有趣、相关和揭示的社交体验。 实施 几乎没有预算,我们使用赞助的 Facebook 帖子、横幅广告和快速新闻稿来推动这个想法,成功地在众多广播电台上讨论了这个想法。不久,用户开始成群结队地到达,并将结果分享给他们的 Facebook 网络。从育儿博客到像 Fast Company 这样的知名科技网站,全球无数不同的网站都发起了这项运动。一旦发生这种情况,竞选就变得自给自足,我们不再需要为媒体付费。 结果 到目前为止,最喜欢的儿童探测器已经分析了近 3500万种社会互动,包括 1900万种 “喜欢” 和 850万种评论。平均在网站上花费 1 分钟 32 秒。无数不同的网站 -- 从育儿博客到科技网站,涵盖了最喜欢的儿童探测器。这个想法从在线空间中爆发出来,在广播和电视上被报道。129 个国家的家庭使用。现代家庭的收视率在第一集和第二集之间翻了一番。 相关性 Prime TV 最喜欢的儿童探测器是一个品牌的微型网站和 Facebook 应用程序,用于宣传政治不正确的情景喜剧现代家庭的新一季。在体验结束时,用户自愿分享他们最喜欢的儿童探测器的结果。生成的可共享的 Facebook wallpost 是他们的照片和我们的品牌和调谐信息的混合。用户有效地帮助我们在互联网上创建并传播我们的品牌内容。

    Favourite Child Detector

    案例简介:Campaign Description New Zealand is a liberal country where most things go. Prime TV however faces a unique problem whereby anything carrying Prime branding will not be shown by rival media outlets (i.e. all the big TV stations).This unique position forced us to look to the more democratic digital and social media platforms to tell our brand’s story. Effectiveness In 2014 Prime TV secured the rights to the controversial hit series Modern Family. This was a huge coup for Prime. The problem was they had no budget to announce the move using above the line advertising.Our brief was to create widespread awareness of the move on a very modest budget.Prime saw their target audience as real-life modern families – the kind where even Mum and Dad are tech savvy and live their lives on Facebook (not the kind who’d usually watch Prime).Our insight was that, although they'd never admit it, all parents have a favourite child. On Modern Family, for example, Phil seems to favour his son Luke over his daughters.This universally relevant human insight allowed us to create an idea as cheeky as the show itself, an idea that would spread organically by answering the one question parents won’t – who is the favourite child?The Favourite Child Detector is a branded microsite and Facebook app that uses an algorithm to analyses user’s parent’s Facebook behaviour (including their ‘likes’, tags, comments and photos) and determines which child.Initially banner ads and sponsored Facebook posts promoted the microsite. But as the controversial results spilled out on to Facebook and private family feuds became public, users promoted the site for us. The idea received a lot of social attention and quickly spread across NZ and around the world.By re-skinning readily available social data we created a funny, relevant and revealing social experience for our target audience. Implementation With next to no budget we pushed the idea out using sponsored Facebook posts, banner ads and a quick press release that succeeded in getting the idea talked about on a multitude of radio stations.Before long, the users began arriving in droves and sharing the results to their Facebook networks. The campaign was picked up by Countless and diverse sites globally - from parenting blogs to prominent tech websites like Fast Company.Once this happened the campaign became self-sustaining and we no longer needed paid for media. Outcome So far the Favourite Child Detector has analysed nearly 35 million social interactions including 19 million 'likes' and 8.5 million comments. Average of 1min 32secs spent on the site.Countless and diverse sites - from parenting blogs to tech websites, covered the Favourite Child Detector. The idea broke out of the online space and was covered on radio and TV.Used by families in 129 countries.Modern Family ratings doubled between the first and second episodes. Relevancy Prime TV’s Favourite Child Detector was a branded microsite and Facebook app used to promote the new season of the politically incorrect sitcom Modern Family.At the end of the experience users willingly shared their results from The Favourite Child Detector. The shareable Facebook wallpost that was generated was a mix of their photos and our branding and tune in information. Effectively users helped us create and then spread our branded content all across the Internet.



    Favourite Child Detector










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