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    Clever Buoy短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 传统上,鲨鱼很难用声纳探测,世界上任何地方都没有精确的探测技术。所以我们开发了一个突破性的声纳探测系统来搜索鲨鱼独特的游泳模式。一旦发现鲨鱼,实时信息将通过 Optus Inmarsat 卫星传输到救生员塔。塔中闪烁的信号提醒救生员,以及他们手机上的 Google + 私人通知,详细说明鲨鱼的大小和位置。 结果 通过以一种新的和文化相关的方式使用 Optus 移动网络,我们创造了不仅仅是广告回应,我们创造了一个可以永远改变海滩安全的解决方案,并获得了对该品牌压倒性的积极反应。超过 4000万的社交和公关覆盖范围,对 Optus 品牌有 84% 的积极情绪。 • 超过 800 个全球新闻报道 (200 + 广播)。获得超过 700万美元的公关/广告价值。与社交媒体上的其他澳大利亚电信公司相比,Optus 在活动启动期间获得了 92% 的声音。发射电影有 300万多个印象。商业智能浮标现在正在开发中,目前计划在 2015 公开推出。新南威尔士州政府承诺提供 100,000 美元用于公开审判。 战略 澳大利亚第二大移动网络提供商 Optus 向我们简要介绍了如何改善他们的网络感知。作为回应,我们发现了一个不太可能面对澳大利亚最臭名昭著的问题之一的机会。澳大利亚的鲨鱼袭击事件是世界上任何其他国家的四倍,目前阻止鲨鱼的方法在 60 多年来没有改变。去年鲨鱼问题变得如此严重,以至于西澳大利亚政府批准了对所有大鲨鱼的捕杀。Optus 价值观的核心是他们渴望 “通过技术改善人们的生活”,或者用他们的话说,成为他们客户的 “终极僚机”。所以我们问自己,我们可以使用 Optus 网络来帮助保护我们的海滩游客和鲨鱼吗?聪明的浮标是一种智能海洋浮标,可以检测鲨鱼,并通过 Optus 网络向救生员发送即时警报。 机密信息 我们的产品开发团队会见了新南威尔士州初级工业和渔业部长,并快速跟踪了政府对浮标的测试。最初告诉标准政府认证的新公共安全产品是 4-5 年,测试现在计划在今年下半年, 计划在今年年底之前让政府认可商业浮标在水中。


    案例简介:Execution Traditionally, sharks have been difficult to detect using sonar and no accurate detection technology existed anywhere in the world. So we developed a breakthrough sonar detection system that searches for a shark’s unique swimming pattern. Once a shark has been detected, a real-time message is transferred via the Optus Inmarsat satellite to the lifeguard towers. A flashing signal in the tower alerts the lifeguards, along with a private Google+ notification on their mobiles, detailing the size and location of the shark. Outcome By using the Optus mobile network in a new and culturally relevant way, we created more than an advertising response, we created a solution that could change beach safety forever, and received an overwhelmingly positive reaction towards the brand.•Combined Social & PR reach of over 40 million – with an 84% positive sentiment towards the Optus brand.•Featured in over 800 global news stories (200+ Broadcast). •Earned PR/Advertising value of over $7 million.•Optus earned a 92% share of voice in relation to #innovation and #technology compared to other Australian telcos on social media during campaign launch.•Launch film had over 3 million impressions.•The commercial Clever Buoys are now in development, with public rollout currently planned for 2015.•NSW Government have pledged $100,000 to public trials. Strategy Optus, Australia’s second largest mobile network provider, briefed us to improve the perception of their network. In response, we found an unlikely opportunity to confront one of Australia’s most infamous problems. Australia has four times more shark attacks than any other country in the world and current methods to deter sharks hadn’t changed in over 60 years. Last year the shark problem got so bad that the Western Australian Government sanctioned the culling of all large sharks. At the heart of Optus’s values is their desirability to “improve people’s lives through technology” or as they put it, be the “ultimate wingman” to their customers.So we asked ourselves, could we use the Optus network to help protect our beachgoers and our sharks?Clever Buoy is a smart ocean buoy that detects sharks and sends instant alerts to lifeguards via the Optus Network. Confidential Information Our product development team has met with NSW Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister and fast tracked the government testing of the buoy. Originally told standard government accreditation for a new public safety product is 4 – 5 years, testing is now scheduled for the second half of this year, with plans to have the government accredited commercial buoys in the water by the end of this year.

    Clever Buoy

    案例简介:执行 传统上,鲨鱼很难用声纳探测,世界上任何地方都没有精确的探测技术。所以我们开发了一个突破性的声纳探测系统来搜索鲨鱼独特的游泳模式。一旦发现鲨鱼,实时信息将通过 Optus Inmarsat 卫星传输到救生员塔。塔中闪烁的信号提醒救生员,以及他们手机上的 Google + 私人通知,详细说明鲨鱼的大小和位置。 结果 通过以一种新的和文化相关的方式使用 Optus 移动网络,我们创造了不仅仅是广告回应,我们创造了一个可以永远改变海滩安全的解决方案,并获得了对该品牌压倒性的积极反应。超过 4000万的社交和公关覆盖范围,对 Optus 品牌有 84% 的积极情绪。 • 超过 800 个全球新闻报道 (200 + 广播)。获得超过 700万美元的公关/广告价值。与社交媒体上的其他澳大利亚电信公司相比,Optus 在活动启动期间获得了 92% 的声音。发射电影有 300万多个印象。商业智能浮标现在正在开发中,目前计划在 2015 公开推出。新南威尔士州政府承诺提供 100,000 美元用于公开审判。 战略 澳大利亚第二大移动网络提供商 Optus 向我们简要介绍了如何改善他们的网络感知。作为回应,我们发现了一个不太可能面对澳大利亚最臭名昭著的问题之一的机会。澳大利亚的鲨鱼袭击事件是世界上任何其他国家的四倍,目前阻止鲨鱼的方法在 60 多年来没有改变。去年鲨鱼问题变得如此严重,以至于西澳大利亚政府批准了对所有大鲨鱼的捕杀。Optus 价值观的核心是他们渴望 “通过技术改善人们的生活”,或者用他们的话说,成为他们客户的 “终极僚机”。所以我们问自己,我们可以使用 Optus 网络来帮助保护我们的海滩游客和鲨鱼吗?聪明的浮标是一种智能海洋浮标,可以检测鲨鱼,并通过 Optus 网络向救生员发送即时警报。 机密信息 我们的产品开发团队会见了新南威尔士州初级工业和渔业部长,并快速跟踪了政府对浮标的测试。最初告诉标准政府认证的新公共安全产品是 4-5 年,测试现在计划在今年下半年, 计划在今年年底之前让政府认可商业浮标在水中。

    Clever Buoy

    案例简介:Execution Traditionally, sharks have been difficult to detect using sonar and no accurate detection technology existed anywhere in the world. So we developed a breakthrough sonar detection system that searches for a shark’s unique swimming pattern. Once a shark has been detected, a real-time message is transferred via the Optus Inmarsat satellite to the lifeguard towers. A flashing signal in the tower alerts the lifeguards, along with a private Google+ notification on their mobiles, detailing the size and location of the shark. Outcome By using the Optus mobile network in a new and culturally relevant way, we created more than an advertising response, we created a solution that could change beach safety forever, and received an overwhelmingly positive reaction towards the brand.•Combined Social & PR reach of over 40 million – with an 84% positive sentiment towards the Optus brand.•Featured in over 800 global news stories (200+ Broadcast). •Earned PR/Advertising value of over $7 million.•Optus earned a 92% share of voice in relation to #innovation and #technology compared to other Australian telcos on social media during campaign launch.•Launch film had over 3 million impressions.•The commercial Clever Buoys are now in development, with public rollout currently planned for 2015.•NSW Government have pledged $100,000 to public trials. Strategy Optus, Australia’s second largest mobile network provider, briefed us to improve the perception of their network. In response, we found an unlikely opportunity to confront one of Australia’s most infamous problems. Australia has four times more shark attacks than any other country in the world and current methods to deter sharks hadn’t changed in over 60 years. Last year the shark problem got so bad that the Western Australian Government sanctioned the culling of all large sharks. At the heart of Optus’s values is their desirability to “improve people’s lives through technology” or as they put it, be the “ultimate wingman” to their customers.So we asked ourselves, could we use the Optus network to help protect our beachgoers and our sharks?Clever Buoy is a smart ocean buoy that detects sharks and sends instant alerts to lifeguards via the Optus Network. Confidential Information Our product development team has met with NSW Primary Industries and Fisheries Minister and fast tracked the government testing of the buoy. Originally told standard government accreditation for a new public safety product is 4 – 5 years, testing is now scheduled for the second half of this year, with plans to have the government accredited commercial buoys in the water by the end of this year.



    Clever Buoy





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