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    Shit Campaign短视频,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 通过使用非常贴身的颜色、字体和媒体,在令人惊讶的日常场所和时刻,我们无耻地追求影响力。没有留下尴尬的地方。电视上的保险杠,街上的广告牌,商店里的海报,社交媒体上的帖子,无论我们在哪里接触目标群体,我们都表现出了同样的大胆。一切的一致性。 概要 美泰是治疗便秘的药物。这是你所期望的更多人遭受的问题。这很容易理解,因为人们只是不喜欢谈论它。因此,Metamucil 在药店的货架上过着平静的生活。所以目标很明确: 是时候休息了 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes OTC 制药活动的所有广告活动都必须得到荷兰 KOAG/KAG 的批准。批准的材料将获得一个特殊的批准代码。 活动描述 尽管我们在谈论便秘时会感到尴尬,但 “屎” 这个词是我们没有问题的。换句话说: 狗屎有时说起来容易做起来难。这种滑稽但非常真实的洞察力,给了我们一个以直接的方式打开这个主题的角度,创造影响,产生嗡嗡声,并在人们的脸上露出微笑。 战略 无耻地简单。这就是我们应该做的。由于预算有限,我们需要大胆的工作来产生影响。和产品本身一样有效。其次,我们希望远离医疗或制药的内涵,以保持低壁垒。第三,在人们脸上微笑将是我们消除任何社会障碍或尴尬感的最有力武器 简要解释 相关性 展示狗屎有时说起来容易做起来难,我们想在尽可能多的地方展示人们说的狗屎。所以我们在不同的媒体上创造了很多不同的表达方式。通过这样做,消费者得到了很多不同的例子,在令人惊讶的日常场所和时刻。所有媒体都在发出同样的信息: 有时狗屎说起来容易做起来难。 结果 在竞选期间和刚结束后,Metamucil 的药店销售额飙升。销售指数上涨了 50%: 从活动开始时的 100 上升到几个月后的近 150。药店柜台销售的市场份额甚至翻了两番: 从年初的 5% 以下上升到 20% 以上!一个 400% 的生长因子!


    案例简介:Execution By using very in-your-face colours, typefaces and media, at surprisingly day-to-day places and moments we shamelessly went for impact. Leaving no place for embarrassment. Bumpers on TV, billboards in the streets, posters in store, posts in social media, wherever we touched the target group, we showed the same audacity. Consistency in everything. Synopsis Metamucil is a remedy against constipation. An issue more people suffer from that you would expect. That’s easy to understand, because people just don’t like to talk about it. Consequently, Metamucil leads a quiet life in the shelves of the drugstores. So the goal was clear: it’s time to break BriefWithProjectedOutcomes All advertising campaigns for OTC Pharma campaigns have to be approved by the Dutch KOAG/KAG. Approved materials will receive a special approval code. CampaignDescription As embarrassing as we may find talking about constipation, the word ''shit'' is something we have no problems saying. In other words: Shit is sometimeseasier said than done. This hilarious, but very true insight, gave us an angle to open up this subject in a straightforward way, create impact, generate buzz and put a smile on people's face. Strategy Shamelessly simple. That’s what we should be. With limited budget we need bold work to make an impact. As effective as the product itself. Secondly, we wanted to stay away from medical or pharmaceutical connotations to keep barriers low. Thirdly, putting a smile on people's face would be our strongest weapon to take away any social barriers or feelings of embarrassment BriefExplanation Relevancy To show shit is sometimes easier said than done, we wanted to be at as many places where people say shit as possible. So we created lots of different expressions, in different media. By doing so, consumers got a lot of different examples, at surprisingly day-to-day places and moments. All media build up to the same message: Sometimes shit is easier said than done. Outcome During and just after the campaign-period drugstore sales of Metamucil soared. Sales indices went up 50%: from 100 at the start of the campaign to almost 150 the months after. Marketshare of Over-The-Counter sales at the drugstores even quadrupled: from below 5% at the start of the year up to over 20%! A growth-factor of 400%!

    Shit Campaign

    案例简介:执行 通过使用非常贴身的颜色、字体和媒体,在令人惊讶的日常场所和时刻,我们无耻地追求影响力。没有留下尴尬的地方。电视上的保险杠,街上的广告牌,商店里的海报,社交媒体上的帖子,无论我们在哪里接触目标群体,我们都表现出了同样的大胆。一切的一致性。 概要 美泰是治疗便秘的药物。这是你所期望的更多人遭受的问题。这很容易理解,因为人们只是不喜欢谈论它。因此,Metamucil 在药店的货架上过着平静的生活。所以目标很明确: 是时候休息了 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes OTC 制药活动的所有广告活动都必须得到荷兰 KOAG/KAG 的批准。批准的材料将获得一个特殊的批准代码。 活动描述 尽管我们在谈论便秘时会感到尴尬,但 “屎” 这个词是我们没有问题的。换句话说: 狗屎有时说起来容易做起来难。这种滑稽但非常真实的洞察力,给了我们一个以直接的方式打开这个主题的角度,创造影响,产生嗡嗡声,并在人们的脸上露出微笑。 战略 无耻地简单。这就是我们应该做的。由于预算有限,我们需要大胆的工作来产生影响。和产品本身一样有效。其次,我们希望远离医疗或制药的内涵,以保持低壁垒。第三,在人们脸上微笑将是我们消除任何社会障碍或尴尬感的最有力武器 简要解释 相关性 展示狗屎有时说起来容易做起来难,我们想在尽可能多的地方展示人们说的狗屎。所以我们在不同的媒体上创造了很多不同的表达方式。通过这样做,消费者得到了很多不同的例子,在令人惊讶的日常场所和时刻。所有媒体都在发出同样的信息: 有时狗屎说起来容易做起来难。 结果 在竞选期间和刚结束后,Metamucil 的药店销售额飙升。销售指数上涨了 50%: 从活动开始时的 100 上升到几个月后的近 150。药店柜台销售的市场份额甚至翻了两番: 从年初的 5% 以下上升到 20% 以上!一个 400% 的生长因子!

    Shit Campaign

    案例简介:Execution By using very in-your-face colours, typefaces and media, at surprisingly day-to-day places and moments we shamelessly went for impact. Leaving no place for embarrassment. Bumpers on TV, billboards in the streets, posters in store, posts in social media, wherever we touched the target group, we showed the same audacity. Consistency in everything. Synopsis Metamucil is a remedy against constipation. An issue more people suffer from that you would expect. That’s easy to understand, because people just don’t like to talk about it. Consequently, Metamucil leads a quiet life in the shelves of the drugstores. So the goal was clear: it’s time to break BriefWithProjectedOutcomes All advertising campaigns for OTC Pharma campaigns have to be approved by the Dutch KOAG/KAG. Approved materials will receive a special approval code. CampaignDescription As embarrassing as we may find talking about constipation, the word ''shit'' is something we have no problems saying. In other words: Shit is sometimeseasier said than done. This hilarious, but very true insight, gave us an angle to open up this subject in a straightforward way, create impact, generate buzz and put a smile on people's face. Strategy Shamelessly simple. That’s what we should be. With limited budget we need bold work to make an impact. As effective as the product itself. Secondly, we wanted to stay away from medical or pharmaceutical connotations to keep barriers low. Thirdly, putting a smile on people's face would be our strongest weapon to take away any social barriers or feelings of embarrassment BriefExplanation Relevancy To show shit is sometimes easier said than done, we wanted to be at as many places where people say shit as possible. So we created lots of different expressions, in different media. By doing so, consumers got a lot of different examples, at surprisingly day-to-day places and moments. All media build up to the same message: Sometimes shit is easier said than done. Outcome During and just after the campaign-period drugstore sales of Metamucil soared. Sales indices went up 50%: from 100 at the start of the campaign to almost 150 the months after. Marketshare of Over-The-Counter sales at the drugstores even quadrupled: from below 5% at the start of the year up to over 20%! A growth-factor of 400%!



    Shit Campaign










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