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    Forte Femme

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 哈萨克斯坦几乎有900万名妇女。 这是一个大国,小女孩被告知,她们的命运只是为了保住房子和抚养孩子。这是一个妇女应该保持沉默的国家。 但是有关银行促销和香水的信息在所有媒体中迅速传播。 整个国家已经开始真正感受到妇女对其未来和发展的贡献。 许多女商人和商人自发地参加了促销活动,从而提出了这个话题。 背景 哈萨克斯坦是一个传统上期望妇女扮演全职母亲的原型角色的地区。在哈萨克斯坦社会,讨论妇女权利被认为是不适当的,妇女学习或工作的愿望也是如此。邀请女性参加商务谈判或在谈判结束时与女性握手被认为是不可接受的。 然而,根据统计数据,妇女占哈萨克斯坦国内生产总值的39%,她们经营41% 中小型企业,该国50% 的独资经营者是女性。 与此同时,妇女努力创业,但害怕发展自己的企业。 他们通常也不愿意从银行贷款,尽管他们是最负责任的信贷用户。 该运动的目的是改变社会对女性企业家精神的看法,并激励女企业家发展自己的业务并使用银行的服务。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 在哈萨克斯坦,一位女企业家感到不舒服,因为男人的世界里只有一个人。她一直处于与世界和系统作战的状态。 但是,有许多女企业家愿意分享自己的经验并支持同事。我们决定营造支持女性企业家的氛围。 使庞大的女性企业对国家发展的贡献可见。 支持女企业家,促进女企业家的信贷供应服务。 生意就是钱。我们决定在女性企业中流通的所有资金中增加 “女性” 的一面,以证明哈萨克斯坦有许多女企业家,她们对经济的贡献是巨大的。 描述策略 (投票20%) 该运动的重点是正在创业或计划发展的女性企业家。18岁及以上对生活有积极态度的女性。 在国际妇女节的前一周,大量的博客作者,记者和普通百姓注意到钱开始散发出好闻的气味。然后,银行透露了Forte Femme香水,并与成千上万的女商人一起,用它涂抹了企业中流通的所有资金。 最后5瓶香水在拍卖会上售出。这笔钱被用于女性创业支持基金。 描述执行 (投票20%) 在国际妇女节的前一周,女企业家收到了银行的礼物-香水套装,上面贴着香精,带有香味的收银机胶带和 “女企业家” 贴纸。 在电视和广播中,哈萨克斯坦著名的女企业家揭示了这种气味所代表的含义: 尊重,克服,成功,自信,成就和女企业家的胜利。人们可以以有利可图的速度存放有香味的钞票。 列出结果 (投票30%) Forte Femme已成为哈萨克斯坦的社交媒体现象。 整个国家已经开始真正感受到妇女对其未来和发展的贡献。 许多商人自发地参加了促销活动,从而提出了妇女在哈萨克斯坦的作用这一话题,供公众讨论。 最后5瓶香水在拍卖会上售出。这笔钱被用于女性创业支持基金。 该银行为女性企业家推出的网站上有数百名新用户。许多妇女对银行的服务感兴趣。

    Forte Femme

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? There are almost 9 million women in Kazakhstan. It`s a big country where little girls are told that their destiny is only to keep the house and raise kids. This is a country where women should be silent. But the Information about the bank's promotion and the perfume rocketed around all media. The whole country has started to literally feel the women’s contribution to its’ future and development. Many businesswomen and businessmen have spontaneously joined the promotion thus raising the topic. Background Kazakhstan is a region where women are traditionally expected to play the archetypal role of stay-at-home mothers. Discussing women’s rights is deemed inappropriate in Kazakhstani society, as is a woman’s desire to study or work. It is considered unacceptable to invite a woman to a business negotiation or shake a woman’s hand at the end of it. Yet, according to the statistics, women account for 39% of Kazakhstan’s GDP, they operate 41% of small and medium-sized businesses and 50% of the country’s sole proprietors are female. At the same time, women endeavor to start their own businesses but are afraid to develop them. They are also generally reluctant to take loans from banks, even though they are the most responsible credit users. The campaign’s objective is to change the society’s opinion about female entrepreneurship and to inspire businesswomen to develop their businesses and use the bank’s services. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) In Kazakhstan a woman entrepreneur feels uncomfortable as the is all alone in the man’s world. She is in a constant state of fighting with the world and the system. But there are many businesswomen who are ready to share their experience and support their colleagues. We’ve decided to create the atmosphere of support towards female entrepreneurs. To make the huge female businesses’ contribution to the country’s development visible. To support female entrepreneurs and promote credit provisioning services among businesswomen. Business is money. We decided to add the “female” side to all the money circulating in female business to prove that there are many businesswomen in Kazakhstan and that their contribution to the economy is immense. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The campaign is focused on female entrepreneurs who are starting their business or planning to develop it. Women with proactive attitude to life 18 y.o and older. A week before International Women’s Day, a huge number of bloggers, journalists and ordinary people noticed that money started to have a nice smell. And then the bank revealed Forte Femme perfume and, together with thousands of businesswomen, daubed all money circulating in their businesses with it. The last 5 bottles of the perfume were sold at the auction. The money was channeled to female entrepreneurship support funds. Describe the execution (20% of vote) A week before International Women’s Day, Female entrepreneurs received a gift from the bank – perfume sets with the essence, scented cash register tape and “Woman entrepreneur” stickers. On TV and Radio, famous female entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan unveiled what the scent stands for: respect, overcoming, success, confidence, achievements and victories of businesswomen. One could deposit the scented banknotes at a profitable rate. List the results (30% of vote) Forte Femme has become social media phenomenon in Kazakhstan. The whole country has started to literally feel the women’s contribution to its’ future and development. Many businesspersons have spontaneously joined the promotion thus raising the topic of women’s role in Kazakhstan for public discussion. The last 5 bottles of the perfume were sold at the auction. The money was channeled to female entrepreneurship support funds. There were hundreds of new users on the Bank’s website launched for female entrepreneurs. Lots of women were interested in the bank’s services.

    Forte Femme

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 哈萨克斯坦几乎有900万名妇女。 这是一个大国,小女孩被告知,她们的命运只是为了保住房子和抚养孩子。这是一个妇女应该保持沉默的国家。 但是有关银行促销和香水的信息在所有媒体中迅速传播。 整个国家已经开始真正感受到妇女对其未来和发展的贡献。 许多女商人和商人自发地参加了促销活动,从而提出了这个话题。 背景 哈萨克斯坦是一个传统上期望妇女扮演全职母亲的原型角色的地区。在哈萨克斯坦社会,讨论妇女权利被认为是不适当的,妇女学习或工作的愿望也是如此。邀请女性参加商务谈判或在谈判结束时与女性握手被认为是不可接受的。 然而,根据统计数据,妇女占哈萨克斯坦国内生产总值的39%,她们经营41% 中小型企业,该国50% 的独资经营者是女性。 与此同时,妇女努力创业,但害怕发展自己的企业。 他们通常也不愿意从银行贷款,尽管他们是最负责任的信贷用户。 该运动的目的是改变社会对女性企业家精神的看法,并激励女企业家发展自己的业务并使用银行的服务。 描述创意/见解 (投票30%) 在哈萨克斯坦,一位女企业家感到不舒服,因为男人的世界里只有一个人。她一直处于与世界和系统作战的状态。 但是,有许多女企业家愿意分享自己的经验并支持同事。我们决定营造支持女性企业家的氛围。 使庞大的女性企业对国家发展的贡献可见。 支持女企业家,促进女企业家的信贷供应服务。 生意就是钱。我们决定在女性企业中流通的所有资金中增加 “女性” 的一面,以证明哈萨克斯坦有许多女企业家,她们对经济的贡献是巨大的。 描述策略 (投票20%) 该运动的重点是正在创业或计划发展的女性企业家。18岁及以上对生活有积极态度的女性。 在国际妇女节的前一周,大量的博客作者,记者和普通百姓注意到钱开始散发出好闻的气味。然后,银行透露了Forte Femme香水,并与成千上万的女商人一起,用它涂抹了企业中流通的所有资金。 最后5瓶香水在拍卖会上售出。这笔钱被用于女性创业支持基金。 描述执行 (投票20%) 在国际妇女节的前一周,女企业家收到了银行的礼物-香水套装,上面贴着香精,带有香味的收银机胶带和 “女企业家” 贴纸。 在电视和广播中,哈萨克斯坦著名的女企业家揭示了这种气味所代表的含义: 尊重,克服,成功,自信,成就和女企业家的胜利。人们可以以有利可图的速度存放有香味的钞票。 列出结果 (投票30%) Forte Femme已成为哈萨克斯坦的社交媒体现象。 整个国家已经开始真正感受到妇女对其未来和发展的贡献。 许多商人自发地参加了促销活动,从而提出了妇女在哈萨克斯坦的作用这一话题,供公众讨论。 最后5瓶香水在拍卖会上售出。这笔钱被用于女性创业支持基金。 该银行为女性企业家推出的网站上有数百名新用户。许多妇女对银行的服务感兴趣。

    Forte Femme

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? There are almost 9 million women in Kazakhstan. It`s a big country where little girls are told that their destiny is only to keep the house and raise kids. This is a country where women should be silent. But the Information about the bank's promotion and the perfume rocketed around all media. The whole country has started to literally feel the women’s contribution to its’ future and development. Many businesswomen and businessmen have spontaneously joined the promotion thus raising the topic. Background Kazakhstan is a region where women are traditionally expected to play the archetypal role of stay-at-home mothers. Discussing women’s rights is deemed inappropriate in Kazakhstani society, as is a woman’s desire to study or work. It is considered unacceptable to invite a woman to a business negotiation or shake a woman’s hand at the end of it. Yet, according to the statistics, women account for 39% of Kazakhstan’s GDP, they operate 41% of small and medium-sized businesses and 50% of the country’s sole proprietors are female. At the same time, women endeavor to start their own businesses but are afraid to develop them. They are also generally reluctant to take loans from banks, even though they are the most responsible credit users. The campaign’s objective is to change the society’s opinion about female entrepreneurship and to inspire businesswomen to develop their businesses and use the bank’s services. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) In Kazakhstan a woman entrepreneur feels uncomfortable as the is all alone in the man’s world. She is in a constant state of fighting with the world and the system. But there are many businesswomen who are ready to share their experience and support their colleagues. We’ve decided to create the atmosphere of support towards female entrepreneurs. To make the huge female businesses’ contribution to the country’s development visible. To support female entrepreneurs and promote credit provisioning services among businesswomen. Business is money. We decided to add the “female” side to all the money circulating in female business to prove that there are many businesswomen in Kazakhstan and that their contribution to the economy is immense. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The campaign is focused on female entrepreneurs who are starting their business or planning to develop it. Women with proactive attitude to life 18 y.o and older. A week before International Women’s Day, a huge number of bloggers, journalists and ordinary people noticed that money started to have a nice smell. And then the bank revealed Forte Femme perfume and, together with thousands of businesswomen, daubed all money circulating in their businesses with it. The last 5 bottles of the perfume were sold at the auction. The money was channeled to female entrepreneurship support funds. Describe the execution (20% of vote) A week before International Women’s Day, Female entrepreneurs received a gift from the bank – perfume sets with the essence, scented cash register tape and “Woman entrepreneur” stickers. On TV and Radio, famous female entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan unveiled what the scent stands for: respect, overcoming, success, confidence, achievements and victories of businesswomen. One could deposit the scented banknotes at a profitable rate. List the results (30% of vote) Forte Femme has become social media phenomenon in Kazakhstan. The whole country has started to literally feel the women’s contribution to its’ future and development. Many businesspersons have spontaneously joined the promotion thus raising the topic of women’s role in Kazakhstan for public discussion. The last 5 bottles of the perfume were sold at the auction. The money was channeled to female entrepreneurship support funds. There were hundreds of new users on the Bank’s website launched for female entrepreneurs. Lots of women were interested in the bank’s services.

    Forte Femme


    Forte Femme






    广告公司: Kombinat (哈萨克斯坦 Almaty) 制作公司: Voskhod




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