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    Metropole Tweetphony短视频广告营销案例



    Metropole Tweetphony

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 尽管荷兰文化部长此前做出了承诺,但由于政府严重削减成本,该管弦乐队面临灭绝的威胁。我们需要说服并向荷兰政府表明,Metropole Orkest 是企业家,可以依靠荷兰公众的大力支持。为了做到这一点,我们需要为管弦乐队创造公关势头; 使他们能够讲述自己的故事。 关键目标是我们想让管弦乐队活蹦乱跳。这会让政客们三思而后行。杀死一个非常活跃的管弦乐队比一个半死并乞求帮助的管弦乐队更难。 不,我们要求荷兰观众 “让大都会管弦乐队演奏!”。通过推特。如何?在竞选网站上,参与者可以撰写一条音乐推文。最好的推文被排列成分数。并由管弦乐队在一场长达 8 小时的现场直播音乐会中演奏。每个 Tweetphony 的视频被立即发回给它的作曲家。 数千人创作推特音乐,33 人表演。但更重要的是: 所有主要的在线和离线媒体都接受了。我们甚至到达了 8点新闻的一个主要项目。在 Tweetphony 之后,荷兰议会批准了管弦乐队的资助,直到 2017年。 描述客户的简报 目标 1: 吸引足够多的社交媒体参与者来建立 (社交) 媒体意识。 目标 2: 为 Metropole Orkest 创造公关势头,使他们能够解决补贴问题并讲述他们的故事。 目标 3: 让一个削减成本的政府给 Metropole Orkest 一个过渡补贴,以拯救他们免于破产。 结果 网站的唯一访问者: 25,222。现场平均时间: 2.46 分钟。 组成 tweetphonies: 3,000。推特: 745 人 (16,500 居民)。离线公关 (仅限 NL): 15 篇报纸文章,6 个电视节目项目,8 个广播节目项目,75 篇在线文章,+ 500万媒体印象,+ 100万 pr值 (欧元)。 在线公关 (国际: 35 个出版物。 请注意,没有适当监测结果的预算,因此实际结果可能高于这里的报告。 执行 使用的主要媒体是社交媒体以及在线和离线公关。荷兰观众自己也使用社交媒体,因为有趣而吸引人的内容可以很容易地通过推特传播。首先,请著名的音乐家,管弦乐队的朋友,发关于这次活动的推特。对于公关,我们拍摄了一位著名的音乐家创作推特音乐,并传播了这部电影。 我们联系了所有在线和离线媒体,从排名第一的荷兰广播节目开始,让他们了解这一独特的活动。结果很好。由于几乎没有预算,我们可以用很少的户外和海报覆盖来交换。 形势 尽管荷兰文化部长此前做出了承诺,但由于政府严重削减成本,该管弦乐队面临灭绝的威胁。说服并向荷兰政府展示 Metropole Orkest 是企业家,可以指望荷兰公众的大力支持。为管弦乐队创造公关势头; 使他们能够讲述自己的故事。 战略 关键目标是我们想让管弦乐队活蹦乱跳。这会让政客们三思而后行。杀死一个非常活跃的管弦乐队比一个半死并乞求帮助的管弦乐队更难。此外,我们需要找到一种独特的、新的、新鲜的方式来展示管弦乐队得到荷兰公众的支持。这也将使政府更难杀死管弦乐队。由于我们没有大的预算 (这是问题所在),我们需要专注于一个非常有新闻价值的想法。

    Metropole Tweetphony

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Despite previous commitment by the Dutch Minister of Culture, the orchestra was threatened by extinction due to severe cost cutting by the government. We needed to convince and show the Dutch government that the Metropole Orkest is entrepreneurial and can count on strong support from the Dutch public. In order to do so we needed to create PR momentum for the Orchestra; enabling them to tell their story. Key objective was we wanted to show the Orchestra to be alive and kicking. That would make politicians think twice. It’s more difficult to kill an orchestra that is very much alive than an orchestra that is half dead and begging for help. No, we asked the Dutch audience to “Let the Metropole Orchestra play!”. Via Twitter. How? On the campaign site participants could compose a musical tweet. The best tweets were arranged into scores. And played by the Orchestra in an 8 hour long, crowd composed live-streamed concert. A video of each Tweetphony was immediately sent back to its composer. Thousands composed a Tweetphony and 33 were performed. But more important: all major online and offline media picked it up. We even made it to a major item on the eight o’clock news. After Tweetphony Dutch Parliament granted the Orchestra funding until 2017. Describe the brief from the client Objective #1: Attract enough participants in social media to build (social) media awareness. Objective #2: Create PR momentum for the Metropole Orkest, enable them to address the subsidy issue and tell their story. Objective #3: Getting a cost cutting government to grant the Metropole Orkest a transitional subsidy to save them from bankruptcy. Results Unique visitors to the website: 25,222. Average time on the site: 2.46 minutes. Composed tweetphonies: 3,000. Reach on Twitter: 745K people (on 16,500K inhabitants). Offline PR (NL only): 15 newspaper articles, 6 TV-show items, 8 radio show items, 75 online articles, + 5 million media impressions, +1 million PR value (euro). Online PR (international: 35 publications. Please note that there was no budget for proper monitoring of results so actual results are likely to be higher than reported here. Execution Main media used were social media and online and offline PR. Social media was used by the Dutch audience themselves because of the interesting and appealing content that could be spread easily through Twitter. This was kick started by asking famous musicians, friends of the orchestra, to tweet about the event. For PR, we filmed a famous musician composing a tweetphony and spread that film. We contacted every online and offline medium we could to point them to this unique event, starting at the #1 Dutch radio show. With great result. With nearly no budget available, we could barter a very small amount of outdoor and poster coverage. The Situation Despite previous commitment by the Dutch Minister of Culture, the orchestra was threatened by extinction due to severe cost cutting by the government. Convince and show the Dutch government that the Metropole Orkest is entrepreneurial and can count on strong support by the Dutch public. Create PR momentum for the Orchestra; enabling them to tell their story. The Strategy Key objective was we wanted to show the Orchestra to be alive and kicking. That would make politicians think twice. It’s more difficult to kill an orchestra that is very much alive than an orchestra that is half dead and begging for help. Additionally, we needed to find a unique, new, fresh way of showing that the Orchestra is supported by the Dutch public. That would also make it harder for the Government to kill the Orchestra. Since we didn’t have big budgets (that was the problem) we needed to focus on an idea that was highly newsworthy.

    Metropole Tweetphony

    案例简介:描述活动/条目 尽管荷兰文化部长此前做出了承诺,但由于政府严重削减成本,该管弦乐队面临灭绝的威胁。我们需要说服并向荷兰政府表明,Metropole Orkest 是企业家,可以依靠荷兰公众的大力支持。为了做到这一点,我们需要为管弦乐队创造公关势头; 使他们能够讲述自己的故事。 关键目标是我们想让管弦乐队活蹦乱跳。这会让政客们三思而后行。杀死一个非常活跃的管弦乐队比一个半死并乞求帮助的管弦乐队更难。 不,我们要求荷兰观众 “让大都会管弦乐队演奏!”。通过推特。如何?在竞选网站上,参与者可以撰写一条音乐推文。最好的推文被排列成分数。并由管弦乐队在一场长达 8 小时的现场直播音乐会中演奏。每个 Tweetphony 的视频被立即发回给它的作曲家。 数千人创作推特音乐,33 人表演。但更重要的是: 所有主要的在线和离线媒体都接受了。我们甚至到达了 8点新闻的一个主要项目。在 Tweetphony 之后,荷兰议会批准了管弦乐队的资助,直到 2017年。 描述客户的简报 目标 1: 吸引足够多的社交媒体参与者来建立 (社交) 媒体意识。 目标 2: 为 Metropole Orkest 创造公关势头,使他们能够解决补贴问题并讲述他们的故事。 目标 3: 让一个削减成本的政府给 Metropole Orkest 一个过渡补贴,以拯救他们免于破产。 结果 网站的唯一访问者: 25,222。现场平均时间: 2.46 分钟。 组成 tweetphonies: 3,000。推特: 745 人 (16,500 居民)。离线公关 (仅限 NL): 15 篇报纸文章,6 个电视节目项目,8 个广播节目项目,75 篇在线文章,+ 500万媒体印象,+ 100万 pr值 (欧元)。 在线公关 (国际: 35 个出版物。 请注意,没有适当监测结果的预算,因此实际结果可能高于这里的报告。 执行 使用的主要媒体是社交媒体以及在线和离线公关。荷兰观众自己也使用社交媒体,因为有趣而吸引人的内容可以很容易地通过推特传播。首先,请著名的音乐家,管弦乐队的朋友,发关于这次活动的推特。对于公关,我们拍摄了一位著名的音乐家创作推特音乐,并传播了这部电影。 我们联系了所有在线和离线媒体,从排名第一的荷兰广播节目开始,让他们了解这一独特的活动。结果很好。由于几乎没有预算,我们可以用很少的户外和海报覆盖来交换。 形势 尽管荷兰文化部长此前做出了承诺,但由于政府严重削减成本,该管弦乐队面临灭绝的威胁。说服并向荷兰政府展示 Metropole Orkest 是企业家,可以指望荷兰公众的大力支持。为管弦乐队创造公关势头; 使他们能够讲述自己的故事。 战略 关键目标是我们想让管弦乐队活蹦乱跳。这会让政客们三思而后行。杀死一个非常活跃的管弦乐队比一个半死并乞求帮助的管弦乐队更难。此外,我们需要找到一种独特的、新的、新鲜的方式来展示管弦乐队得到荷兰公众的支持。这也将使政府更难杀死管弦乐队。由于我们没有大的预算 (这是问题所在),我们需要专注于一个非常有新闻价值的想法。

    Metropole Tweetphony

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry Despite previous commitment by the Dutch Minister of Culture, the orchestra was threatened by extinction due to severe cost cutting by the government. We needed to convince and show the Dutch government that the Metropole Orkest is entrepreneurial and can count on strong support from the Dutch public. In order to do so we needed to create PR momentum for the Orchestra; enabling them to tell their story. Key objective was we wanted to show the Orchestra to be alive and kicking. That would make politicians think twice. It’s more difficult to kill an orchestra that is very much alive than an orchestra that is half dead and begging for help. No, we asked the Dutch audience to “Let the Metropole Orchestra play!”. Via Twitter. How? On the campaign site participants could compose a musical tweet. The best tweets were arranged into scores. And played by the Orchestra in an 8 hour long, crowd composed live-streamed concert. A video of each Tweetphony was immediately sent back to its composer. Thousands composed a Tweetphony and 33 were performed. But more important: all major online and offline media picked it up. We even made it to a major item on the eight o’clock news. After Tweetphony Dutch Parliament granted the Orchestra funding until 2017. Describe the brief from the client Objective #1: Attract enough participants in social media to build (social) media awareness. Objective #2: Create PR momentum for the Metropole Orkest, enable them to address the subsidy issue and tell their story. Objective #3: Getting a cost cutting government to grant the Metropole Orkest a transitional subsidy to save them from bankruptcy. Results Unique visitors to the website: 25,222. Average time on the site: 2.46 minutes. Composed tweetphonies: 3,000. Reach on Twitter: 745K people (on 16,500K inhabitants). Offline PR (NL only): 15 newspaper articles, 6 TV-show items, 8 radio show items, 75 online articles, + 5 million media impressions, +1 million PR value (euro). Online PR (international: 35 publications. Please note that there was no budget for proper monitoring of results so actual results are likely to be higher than reported here. Execution Main media used were social media and online and offline PR. Social media was used by the Dutch audience themselves because of the interesting and appealing content that could be spread easily through Twitter. This was kick started by asking famous musicians, friends of the orchestra, to tweet about the event. For PR, we filmed a famous musician composing a tweetphony and spread that film. We contacted every online and offline medium we could to point them to this unique event, starting at the #1 Dutch radio show. With great result. With nearly no budget available, we could barter a very small amount of outdoor and poster coverage. The Situation Despite previous commitment by the Dutch Minister of Culture, the orchestra was threatened by extinction due to severe cost cutting by the government. Convince and show the Dutch government that the Metropole Orkest is entrepreneurial and can count on strong support by the Dutch public. Create PR momentum for the Orchestra; enabling them to tell their story. The Strategy Key objective was we wanted to show the Orchestra to be alive and kicking. That would make politicians think twice. It’s more difficult to kill an orchestra that is very much alive than an orchestra that is half dead and begging for help. Additionally, we needed to find a unique, new, fresh way of showing that the Orchestra is supported by the Dutch public. That would also make it harder for the Government to kill the Orchestra. Since we didn’t have big budgets (that was the problem) we needed to focus on an idea that was highly newsworthy.

    Metropole Tweetphony


    Metropole Tweetphony










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