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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 作为哥伦比亚的主要啤酒品牌,阿吉拉不仅说了些什么,还做了些什么。它在所有广告中都使用了法律免责声明 (在许多国家/地区都是强制性的),并将其转变为一种吸引受虐待妇女的方式,并鼓励她们开放发言。 这是以一种新的方式体验品牌。 背景 根据哥伦比亚卫生和社会保护部最近进行的研究,12.2% 的哥伦比亚人有酗酒的风险,但男性的过度消费30% 更高。有科学证据表明,过量饮酒不仅对身体和精神卫生有害,而且还涉及与安全,公共生活和家庭环境有关的问题。 这就是为什么妇女成为哥伦比亚受影响最大的群体的原因,因为针对她们的大多数暴力行为是在醉酒状态下的男人犯下的。 阿吉拉 (AGUILA) 是哥伦比亚最大的啤酒品牌 (也是该国最有价值的啤酒品牌之一),需要对此有所作为。 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们将所有广告中的法律免责声明替换为被醉酒男人虐待的女性的声音。然后,我们还创建了一个网站,让更多的女性可以开放发言。 描述策略 (投票20%) 哥伦比亚有一项法律警告饮酒的潜在危险。每个带有酒精饮料的广告都必须有免责声明: “过量饮酒对您的健康有害。” 在国际妇女节,哥伦比亚最有价值的啤酒品牌Cerveza Aguila决定发表有力的声明,反对性别暴力。3月期间在广播和电视上播出的所有广告中包含的免责声明都是由性别暴力的真正受害者宣读的,他们也讲述了他们的故事。 描述执行 (投票30%) 我们记录了几名被醉酒男子虐待的妇女的证词。然后,我们用这些故事代替了我们的法律免责声明。我们在所有电视和广播广告中运行200法律免责声明。他们在4个主要的国家电视频道,10个主要的广播电台和我们自己的社交网络中运行。 列出结果 (投票30%) -17毫米的人在不同的媒体上看到和听到我们的广告。 -超过6毫米的印象。 -3毫米获得的媒体。 -哥伦比亚国际妇女节中提到最多的运动。 -名人谈论了这场运动。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? As the main beer brand in Colombia, AGUILA not only said something but DID something. It used the legal disclaimers (a mandatory thing in many countries) in all of their ads, and turned them into a way of engage abused women, and to encourage them to open up to speak. THIS IS EXPERIENCING THE BRAND IN A NEW WAY. Background According to recent studies conducted by the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection, 12.2% of Colombian people are at risk of alcoholism, but excessive consumption is 30% higher in males. There is scientific evidence that the excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful not only for physical and mental health – it also carries issues related to safety, communal living, and family environments. That’s why women have become the most affected group in Colombia, as most of the violence committed against them is committed by men in a drunken state. AGUILA, the biggest beer brand in Colombia (and one of the most valuable of the country) needed to do something about it. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We replaced the legal disclaimers in all of our ads, with the voices of women that were abused by drunken men. Then we also created a website where more women could open up to speak. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) There is a law in Colombia that warns of the potential dangers of alcohol consumption. Every advertisement that features an alcoholic drink must have the disclaimer: “Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health.” On International Women’s Day, Cerveza Aguila, the most valued beer brand in Colombia, decided to deliver a forceful statement against gender violence. The disclaimer included in all of its ads aired both on radio and TV during March were read out by real victims of gender violence who also told their stories. Describe the execution (30% of vote) We recorded the testimonies of several women that were abused by drunk men. Then we replaced our legal disclaimers with these stories. We run 200 legal disclaimers within all of our TV and Radio Ads. They ran in the 4 main National TV Channels, in the 10 main radio Stations and in our own social networks. List the results (30% of vote) - 17 MM people saw and heard our ads across different media. - More than 6 MM impressions. - 3 MM earned media. - The most mentioned campaign in the International Woman's Day in Colombia. - Celebrities talked about the campaign.

    Abuse Disclaimers

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与品牌体验和激活相关? 作为哥伦比亚的主要啤酒品牌,阿吉拉不仅说了些什么,还做了些什么。它在所有广告中都使用了法律免责声明 (在许多国家/地区都是强制性的),并将其转变为一种吸引受虐待妇女的方式,并鼓励她们开放发言。 这是以一种新的方式体验品牌。 背景 根据哥伦比亚卫生和社会保护部最近进行的研究,12.2% 的哥伦比亚人有酗酒的风险,但男性的过度消费30% 更高。有科学证据表明,过量饮酒不仅对身体和精神卫生有害,而且还涉及与安全,公共生活和家庭环境有关的问题。 这就是为什么妇女成为哥伦比亚受影响最大的群体的原因,因为针对她们的大多数暴力行为是在醉酒状态下的男人犯下的。 阿吉拉 (AGUILA) 是哥伦比亚最大的啤酒品牌 (也是该国最有价值的啤酒品牌之一),需要对此有所作为。 描述创意 (投票20%) 我们将所有广告中的法律免责声明替换为被醉酒男人虐待的女性的声音。然后,我们还创建了一个网站,让更多的女性可以开放发言。 描述策略 (投票20%) 哥伦比亚有一项法律警告饮酒的潜在危险。每个带有酒精饮料的广告都必须有免责声明: “过量饮酒对您的健康有害。” 在国际妇女节,哥伦比亚最有价值的啤酒品牌Cerveza Aguila决定发表有力的声明,反对性别暴力。3月期间在广播和电视上播出的所有广告中包含的免责声明都是由性别暴力的真正受害者宣读的,他们也讲述了他们的故事。 描述执行 (投票30%) 我们记录了几名被醉酒男子虐待的妇女的证词。然后,我们用这些故事代替了我们的法律免责声明。我们在所有电视和广播广告中运行200法律免责声明。他们在4个主要的国家电视频道,10个主要的广播电台和我们自己的社交网络中运行。 列出结果 (投票30%) -17毫米的人在不同的媒体上看到和听到我们的广告。 -超过6毫米的印象。 -3毫米获得的媒体。 -哥伦比亚国际妇女节中提到最多的运动。 -名人谈论了这场运动。

    Abuse Disclaimers

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation? As the main beer brand in Colombia, AGUILA not only said something but DID something. It used the legal disclaimers (a mandatory thing in many countries) in all of their ads, and turned them into a way of engage abused women, and to encourage them to open up to speak. THIS IS EXPERIENCING THE BRAND IN A NEW WAY. Background According to recent studies conducted by the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection, 12.2% of Colombian people are at risk of alcoholism, but excessive consumption is 30% higher in males. There is scientific evidence that the excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful not only for physical and mental health – it also carries issues related to safety, communal living, and family environments. That’s why women have become the most affected group in Colombia, as most of the violence committed against them is committed by men in a drunken state. AGUILA, the biggest beer brand in Colombia (and one of the most valuable of the country) needed to do something about it. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) We replaced the legal disclaimers in all of our ads, with the voices of women that were abused by drunken men. Then we also created a website where more women could open up to speak. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) There is a law in Colombia that warns of the potential dangers of alcohol consumption. Every advertisement that features an alcoholic drink must have the disclaimer: “Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health.” On International Women’s Day, Cerveza Aguila, the most valued beer brand in Colombia, decided to deliver a forceful statement against gender violence. The disclaimer included in all of its ads aired both on radio and TV during March were read out by real victims of gender violence who also told their stories. Describe the execution (30% of vote) We recorded the testimonies of several women that were abused by drunk men. Then we replaced our legal disclaimers with these stories. We run 200 legal disclaimers within all of our TV and Radio Ads. They ran in the 4 main National TV Channels, in the 10 main radio Stations and in our own social networks. List the results (30% of vote) - 17 MM people saw and heard our ads across different media. - More than 6 MM impressions. - 3 MM earned media. - The most mentioned campaign in the International Woman's Day in Colombia. - Celebrities talked about the campaign.



    Abuse Disclaimers










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