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    MY LINE Powered By Google短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 在过去几年里,哥伦比亚政府通过通信和技术部实现了该国历史上最大的互联网普及率。 不管已经做了多少努力,不同地区的许多人由于地理位置偏远,仍然无法上网或使用智能手机。 我们如何让所有这些人更接近他们丢失的所有信息? 解决方案 2018年4月10日 -- 谷歌推出我的产品线。 我的想法是,永远生活在每个没有互联网接入的哥伦比亚人的生活和生活中。 相关性 由于地理位置偏远,哥伦比亚不同地区的许多人仍然无法上网或使用智能手机。 这个条目与创新相关,因为我们通过谷歌供电的我的线路将所有这些人丢失的信息直接带到他们手中,这是一种传统的电话座机,人们可以随时拨打, 地点或设备。他们唯一需要做的就是打电话给 6000913,问他们想问什么。几秒钟后,我们处理这个问题,我的线路通过电话回复来电者。 结果 历史上第一次,这个国家 99.3% 的人口可以访问谷歌系统中的信息。 执行 我的线路给任何能使用标准电话线的人带来了谷歌助手的力量。这种包容性的技术使得没有智能手机或电脑的人可以使用人工智能搜索。 在拨打一个普通的本地电话号码后,来电者可以向 Google Assistant 询问这个问题。只需一两秒钟,我们就可以在定制软件中处理这个问题,并在云中与谷歌系统连接。我的线路收到回复,并通过电话回复给来电者。 活动描述 由于地理位置偏远,哥伦比亚不同地区的许多人仍然无法上网或使用智能手机。 这就是为什么我们创建了我的由谷歌供电的线路,这是一种传统的电话座机,无论是在什么时候,还是在什么设备上,人们都可以打电话。他们唯一需要做的就是打电话给 6000913,问他们想问什么。 我的线路给任何能使用标准电话线的人带来了谷歌助手的力量。这种包容性的技术使得没有智能手机或电脑的人可以使用人工智能搜索。 在拨打一个普通的本地电话号码后,来电者可以向 Google Assistant 询问这个问题。只需一两秒钟,我们就可以在定制软件中处理这个问题,并在云中与谷歌系统连接。我的线路收到回复,并通过电话回复给来电者。


    案例简介:Synopsis In the last years, the Government of Colombia, through the Ministry Of Communication and Technology, achieved the largest penetration of Internet in the history of the country. Regardless of all the efforts that have been made, many people in different regions are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location. How can we get all those people closer to all the information they’re missing? Solution 10 april 2018 - Launch of My Line powered by Google. the idea with My Line is that live forever in the life and hand of every colombian that doesn't have access to internet. Relevancy Many people in different regions in Colombia are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location. This entry is relevant for INNOVATION because we brought the information all those people are missing directly to their hands through MY LINE Powered By Google, a traditional telephone landline people can call no matter the moment, the place or the device. The only thing they need to do is to call 6000913 and ask whatever they want to. In seconds, we process the question and My Line speaks it back to the caller by phone. Outcome For the first time in history, 99.3% of the population of the country have access to the information available in the Google Systems. Execution My Line brings the power of Google Assistant to anyone with access to a standard phone line. This inclusive technology makes search in artificial intelligence available to people without a smartphone or a computer. After placing a call to a regular local telephone number, the caller can ask to Google Assistant the question. In just a second or two, we process the question in a custom software and connect with Google Systems in the cloud. My line receives the response and speaks it back to the caller by phone. Campaign Description Many people in different regions of Colombia are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location. That's why we created MY LINE Powered By Google, a traditional telephone landline people can call no matter the moment or the device. The only thing they need to do is to call 6000913 and ask whatever they want to. My Line brings the power of Google Assistant to anyone with access to a standard phone line. This inclusive technology makes search in artificial intelligence available to people without a smartphone or a computer. After placing a call to a regular local telephone number, the caller can ask to Google Assistant the question. In just a second or two, we process the question in a custom software and connect with Google Systems in the cloud. My line receives the response and speaks it back to the caller by phone.

    MY LINE Powered By Google

    案例简介:概要 在过去几年里,哥伦比亚政府通过通信和技术部实现了该国历史上最大的互联网普及率。 不管已经做了多少努力,不同地区的许多人由于地理位置偏远,仍然无法上网或使用智能手机。 我们如何让所有这些人更接近他们丢失的所有信息? 解决方案 2018年4月10日 -- 谷歌推出我的产品线。 我的想法是,永远生活在每个没有互联网接入的哥伦比亚人的生活和生活中。 相关性 由于地理位置偏远,哥伦比亚不同地区的许多人仍然无法上网或使用智能手机。 这个条目与创新相关,因为我们通过谷歌供电的我的线路将所有这些人丢失的信息直接带到他们手中,这是一种传统的电话座机,人们可以随时拨打, 地点或设备。他们唯一需要做的就是打电话给 6000913,问他们想问什么。几秒钟后,我们处理这个问题,我的线路通过电话回复来电者。 结果 历史上第一次,这个国家 99.3% 的人口可以访问谷歌系统中的信息。 执行 我的线路给任何能使用标准电话线的人带来了谷歌助手的力量。这种包容性的技术使得没有智能手机或电脑的人可以使用人工智能搜索。 在拨打一个普通的本地电话号码后,来电者可以向 Google Assistant 询问这个问题。只需一两秒钟,我们就可以在定制软件中处理这个问题,并在云中与谷歌系统连接。我的线路收到回复,并通过电话回复给来电者。 活动描述 由于地理位置偏远,哥伦比亚不同地区的许多人仍然无法上网或使用智能手机。 这就是为什么我们创建了我的由谷歌供电的线路,这是一种传统的电话座机,无论是在什么时候,还是在什么设备上,人们都可以打电话。他们唯一需要做的就是打电话给 6000913,问他们想问什么。 我的线路给任何能使用标准电话线的人带来了谷歌助手的力量。这种包容性的技术使得没有智能手机或电脑的人可以使用人工智能搜索。 在拨打一个普通的本地电话号码后,来电者可以向 Google Assistant 询问这个问题。只需一两秒钟,我们就可以在定制软件中处理这个问题,并在云中与谷歌系统连接。我的线路收到回复,并通过电话回复给来电者。

    MY LINE Powered By Google

    案例简介:Synopsis In the last years, the Government of Colombia, through the Ministry Of Communication and Technology, achieved the largest penetration of Internet in the history of the country. Regardless of all the efforts that have been made, many people in different regions are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location. How can we get all those people closer to all the information they’re missing? Solution 10 april 2018 - Launch of My Line powered by Google. the idea with My Line is that live forever in the life and hand of every colombian that doesn't have access to internet. Relevancy Many people in different regions in Colombia are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location. This entry is relevant for INNOVATION because we brought the information all those people are missing directly to their hands through MY LINE Powered By Google, a traditional telephone landline people can call no matter the moment, the place or the device. The only thing they need to do is to call 6000913 and ask whatever they want to. In seconds, we process the question and My Line speaks it back to the caller by phone. Outcome For the first time in history, 99.3% of the population of the country have access to the information available in the Google Systems. Execution My Line brings the power of Google Assistant to anyone with access to a standard phone line. This inclusive technology makes search in artificial intelligence available to people without a smartphone or a computer. After placing a call to a regular local telephone number, the caller can ask to Google Assistant the question. In just a second or two, we process the question in a custom software and connect with Google Systems in the cloud. My line receives the response and speaks it back to the caller by phone. Campaign Description Many people in different regions of Colombia are still having no access to Internet or Smartphones, due their remote geographical location. That's why we created MY LINE Powered By Google, a traditional telephone landline people can call no matter the moment or the device. The only thing they need to do is to call 6000913 and ask whatever they want to. My Line brings the power of Google Assistant to anyone with access to a standard phone line. This inclusive technology makes search in artificial intelligence available to people without a smartphone or a computer. After placing a call to a regular local telephone number, the caller can ask to Google Assistant the question. In just a second or two, we process the question in a custom software and connect with Google Systems in the cloud. My line receives the response and speaks it back to the caller by phone.



    MY LINE Powered By Google





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