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    案例简介:概要 鲁纳特,第一个建立的香槟之家,与主要国家的主要竞争对手相比,缺乏知名度和知名度。主要目标是在弹出式商店和艺术博览会上提高对 Ruinart 的认识,并利用围绕品牌的现代和新鲜的故事。简报首次创造了一种互动体验,升华了 Blanc de Blanc 瓶,同时说明了 Maison Ruinart 在当代艺术中的参与。 执行 Ugo Gattoni 是一位艺术家和艺术总监,他的超现实主义和精致细致的肖像、对城市景观的描绘以及奇怪的、超凡脱俗的物品和艺术品以其无与伦比的技能而闻名于世。Ugo 的作品主要使用石墨或墨水,是一个微小细节、梦幻般的人物和字体的旋风。在 Ruinart 的工作中,他设法围绕三个互补的章节 -- 葡萄园 -- 房子 -- cellarTo 来重塑房子的故事,以加强与产品的联系,我们想出了通过变形装置展示这段视频的想法,标志性的瓶子成为了媒体。为此,我们开发了一个定性的独立显示器,参观者可以根据他们在桌子周围的位置发现电影的不同视图。 活动描述 我们想出了一个有趣的概念,在高档商店和机场,也在艺术博览会和其他高档活动中用作交通堵塞。为此,我们与一位艺术家乌戈 · 加托尼合作,以艺术的方式重塑鲁纳特的故事及其艺术风格。这部动画电影是在一个变形装置上展示的,一个定制的镜子瓶子成为媒体。 结果 多亏了这个装置我们设法在主要客户和分销商中产生了对 Ruinart 的非常好的看法,在所有弹出式商店中,这种安装在最后但并非最不重要的地方都大大提高了认识和销售,这种变形装置被认为是艺术博览会上的一件真正的艺术品,比如巴塞尔艺术博览会,在那里 Ruinart 不仅被视为官方香槟品牌,还被视为真正的参展商。 战略 通过将聚光灯放在标志性的 Ruinart 瓶子上,作为艺术装置的核心表达领域,我们设法利用这个装置来激发潜在客户的兴趣, 同时为他们提供了一个关于品牌及其宇宙的故事。这一概念目前正在关键的 Ruinart 市场推广。


    案例简介:Synopsis Ruinart, the first established House of Champagne, lacks of visibility and awareness compared to its main competitors in key countries.The main objective was to raise the awareness of Ruinart in pop up stores and art fairs, and to leverage a modern and fresh storytelling around the brand.The brief was to create an interactive experience for the first time, sublimating the bottle of Blanc de Blanc, while illustrating the involvement of Maison Ruinart in contemporary art. Execution Ugo Gattoni is an artist and art director, whose surreal and exquisitely detailed portraits, depictions of cityscapes, and strange, otherworldly objects and artefacts are renowned worldwide for their unparalleled level of skill. Working predominantly with graphite or ink, Ugo’s work is a whirlwind of minute details, dreamlike characters and typography.Working on Ruinart, he managed to reinvent the storytelling of the Maison around 3 complementary chapters-The vineyards-The House-The cellarTo strengthen the link with the product, we came up with this idea of showcasing this video through an anamorphosis installation, where the iconic bottle became the media.To do so, we have developed a qualitative stand-alone display, where visitors could discover different views of the movie based on their placement around the table. CampaignDescription We came up with an intriguing concept to be used as a traffic stopper in premium shops and airports, but also in art fairs and other premium events.To do so, we have collaborated with an artist, Ugo Gattoni, to reinvent the Ruinart story and its savoir-faire in an artistic way. The animation movie is showcased on an anamorphosis installation where a custom-made mirror bottle becomes the media. Outcome Thanks to this installation, we have managed to generate -A very good perception of Ruinart among key clients and distributors-A strong raise of awareness and sales in all pop-up stores where this installation has been implementedLast but not least, this anamorphosis installation has been perceived as a real piece of art in art fairs such as Art Basel, where Ruinart is not only seen as the official Champagne brand but as a real exhibitor. Strategy By putting the spotlight on the iconic Ruinart bottle as a field of expression at the heart of an art installation, we have managed to use this installation to trigger interest of potential customers, while providing them with a story around the brand and its universe.This concept is currently rolled-out on the key Ruinart markets.


    案例简介:概要 鲁纳特,第一个建立的香槟之家,与主要国家的主要竞争对手相比,缺乏知名度和知名度。主要目标是在弹出式商店和艺术博览会上提高对 Ruinart 的认识,并利用围绕品牌的现代和新鲜的故事。简报首次创造了一种互动体验,升华了 Blanc de Blanc 瓶,同时说明了 Maison Ruinart 在当代艺术中的参与。 执行 Ugo Gattoni 是一位艺术家和艺术总监,他的超现实主义和精致细致的肖像、对城市景观的描绘以及奇怪的、超凡脱俗的物品和艺术品以其无与伦比的技能而闻名于世。Ugo 的作品主要使用石墨或墨水,是一个微小细节、梦幻般的人物和字体的旋风。在 Ruinart 的工作中,他设法围绕三个互补的章节 -- 葡萄园 -- 房子 -- cellarTo 来重塑房子的故事,以加强与产品的联系,我们想出了通过变形装置展示这段视频的想法,标志性的瓶子成为了媒体。为此,我们开发了一个定性的独立显示器,参观者可以根据他们在桌子周围的位置发现电影的不同视图。 活动描述 我们想出了一个有趣的概念,在高档商店和机场,也在艺术博览会和其他高档活动中用作交通堵塞。为此,我们与一位艺术家乌戈 · 加托尼合作,以艺术的方式重塑鲁纳特的故事及其艺术风格。这部动画电影是在一个变形装置上展示的,一个定制的镜子瓶子成为媒体。 结果 多亏了这个装置我们设法在主要客户和分销商中产生了对 Ruinart 的非常好的看法,在所有弹出式商店中,这种安装在最后但并非最不重要的地方都大大提高了认识和销售,这种变形装置被认为是艺术博览会上的一件真正的艺术品,比如巴塞尔艺术博览会,在那里 Ruinart 不仅被视为官方香槟品牌,还被视为真正的参展商。 战略 通过将聚光灯放在标志性的 Ruinart 瓶子上,作为艺术装置的核心表达领域,我们设法利用这个装置来激发潜在客户的兴趣, 同时为他们提供了一个关于品牌及其宇宙的故事。这一概念目前正在关键的 Ruinart 市场推广。


    案例简介:Synopsis Ruinart, the first established House of Champagne, lacks of visibility and awareness compared to its main competitors in key countries.The main objective was to raise the awareness of Ruinart in pop up stores and art fairs, and to leverage a modern and fresh storytelling around the brand.The brief was to create an interactive experience for the first time, sublimating the bottle of Blanc de Blanc, while illustrating the involvement of Maison Ruinart in contemporary art. Execution Ugo Gattoni is an artist and art director, whose surreal and exquisitely detailed portraits, depictions of cityscapes, and strange, otherworldly objects and artefacts are renowned worldwide for their unparalleled level of skill. Working predominantly with graphite or ink, Ugo’s work is a whirlwind of minute details, dreamlike characters and typography.Working on Ruinart, he managed to reinvent the storytelling of the Maison around 3 complementary chapters-The vineyards-The House-The cellarTo strengthen the link with the product, we came up with this idea of showcasing this video through an anamorphosis installation, where the iconic bottle became the media.To do so, we have developed a qualitative stand-alone display, where visitors could discover different views of the movie based on their placement around the table. CampaignDescription We came up with an intriguing concept to be used as a traffic stopper in premium shops and airports, but also in art fairs and other premium events.To do so, we have collaborated with an artist, Ugo Gattoni, to reinvent the Ruinart story and its savoir-faire in an artistic way. The animation movie is showcased on an anamorphosis installation where a custom-made mirror bottle becomes the media. Outcome Thanks to this installation, we have managed to generate -A very good perception of Ruinart among key clients and distributors-A strong raise of awareness and sales in all pop-up stores where this installation has been implementedLast but not least, this anamorphosis installation has been perceived as a real piece of art in art fairs such as Art Basel, where Ruinart is not only seen as the official Champagne brand but as a real exhibitor. Strategy By putting the spotlight on the iconic Ruinart bottle as a field of expression at the heart of an art installation, we have managed to use this installation to trigger interest of potential customers, while providing them with a story around the brand and its universe.This concept is currently rolled-out on the key Ruinart markets.









    广告公司: DigitasLBI (法国 巴黎) 制作公司: DigitasLBi




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