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    Aston Martin Vantage Film短视频,活动广告营销案例




    案例简介:禁运: 格林尼治时间 21:00,2017年11月21日 兰金将他的愿景带到了新的阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 华帝 著名摄影师创建了一个投资组合和电影,推出新的阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 华帝 基于简短的 “美丽不会被篡改” 的大胆艺术愿景 庆祝新 Vantage 动态形式和侵略性角色的意象 11月21日星期二,伦敦: 新阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 华帝以独特的图像和电影组合在全球首次亮相,兰金是我们这一代最有影响力的摄影师之一。这位伦敦摄影师自 1992年共同创立《茫然与困惑》杂志以来,一直处于商业和编辑创新的前沿,为时尚摄影和肖像画带来了独特的美感。 在高调的职业生涯中,兰金拍摄了英国女王丹尼尔 · 克雷格、凯特·莫斯、大卫 · 鲍伊、莫妮卡 · 贝鲁奇以及其他数百人的肖像。他还出版了大约 30 本书,是世界各地许多主要品牌慈善和商业活动的主要驱动力。 为了介绍新的 Vantage,兰金把他的才华带到了一个经典的竞争故事中,一个诞生在赛道上的汽车的肖像,通过赛车和强大的性能遗产形成。这也是一个纯粹驾驶乐趣的故事,也是真实汽车美的一个具有挑战性的写照,一辆运动和静止一样美丽的汽车。图像和电影是一个戏剧性的创意愿景,源于兰金大胆无畏的方法。兰金说: “我的抱负是创作电影和剧照,让你脖子上的头发站起来,这是高强度的, 最大的影响-图像,让你的脉冲赛车与 V8 发动机的紧急在全油门。' 简短的描述是捕捉新的优势,作为原型猎人,充满了 “美丽不会被篡改” 的精神,以创造一款专注于精确和强度的跑车。新的优势从一个单一的线,一个流动的形式,包括形式,使一个毁灭性的美丽的意图声明。“优势是本能的。它没有装饰。脱下盔甲。阿斯顿 · 马丁的执行副总裁兼首席创意官马雷克 · 赖克曼 (Marek Reichman) 说,“汽车永远是一个基本的对象, 线条灵感来自 DB10 的语言和阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 瓦肯的戏剧性形式,一辆没有传统格栅的汽车。' 在两次拍摄中,在亚特兰大赛车公园进行了为期两天的动态拍摄,在兰金的工作室进行了静态拍摄, 兰金和他的创意团队建立了一个组合,捕捉到新 Vantage 的真实特征。为了强调汽车的原始、掠夺性特征,拍摄涉及将一只狼带进工作室 -- 与汽车的形式形成鲜明而美丽的对比。摄影师解释说,“Vantage 成为原始美的象征,它既是一种感官体验,也是一种令人兴奋的体验。” 赖克曼说,我们的设计理念是,Vantage 是未稀释的,目的简单明了,兰金有一种捕捉汽车作为艺术的美妙方式。这部由演员和特技司机在亚特兰大拍摄的电影还使用无人机和追逐汽车来创造一个充满活力和戏剧性的故事。兰金解释说,这是两个探索极限的车手,争夺彼此的优势,以紧张的对峙结束,等待下一步行动。' 最终的结果捕捉到了这一重要车型的原始、兽性特征,这是阿斯顿 · 马丁第二个世纪计划中的第二辆车。赖克曼说,我们不能和艺术家一起工作,然后限制他们的艺术,但这是关于两个品牌一起创造美丽的艺术。 新 Vantage 是一款壮观的阿斯顿 · 马丁跑车,拥有大胆而独特的设计语言。纯粹的雕塑形式创造了一种运动的掠夺性姿态,而最小的正面和阅读悬垂、肌肉发达的侧翼和宽阔的臀部表达了汽车固有的敏捷性和活力。新的头尾灯形成了引人注目的新签名,赋予了 Vantage 明确无误的道路存在,并在不断增长的阿斯顿 · 马丁车型范围内为强大的个人身份做出了贡献。


    案例简介:EMBARGO: 21:00 GMT, 21 November 2017 Rankin brings his vision to the new Aston Martin Vantage • The celebrated photographer creates a portfolio and film to launch new Aston Martin Vantage • A bold artistic vision based on the brief that 'beautiful won't be tamed' • Imagery that celebrates new Vantage's dynamic form and aggressive character Tuesday 21 November, London: The new Aston Martin Vantage has made its global debut with a unique portfolio of imagery and film by Rankin, one of the most influential photographers of our generation. The London-based photographer has been at the forefront of commercial and editorial innovation since he co-founded the magazine Dazed and Confused in 1992, bringing a unique aesthetic to fashion shoots and portraiture. Over the course of a high-profile career, Rankin has taken the portraits of the Queen of England, Daniel Craig, Kate Moss, David Bowie, Monica Bellucci and many hundreds more. He has also published around 30 books and been a key driver behind major charity and commercial campaigns for a number of key brands around the world. To introduce the new Vantage, Rankin brings his talents to a classic tale of rivalry, a portrait of a car born on the track, shaped through racing and a formidable performance heritage. It is also a story of pure driving pleasure and a challenging portrayal of true automotive beauty, a car that is as beautiful in motion as it is at rest. The images and film are a dramatic creative vision, born out of Rankin's bold and fearless approach. ‘My ambition is to create film and stills that make the hairs on your neck stand up,' says Rankin, 'it's about high intensity, maximum impact - imagery that gets your pulse racing with the urgency of the V8 engine at full throttle.' The brief was to capture the new Vantage as the archetypal hunter, imbued with the ethos of 'beautiful won't be tamed' to create a sharply focused sports car with a sense of precision and intensity. New Vantage evolved from a single line, a flowing form that encompasses the form and makes a devastatingly beautiful statement of intent. ‘The Vantage is instinctive. It’s unadorned. Stripped of armour. Raw and focused,’ says Marek Reichman, Aston Martin’s Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer, ‘This car was always going to be an elemental object, with lines inspired by the language of the DB10 and the dramatic forms of the Aston Martin Vulcan, a car without a traditional grille.’ Across two shoots, a dynamic two-day session at the Atlanta Motorsports Park and a static shoot in Rankin’s Studio, Rankin and his creative team built up a portfolio that captures the true character of the new Vantage. To emphasise the primal, predatory character of the car, the shoot involved bringing a wolf into the studio - a stark and beautiful contrast with the form of the car. 'The Vantage becomes a symbol of primal beauty,' the photographer explains, 'it is as much a sensual experience as it is an exhilarating one.' ‘Our design philosophy is that the Vantage is undiluted, with simple clarity of purpose,’ says Reichman, ‘Rankin has a wonderful way of capturing the car as art.’ The film, shot with actors and stunt drivers in Atlanta, also used drones and a chase car to create a dynamic and dramatic story. 'It’s two drivers exploring the limits, vying for dominance over each other,’ Rankin explains, ‘it finishes with a tense stand-off, waiting for the next move.’ The end result captures the raw, animalistic character of this important model, the second car in Aston Martin’s Second Century plan. ‘You can’t work with an artist and then constrain their art,’ says Reichman, ‘and this is about two brands coming together to create beautiful art.’ New Vantage is a spectacular Aston Martin sports car with a bold and distinctive design language. Pure, sculptural forms create an athletic, predatory stance, while the minimal front and read overhangs, muscular flanks and broad haunches express the agility and dynamism inherent within the car. New head and tail lights form dramatic new signatures giving the Vantage unmistakable road presence and contribute to a strong and individual identity within the growing Aston Martin model range.

    Aston Martin Vantage Film

    案例简介:禁运: 格林尼治时间 21:00,2017年11月21日 兰金将他的愿景带到了新的阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 华帝 著名摄影师创建了一个投资组合和电影,推出新的阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 华帝 基于简短的 “美丽不会被篡改” 的大胆艺术愿景 庆祝新 Vantage 动态形式和侵略性角色的意象 11月21日星期二,伦敦: 新阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 华帝以独特的图像和电影组合在全球首次亮相,兰金是我们这一代最有影响力的摄影师之一。这位伦敦摄影师自 1992年共同创立《茫然与困惑》杂志以来,一直处于商业和编辑创新的前沿,为时尚摄影和肖像画带来了独特的美感。 在高调的职业生涯中,兰金拍摄了英国女王丹尼尔 · 克雷格、凯特·莫斯、大卫 · 鲍伊、莫妮卡 · 贝鲁奇以及其他数百人的肖像。他还出版了大约 30 本书,是世界各地许多主要品牌慈善和商业活动的主要驱动力。 为了介绍新的 Vantage,兰金把他的才华带到了一个经典的竞争故事中,一个诞生在赛道上的汽车的肖像,通过赛车和强大的性能遗产形成。这也是一个纯粹驾驶乐趣的故事,也是真实汽车美的一个具有挑战性的写照,一辆运动和静止一样美丽的汽车。图像和电影是一个戏剧性的创意愿景,源于兰金大胆无畏的方法。兰金说: “我的抱负是创作电影和剧照,让你脖子上的头发站起来,这是高强度的, 最大的影响-图像,让你的脉冲赛车与 V8 发动机的紧急在全油门。' 简短的描述是捕捉新的优势,作为原型猎人,充满了 “美丽不会被篡改” 的精神,以创造一款专注于精确和强度的跑车。新的优势从一个单一的线,一个流动的形式,包括形式,使一个毁灭性的美丽的意图声明。“优势是本能的。它没有装饰。脱下盔甲。阿斯顿 · 马丁的执行副总裁兼首席创意官马雷克 · 赖克曼 (Marek Reichman) 说,“汽车永远是一个基本的对象, 线条灵感来自 DB10 的语言和阿斯顿 · 马丁 · 瓦肯的戏剧性形式,一辆没有传统格栅的汽车。' 在两次拍摄中,在亚特兰大赛车公园进行了为期两天的动态拍摄,在兰金的工作室进行了静态拍摄, 兰金和他的创意团队建立了一个组合,捕捉到新 Vantage 的真实特征。为了强调汽车的原始、掠夺性特征,拍摄涉及将一只狼带进工作室 -- 与汽车的形式形成鲜明而美丽的对比。摄影师解释说,“Vantage 成为原始美的象征,它既是一种感官体验,也是一种令人兴奋的体验。” 赖克曼说,我们的设计理念是,Vantage 是未稀释的,目的简单明了,兰金有一种捕捉汽车作为艺术的美妙方式。这部由演员和特技司机在亚特兰大拍摄的电影还使用无人机和追逐汽车来创造一个充满活力和戏剧性的故事。兰金解释说,这是两个探索极限的车手,争夺彼此的优势,以紧张的对峙结束,等待下一步行动。' 最终的结果捕捉到了这一重要车型的原始、兽性特征,这是阿斯顿 · 马丁第二个世纪计划中的第二辆车。赖克曼说,我们不能和艺术家一起工作,然后限制他们的艺术,但这是关于两个品牌一起创造美丽的艺术。 新 Vantage 是一款壮观的阿斯顿 · 马丁跑车,拥有大胆而独特的设计语言。纯粹的雕塑形式创造了一种运动的掠夺性姿态,而最小的正面和阅读悬垂、肌肉发达的侧翼和宽阔的臀部表达了汽车固有的敏捷性和活力。新的头尾灯形成了引人注目的新签名,赋予了 Vantage 明确无误的道路存在,并在不断增长的阿斯顿 · 马丁车型范围内为强大的个人身份做出了贡献。

    Aston Martin Vantage Film

    案例简介:EMBARGO: 21:00 GMT, 21 November 2017 Rankin brings his vision to the new Aston Martin Vantage • The celebrated photographer creates a portfolio and film to launch new Aston Martin Vantage • A bold artistic vision based on the brief that 'beautiful won't be tamed' • Imagery that celebrates new Vantage's dynamic form and aggressive character Tuesday 21 November, London: The new Aston Martin Vantage has made its global debut with a unique portfolio of imagery and film by Rankin, one of the most influential photographers of our generation. The London-based photographer has been at the forefront of commercial and editorial innovation since he co-founded the magazine Dazed and Confused in 1992, bringing a unique aesthetic to fashion shoots and portraiture. Over the course of a high-profile career, Rankin has taken the portraits of the Queen of England, Daniel Craig, Kate Moss, David Bowie, Monica Bellucci and many hundreds more. He has also published around 30 books and been a key driver behind major charity and commercial campaigns for a number of key brands around the world. To introduce the new Vantage, Rankin brings his talents to a classic tale of rivalry, a portrait of a car born on the track, shaped through racing and a formidable performance heritage. It is also a story of pure driving pleasure and a challenging portrayal of true automotive beauty, a car that is as beautiful in motion as it is at rest. The images and film are a dramatic creative vision, born out of Rankin's bold and fearless approach. ‘My ambition is to create film and stills that make the hairs on your neck stand up,' says Rankin, 'it's about high intensity, maximum impact - imagery that gets your pulse racing with the urgency of the V8 engine at full throttle.' The brief was to capture the new Vantage as the archetypal hunter, imbued with the ethos of 'beautiful won't be tamed' to create a sharply focused sports car with a sense of precision and intensity. New Vantage evolved from a single line, a flowing form that encompasses the form and makes a devastatingly beautiful statement of intent. ‘The Vantage is instinctive. It’s unadorned. Stripped of armour. Raw and focused,’ says Marek Reichman, Aston Martin’s Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer, ‘This car was always going to be an elemental object, with lines inspired by the language of the DB10 and the dramatic forms of the Aston Martin Vulcan, a car without a traditional grille.’ Across two shoots, a dynamic two-day session at the Atlanta Motorsports Park and a static shoot in Rankin’s Studio, Rankin and his creative team built up a portfolio that captures the true character of the new Vantage. To emphasise the primal, predatory character of the car, the shoot involved bringing a wolf into the studio - a stark and beautiful contrast with the form of the car. 'The Vantage becomes a symbol of primal beauty,' the photographer explains, 'it is as much a sensual experience as it is an exhilarating one.' ‘Our design philosophy is that the Vantage is undiluted, with simple clarity of purpose,’ says Reichman, ‘Rankin has a wonderful way of capturing the car as art.’ The film, shot with actors and stunt drivers in Atlanta, also used drones and a chase car to create a dynamic and dramatic story. 'It’s two drivers exploring the limits, vying for dominance over each other,’ Rankin explains, ‘it finishes with a tense stand-off, waiting for the next move.’ The end result captures the raw, animalistic character of this important model, the second car in Aston Martin’s Second Century plan. ‘You can’t work with an artist and then constrain their art,’ says Reichman, ‘and this is about two brands coming together to create beautiful art.’ New Vantage is a spectacular Aston Martin sports car with a bold and distinctive design language. Pure, sculptural forms create an athletic, predatory stance, while the minimal front and read overhangs, muscular flanks and broad haunches express the agility and dynamism inherent within the car. New head and tail lights form dramatic new signatures giving the Vantage unmistakable road presence and contribute to a strong and individual identity within the growing Aston Martin model range.



    Aston Martin Vantage Film






    广告公司: Prism 制作公司: Rankin




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