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    The Very Good Wishes短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 毫无疑问,圣诞节是分享的季节。但多年来,这也成为了莫里斯 · 莱维愿望的季节: 阳狮集团首席执行官现在备受期待的数字问候。所以,今年,为了让圣诞节对集团的 60,000 名员工更加迷人,我们决定通过创建具有慈善目的的第一个季节性企业信息来合并这两个元素。非常好的祝愿! 为了许愿基金会的利益,我们把莫里斯 · 莱维的办公室变成了一个有趣的爪子游戏。任务很简单: 拿起一样多在视频中尽可能的帮助莱维先生为许愿孩子包装礼物。当他们玩游戏的时候,人们很快发现,除了其他惊喜之外,他们可以抓住办公室里的一切…… 包括莱维先生! 客户简报或目标 在经济危机时期,一个拥有 60,000 名员工的群体面临的主要挑战是保持团结。通过在今年的《莫里斯 · 莱维的愿望》中注入慈善的一面,我们不仅提醒了世界各地真正的圣诞精神, 但也团结演讲的观众与莱维先生的信息: “当我们在一起时,我们做好事。” 有效性 在不到 10 天的时间里,结果超过了设定的目标,并在许多方面超过了往年的结果:-总共 1,619,300 次互动: 在社交媒体上分享视频超过 5000 倍, + 1760 次在推特上提及 # the verygoodwish,+ 12k 通过 @ PublicisGroupe 产生的印象,所有这些都在一天之内! -03:46 分钟的平均体验时间(2 分钟的视频)-超过 30k 的莫里斯 · 莱维的物品被捕捉。 -法国、英国、美国、德国、意大利、瑞士、比利时、西班牙、南美、希腊、亚洲和澳大利亚的全球媒体报道 (+ 350 剪报)。最重要的是,总共捐赠了 50k € 给许愿基金会! 执行 Maurice l é vy 每年都会通过一个创新的 Youtube 视频向集团员工致以季节性的问候。今年,员工被邀请将他们的手机与桌面同步,以控制一款 funfair 爪游戏,在莱维先生的办公室抓起毛茸茸的狮子。为了传播这个消息,我们邀请员工分享他们在社交媒体上捕捉到的礼物。由于毛茸茸的狮子对孩子们很好,但不一定是病毒,我们把凉爽的东西藏在 m.L.É vy 办公室: 当他们分享经验时,人们透露他有一个火锅套装, 在他的办公室里还有一本 “傻瓜英语” 的书! 相关性 在这个关键的经济时期,我们最大的公关挑战是激发员工对阳狮集团的乐观和兴奋。我们需要让员工参与一个比他们日常任务更有目标的项目,以展示当每个人都卷起袖子时,团队可以实现的伟大成就。 战略 多年来,莫里斯 · 利维 (Maurice Levy) 的季节性问候已经成为首席执行官和员工在圣诞节期间的重要联系方式。像任何彬彬有礼的人一样,莫里斯 · 利维从不迟到,所以我们在圣诞节前 3 周通过内部电子邮件发布了视频, 只是为了确保员工在休假前能看到愿望。


    案例简介:Campaign Description Christmas is, unequivocally, the season for sharing. But over the years it also has become the season for Maurice Lévy’s wishes: the now highly anticipated digital greetings of Publicis Groupe’s CEO.So, this year, to make Christmas even more enchanting for the 60,000 employees of the group, we decided to merge these two elements by creating the first seasonal corporate message with a charitable purpose.THE VERY GOOD WISHES!We turned Maurice Lévy’s office into a funfair claw game for the benefit of the Make a Wish Foundation.The task was simple: pick up as many objects as possible during the time of the video to help Mr Lévy wrap up presents for the Make A Wish kids.As they played the game, people soon discovered that, among other surprises, they could grab everything in the office… including Mr Lévy! Client Brief Or Objective In times of economic crisis, the main challenge for a group with 60,000 employees is to keep it together. By injecting a charitable aspect into this year’s edition of Maurice Lévy’s wishes, we not only gave a reminder about true Christmas spirit around the world, but also united the speech’s viewers with Mr Lévy’s message: “When we are together, we do good.” Effectiveness In under 10 days, the results surpassed set objectives and beat previous years’ results in many regards:- 1,619,300 interactions in total: over 5000 times shares of the video on social media, +1760 mentions of #theverygoodwishes on Twitter, +12k impressions generated via @PublicisGroupe, all in one day!- 03:46 minutes average time spent on the experience (a 2 minute video) - Over 30k of Maurice Lévy’s objects caught.- Worldwide media coverage in France, UK, USA, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, South-America, Greece, Asia and Australia (+ 350 clippings).And above all, a total of 50k€ donated to the Make A Wish Foundation! Execution Every year, Maurice Lévy addresses his seasonal greetings to the group’s employees through an innovative Youtube video. This year, employees were invited to synchronise their mobiles with their desktops to control a funfair claw game to grab furry lions in Mr Lévy’s office.To spread the word, we invited employees to share the presents they had caught on social media. Since furry lions are nice for the kids but not necessarily viral, we hid cooler items in M.Lévy office: as they shared the experience, people revealed that he had a fondue-set, and an “English for dummies” book in his office! Relevancy Our biggest PR challenge with this digital greeting was to inspire employees with optimism and excitement about Publicis Groupe in a critical economic period. We needed to engage the employees in a project with a higher purpose than their regular day-to-day tasks to show the great things the group can achieve when everyone rolls up their sleeves. Strategy Over the years, Maurice Levy’s seasonal greeting has become an important rendez-vous between the CEO and his employees at Christmas time. Like any well-mannered person, Maurice Levy is never late to meetings, so we launched the video via internal email 3 weeks before Christmas, just to make sure that the employees could watch the wishes before heading off on holiday.

    The Very Good Wishes

    案例简介:活动描述 毫无疑问,圣诞节是分享的季节。但多年来,这也成为了莫里斯 · 莱维愿望的季节: 阳狮集团首席执行官现在备受期待的数字问候。所以,今年,为了让圣诞节对集团的 60,000 名员工更加迷人,我们决定通过创建具有慈善目的的第一个季节性企业信息来合并这两个元素。非常好的祝愿! 为了许愿基金会的利益,我们把莫里斯 · 莱维的办公室变成了一个有趣的爪子游戏。任务很简单: 拿起一样多在视频中尽可能的帮助莱维先生为许愿孩子包装礼物。当他们玩游戏的时候,人们很快发现,除了其他惊喜之外,他们可以抓住办公室里的一切…… 包括莱维先生! 客户简报或目标 在经济危机时期,一个拥有 60,000 名员工的群体面临的主要挑战是保持团结。通过在今年的《莫里斯 · 莱维的愿望》中注入慈善的一面,我们不仅提醒了世界各地真正的圣诞精神, 但也团结演讲的观众与莱维先生的信息: “当我们在一起时,我们做好事。” 有效性 在不到 10 天的时间里,结果超过了设定的目标,并在许多方面超过了往年的结果:-总共 1,619,300 次互动: 在社交媒体上分享视频超过 5000 倍, + 1760 次在推特上提及 # the verygoodwish,+ 12k 通过 @ PublicisGroupe 产生的印象,所有这些都在一天之内! -03:46 分钟的平均体验时间(2 分钟的视频)-超过 30k 的莫里斯 · 莱维的物品被捕捉。 -法国、英国、美国、德国、意大利、瑞士、比利时、西班牙、南美、希腊、亚洲和澳大利亚的全球媒体报道 (+ 350 剪报)。最重要的是,总共捐赠了 50k € 给许愿基金会! 执行 Maurice l é vy 每年都会通过一个创新的 Youtube 视频向集团员工致以季节性的问候。今年,员工被邀请将他们的手机与桌面同步,以控制一款 funfair 爪游戏,在莱维先生的办公室抓起毛茸茸的狮子。为了传播这个消息,我们邀请员工分享他们在社交媒体上捕捉到的礼物。由于毛茸茸的狮子对孩子们很好,但不一定是病毒,我们把凉爽的东西藏在 m.L.É vy 办公室: 当他们分享经验时,人们透露他有一个火锅套装, 在他的办公室里还有一本 “傻瓜英语” 的书! 相关性 在这个关键的经济时期,我们最大的公关挑战是激发员工对阳狮集团的乐观和兴奋。我们需要让员工参与一个比他们日常任务更有目标的项目,以展示当每个人都卷起袖子时,团队可以实现的伟大成就。 战略 多年来,莫里斯 · 利维 (Maurice Levy) 的季节性问候已经成为首席执行官和员工在圣诞节期间的重要联系方式。像任何彬彬有礼的人一样,莫里斯 · 利维从不迟到,所以我们在圣诞节前 3 周通过内部电子邮件发布了视频, 只是为了确保员工在休假前能看到愿望。

    The Very Good Wishes

    案例简介:Campaign Description Christmas is, unequivocally, the season for sharing. But over the years it also has become the season for Maurice Lévy’s wishes: the now highly anticipated digital greetings of Publicis Groupe’s CEO.So, this year, to make Christmas even more enchanting for the 60,000 employees of the group, we decided to merge these two elements by creating the first seasonal corporate message with a charitable purpose.THE VERY GOOD WISHES!We turned Maurice Lévy’s office into a funfair claw game for the benefit of the Make a Wish Foundation.The task was simple: pick up as many objects as possible during the time of the video to help Mr Lévy wrap up presents for the Make A Wish kids.As they played the game, people soon discovered that, among other surprises, they could grab everything in the office… including Mr Lévy! Client Brief Or Objective In times of economic crisis, the main challenge for a group with 60,000 employees is to keep it together. By injecting a charitable aspect into this year’s edition of Maurice Lévy’s wishes, we not only gave a reminder about true Christmas spirit around the world, but also united the speech’s viewers with Mr Lévy’s message: “When we are together, we do good.” Effectiveness In under 10 days, the results surpassed set objectives and beat previous years’ results in many regards:- 1,619,300 interactions in total: over 5000 times shares of the video on social media, +1760 mentions of #theverygoodwishes on Twitter, +12k impressions generated via @PublicisGroupe, all in one day!- 03:46 minutes average time spent on the experience (a 2 minute video) - Over 30k of Maurice Lévy’s objects caught.- Worldwide media coverage in France, UK, USA, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, South-America, Greece, Asia and Australia (+ 350 clippings).And above all, a total of 50k€ donated to the Make A Wish Foundation! Execution Every year, Maurice Lévy addresses his seasonal greetings to the group’s employees through an innovative Youtube video. This year, employees were invited to synchronise their mobiles with their desktops to control a funfair claw game to grab furry lions in Mr Lévy’s office.To spread the word, we invited employees to share the presents they had caught on social media. Since furry lions are nice for the kids but not necessarily viral, we hid cooler items in M.Lévy office: as they shared the experience, people revealed that he had a fondue-set, and an “English for dummies” book in his office! Relevancy Our biggest PR challenge with this digital greeting was to inspire employees with optimism and excitement about Publicis Groupe in a critical economic period. We needed to engage the employees in a project with a higher purpose than their regular day-to-day tasks to show the great things the group can achieve when everyone rolls up their sleeves. Strategy Over the years, Maurice Levy’s seasonal greeting has become an important rendez-vous between the CEO and his employees at Christmas time. Like any well-mannered person, Maurice Levy is never late to meetings, so we launched the video via internal email 3 weeks before Christmas, just to make sure that the employees could watch the wishes before heading off on holiday.



    The Very Good Wishes










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