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    The Payless Experiment_15短视频广告营销案例



    无报酬实验 _ 15

    案例简介:描述 广告公司 DCX Growth Accelerator 代表廉价鞋零售商 Payless 发起了一场运动,旨在大幅改变对品牌的看法。它记录了 Payless 如何创建了一家名为 “Palessi” 的假奢侈品商店, “里面装满了通常零售价在 19.99 美元到 39.99 美元之间的无薪鞋子,并设法以高达 640 美元的价格卖给了时尚达人。 该活动以英语和西班牙语的 30 分开始,然后是: 15 分和: 06 个景点,每个都有一个真实世界的时尚达人谈论 Palessi 鞋子的卓越质量,然后在得知鞋子实际上来自 Payless 时感到震惊。 “Payless 已经竭尽全力创造了一批时尚优质的鞋子,但对品牌的看法远远落后于这一点,” Payless 首席营销官萨拉 · 库奇解释道。“这项活动消除了巨大的差异,旨在提醒消费者,我们仍然是购买廉价时尚的合适场所。" 这些景点捕捉到时尚达人在相机上支付的鞋子价格不仅仅是少量的,而是 1,800% 的。当他们得知鞋子来自 Payless 时,他们的脸不仅会感到惊讶,还会感到震惊。这场运动很有趣,部分原因是 Palessi 品牌彻底说服了时尚人士,鞋子是值得他们巨大价格标签的奢侈品,部分原因是他们得知这一点有多震惊这是 Payless。 价值数百万美元的整合营销活动现在正在 YouTube 、 Facebook 、 Instagram 和北美有线电视网络上播出,包括 BET 、 Bravo 、 ION 、 life 、 MTV 、 TBS, telemundo 和美国,并将继续运行整个假期。 DCX 增长加速器首席创意官道格 · 卡梅伦补充道: “我们想把社会实验流派推向新的极端,同时用它来发表文化声明。”。“Payless 客户都有一个务实的观点,我们认为用这种意识形态来挑战当今注重形象的时尚影响者文化是一种挑衅。“Gotcha” 类型对 Payless 特别有效,因为有影响力的人如何看待鞋子和他们如何看待 Payless 品牌之间存在差异。"

    无报酬实验 _ 15

    案例简介:DESCRIPTION Advertising agency DCX Growth Accelerator has created a campaign on behalf of budget shoe retailer Payless that aims to dramatically change perceptions of the brand. It documents how Payless created a fake luxury store named “Palessi,” filled it with Payless shoes that normally retail between $19.99 and $39.99 and managed to sell these shoes to fashionistas for prices up to $640. The campaign launches with a :30 spot in English and Spanish followed by :15 and :06 spots each featuring a real-world fashionista speaking about the superior quality of Palessi shoes and then registering shock upon learning that the shoes are in fact from Payless. “Payless has gone to great lengths to create a portfolio of fashionable and high-quality shoes, but perceptions of the brand lag far behind this,” explains Sara Couch, CMO, Payless. “The campaign plays off the enormous discrepancy and aims to remind consumers we are still a relevant place to shop for affordable fashion.” The spots capture fashionistas on camera paying for shoes marked up by not just a small amount but by 1,800%. When they learn that the shoes are from Payless, their faces register not just surprise but shock. The campaign is entertaining in part because of how thoroughly the Palessi branding persuades the fashionistas that the shoes are luxury items worth their enormous price tags and in part because of just how shocked they are to learn that it’s Payless. The multimillion-dollar integrated marketing campaign is airing now on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and North American cable networks including BET, Bravo, ION, Lifetime, MTV, TBS, Telemundo and USA and will continue to run throughout the holiday season. “We wanted to push the social experiment genre to new extremes while simultaneously using it to make a cultural statement,” added Doug Cameron, chief creative officer of DCX Growth Accelerator. “Payless customers share a pragmatic point of view, and we thought it would be provocative to use this ideology to challenge today’s image-conscious fashion influencer culture. The ‘gotcha’ genre works particularly well for Payless because there is a discrepancy between how the influencers see the shoes and how they see the Payless brand.”

    The Payless Experiment_15

    案例简介:描述 广告公司 DCX Growth Accelerator 代表廉价鞋零售商 Payless 发起了一场运动,旨在大幅改变对品牌的看法。它记录了 Payless 如何创建了一家名为 “Palessi” 的假奢侈品商店, “里面装满了通常零售价在 19.99 美元到 39.99 美元之间的无薪鞋子,并设法以高达 640 美元的价格卖给了时尚达人。 该活动以英语和西班牙语的 30 分开始,然后是: 15 分和: 06 个景点,每个都有一个真实世界的时尚达人谈论 Palessi 鞋子的卓越质量,然后在得知鞋子实际上来自 Payless 时感到震惊。 “Payless 已经竭尽全力创造了一批时尚优质的鞋子,但对品牌的看法远远落后于这一点,” Payless 首席营销官萨拉 · 库奇解释道。“这项活动消除了巨大的差异,旨在提醒消费者,我们仍然是购买廉价时尚的合适场所。" 这些景点捕捉到时尚达人在相机上支付的鞋子价格不仅仅是少量的,而是 1,800% 的。当他们得知鞋子来自 Payless 时,他们的脸不仅会感到惊讶,还会感到震惊。这场运动很有趣,部分原因是 Palessi 品牌彻底说服了时尚人士,鞋子是值得他们巨大价格标签的奢侈品,部分原因是他们得知这一点有多震惊这是 Payless。 价值数百万美元的整合营销活动现在正在 YouTube 、 Facebook 、 Instagram 和北美有线电视网络上播出,包括 BET 、 Bravo 、 ION 、 life 、 MTV 、 TBS, telemundo 和美国,并将继续运行整个假期。 DCX 增长加速器首席创意官道格 · 卡梅伦补充道: “我们想把社会实验流派推向新的极端,同时用它来发表文化声明。”。“Payless 客户都有一个务实的观点,我们认为用这种意识形态来挑战当今注重形象的时尚影响者文化是一种挑衅。“Gotcha” 类型对 Payless 特别有效,因为有影响力的人如何看待鞋子和他们如何看待 Payless 品牌之间存在差异。"

    The Payless Experiment_15

    案例简介:DESCRIPTION Advertising agency DCX Growth Accelerator has created a campaign on behalf of budget shoe retailer Payless that aims to dramatically change perceptions of the brand. It documents how Payless created a fake luxury store named “Palessi,” filled it with Payless shoes that normally retail between $19.99 and $39.99 and managed to sell these shoes to fashionistas for prices up to $640. The campaign launches with a :30 spot in English and Spanish followed by :15 and :06 spots each featuring a real-world fashionista speaking about the superior quality of Palessi shoes and then registering shock upon learning that the shoes are in fact from Payless. “Payless has gone to great lengths to create a portfolio of fashionable and high-quality shoes, but perceptions of the brand lag far behind this,” explains Sara Couch, CMO, Payless. “The campaign plays off the enormous discrepancy and aims to remind consumers we are still a relevant place to shop for affordable fashion.” The spots capture fashionistas on camera paying for shoes marked up by not just a small amount but by 1,800%. When they learn that the shoes are from Payless, their faces register not just surprise but shock. The campaign is entertaining in part because of how thoroughly the Palessi branding persuades the fashionistas that the shoes are luxury items worth their enormous price tags and in part because of just how shocked they are to learn that it’s Payless. The multimillion-dollar integrated marketing campaign is airing now on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and North American cable networks including BET, Bravo, ION, Lifetime, MTV, TBS, Telemundo and USA and will continue to run throughout the holiday season. “We wanted to push the social experiment genre to new extremes while simultaneously using it to make a cultural statement,” added Doug Cameron, chief creative officer of DCX Growth Accelerator. “Payless customers share a pragmatic point of view, and we thought it would be provocative to use this ideology to challenge today’s image-conscious fashion influencer culture. The ‘gotcha’ genre works particularly well for Payless because there is a discrepancy between how the influencers see the shoes and how they see the Payless brand.”

    无报酬实验 _ 15


    The Payless Experiment_15










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