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    Busiest Women短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 1 至 2 期乳腺癌的存活率为 99%。但是女性忙于家庭和事业,以至于一直推迟年度乳房 x光检查。他们的孩子、家庭和专业项目总是他们的首要任务。当谈到照顾她们的健康时,她是最后一个。我们的目标是让波多黎各妇女相信,即使她们的日程安排繁忙,她们也需要抽出时间进行年度乳房 x光检查。 战略 我们的目标受众是居住在波多黎各的 30 多岁女性。这是开始做乳房 x光检查的推荐年龄。行动呼吁: 女人,腾出时间。今天安排一次乳房 x光检查。详情请访问 MujerSacaTiempo.com。我们通过邀请女性注册来收集数据,以提醒她们什么时候该做乳房 x光检查。我们的计划包括与名人和社交媒体影响者结盟,这样他们总有一天会错过工作,向波多黎各女性展示即使是最繁忙的女性也有时间做乳房 x光检查。我们还与波多黎各最负盛名的博物馆进行了合作,这样她们艺术品上的女性将会缺席一段时间, 成为了一本非常重要的杂志的合作伙伴,这样封面上的模特就可以休假了。教育计划也是这项运动不可分割的一部分。 结果 媒体输出: 我们收到了几个电视节目的报道。主持人至少缺席一天。超过 5 名记者和主持人参加了活动。为该运动创建的网站 “MujerSacaTiempo.com” 在一个拥有 200,000 名居民的岛上接待了 360万多次访问,这一网站非常出色。通过这一页,女性可以安排他们的乳房 x光检查。他们甚至每年都登录以获得提醒以负责任。超过 5,000 名妇女创造了提醒。 活动描述 苏珊 · 科门基金会发起了一场运动,让女性知道她们永远不会太忙,以至于忽视了自己的健康。为此,我们联系了波多黎各最繁忙的妇女。这项运动始于波多黎各最著名的博物馆,在那里我们寻找那些一个多世纪以来一直不停忙碌的女性: 绘画中的女性可以追溯到 1887年等等。原来的画被新的版本所取代,其中女士们不在。他们请了一天假去做乳房 x光检查。波多黎各最负盛名的杂志之一在封面上没有模特的情况下出版,因为拍摄的那天她正在接受乳房 x光检查。岛上最著名的占星学家有一天没有出版她的每日星座运势。此外,社交媒体上的影响者、记者和电视节目主持人也会抽出时间。即使是最忙碌的女性也有时间做乳房 x光检查! 相关性 这项运动发起了一项运动,包括与妇女的几个接触点。我们需要做出努力来吸引媒体,这样他们就可以帮助我们传播信息。这项运动帮助妇女理解,她们永远不会太忙而不能做乳房 x光检查,因为 1 至 2 期乳腺癌的存活率为 99%。我们通过几家媒体向女性展示了接受健康教育的重要性。我们创造了特技,名人和影响者合作,最后给了女性一个更简单的方式来安排乳房 x光检查。 执行 该运动希望向女性展示,即使是波多黎各最繁忙的女性也可以抽出时间进行乳房 x光检查。因为我们想展示各种各样忙碌的女性,我们需要公众在几个媒体上与她们接触。我们从波多黎各最负盛名的博物馆开始,用著名的绘画代替没有女性的版本。一本杂志的封面上没有模特,因为她正在做乳房 x光检查。波多黎各最著名的占星学家有一天没有出版她的每日星座运势。社交媒体影响者、记者、电视主持人和博主也休假。这场运动从 3 月份持续到 4月份,但影响如此之大,以至于今天更多的名人也加入进来。自从这场运动在波多黎各最重要的媒体上以健康的频率运行以来,规模一直很大。


    案例简介:Synopsis Stage 1 to stage 2 breast cancer has a 99% of survival rate. But women are so busy with their family and careers that they keep postponing their annual mammograms. Their kids, homes, and professional projects are always their priority. She comes last when it comes to taking care of their health.We aimed to convince Puerto Rican women that even with their busy schedules, they needed to make time to get their annual mammogram. Strategy Our target audience was women 30+ who live in Puerto Rico. This is the recommended age to start getting a mammogram.The call to action: Woman, make time. Schedule an appointment to get a mammogram today. Visit MujerSacaTiempo.com for details.We gathered data by inviting women to sign-up to remind them when it was time to get a mammogram.Our planning consisted of making alliances with celebrities and social media influencers so they all could miss work one day to show Puerto Rican women that even the busiest women make time for a mammogram. We also made a tie-in with Puerto Rico's most prestigious museum so the women on their artwork would be absent for a period of time, and became partners with a really important magazine so the model on the cover could take time off. An education program was also an integral part of the campaign. Outcome Media Outputs: We received coverage on several TV shows. The presenters were absent at least one day. Over 5 journalists and presenters joined in.The website MujerSacaTiempo.com, created for the campaign received over 200,000 visits on an Island of 3.6 million habitants, which is outstanding. Through the page, women could schedule their mammograms. They even signed-in to get a reminder each year to be responsible. Over 5,000 women created the reminder. CampaignDescription Susan G. Komen Foundation created a movement to let women know they can never be too busy to the point they neglect their health. To do so, we contacted Puerto Rico's busiest women.The campaign began at Puerto Rico's most renowned museum, where we looked for those women who have been busy non-stop for over a century: The women on paintings dating back to 1887 and so forth. Original paintings were replaced by new versions in which the ladies were absent. They took the day off to get a mammogram.One of Puerto Rico's most prestigious magazines was published without the model on the cover because the day of the shooting she was getting her mammogram.The Island's most famous astrologist didn't publish her daily horoscope for one day. Also, influencers on social media, journalists, and TV presenters took time off.Even the busiest women have time for a mammogram! Relevancy This campaign created a movement that includes several points of contact with women. We needed to create efforts that attract the media so they could help us spread the message. It received coverage island-wideThis campaign helped women understand that they can never be too busy to get a mammogram because stage 1 to stage 2 breast cancer has a 99% of survival rate. We showed women through several media the importance of being educated about their health. We created stunts, celebrities and influencers collaborated, and at the end gave women an easier way to schedule a mammogram. Execution The campaign wanted to show women that even the busiest women in Puerto Rico can make time to get a mammogram. Since we wanted to show a wide variety of busy women, we needed the public to have contact with them on several media. We started in Puerto Rico's most prestigious museum by substituting famous paintings for versions in which the women were absent. A magazine was published without the model on the cover because she was getting her mammogram. Puerto Rico's most famous astrologist didn't publish her daily horoscope for one day. Social media influencers, journalists, TV presenters, and bloggers also took time off.The campaign ran from March through April, but the impact has been so big that even today more famous people are joining in.The scale of the campaign has been tremendous since it ran on Puerto Rico's most important media, with a healthy frequency.

    Busiest Women

    案例简介:概要 1 至 2 期乳腺癌的存活率为 99%。但是女性忙于家庭和事业,以至于一直推迟年度乳房 x光检查。他们的孩子、家庭和专业项目总是他们的首要任务。当谈到照顾她们的健康时,她是最后一个。我们的目标是让波多黎各妇女相信,即使她们的日程安排繁忙,她们也需要抽出时间进行年度乳房 x光检查。 战略 我们的目标受众是居住在波多黎各的 30 多岁女性。这是开始做乳房 x光检查的推荐年龄。行动呼吁: 女人,腾出时间。今天安排一次乳房 x光检查。详情请访问 MujerSacaTiempo.com。我们通过邀请女性注册来收集数据,以提醒她们什么时候该做乳房 x光检查。我们的计划包括与名人和社交媒体影响者结盟,这样他们总有一天会错过工作,向波多黎各女性展示即使是最繁忙的女性也有时间做乳房 x光检查。我们还与波多黎各最负盛名的博物馆进行了合作,这样她们艺术品上的女性将会缺席一段时间, 成为了一本非常重要的杂志的合作伙伴,这样封面上的模特就可以休假了。教育计划也是这项运动不可分割的一部分。 结果 媒体输出: 我们收到了几个电视节目的报道。主持人至少缺席一天。超过 5 名记者和主持人参加了活动。为该运动创建的网站 “MujerSacaTiempo.com” 在一个拥有 200,000 名居民的岛上接待了 360万多次访问,这一网站非常出色。通过这一页,女性可以安排他们的乳房 x光检查。他们甚至每年都登录以获得提醒以负责任。超过 5,000 名妇女创造了提醒。 活动描述 苏珊 · 科门基金会发起了一场运动,让女性知道她们永远不会太忙,以至于忽视了自己的健康。为此,我们联系了波多黎各最繁忙的妇女。这项运动始于波多黎各最著名的博物馆,在那里我们寻找那些一个多世纪以来一直不停忙碌的女性: 绘画中的女性可以追溯到 1887年等等。原来的画被新的版本所取代,其中女士们不在。他们请了一天假去做乳房 x光检查。波多黎各最负盛名的杂志之一在封面上没有模特的情况下出版,因为拍摄的那天她正在接受乳房 x光检查。岛上最著名的占星学家有一天没有出版她的每日星座运势。此外,社交媒体上的影响者、记者和电视节目主持人也会抽出时间。即使是最忙碌的女性也有时间做乳房 x光检查! 相关性 这项运动发起了一项运动,包括与妇女的几个接触点。我们需要做出努力来吸引媒体,这样他们就可以帮助我们传播信息。这项运动帮助妇女理解,她们永远不会太忙而不能做乳房 x光检查,因为 1 至 2 期乳腺癌的存活率为 99%。我们通过几家媒体向女性展示了接受健康教育的重要性。我们创造了特技,名人和影响者合作,最后给了女性一个更简单的方式来安排乳房 x光检查。 执行 该运动希望向女性展示,即使是波多黎各最繁忙的女性也可以抽出时间进行乳房 x光检查。因为我们想展示各种各样忙碌的女性,我们需要公众在几个媒体上与她们接触。我们从波多黎各最负盛名的博物馆开始,用著名的绘画代替没有女性的版本。一本杂志的封面上没有模特,因为她正在做乳房 x光检查。波多黎各最著名的占星学家有一天没有出版她的每日星座运势。社交媒体影响者、记者、电视主持人和博主也休假。这场运动从 3 月份持续到 4月份,但影响如此之大,以至于今天更多的名人也加入进来。自从这场运动在波多黎各最重要的媒体上以健康的频率运行以来,规模一直很大。

    Busiest Women

    案例简介:Synopsis Stage 1 to stage 2 breast cancer has a 99% of survival rate. But women are so busy with their family and careers that they keep postponing their annual mammograms. Their kids, homes, and professional projects are always their priority. She comes last when it comes to taking care of their health.We aimed to convince Puerto Rican women that even with their busy schedules, they needed to make time to get their annual mammogram. Strategy Our target audience was women 30+ who live in Puerto Rico. This is the recommended age to start getting a mammogram.The call to action: Woman, make time. Schedule an appointment to get a mammogram today. Visit MujerSacaTiempo.com for details.We gathered data by inviting women to sign-up to remind them when it was time to get a mammogram.Our planning consisted of making alliances with celebrities and social media influencers so they all could miss work one day to show Puerto Rican women that even the busiest women make time for a mammogram. We also made a tie-in with Puerto Rico's most prestigious museum so the women on their artwork would be absent for a period of time, and became partners with a really important magazine so the model on the cover could take time off. An education program was also an integral part of the campaign. Outcome Media Outputs: We received coverage on several TV shows. The presenters were absent at least one day. Over 5 journalists and presenters joined in.The website MujerSacaTiempo.com, created for the campaign received over 200,000 visits on an Island of 3.6 million habitants, which is outstanding. Through the page, women could schedule their mammograms. They even signed-in to get a reminder each year to be responsible. Over 5,000 women created the reminder. CampaignDescription Susan G. Komen Foundation created a movement to let women know they can never be too busy to the point they neglect their health. To do so, we contacted Puerto Rico's busiest women.The campaign began at Puerto Rico's most renowned museum, where we looked for those women who have been busy non-stop for over a century: The women on paintings dating back to 1887 and so forth. Original paintings were replaced by new versions in which the ladies were absent. They took the day off to get a mammogram.One of Puerto Rico's most prestigious magazines was published without the model on the cover because the day of the shooting she was getting her mammogram.The Island's most famous astrologist didn't publish her daily horoscope for one day. Also, influencers on social media, journalists, and TV presenters took time off.Even the busiest women have time for a mammogram! Relevancy This campaign created a movement that includes several points of contact with women. We needed to create efforts that attract the media so they could help us spread the message. It received coverage island-wideThis campaign helped women understand that they can never be too busy to get a mammogram because stage 1 to stage 2 breast cancer has a 99% of survival rate. We showed women through several media the importance of being educated about their health. We created stunts, celebrities and influencers collaborated, and at the end gave women an easier way to schedule a mammogram. Execution The campaign wanted to show women that even the busiest women in Puerto Rico can make time to get a mammogram. Since we wanted to show a wide variety of busy women, we needed the public to have contact with them on several media. We started in Puerto Rico's most prestigious museum by substituting famous paintings for versions in which the women were absent. A magazine was published without the model on the cover because she was getting her mammogram. Puerto Rico's most famous astrologist didn't publish her daily horoscope for one day. Social media influencers, journalists, TV presenters, and bloggers also took time off.The campaign ran from March through April, but the impact has been so big that even today more famous people are joining in.The scale of the campaign has been tremendous since it ran on Puerto Rico's most important media, with a healthy frequency.



    Busiest Women










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