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    Breast Milk短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 我们决定劫持新西兰最大的快速销售消费品乳制品的收入来源、货架空间和客户群。我们接触了高级牛奶品牌刘易斯路乳品厂,他们迫切希望在这样一个习惯性的类别中进行转换。我们以一种创新的方式来给他们的瓶子重新命名,直接与我们的消费者交谈。一个想法,将他们的蓝顶牛奶变成母乳-牛奶的牛奶,资助治疗。他们同意。出售的每一瓶中有 20c 被捐赠给乳腺癌治疗,这使得刘易斯路乳品厂成为首选品牌,增加了销售额,反过来也增加了捐赠。 战略 我们的目标受众是务实的、社会上层的女性,她们有事业心,将来最有可能受到乳腺癌的影响。核心洞察: 在慈善疲劳的世界中,常规中的新奇是一个强大的动力。策略: 拿一个观众每周购买 2-3 次的商品,用挑衅的手法重新设计,把文化禁忌拖到超市货架上。这种扭曲将确保产品不仅是我们的广告牌,而且主流媒体会报道这项倡议,我们的信息将从货架上传播出去。 lewis Road Creamery 将提供我们需要利用的产品、分销和消费者行为。我们只需重新命名他们的产品,将日常购买变成捐赠 -- 行动呼吁是 “转向母乳来寻找治疗乳腺癌的方法”。 概要 新西兰是世界上乳腺癌发病率最高的国家之一。乳腺癌治疗是新西兰唯一的慈善机构,它成立了 soley,资助治疗药物的医学研究。新西兰注册了 27,000 个慈善机构,人均金额超过任何其他发达国家,我们面临的挑战是找到一个能够克服慈善疲劳的重要收入来源 -- 所有这些收入来源的预算都非常有限,为零美元。我们的目标是筹集 20,000 美元的捐款,而不必在寻找乳腺癌治愈方法之外的任何事情上花钱。 结果 “母乳” 成为新西兰 2015年最受关注的慈善倡议,并实现了 100% 的捐赠目标 -- 在没有任何慈善支出的情况下筹集 20,000 美元的捐款。第一批在一周内就卖完了,三个月内我们卖了 85,458 瓶母乳。这项运动仅在 48 小时内就产生了 480万人在新西兰赢得了媒体的印象,新西兰的全体人口只有 4.4。在全球范围内,估计印象达到 1500万左右,社交聊天在社交平台和全球新闻网站上猖獗,如 Buzzfeed 、 MTV 、《每日邮报》和《赫芬顿邮报》。唯一的投资来自该机构的捐赠,总计 3,655 美元用于社交内容。母乳产生了巨大的品牌知名度的提高,这要求在这次活动之外捐款。直接从这次活动中看到 ROMI,我们为每个机构捐赠了 5.47 美元。 相关性 我们将快速消费品产品转化为乳腺癌治疗的直接沟通渠道和公众捐赠的收入来源。通过创建我们的目标市场每周已经购买 2-3 次的产品,我们可以通过简单地要求他们改变牛奶品牌来要求他们进行常规捐赠。 “母乳” 成为新西兰 2015年最受关注的慈善倡议,全球估计达到 1500万印象,用 0 美元的小预算达到我们捐赠目标的 100%。 执行 6月10日,母乳在新西兰的所有上层社会超市上架,我们的观众都在那里购物。新设计通过公关推动推出,得到了全国电视、社交媒体和全球新闻的报道,如《每日邮报》、《赫芬顿邮报》和 Buzzfeed。户外和数字被用来使这项运动正常化,并鼓励新西兰人将资助治疗乳腺癌作为他们日常生活的一部分。为了帮助在最初的爆发后建立势头,我们鼓励人们公开承诺购买产品。名人影响者在社交媒体上模仿了这种行为,消费者喝母乳的形象充斥着 # idrinkbreastmilk。我们需要拥有的另一个关键渠道是咖啡馆 -- 每天喝牛奶的场合。我们与咖啡至尊咖啡馆合作,提供母乳以及大豆和修剪的选择。 客户简报或目标 乳腺癌治疗在活动上没有花一美元。制作伙伴支付了社交媒体支出 (14,700 美元) 和所有其他与瓶子和分销相关的制作成本。该机构在摄影和社交内容上的制作支出为 3,655 美元。细目如下: 社交媒体视频的音乐 = 2,120 美元的摄影广告 = 400 美元的广告广告和广告牌的媒体空间被捐赠模具广告广告艺术品 = 975 美元的海报和插页 @ 咖啡至尊 = 160 美元


    案例简介:Campaign Description We decided to hijack the revenue stream, shelf space and customer base of New Zealand’s largest fast selling consumer product – dairy. We approached premium milk brand Lewis Road Creamery, whom were desperate to drive switching in such a habitual category. We came to them with an innovative way of rebranding their bottle to talk directly to our consumers. An idea that would transform their blue top milk into Breast Milk – the cow’s milk that funds the cure.They agreed. 20c of every bottle sold was donated to Breast Cancer Cure, which made Lewis Road Creamery the brand of first choice, increased sales and in turn, donations. Strategy Our target audience was the pragmatic, upper-socio female who is cause-minded and is most likely to be affected by breast cancer in the future. Core insight: Novelty positioned in a routine is a powerful motivator in a world of charity fatigue. Strategy: Take a commodity product that this audience purchased 2-3 times per week and redesign it with a provocative twist, dragging cultural taboos onto supermarket shelves. This twist would ensure that not only was the product our billboard, but that mainstream media would write about the initiative and our message would spread from the shelf out.Lewis Road Creamery would supply the product, the distribution and the consumer behaviour we needed to leverage. We would simply rebrand their product and turn an everyday purchase into a donation - the call to action being ‘switch to breast milk to find a cure for breast cancer’. Synopsis New Zealand has one of the highest rates of breast cancer in the world. Breast Cancer Cure is the only New Zealand charity set up soley to fund medical research into a cure. With 27,000 charities registered in New Zealand, more per capita than any other developed country, our challenge was to find a significant revenue stream which would overcome charity fatigue – all with a very modest budget of zero dollars.Our objective was to raise $20,000 in donations without Breast Cancer Cure having to spend money on anything other than finding the cure for breast cancer. Outcome ‘Breast Milk’ became the most talked about charitable initiative of 2015 in New Zealand, and met 100% of the donation goal – raise $20,000 in donations without any charitable spend. The first batch sold out in one week, and in three months we sold 85,458 bottles of Breast Milk. The campaign generated 4.8 million earned media impressions in New Zealand alone in just 48 hours, with the whole population of NZ being only 4.4m. Globally, estimated impressions hit around 15 million and social chatter was rampant throughout social platforms and global news sites such as Buzzfeed, MTV, The Daily Mail and Huffington Post. The only money invested was donated from the agency and totaled $3,655 for social content. Breast Milk generated a huge increase in brand awareness, which solicited donations beyond this campaign. Looking at the ROMI from this campaign directly, we achieved $5.47 for every agency dollar donated. Relevancy We turned an FMCG product into Breast Cancer Cure’s direct communications channel and revenue stream for public donations. By creating a product our target market already purchased 2-3 times a week, we could ask them for a routine donation by simply asking them to change milk brands.‘Breast Milk’ became the most talked about charitable initiative of 2015 in New Zealand, achieving an estimated 15 million impressions globally, and meeting 100% of our donation goal with a small budget of $0. Execution On June 10, Breast Milk hit shelves across New Zealand, in all upper-socio supermarkets where our audience shopped. Launched with a PR push, the new design received coverage across national television, social media and global news such as The Daily Mail, Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. Outdoor and digital was used to normalise the campaign, and encourage New Zealanders to make funding a cure for breast cancer part of their everyday routine. To help build momentum after the initial burst, we encouraged people to publicly commit to purchasing the product. Celebrity influencers modelled the behaviour on social media, and images of consumers drinking Breast Milk poured in with #idrinkbreastmilk. The other key channel we needed to own was cafés – a daily occasion for milk consumption. We partnered with Coffee Supreme cafes to offer Breast Milk alongside the option of soy and trim. Client Brief Or Objective Breast Cancer Cure did not spend a single dollar on the campaign.The production partner paid for social media spend ($14,700) and all other production costs related to the bottle and distribution. The agency production spend was $3,655 on photography and social content. Breakdown below:Music for social media video = $2,120Photography Ad Shels = $400Media Space for Ad Shels and billboards were donatedMolds Ad Shel Artwork = $975Posters and Inserts @ Coffee Supreme = $160

    Breast Milk

    案例简介:活动描述 我们决定劫持新西兰最大的快速销售消费品乳制品的收入来源、货架空间和客户群。我们接触了高级牛奶品牌刘易斯路乳品厂,他们迫切希望在这样一个习惯性的类别中进行转换。我们以一种创新的方式来给他们的瓶子重新命名,直接与我们的消费者交谈。一个想法,将他们的蓝顶牛奶变成母乳-牛奶的牛奶,资助治疗。他们同意。出售的每一瓶中有 20c 被捐赠给乳腺癌治疗,这使得刘易斯路乳品厂成为首选品牌,增加了销售额,反过来也增加了捐赠。 战略 我们的目标受众是务实的、社会上层的女性,她们有事业心,将来最有可能受到乳腺癌的影响。核心洞察: 在慈善疲劳的世界中,常规中的新奇是一个强大的动力。策略: 拿一个观众每周购买 2-3 次的商品,用挑衅的手法重新设计,把文化禁忌拖到超市货架上。这种扭曲将确保产品不仅是我们的广告牌,而且主流媒体会报道这项倡议,我们的信息将从货架上传播出去。 lewis Road Creamery 将提供我们需要利用的产品、分销和消费者行为。我们只需重新命名他们的产品,将日常购买变成捐赠 -- 行动呼吁是 “转向母乳来寻找治疗乳腺癌的方法”。 概要 新西兰是世界上乳腺癌发病率最高的国家之一。乳腺癌治疗是新西兰唯一的慈善机构,它成立了 soley,资助治疗药物的医学研究。新西兰注册了 27,000 个慈善机构,人均金额超过任何其他发达国家,我们面临的挑战是找到一个能够克服慈善疲劳的重要收入来源 -- 所有这些收入来源的预算都非常有限,为零美元。我们的目标是筹集 20,000 美元的捐款,而不必在寻找乳腺癌治愈方法之外的任何事情上花钱。 结果 “母乳” 成为新西兰 2015年最受关注的慈善倡议,并实现了 100% 的捐赠目标 -- 在没有任何慈善支出的情况下筹集 20,000 美元的捐款。第一批在一周内就卖完了,三个月内我们卖了 85,458 瓶母乳。这项运动仅在 48 小时内就产生了 480万人在新西兰赢得了媒体的印象,新西兰的全体人口只有 4.4。在全球范围内,估计印象达到 1500万左右,社交聊天在社交平台和全球新闻网站上猖獗,如 Buzzfeed 、 MTV 、《每日邮报》和《赫芬顿邮报》。唯一的投资来自该机构的捐赠,总计 3,655 美元用于社交内容。母乳产生了巨大的品牌知名度的提高,这要求在这次活动之外捐款。直接从这次活动中看到 ROMI,我们为每个机构捐赠了 5.47 美元。 相关性 我们将快速消费品产品转化为乳腺癌治疗的直接沟通渠道和公众捐赠的收入来源。通过创建我们的目标市场每周已经购买 2-3 次的产品,我们可以通过简单地要求他们改变牛奶品牌来要求他们进行常规捐赠。 “母乳” 成为新西兰 2015年最受关注的慈善倡议,全球估计达到 1500万印象,用 0 美元的小预算达到我们捐赠目标的 100%。 执行 6月10日,母乳在新西兰的所有上层社会超市上架,我们的观众都在那里购物。新设计通过公关推动推出,得到了全国电视、社交媒体和全球新闻的报道,如《每日邮报》、《赫芬顿邮报》和 Buzzfeed。户外和数字被用来使这项运动正常化,并鼓励新西兰人将资助治疗乳腺癌作为他们日常生活的一部分。为了帮助在最初的爆发后建立势头,我们鼓励人们公开承诺购买产品。名人影响者在社交媒体上模仿了这种行为,消费者喝母乳的形象充斥着 # idrinkbreastmilk。我们需要拥有的另一个关键渠道是咖啡馆 -- 每天喝牛奶的场合。我们与咖啡至尊咖啡馆合作,提供母乳以及大豆和修剪的选择。 客户简报或目标 乳腺癌治疗在活动上没有花一美元。制作伙伴支付了社交媒体支出 (14,700 美元) 和所有其他与瓶子和分销相关的制作成本。该机构在摄影和社交内容上的制作支出为 3,655 美元。细目如下: 社交媒体视频的音乐 = 2,120 美元的摄影广告 = 400 美元的广告广告和广告牌的媒体空间被捐赠模具广告广告艺术品 = 975 美元的海报和插页 @ 咖啡至尊 = 160 美元

    Breast Milk

    案例简介:Campaign Description We decided to hijack the revenue stream, shelf space and customer base of New Zealand’s largest fast selling consumer product – dairy. We approached premium milk brand Lewis Road Creamery, whom were desperate to drive switching in such a habitual category. We came to them with an innovative way of rebranding their bottle to talk directly to our consumers. An idea that would transform their blue top milk into Breast Milk – the cow’s milk that funds the cure.They agreed. 20c of every bottle sold was donated to Breast Cancer Cure, which made Lewis Road Creamery the brand of first choice, increased sales and in turn, donations. Strategy Our target audience was the pragmatic, upper-socio female who is cause-minded and is most likely to be affected by breast cancer in the future. Core insight: Novelty positioned in a routine is a powerful motivator in a world of charity fatigue. Strategy: Take a commodity product that this audience purchased 2-3 times per week and redesign it with a provocative twist, dragging cultural taboos onto supermarket shelves. This twist would ensure that not only was the product our billboard, but that mainstream media would write about the initiative and our message would spread from the shelf out.Lewis Road Creamery would supply the product, the distribution and the consumer behaviour we needed to leverage. We would simply rebrand their product and turn an everyday purchase into a donation - the call to action being ‘switch to breast milk to find a cure for breast cancer’. Synopsis New Zealand has one of the highest rates of breast cancer in the world. Breast Cancer Cure is the only New Zealand charity set up soley to fund medical research into a cure. With 27,000 charities registered in New Zealand, more per capita than any other developed country, our challenge was to find a significant revenue stream which would overcome charity fatigue – all with a very modest budget of zero dollars.Our objective was to raise $20,000 in donations without Breast Cancer Cure having to spend money on anything other than finding the cure for breast cancer. Outcome ‘Breast Milk’ became the most talked about charitable initiative of 2015 in New Zealand, and met 100% of the donation goal – raise $20,000 in donations without any charitable spend. The first batch sold out in one week, and in three months we sold 85,458 bottles of Breast Milk. The campaign generated 4.8 million earned media impressions in New Zealand alone in just 48 hours, with the whole population of NZ being only 4.4m. Globally, estimated impressions hit around 15 million and social chatter was rampant throughout social platforms and global news sites such as Buzzfeed, MTV, The Daily Mail and Huffington Post. The only money invested was donated from the agency and totaled $3,655 for social content. Breast Milk generated a huge increase in brand awareness, which solicited donations beyond this campaign. Looking at the ROMI from this campaign directly, we achieved $5.47 for every agency dollar donated. Relevancy We turned an FMCG product into Breast Cancer Cure’s direct communications channel and revenue stream for public donations. By creating a product our target market already purchased 2-3 times a week, we could ask them for a routine donation by simply asking them to change milk brands.‘Breast Milk’ became the most talked about charitable initiative of 2015 in New Zealand, achieving an estimated 15 million impressions globally, and meeting 100% of our donation goal with a small budget of $0. Execution On June 10, Breast Milk hit shelves across New Zealand, in all upper-socio supermarkets where our audience shopped. Launched with a PR push, the new design received coverage across national television, social media and global news such as The Daily Mail, Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. Outdoor and digital was used to normalise the campaign, and encourage New Zealanders to make funding a cure for breast cancer part of their everyday routine. To help build momentum after the initial burst, we encouraged people to publicly commit to purchasing the product. Celebrity influencers modelled the behaviour on social media, and images of consumers drinking Breast Milk poured in with #idrinkbreastmilk. The other key channel we needed to own was cafés – a daily occasion for milk consumption. We partnered with Coffee Supreme cafes to offer Breast Milk alongside the option of soy and trim. Client Brief Or Objective Breast Cancer Cure did not spend a single dollar on the campaign.The production partner paid for social media spend ($14,700) and all other production costs related to the bottle and distribution. The agency production spend was $3,655 on photography and social content. Breakdown below:Music for social media video = $2,120Photography Ad Shels = $400Media Space for Ad Shels and billboards were donatedMolds Ad Shel Artwork = $975Posters and Inserts @ Coffee Supreme = $160



    Breast Milk










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