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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 通过使用有针对性的媒体公开和意外地杀死我们的品牌吉祥物,我们将潜在客户带到了一个模拟的旅程中,即突然失去与他们亲近的人。从死亡到哀悼,到人寿保险索赔,每一个渠道都被实施,以使冷漠的新西兰年轻人第一手了解人寿保险的重要性,因为当他们自己去世并留下亲人时。每个接触点都达到了我们的订婚作品; 伪装成促销的数据收集练习。 背景 LifeDirect是新西兰领先的人寿保险聚合网站。近十年来,该品牌的形象一直是他们默默无闻的吉祥物 “懒汉西蒙” (simon the sloth)-一个昏昏欲睡的动画人物,毫不奇怪,他失去了相关性。我们的任务是重振品牌,并在25-35岁的新西兰人中推动潜在客户,知名度和网络流量; 一个人口群体,其责任不断增加,以确保自己的家属的利益。问题是,他们认为死亡是一个遥远的、无关紧要的问题。 描述创意 (投票30%) 作为对生活的不可预测性和人寿保险的重大好处的实时演示,我们杀死了我们长期存在的吉祥物西蒙。 描述策略 (投票20%) 策略很简单: 使用有针对性的媒体将冷漠的消费者带到失去与他们亲近的人的全面旅程中。 描述执行 (投票20%) 首先,我们在 “直播” 电视上将西蒙推下悬崖-黄金时段的25个国家频道,只播出了一次-给观众留下了悬而未决的问题。按照预期,这引发了社交媒体 “wtf” 风暴。第二天,我们在《国家日报》上发表了整版的ob告,宣布西蒙已经去世,但他没有具体说明他的人寿保险受益人。这得到了digital outdoor和LifeDirect员工在其社交渠道上的 “纪念视频” 的支持。然后,邀请 “了解” 西蒙的新西兰人分享他们与他的关系的故事,以赢得一部分收益。也许你是他失散已久的双胞胎?还是他在海军时代的前情人?除了通过参赛者的社交渠道分享故事外,该微型网站本质上还是数据收集,收集电子邮件地址并在完成后将访问者重定向到lifedirect.co.nz的枢纽。 列出结果 (投票30%) 网站流量32% 增加 (lifedirect.co.nz) 44% 增加品牌偏好 17,000 + 微型站点访问 8,691独特的条目 9.6% 报价增加 1270万印象


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? By using targeted media to publicly and unexpectedly kill our brand mascot, we took potential customers on a simulated journey of what it’s like to suddenly lose someone close(ish) to them. From death, to mourning, to life insurance claim, every channel was implemented to make apathetic young New Zealanders understand the importance of life insurance first-hand, for when they themselves pass away and leave loved ones behind. Every touchpoint laddered up to our engagement piece; a data-gathering exercise disguised as a promo. Background LifeDirect is New Zealand’s leading life insurance aggregation website. For almost ten years, the face of the brand has been their obscure mascot ‘Simon the Sloth’ – a lethargic, animated character who, not surprisingly, had lost relevance. We were tasked with reinvigorating the brand, and driving leads, awareness, and web traffic amongst New Zealanders 25 – 35; a demographic with an ever-increasing responsibility to insure themselves for the benefit of their dependents. The problem is, they view death as a distant, irrelevant issue. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) As a real-time demonstration of the unpredictability of life, and the significant benefits of life insurance, we killed off our longstanding mascot, Simon. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The strategy was simple: use targeted media to take apathetic consumers on a comprehensive journey of losing someone close(ish) to them. Describe the execution (20% of vote) First up, we pushed Simon off a cliff on ‘live’ TV – 25 national channels during primetime, aired just once - leaving viewers with nothing but unanswered questions. As intended, this whipped up a social media ‘WTF’ storm. The following day, we published a full-page obituary in the national dailies, announcing that Simon had died, but he’d failed to specify his life insurance beneficiaries. This was supported by digital outdoor and a 'memorial video' from LifeDirect staff on their social channels. Kiwis who ‘knew’ Simon were then invited to share stories about their relationship with him, in order to win a slice of the pay-out. Perhaps you were his long-lost twin? Or an ex-lover from his days in the Navy? As well as sharing the stories via the entrants’ social channels, the microsite was essentially a hub for data collection, gathering email addresses and redirecting visitors to lifedirect.co.nz upon completion. List the results (30% of vote) 32% increase in site traffic (lifedirect.co.nz) 44% increase in brand preference 17,000+ microsite visits 8,691 unique entries 9.6% increase in quotes 12.7 million impressions

    Life Direct - R.I.P Simon

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 通过使用有针对性的媒体公开和意外地杀死我们的品牌吉祥物,我们将潜在客户带到了一个模拟的旅程中,即突然失去与他们亲近的人。从死亡到哀悼,到人寿保险索赔,每一个渠道都被实施,以使冷漠的新西兰年轻人第一手了解人寿保险的重要性,因为当他们自己去世并留下亲人时。每个接触点都达到了我们的订婚作品; 伪装成促销的数据收集练习。 背景 LifeDirect是新西兰领先的人寿保险聚合网站。近十年来,该品牌的形象一直是他们默默无闻的吉祥物 “懒汉西蒙” (simon the sloth)-一个昏昏欲睡的动画人物,毫不奇怪,他失去了相关性。我们的任务是重振品牌,并在25-35岁的新西兰人中推动潜在客户,知名度和网络流量; 一个人口群体,其责任不断增加,以确保自己的家属的利益。问题是,他们认为死亡是一个遥远的、无关紧要的问题。 描述创意 (投票30%) 作为对生活的不可预测性和人寿保险的重大好处的实时演示,我们杀死了我们长期存在的吉祥物西蒙。 描述策略 (投票20%) 策略很简单: 使用有针对性的媒体将冷漠的消费者带到失去与他们亲近的人的全面旅程中。 描述执行 (投票20%) 首先,我们在 “直播” 电视上将西蒙推下悬崖-黄金时段的25个国家频道,只播出了一次-给观众留下了悬而未决的问题。按照预期,这引发了社交媒体 “wtf” 风暴。第二天,我们在《国家日报》上发表了整版的ob告,宣布西蒙已经去世,但他没有具体说明他的人寿保险受益人。这得到了digital outdoor和LifeDirect员工在其社交渠道上的 “纪念视频” 的支持。然后,邀请 “了解” 西蒙的新西兰人分享他们与他的关系的故事,以赢得一部分收益。也许你是他失散已久的双胞胎?还是他在海军时代的前情人?除了通过参赛者的社交渠道分享故事外,该微型网站本质上还是数据收集,收集电子邮件地址并在完成后将访问者重定向到lifedirect.co.nz的枢纽。 列出结果 (投票30%) 网站流量32% 增加 (lifedirect.co.nz) 44% 增加品牌偏好 17,000 + 微型站点访问 8,691独特的条目 9.6% 报价增加 1270万印象

    Life Direct - R.I.P Simon

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? By using targeted media to publicly and unexpectedly kill our brand mascot, we took potential customers on a simulated journey of what it’s like to suddenly lose someone close(ish) to them. From death, to mourning, to life insurance claim, every channel was implemented to make apathetic young New Zealanders understand the importance of life insurance first-hand, for when they themselves pass away and leave loved ones behind. Every touchpoint laddered up to our engagement piece; a data-gathering exercise disguised as a promo. Background LifeDirect is New Zealand’s leading life insurance aggregation website. For almost ten years, the face of the brand has been their obscure mascot ‘Simon the Sloth’ – a lethargic, animated character who, not surprisingly, had lost relevance. We were tasked with reinvigorating the brand, and driving leads, awareness, and web traffic amongst New Zealanders 25 – 35; a demographic with an ever-increasing responsibility to insure themselves for the benefit of their dependents. The problem is, they view death as a distant, irrelevant issue. Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) As a real-time demonstration of the unpredictability of life, and the significant benefits of life insurance, we killed off our longstanding mascot, Simon. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) The strategy was simple: use targeted media to take apathetic consumers on a comprehensive journey of losing someone close(ish) to them. Describe the execution (20% of vote) First up, we pushed Simon off a cliff on ‘live’ TV – 25 national channels during primetime, aired just once - leaving viewers with nothing but unanswered questions. As intended, this whipped up a social media ‘WTF’ storm. The following day, we published a full-page obituary in the national dailies, announcing that Simon had died, but he’d failed to specify his life insurance beneficiaries. This was supported by digital outdoor and a 'memorial video' from LifeDirect staff on their social channels. Kiwis who ‘knew’ Simon were then invited to share stories about their relationship with him, in order to win a slice of the pay-out. Perhaps you were his long-lost twin? Or an ex-lover from his days in the Navy? As well as sharing the stories via the entrants’ social channels, the microsite was essentially a hub for data collection, gathering email addresses and redirecting visitors to lifedirect.co.nz upon completion. List the results (30% of vote) 32% increase in site traffic (lifedirect.co.nz) 44% increase in brand preference 17,000+ microsite visits 8,691 unique entries 9.6% increase in quotes 12.7 million impressions



    Life Direct - R.I.P Simon










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