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    案例简介:化妆品和化妆品市场是高度细分的,竞争非常激烈。产品生命周期非常短,品牌必须创新,以进一步推动和捍卫他们的市场地位。NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 的推出与广告活动一起,在面部护理类别中创造了一个新的消费者需求: “为你的皮肤提供能量”。针对年轻的现代受众,该活动迅速建立了市场份额,并在 2003年成为德国和法国以及其他欧洲市场最成功的新产品发布。 上下文 活动目标 -2003年底,在欧洲主要市场德国和法国的面部护理类别中,将跻身前五大新产品发布之列。 -在推出后六个月内 (即至少 1%),在面部护理市场达到具有竞争力的单一产品市场份额。 目标受众 年轻、城市、专业、要求苛刻的女性,年龄在 20-35 岁之间,生活方式繁忙。 由于目标群体没有具体的皮肤问题,他们正在寻找一种现代的、创新的润肤霜。 活动期间 2003年2月底至 2003年12月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 主要的挑战是首先将能量理念转移到皮肤和面部护理产品上,其次,以吸引注意力的方式进行。 在电视上,皮肤能量踢的想法被用倒计时戏剧化。该模型接近 NIVEA Visage 纯能量罐,它反映在她的眼睛中; “4-3-2-1” 激活你的皮肤! 当她涂抹面霜时,活力效果就变得明显: 就像她皮肤上的软 “explosion” 一样,它为她提供了美丽而闪亮的肤色。 在印刷品中,能量对皮肤的影响通过产品戏剧化被可视化: 能量戏剧性地从罐子里飘出来,一种光芒到达模特的脸上,照亮了她的皮肤。 其他传播方案 主要的广告活动得到了额外的国别宣传方案的支持。在德国,这包括直接邮寄、店内促销和产品取样、与妮维雅身体闪亮乳液的交叉促销和圣诞礼物套装。 在法国和奥地利,组织了各种公关活动,包括新闻发布会。 在匈牙利,选择的工具是通过抽奖进行短信促销。 媒体 -广播 -打印 市场 (请注意: 纯能源已经在国际上推出; 在欧洲,它在以下市场最成功:) -德国 -法国 -奥地利 -匈牙利 营销支出总额 50 万以下 (涉及上述国家的 ATL)。 媒体战略 倒计时活动面临的挑战是,尽管落后于竞争对手的媒体支出,但要超越竞争对手的产品发布。20 秒和 15 秒的电视节目被用作基础媒体,以快速建立高产品知名度。双页和单页印刷广告,有些带有鼓励试用的小袋,作为提醒和实现更有针对性的方法并行发布。 结果 -NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 是欧洲主要市场德国和法国以及奥地利面部护理类别中最成功的产品。 资料来源: ACNielsen,2003 -重要的竞争单品市场份额已经在四个月内在主要欧洲市场德国和法国以及奥地利和匈牙利实现。在德国,NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 达到 1% 的市场份额几乎是预期的两倍,而在法国,仅仅三个月后,目标市场份额就翻了一倍多。在奥地利和匈牙利,妮维雅 Visage Pure Energy 也在短短三个月后就超过了 1% 的市场份额目标。 资料来源: ACNielsen,2003 -德国: NIVEA Visage 纯能源市场份额达到 10%,几乎是预期的两倍 -法国: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 仅 3 个月就将目标市场份额翻一番; 电视和印刷传播对销售业绩的耸人听闻影响 -奥地利: NIVEA Visage 纯能源仅在 3 个月后就超过了 10% 的市场份额 -匈牙利: 仅 3 个月后,妮维雅 Visage 纯能源就超过了 10% 的市场份额; 电视和印刷传播带来了显著的增长


    案例简介:The cosmetics and toiletries market is highly segmented and extremely competitive. Product lifecycles are very short and brands must be innovative to further push and defend their market position. The launch of NIVEA Visage Pure Energy with the advertising campaign “Countdown” created a new consumer need in the face care category: “Energy for your skin”. Targeting a young, modern audience, the campaign quickly built market share and became the most successful new product launch in the key face care markets Germany and France as well as in other European markets in 2003. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - To be among the top five new product launches in the face care category in the key European markets Germany and France at the end of 2003. - To reach a competitive single item market share in the face care market within six months after launch (i.e. at least 1%). TARGET AUDIENCE Young, urban, professional and demanding women, aged 20-35, with a busy lifestyle. As the target group has no specific skin problems, they are looking for a modern, innovative moisturizer. CAMPAIGN PERIOD End February 2003 to December 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY The main challenge was firstly to transfer the energy idea to a skin and face care product and secondly, to do it in an attention-grabbing way. In TV, the idea of the energy kick for the skin was dramatised with a countdown. The model approaches the NIVEA Visage Pure Energy jar which is mirrored in her eyes; “4-3-2-1 – Energize your skin!” The energising effect becomes visible the moment she applies the cream: Like a soft “explosion” on her skin, it provides her with a beautiful and shimmering complexion. In print the effect of energy on the skin is visualised through product dramatisation: The energy is dramatically floating out of the jar and a glow reaches the model’s face, illuminating her skin. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES The principal advertising campaign was supported by additional country-specific communication programmes. In Germany this included direct mailings, in-store promotions and product sampling, cross-promotion with NIVEA Body Shimmering Lotion and a Christmas gift set. In France and Austria various PR activities were organised, including press conferences. In Hungary the tool of choice was an SMS promotion with sweepstake. MEDIA - Broadcast - Print MARKETS (please note: Pure Energy has been launched internationally; in Europe it has been most successful in the following markets:) - Germany - France - Austria - Hungary TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Under €5 million (concerns ATL in above-mentioned countries). MEDIA STRATEGY The challenge for the Countdown campaign was to outperform competitor product launches despite lagging behind competitors’ media spending. 20-second and 15-second TV spots were used as the base medium to quickly build high product awareness. Double and single page print ads, some with sachets to encourage a trial use, were published in parallel as a reminder and in order to achieve a more targeted approach. Results - NIVEA Visage Pure Energy is the most successful product launch in the face care category in the key European markets Germany and France, as well as in Austria. Source: ACNielsen, 2003 - Important competitive single item market share was achieved already within the course of four months in the key European markets Germany and France, as well as in Austria and Hungary. In Germany NIVEA Visage Pure Energy reached a 1% market share almost twice as quickly as expected, while in France it more than doubled the targeted market share after only three months. In Austria and Hungary, NIVEA Visage Pure Energy also exceeded the target of 1% market share after just three months. Source: ACNielsen, 2003 - Germany: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy reaches 1,0% market share almost twice as quickly as expected - France: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy more than doubles the targeted market share after only 3 months; sensational impact of TV and print communication on sales performance - Austria: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy exceeds 1,0% market share after only 3 months - Hungary: After only 3 months NIVEA Visage Pure Energy exceeds 1,0% market share by far; TV and print communication brings remarkable growth


    案例简介:化妆品和化妆品市场是高度细分的,竞争非常激烈。产品生命周期非常短,品牌必须创新,以进一步推动和捍卫他们的市场地位。NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 的推出与广告活动一起,在面部护理类别中创造了一个新的消费者需求: “为你的皮肤提供能量”。针对年轻的现代受众,该活动迅速建立了市场份额,并在 2003年成为德国和法国以及其他欧洲市场最成功的新产品发布。 上下文 活动目标 -2003年底,在欧洲主要市场德国和法国的面部护理类别中,将跻身前五大新产品发布之列。 -在推出后六个月内 (即至少 1%),在面部护理市场达到具有竞争力的单一产品市场份额。 目标受众 年轻、城市、专业、要求苛刻的女性,年龄在 20-35 岁之间,生活方式繁忙。 由于目标群体没有具体的皮肤问题,他们正在寻找一种现代的、创新的润肤霜。 活动期间 2003年2月底至 2003年12月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 主要的挑战是首先将能量理念转移到皮肤和面部护理产品上,其次,以吸引注意力的方式进行。 在电视上,皮肤能量踢的想法被用倒计时戏剧化。该模型接近 NIVEA Visage 纯能量罐,它反映在她的眼睛中; “4-3-2-1” 激活你的皮肤! 当她涂抹面霜时,活力效果就变得明显: 就像她皮肤上的软 “explosion” 一样,它为她提供了美丽而闪亮的肤色。 在印刷品中,能量对皮肤的影响通过产品戏剧化被可视化: 能量戏剧性地从罐子里飘出来,一种光芒到达模特的脸上,照亮了她的皮肤。 其他传播方案 主要的广告活动得到了额外的国别宣传方案的支持。在德国,这包括直接邮寄、店内促销和产品取样、与妮维雅身体闪亮乳液的交叉促销和圣诞礼物套装。 在法国和奥地利,组织了各种公关活动,包括新闻发布会。 在匈牙利,选择的工具是通过抽奖进行短信促销。 媒体 -广播 -打印 市场 (请注意: 纯能源已经在国际上推出; 在欧洲,它在以下市场最成功:) -德国 -法国 -奥地利 -匈牙利 营销支出总额 50 万以下 (涉及上述国家的 ATL)。 媒体战略 倒计时活动面临的挑战是,尽管落后于竞争对手的媒体支出,但要超越竞争对手的产品发布。20 秒和 15 秒的电视节目被用作基础媒体,以快速建立高产品知名度。双页和单页印刷广告,有些带有鼓励试用的小袋,作为提醒和实现更有针对性的方法并行发布。 结果 -NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 是欧洲主要市场德国和法国以及奥地利面部护理类别中最成功的产品。 资料来源: ACNielsen,2003 -重要的竞争单品市场份额已经在四个月内在主要欧洲市场德国和法国以及奥地利和匈牙利实现。在德国,NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 达到 1% 的市场份额几乎是预期的两倍,而在法国,仅仅三个月后,目标市场份额就翻了一倍多。在奥地利和匈牙利,妮维雅 Visage Pure Energy 也在短短三个月后就超过了 1% 的市场份额目标。 资料来源: ACNielsen,2003 -德国: NIVEA Visage 纯能源市场份额达到 10%,几乎是预期的两倍 -法国: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy 仅 3 个月就将目标市场份额翻一番; 电视和印刷传播对销售业绩的耸人听闻影响 -奥地利: NIVEA Visage 纯能源仅在 3 个月后就超过了 10% 的市场份额 -匈牙利: 仅 3 个月后,妮维雅 Visage 纯能源就超过了 10% 的市场份额; 电视和印刷传播带来了显著的增长


    案例简介:The cosmetics and toiletries market is highly segmented and extremely competitive. Product lifecycles are very short and brands must be innovative to further push and defend their market position. The launch of NIVEA Visage Pure Energy with the advertising campaign “Countdown” created a new consumer need in the face care category: “Energy for your skin”. Targeting a young, modern audience, the campaign quickly built market share and became the most successful new product launch in the key face care markets Germany and France as well as in other European markets in 2003. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - To be among the top five new product launches in the face care category in the key European markets Germany and France at the end of 2003. - To reach a competitive single item market share in the face care market within six months after launch (i.e. at least 1%). TARGET AUDIENCE Young, urban, professional and demanding women, aged 20-35, with a busy lifestyle. As the target group has no specific skin problems, they are looking for a modern, innovative moisturizer. CAMPAIGN PERIOD End February 2003 to December 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY The main challenge was firstly to transfer the energy idea to a skin and face care product and secondly, to do it in an attention-grabbing way. In TV, the idea of the energy kick for the skin was dramatised with a countdown. The model approaches the NIVEA Visage Pure Energy jar which is mirrored in her eyes; “4-3-2-1 – Energize your skin!” The energising effect becomes visible the moment she applies the cream: Like a soft “explosion” on her skin, it provides her with a beautiful and shimmering complexion. In print the effect of energy on the skin is visualised through product dramatisation: The energy is dramatically floating out of the jar and a glow reaches the model’s face, illuminating her skin. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES The principal advertising campaign was supported by additional country-specific communication programmes. In Germany this included direct mailings, in-store promotions and product sampling, cross-promotion with NIVEA Body Shimmering Lotion and a Christmas gift set. In France and Austria various PR activities were organised, including press conferences. In Hungary the tool of choice was an SMS promotion with sweepstake. MEDIA - Broadcast - Print MARKETS (please note: Pure Energy has been launched internationally; in Europe it has been most successful in the following markets:) - Germany - France - Austria - Hungary TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Under €5 million (concerns ATL in above-mentioned countries). MEDIA STRATEGY The challenge for the Countdown campaign was to outperform competitor product launches despite lagging behind competitors’ media spending. 20-second and 15-second TV spots were used as the base medium to quickly build high product awareness. Double and single page print ads, some with sachets to encourage a trial use, were published in parallel as a reminder and in order to achieve a more targeted approach. Results - NIVEA Visage Pure Energy is the most successful product launch in the face care category in the key European markets Germany and France, as well as in Austria. Source: ACNielsen, 2003 - Important competitive single item market share was achieved already within the course of four months in the key European markets Germany and France, as well as in Austria and Hungary. In Germany NIVEA Visage Pure Energy reached a 1% market share almost twice as quickly as expected, while in France it more than doubled the targeted market share after only three months. In Austria and Hungary, NIVEA Visage Pure Energy also exceeded the target of 1% market share after just three months. Source: ACNielsen, 2003 - Germany: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy reaches 1,0% market share almost twice as quickly as expected - France: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy more than doubles the targeted market share after only 3 months; sensational impact of TV and print communication on sales performance - Austria: NIVEA Visage Pure Energy exceeds 1,0% market share after only 3 months - Hungary: After only 3 months NIVEA Visage Pure Energy exceeds 1,0% market share by far; TV and print communication brings remarkable growth









    广告公司: 腾迈 (德国 汉堡)




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