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    案例简介:描述活动/条目 挑战: 鸽子的使命是让每个女人都感到美丽。鸽子与伦敦经济学院进行了一项全球研究,发现只有 4% 的女性认为自己很漂亮。我们面临的挑战是在建立对品牌的亲和力的同时,解决低自尊的问题。目标: 找到一种方法让鸽子在帮助女性自我感觉良好方面发挥作用。策略和执行: 我们确定了感受美丽的一个主要障碍: 在线负面广告。我们授权女性通过独特的品牌亲和力建设活动来消除这一障碍。女性花大量时间在 Facebook 上,在那里负面广告最普遍。为了解决这个问题,我们创建了一个 Facebook 应用程序来发送积极的信息。结果是: 广告改造通过引发媒体辩论成为国际成功,从根本上挑战在线广告的使用。它还创造了新的行为: 消费者与该品牌合作,将该活动推广到全球。该活动在第一周赢得了 253 媒体印象。用户移动了 171 条横幅广告。看到的 82% 个广告来自一个朋友,使其成为一个独特的社会运动。Facebook 上关于鸽子的全球讨论增加了 41%。最重要的是,71% 的受访女性表示,她们在看到活动后感觉更漂亮,直接实现了品牌的使命。该活动的关键公关要素包括博客推广、新闻稿、直接向鸽子 Facebook 粉丝发送信息、给消费者发电子邮件以及 YouTube 和 Facebook 上的视频。 描述客户的简报 鸽子和伦敦经济学院在 20 个国家进行了一项关于美和自我感知状态的全球研究调查。调查显示,只有 4% 的女性称自己漂亮,这一令人震惊的统计数据。我们想找到一种方法让鸽子在提高女性自尊方面发挥作用。这项运动的目标是建立德芙作为一个关心女性的品牌的声誉。 结果 广告改造通过创造媒体和公众辩论而成为国际成功,从根本上挑战在线广告的使用。它还创造了新的行为: 鸽子的目标受众,真正的女性,成为品牌大使,并通过发送积极的信息并通过推特、脸谱网和博客传播信息来实现鸽子的使命。该活动在第一周赢得了 253 媒体印象。用户移动了 171 横幅。超过 50% 访问该应用程序的女性创建了一条信息。82% 的广告来自朋友,使其成为一种独特的社交活动。Facebook 上关于鸽子的全球讨论增加了 41%。最重要的是,71% 的受访女性表示,她们在看到活动后感觉更漂亮,直接实现了品牌的使命。 执行 我们点燃了关于负面广告影响的辩论,通过电子邮件、博客、 YouTube 和媒体渠道在鸽子的 Facebook 墙上发布关键信息。女性被邀请使用广告改造应用程序,该应用程序通过在针对女性不安全感的关键词上出价高于广告商,从而取代负面广告和积极信息。我们有史以来第一次将创意和媒体规划交给了女性。我们创建了新闻稿、定制应用程序、可共享的视频、衡量自尊水平的民意调查,以及关于鸽子时间表负面广告的不断更新的对话。我们让应用程序的力量闪耀,知道人们会分享我们的故事。该活动计划在澳大利亚和巴西进行一周。由于极大的兴趣,这场运动现在已经在世界各地的不同市场展开。 形势 每天,女性都会接触到网上广告,这些广告旨在针对她们身体形象的不安全感。根据 Dove 在伦敦经济学院进行的全球研究,这影响了自尊,以至于只有 4% 的女性认为自己很漂亮。Dove 的使命是让每个女人都感到美丽,这就是为什么我们创建了广告改造,一场建立品牌亲和力的运动。 战略 多年来,媒体报道了美容广告、时尚和电影对自尊的潜在破坏性影响。但是没有人谈论网上 “美丽” 广告的有害影响。这些广告在信息中提取关键词并实施相关广告,例如在电子邮件中提到 “做饭” 会产生减肥广告。每天,女性都会在网上接触到数百个广告,这些广告旨在针对与身体形象相关的不安全感。我们开始了关于网上负面广告的对话,这是自尊的障碍。然后,我们发起了 “改头换面” 广告,这是一场让女性能够解决这个问题并吸引人们关注这个问题的运动。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The challenge: Dove's mission is to make every woman feel beautiful. Dove conducted a worldwide study with The London School of Economics that revealed only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful. Our challenge was to address this problem of low self-esteem while building affinity for the brand. The objective: Find a way for Dove to play a role in helping women feel good about themselves. The strategy and execution: We identified a major barrier to feeling beautiful: negative advertising online. We empowered women to remove that barrier with a unique brand affinity-building campaign. Women spend a significant amount of time on Facebook, where negative ads are most pervasive. To address the problem, we created a Facebook app to send positive messages instead. The outcome: The Ad Makeover became an international success by creating a media debate that fundamentally challenged the use of online advertising. It also created new behaviour: consumers partnered with the brand to spread the campaign globally. The campaign earned 253m media impressions in the first week. Users displaced 171m banner ads. 82 % ads seen came from a friend, making it a uniquely social campaign. Global talk about Dove on Facebook increased 41%. Most importantly, 71% of women polled said they feel more beautiful after seeing the campaign, directly delivering on the brand's mission. The key PR elements of the campaign included blogger outreach, press releases, direct messaging to Dove Facebook fans, emailing consumers, and a video on YouTube and Facebook. Describe the brief from the client Dove and the London School of Economics conducted a global research survey on the state of beauty and self-perception, across 20 countries. The survey revealed the shocking statistic that only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful. We wanted to find a way for Dove to play a role in increasing women's self-esteem. The goal of the campaign is to build Dove's reputation as a brand that cares about women. Results The Ad Makeover became an international success by creating a media and public debate that fundamentally challenged the use of online advertising. It also created new behaviour: Dove's target audience, real women, became brand ambassadors and adopted Dove's mission by sending out positive messages and spreading the word through Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. The campaign earned 253m media impressions in the first week. Users displaced 171m banners. Over 50% of women who visited the app created a message. 82% of ads seen came from a friend, making it a uniquely social campaign. Global talk about Dove on Facebook increased 41%. Most importantly, 71% of women polled said they feel more beautiful after seeing the campaign, directly delivering on the brand's mission. Execution We ignited the debate about the effect of negative advertising, releasing key messages on Dove's Facebook wall, by email, through blogs, YouTube, and media outlets. Women were invited to use The Ad Makeover app, which displaces negative ads with positive messages by outbidding advertisers on keywords that target women's insecurities. We put the creative and media planning in the hands of women for the first time ever. We created press releases, a custom-built application, a shareable video, polls that measured self-esteem levels, and a constantly updated conversation about negative advertising on Dove's Timeline. We allowed the app's power to shine through, knowing people would share our story. The campaign was planned to run for a week in Australia and Brazil. Due to the phenomenal amount of interest the campaign has now rolled out in various markets around the world. The Situation Every day women are exposed to ads online that are designed to target their body image insecurities. This impacts self-esteem, to the extent that only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful, according to Dove's worldwide study conducted with The London School of Economics. Dove's mission is to make every woman feel beautiful, which is why we created the Ad Makeover, a campaign to build brand affinity. The Strategy For years, the press has covered the potentially damaging effects on self-esteem in beauty advertising, fashion, and film. But no one talks about the harmful effects of 'beauty' advertising online. These ads pick up keywords in messages and implement relevant ads, for example mentioning 'cooking' in an email creates ads about losing weight. Every day women are exposed to hundreds of ads online that are designed to target insecurities relating to body image. We started a conversation about negative ads online, a barrier to high self-esteem. Then we launched The Ad Makeover, a campaign that empowers women to tackle the problem and draw attention to the issue.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 挑战: 鸽子的使命是让每个女人都感到美丽。鸽子与伦敦经济学院进行了一项全球研究,发现只有 4% 的女性认为自己很漂亮。我们面临的挑战是在建立对品牌的亲和力的同时,解决低自尊的问题。目标: 找到一种方法让鸽子在帮助女性自我感觉良好方面发挥作用。策略和执行: 我们确定了感受美丽的一个主要障碍: 在线负面广告。我们授权女性通过独特的品牌亲和力建设活动来消除这一障碍。女性花大量时间在 Facebook 上,在那里负面广告最普遍。为了解决这个问题,我们创建了一个 Facebook 应用程序来发送积极的信息。结果是: 广告改造通过引发媒体辩论成为国际成功,从根本上挑战在线广告的使用。它还创造了新的行为: 消费者与该品牌合作,将该活动推广到全球。该活动在第一周赢得了 253 媒体印象。用户移动了 171 条横幅广告。看到的 82% 个广告来自一个朋友,使其成为一个独特的社会运动。Facebook 上关于鸽子的全球讨论增加了 41%。最重要的是,71% 的受访女性表示,她们在看到活动后感觉更漂亮,直接实现了品牌的使命。该活动的关键公关要素包括博客推广、新闻稿、直接向鸽子 Facebook 粉丝发送信息、给消费者发电子邮件以及 YouTube 和 Facebook 上的视频。 描述客户的简报 鸽子和伦敦经济学院在 20 个国家进行了一项关于美和自我感知状态的全球研究调查。调查显示,只有 4% 的女性称自己漂亮,这一令人震惊的统计数据。我们想找到一种方法让鸽子在提高女性自尊方面发挥作用。这项运动的目标是建立德芙作为一个关心女性的品牌的声誉。 结果 广告改造通过创造媒体和公众辩论而成为国际成功,从根本上挑战在线广告的使用。它还创造了新的行为: 鸽子的目标受众,真正的女性,成为品牌大使,并通过发送积极的信息并通过推特、脸谱网和博客传播信息来实现鸽子的使命。该活动在第一周赢得了 253 媒体印象。用户移动了 171 横幅。超过 50% 访问该应用程序的女性创建了一条信息。82% 的广告来自朋友,使其成为一种独特的社交活动。Facebook 上关于鸽子的全球讨论增加了 41%。最重要的是,71% 的受访女性表示,她们在看到活动后感觉更漂亮,直接实现了品牌的使命。 执行 我们点燃了关于负面广告影响的辩论,通过电子邮件、博客、 YouTube 和媒体渠道在鸽子的 Facebook 墙上发布关键信息。女性被邀请使用广告改造应用程序,该应用程序通过在针对女性不安全感的关键词上出价高于广告商,从而取代负面广告和积极信息。我们有史以来第一次将创意和媒体规划交给了女性。我们创建了新闻稿、定制应用程序、可共享的视频、衡量自尊水平的民意调查,以及关于鸽子时间表负面广告的不断更新的对话。我们让应用程序的力量闪耀,知道人们会分享我们的故事。该活动计划在澳大利亚和巴西进行一周。由于极大的兴趣,这场运动现在已经在世界各地的不同市场展开。 形势 每天,女性都会接触到网上广告,这些广告旨在针对她们身体形象的不安全感。根据 Dove 在伦敦经济学院进行的全球研究,这影响了自尊,以至于只有 4% 的女性认为自己很漂亮。Dove 的使命是让每个女人都感到美丽,这就是为什么我们创建了广告改造,一场建立品牌亲和力的运动。 战略 多年来,媒体报道了美容广告、时尚和电影对自尊的潜在破坏性影响。但是没有人谈论网上 “美丽” 广告的有害影响。这些广告在信息中提取关键词并实施相关广告,例如在电子邮件中提到 “做饭” 会产生减肥广告。每天,女性都会在网上接触到数百个广告,这些广告旨在针对与身体形象相关的不安全感。我们开始了关于网上负面广告的对话,这是自尊的障碍。然后,我们发起了 “改头换面” 广告,这是一场让女性能够解决这个问题并吸引人们关注这个问题的运动。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The challenge: Dove's mission is to make every woman feel beautiful. Dove conducted a worldwide study with The London School of Economics that revealed only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful. Our challenge was to address this problem of low self-esteem while building affinity for the brand. The objective: Find a way for Dove to play a role in helping women feel good about themselves. The strategy and execution: We identified a major barrier to feeling beautiful: negative advertising online. We empowered women to remove that barrier with a unique brand affinity-building campaign. Women spend a significant amount of time on Facebook, where negative ads are most pervasive. To address the problem, we created a Facebook app to send positive messages instead. The outcome: The Ad Makeover became an international success by creating a media debate that fundamentally challenged the use of online advertising. It also created new behaviour: consumers partnered with the brand to spread the campaign globally. The campaign earned 253m media impressions in the first week. Users displaced 171m banner ads. 82 % ads seen came from a friend, making it a uniquely social campaign. Global talk about Dove on Facebook increased 41%. Most importantly, 71% of women polled said they feel more beautiful after seeing the campaign, directly delivering on the brand's mission. The key PR elements of the campaign included blogger outreach, press releases, direct messaging to Dove Facebook fans, emailing consumers, and a video on YouTube and Facebook. Describe the brief from the client Dove and the London School of Economics conducted a global research survey on the state of beauty and self-perception, across 20 countries. The survey revealed the shocking statistic that only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful. We wanted to find a way for Dove to play a role in increasing women's self-esteem. The goal of the campaign is to build Dove's reputation as a brand that cares about women. Results The Ad Makeover became an international success by creating a media and public debate that fundamentally challenged the use of online advertising. It also created new behaviour: Dove's target audience, real women, became brand ambassadors and adopted Dove's mission by sending out positive messages and spreading the word through Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. The campaign earned 253m media impressions in the first week. Users displaced 171m banners. Over 50% of women who visited the app created a message. 82% of ads seen came from a friend, making it a uniquely social campaign. Global talk about Dove on Facebook increased 41%. Most importantly, 71% of women polled said they feel more beautiful after seeing the campaign, directly delivering on the brand's mission. Execution We ignited the debate about the effect of negative advertising, releasing key messages on Dove's Facebook wall, by email, through blogs, YouTube, and media outlets. Women were invited to use The Ad Makeover app, which displaces negative ads with positive messages by outbidding advertisers on keywords that target women's insecurities. We put the creative and media planning in the hands of women for the first time ever. We created press releases, a custom-built application, a shareable video, polls that measured self-esteem levels, and a constantly updated conversation about negative advertising on Dove's Timeline. We allowed the app's power to shine through, knowing people would share our story. The campaign was planned to run for a week in Australia and Brazil. Due to the phenomenal amount of interest the campaign has now rolled out in various markets around the world. The Situation Every day women are exposed to ads online that are designed to target their body image insecurities. This impacts self-esteem, to the extent that only 4% of women describe themselves as beautiful, according to Dove's worldwide study conducted with The London School of Economics. Dove's mission is to make every woman feel beautiful, which is why we created the Ad Makeover, a campaign to build brand affinity. The Strategy For years, the press has covered the potentially damaging effects on self-esteem in beauty advertising, fashion, and film. But no one talks about the harmful effects of 'beauty' advertising online. These ads pick up keywords in messages and implement relevant ads, for example mentioning 'cooking' in an email creates ads about losing weight. Every day women are exposed to hundreds of ads online that are designed to target insecurities relating to body image. We started a conversation about negative ads online, a barrier to high self-esteem. Then we launched The Ad Makeover, a campaign that empowers women to tackle the problem and draw attention to the issue.









    广告公司: 奥美 (英国 伦敦)




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