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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 这场运动成为全球媒体的轰动。这场运动像病毒一样传播开来,并导致了国内和国际媒体报道的冲击,总计超过 8.8 美元的国际媒体印象 (不包括 12月5日开始的电视购买)。那篇《广告周刊》的故事成为 2018年份该出版物上阅读最多的文章。 背景 情况 作为一家来自中美洲的经济型鞋类零售商,Payless 被时尚影响者指责为低质量和时尚落后的购物场所。它进出破产 2017年增加了这种耻辱。然而,Payless 在其产品组合中添加了各种时尚前卫鞋,并希望宣布该商店是购买高品质但价格实惠的高级时装的好地方。 简介 从感恩节到假日季节,消费者被大量的广告混乱轰炸。无薪假日广告过去已经迷失了方向。今年,我们希望以一种在这种极其混乱的媒体环境中突破的方式为 payless 的假日和冬季鞋做广告。 目标 提高假日期间对无薪的认识 传达 payless 新鞋组合的物有所值主张 创建社交媒体嗡嗡声 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 我们在洛杉矶开了一家假冒奢侈品商店,称之为 Palessi,并在里面装满了 1800年 % 的无薪鞋。然后,我们邀请时尚达人影响者参加独家发布部分,并向他们询问有关品牌的问题,计划将他们的回答作为最终成为广告的镜头。 社会文化洞察力推动了这场运动。我们有三个社会文化假设被证明是正确的,并产生了显著的媒体报道。 1.品牌线索的最高影响力。品牌暗示改变了对产品价值的看法,但没有人曾经将价格非理性测试到这个极端。我们假设即使是专家也可以影响支付超过 1800% 的价格。 2.影响者作为文化闪点。我们假设公众对影响者文化的兴趣正在接近一个临界点: 主流消费者越来越多地被影响者包围,试图理解这一点,但没有重大影响 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 目标受众。 消费者目标包括务实、主流、注重预算的购物者,他们对最新时尚有着共同的品味,但也有一种不废话的精神。影响者目标由专业影响者组成。我们认识到,有影响力的人会倾向于分享一个取笑自己职业的故事。 媒体规划/创建和分配资产。 我们创建了各种视频,讲述了事件的故事。虽然我们在两个电视广告数字上推出了资产,但我们也对媒体进行了广泛的推广。 方法 当我们采访无支付购物者时,我们发现了对精英影响者的强烈反对情绪。正如一位消费者所说,“影响者代表了当今美国所有的错误。” 我们假设公众对影响者文化的兴趣正在接近一个临界点: 主流消费者越来越多地被影响者包围,试图理解这一点,然而还没有主要影响者的新闻故事出现。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 影响者事件 10/28-我们为 Palessi 举办了一个开幕派对。典型的影响者事件,我们通过社交媒体招募,并使用视频捕捉关于产品质量和品牌 “态度” 的证明。不同的是,这个事件是 “假的”,鞋子来自无薪。我们制作了影响者支持鞋子的视频。 影响者酒吧 11/21-我们遵循了将故事播种给我们正在取笑的群体的不同寻常的策略: 时尚影响者。通过挑衅性的新闻稿,我们瞄准了影响者的交易,鼓励他们将故事发布到他们的社交渠道,以便影响者可以轻松分享。《广告周刊》的帖子 2018年成了它最受欢迎的故事。 赢得的媒体放置和比例 11/28-避免 “付费播放”,我们使用了挣得的媒体方法,向大众市场新闻媒体、电视节目、时尚出版物和社交网站播种影响者视频证明 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 对话蔓延到全球流行文化中: 88亿全球获得的媒体印象总数 (不包括 12月5日开始的电视/数字购买) 遍布全球 49 多个国家 仅在美国就有 1,641 多个广播节目 《早安美国》、《斯蒂芬 · 科拜尔晚间秀》、《史蒂夫 · 哈维秀》、《艾伦·德杰尼勒斯秀》、《真实与 MSNBC 》 福布斯: “辉煌的帕莱西特技” 《今日美国》: “天才营销” 《华盛顿邮报》: “世纪恶作剧” 马克西姆: “唐 · 德雷珀级出色的营销” 跨 F 15亿 + 印象Acebook & Twitter,通过时尚、金融、嘻哈甚至体育广泛传播。 Questlove: “冠军钓鱼” 吧椅体育: “鞠躬吧,无薪。这实际上让我想去无薪购物,因为他们对 “有影响力的人” 如此努力 23% 提高无辅助意识 品牌考虑增加 42% “品牌是更好的价值” 增加 46%


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? This campaign became a global earned media sensation. The campaign went viral and led to an onslaught of national and international media coverage totaling over 8.8 Billion total international earned media impressions (excluding TV buy which began Dec 5th). That Adweek story became the most read article on the publication in all of 2018. Background Situation As a budget shoe retailer from Middle America, Payless had been stigmatized by fashion influencers as a low-quality and fashion-backward place to shop. Its going in and out of bankruptcy in 2017 added to this stigma. However, Payless had added a variety of fashion-forward shoes to its portfolio, and wanted to announce that the store was a great place to shop for high quality yet affordable high fashions. The Brief From Thanksgiving through the Holiday Season, consumers are bombarded with tremendous amounts of advertising clutter. Payless’ holiday advertising has in the past gotten lost. This year, we want to advertise Payless’ Holiday and Winter shoes in a way that breaks through in this extremely cluttered media environment. Objectives Increase awareness of Payless during the holiday season Communicate value-for-money proposition of Payless’ new shoe portfolio Create social media buzz Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We opened a fake luxury store in LA, called it Palessi, and filled it with Payless shoes marked up by 1800%. We then invited fashionista influencers to an exclusive launch part and asked them question about the brand, planning to use their responses as footage in what ultimately became the commercial. Socio-cultural insights drove this campaign. We had three socio-cultural hypotheses that proved correct and generated significant media coverage. 1. The Supreme Influence of Brand Cues. Branding cues alter perceptions of a product’s value, but nobody had ever tested price irrationality to this extreme. We hypothesized that even experts can be influenced to pay price mark-ups of over 1800%. 2. Influencers as Cultural Flashpoint. We hypothesized that public interest in Influencer culture was approaching a tipping point: Mainstream consumers were increasingly surrounded by Influencers, trying to make sense of this, and yet no major Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Target Audience. The consumer target consisted of pragmatic, mainstream, budget-conscious shoppers who share a taste for the latest fashions but also a no-bullshit ethos. The influencer target consisted of professional Influencers. We recognized that influencers would have a propensity to share a story that made fun of their own profession. Media Planning/Creation and Distribution of Assets. We created various videos that told the story of the event. While we launched the asset on both TV ad Digital, we also conducted extensive outreach to media outlets. Approach As we interviewed Payless shoppers, we uncovered a backlash sentiment toward elite influencers. As one consumer put it, “Influencers represent all that is wrong in America today.” We hypothesized that public interest in Influencer culture was approaching a tipping point: Mainstream consumers were increasingly surrounded by Influencers, trying to make sense of this, and yet no major Influencer news story had emerged. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Influencer Event 10/28 - We hosted an opening party for Palessi. Typical of influencer events, we recruited through social media, and used video to capture testimonials about the quality of the products and the “attitude” of the brand. The difference was that the event was “fake,” and the shoes were from Payless. We created videos of influencers endorsing the shoes. Influencer Pubs 11/21 - We followed the unusual strategy of seeding the story to the group that we were making fun of: Fashion Influencers. With a provocative press release, we targeted influencer trades, encouraging them to post stories to their social channels so that influencers could easily share. Adweek’s posting became its most shared story of 2018. Earned Media Placement & Scale 11/28 - Avoiding ‘pay to play,’ we used an earned media approach, seeding influencer video testimonials to mass-market news outlets, TV shows, fashion publications, and social List the results (30% of vote) Conversation spilled into popular culture globally: 8.8 billion total global earned media impressions (excluding TV/digital buy which began Dec 5th) Spread globally to 49+ countries Featured in 1,641+ broadcast shows across the U.S. alone Feature segments in Good Morning America, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Steve Harvey Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Real and MSNBC Forbes: “Brilliant Palessi Stunt” USA Today: “Genius marketing” The Washington Post: “The Prank of the Century” Maxim: “Don Draper-Level Brilliant Marketing” 1.5 billion+ impressions across Facebook & Twitter, spreading broadly through fashion, finance, hip hop and even sports. Questlove: “Champion Trolling” Barstool Sports: “Take a freaking bow, Payless. It actually makes me want to go shopping at Payless because of how they dunked so hard on “influencers” 23% increase in Unaided Awareness 42% increase in Brand Consideration 46% increase in “Brand is Better Value”


    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 这场运动成为全球媒体的轰动。这场运动像病毒一样传播开来,并导致了国内和国际媒体报道的冲击,总计超过 8.8 美元的国际媒体印象 (不包括 12月5日开始的电视购买)。那篇《广告周刊》的故事成为 2018年份该出版物上阅读最多的文章。 背景 情况 作为一家来自中美洲的经济型鞋类零售商,Payless 被时尚影响者指责为低质量和时尚落后的购物场所。它进出破产 2017年增加了这种耻辱。然而,Payless 在其产品组合中添加了各种时尚前卫鞋,并希望宣布该商店是购买高品质但价格实惠的高级时装的好地方。 简介 从感恩节到假日季节,消费者被大量的广告混乱轰炸。无薪假日广告过去已经迷失了方向。今年,我们希望以一种在这种极其混乱的媒体环境中突破的方式为 payless 的假日和冬季鞋做广告。 目标 提高假日期间对无薪的认识 传达 payless 新鞋组合的物有所值主张 创建社交媒体嗡嗡声 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 我们在洛杉矶开了一家假冒奢侈品商店,称之为 Palessi,并在里面装满了 1800年 % 的无薪鞋。然后,我们邀请时尚达人影响者参加独家发布部分,并向他们询问有关品牌的问题,计划将他们的回答作为最终成为广告的镜头。 社会文化洞察力推动了这场运动。我们有三个社会文化假设被证明是正确的,并产生了显著的媒体报道。 1.品牌线索的最高影响力。品牌暗示改变了对产品价值的看法,但没有人曾经将价格非理性测试到这个极端。我们假设即使是专家也可以影响支付超过 1800% 的价格。 2.影响者作为文化闪点。我们假设公众对影响者文化的兴趣正在接近一个临界点: 主流消费者越来越多地被影响者包围,试图理解这一点,但没有重大影响 描述策略 (20% 的选票) 目标受众。 消费者目标包括务实、主流、注重预算的购物者,他们对最新时尚有着共同的品味,但也有一种不废话的精神。影响者目标由专业影响者组成。我们认识到,有影响力的人会倾向于分享一个取笑自己职业的故事。 媒体规划/创建和分配资产。 我们创建了各种视频,讲述了事件的故事。虽然我们在两个电视广告数字上推出了资产,但我们也对媒体进行了广泛的推广。 方法 当我们采访无支付购物者时,我们发现了对精英影响者的强烈反对情绪。正如一位消费者所说,“影响者代表了当今美国所有的错误。” 我们假设公众对影响者文化的兴趣正在接近一个临界点: 主流消费者越来越多地被影响者包围,试图理解这一点,然而还没有主要影响者的新闻故事出现。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 影响者事件 10/28-我们为 Palessi 举办了一个开幕派对。典型的影响者事件,我们通过社交媒体招募,并使用视频捕捉关于产品质量和品牌 “态度” 的证明。不同的是,这个事件是 “假的”,鞋子来自无薪。我们制作了影响者支持鞋子的视频。 影响者酒吧 11/21-我们遵循了将故事播种给我们正在取笑的群体的不同寻常的策略: 时尚影响者。通过挑衅性的新闻稿,我们瞄准了影响者的交易,鼓励他们将故事发布到他们的社交渠道,以便影响者可以轻松分享。《广告周刊》的帖子 2018年成了它最受欢迎的故事。 赢得的媒体放置和比例 11/28-避免 “付费播放”,我们使用了挣得的媒体方法,向大众市场新闻媒体、电视节目、时尚出版物和社交网站播种影响者视频证明 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 对话蔓延到全球流行文化中: 88亿全球获得的媒体印象总数 (不包括 12月5日开始的电视/数字购买) 遍布全球 49 多个国家 仅在美国就有 1,641 多个广播节目 《早安美国》、《斯蒂芬 · 科拜尔晚间秀》、《史蒂夫 · 哈维秀》、《艾伦·德杰尼勒斯秀》、《真实与 MSNBC 》 福布斯: “辉煌的帕莱西特技” 《今日美国》: “天才营销” 《华盛顿邮报》: “世纪恶作剧” 马克西姆: “唐 · 德雷珀级出色的营销” 跨 F 15亿 + 印象Acebook & Twitter,通过时尚、金融、嘻哈甚至体育广泛传播。 Questlove: “冠军钓鱼” 吧椅体育: “鞠躬吧,无薪。这实际上让我想去无薪购物,因为他们对 “有影响力的人” 如此努力 23% 提高无辅助意识 品牌考虑增加 42% “品牌是更好的价值” 增加 46%


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? This campaign became a global earned media sensation. The campaign went viral and led to an onslaught of national and international media coverage totaling over 8.8 Billion total international earned media impressions (excluding TV buy which began Dec 5th). That Adweek story became the most read article on the publication in all of 2018. Background Situation As a budget shoe retailer from Middle America, Payless had been stigmatized by fashion influencers as a low-quality and fashion-backward place to shop. Its going in and out of bankruptcy in 2017 added to this stigma. However, Payless had added a variety of fashion-forward shoes to its portfolio, and wanted to announce that the store was a great place to shop for high quality yet affordable high fashions. The Brief From Thanksgiving through the Holiday Season, consumers are bombarded with tremendous amounts of advertising clutter. Payless’ holiday advertising has in the past gotten lost. This year, we want to advertise Payless’ Holiday and Winter shoes in a way that breaks through in this extremely cluttered media environment. Objectives Increase awareness of Payless during the holiday season Communicate value-for-money proposition of Payless’ new shoe portfolio Create social media buzz Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) We opened a fake luxury store in LA, called it Palessi, and filled it with Payless shoes marked up by 1800%. We then invited fashionista influencers to an exclusive launch part and asked them question about the brand, planning to use their responses as footage in what ultimately became the commercial. Socio-cultural insights drove this campaign. We had three socio-cultural hypotheses that proved correct and generated significant media coverage. 1. The Supreme Influence of Brand Cues. Branding cues alter perceptions of a product’s value, but nobody had ever tested price irrationality to this extreme. We hypothesized that even experts can be influenced to pay price mark-ups of over 1800%. 2. Influencers as Cultural Flashpoint. We hypothesized that public interest in Influencer culture was approaching a tipping point: Mainstream consumers were increasingly surrounded by Influencers, trying to make sense of this, and yet no major Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Target Audience. The consumer target consisted of pragmatic, mainstream, budget-conscious shoppers who share a taste for the latest fashions but also a no-bullshit ethos. The influencer target consisted of professional Influencers. We recognized that influencers would have a propensity to share a story that made fun of their own profession. Media Planning/Creation and Distribution of Assets. We created various videos that told the story of the event. While we launched the asset on both TV ad Digital, we also conducted extensive outreach to media outlets. Approach As we interviewed Payless shoppers, we uncovered a backlash sentiment toward elite influencers. As one consumer put it, “Influencers represent all that is wrong in America today.” We hypothesized that public interest in Influencer culture was approaching a tipping point: Mainstream consumers were increasingly surrounded by Influencers, trying to make sense of this, and yet no major Influencer news story had emerged. Describe the execution (20% of vote) Influencer Event 10/28 - We hosted an opening party for Palessi. Typical of influencer events, we recruited through social media, and used video to capture testimonials about the quality of the products and the “attitude” of the brand. The difference was that the event was “fake,” and the shoes were from Payless. We created videos of influencers endorsing the shoes. Influencer Pubs 11/21 - We followed the unusual strategy of seeding the story to the group that we were making fun of: Fashion Influencers. With a provocative press release, we targeted influencer trades, encouraging them to post stories to their social channels so that influencers could easily share. Adweek’s posting became its most shared story of 2018. Earned Media Placement & Scale 11/28 - Avoiding ‘pay to play,’ we used an earned media approach, seeding influencer video testimonials to mass-market news outlets, TV shows, fashion publications, and social List the results (30% of vote) Conversation spilled into popular culture globally: 8.8 billion total global earned media impressions (excluding TV/digital buy which began Dec 5th) Spread globally to 49+ countries Featured in 1,641+ broadcast shows across the U.S. alone Feature segments in Good Morning America, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Steve Harvey Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Real and MSNBC Forbes: “Brilliant Palessi Stunt” USA Today: “Genius marketing” The Washington Post: “The Prank of the Century” Maxim: “Don Draper-Level Brilliant Marketing” 1.5 billion+ impressions across Facebook & Twitter, spreading broadly through fashion, finance, hip hop and even sports. Questlove: “Champion Trolling” Barstool Sports: “Take a freaking bow, Payless. It actually makes me want to go shopping at Payless because of how they dunked so hard on “influencers” 23% increase in Unaided Awareness 42% increase in Brand Consideration 46% increase in “Brand is Better Value”













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