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    I'm Out Of Office for equal pay.短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 由作家和记者凯瑟琳 · 梅耶尔、广播公司和作家桑迪 · 托克维格共同创立的妇女平等党是英国一个成立两年的政党。它的目的是实现平等,团结所有性别、年龄、背景、种族的人, 在共同决心看到妇女享有与男子相同的权利和机会以及赋予所有妇女和女孩权力方面的信念和经验。他们的目标是建立一场争取性别平等的民粹主义运动,这需要帮助男性和女性理解为什么这项事业仍然相关和紧迫。同酬日是一个象征性的日子,承认英国的性别薪酬差距。这是因为,平均而言,女性的工资比男性低 18.4%。所以,在 2017年,11月10日星期五实际上是平均女性获得报酬的最后一天,与男性相比。因此,我们有一份简报,要求不仅在 11月10日提高对同工同酬日 18.4% 性别薪酬差距的认识,而且鼓励参与通常被动的办公室工作, 让一个不感兴趣和不相信的公众参与一个政治敏感和被误解的话题。 战略 虽然大多数人会支持平等,但许多人只是不知道性别薪酬差距的程度。这不是传统媒体渠道可以很容易解释的事情,当然也不是海报。我们需要一个平台,不仅能让我们的目标受众 -- 职业女性 -- 参与进来,还能让我们有空间向世界解释一个极其复杂的问题。因此,我们接受了普通的办公室外自动回复电子邮件,并通过一种媒体直接吸引了她们,这种媒体强化了我们的信息: 如果女性得不到报酬,她们就不应该工作。他们应该不在办公室。我们要求他们在 11月10日离职,作为团结的标志,说他们今年剩余时间都不会工作。 结果 每个办公室工作人员平均每天收到 121 封电子邮件,每个参与的人都直接与 100 多人交谈。它在社交媒体上螺旋式上升,人们在 Twitter 、 Instagram 、 Facebook 和 LinkedIn 上获得超过 200万的印象,并在一天结束时在 Twitter 上流行起来。我们看到英国广播公司、《太阳报》、《卫报》、《标准晚报》、《地铁》和《魅力》杂志的报道,达到了超过 1.2bn 的综合读者人数在社交渠道上被分享了数千次。我们看到 EY 、 Mars 、 Airbnb 、 Moneysupermarket 、 BT 和 Aviva 等数百个其他知名组织的参与。人们现在对公开支持性别平等感到舒适,提高了对妇女平等党的认识和亲和力,该党的网站流量激增了 275%。它给了人们向非信徒解释原因的方法,并在他们自己的工作场所提出了这个问题。 执行 这是一场不寻常的运动,因为它在 2017年11月10日只跑了一天。但影响是巨大的。我们在外出自动回复电子邮件中启动了一个电子邮件链。一个标准的办公工具,以一种完全创新的方式使用,带有一点也不普通的信息。以前没有人使用过普通的办公软件作为媒体渠道。我们拿起这个日常平台,把它的头。有一个强大的信息,当它被弹入收件箱时,是不可能忽略的。我们创造了一场运动,一种人们抗议的方式。对于办公室工作人员来说,这是一种非常简单的参与方式,甚至不用离开办公室。它从一个 48 人的电子邮件链开始,但是在主要国民拿起它后,这项运动的总覆盖面超过了 1.2bn 活动描述 我们的想法是使用外出自动回复电子邮件模板启动一个简单的电子邮件连锁反应。要求人们在一天内关掉他们的办公室,说他们将在一年的剩余时间里不工作, 作为团结的象征,承认同酬日并表示支持。以前没有人使用过普通的办公软件作为媒体渠道。我们拿起这个日常平台,把它的头。有一个强大的信息,当它被弹入收件箱时,是不可能忽略的。我们创造了一场运动,一种人们抗议的方式。对于办公室工作人员来说,这是一种非常简单和相关的方式,甚至不用离开办公室。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 去年,政府宣布,到 2018年4月,250 或更多的公司将不得不公开宣布他们的性别薪酬差距。这是新闻和政府的热门话题,揭露了劳动力平等的问题。但是,几个世纪以来,妇女因捍卫自己的权利而受到嘲笑。天空新闻进行的一项调查显示,67% 的英国人认为女权主义走得太远了。所以女权主义的概念有一个重大的形象问题。这是一个充满了战斗精神、政治和政治遗产的词四分之一的人把这个词和 “痛苦” 联系在一起。虽然大多数人说他们支持平等运动,但许多人拒绝个人认同这一观点。我们的想法鼓励人们参与并谈论性别薪酬差距。我们在外出自动回复电子邮件模板中启动了一个电子邮件链,以便在同酬日外出。一个真正强化我们信息的媒介。如果女性得不到报酬,她们就不应该工作。他们应该不在办公室。


    案例简介:Synopsis Co-founded by author and journalist Catherine Mayer and broadcaster and author Sandi Toksvig, the Women’s Equality Party is a two year old political party in Britain. It’s aim is to achieve equality, uniting people of all genders, ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences in the shared determination to see women enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men and to empower all women and girls. Their aim is to build a populist movement for gender equality and that requires helping both men and women understand why the cause is still relevant and urgent. Equal Pay Day is a symbolic day that recognises the gender pay gap in the UK. This is because, on average, women get paid 18.4% less than men. So, in 2017, Friday 10th November was effectively the last day that the average woman got paid, compared to men. So we had a brief that asked to not only drive awareness of the 18.4% gender pay gap for Equal Pay Day on 10th November, but to encourage participation with an often passive office workforce, and engage a disinterested and disbelieving public - for a politically sensitive, and hugely misunderstood topic. Strategy While most people will support equality, many simply aren’t aware of the extent of the gender pay gap. And this isn’t the sort of thing that can be easily explained in traditional media channels, and certainly not a poster. We needed a platform that would not only engage our target audience who were working women, but also gave us the space to explain an incredibly complex issue to the world. So we took the ordinary Out Of Office auto response email and used it to engage them directly through a medium that reinforced our message: if women aren't getting paid, they shouldn’t have to work. They should be Out Of Office. We asked them to switch on their Out Of Office on 10th November as a sign of solidarity, saying that they would not be working for the rest of the year. Outcome With every office worker receiving on average 121 emails a day, every individual who took part spoke directly to over 100 people. It spiralled on social media, with people taking to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn with impressions of over 2 million and trending on Twitter by the end of the day. We saw coverage on the BBC, The Sun, The Guardian, the Evening Standard, Metro and Glamour magazine, reaching a combined readership of over 1.2bn. Being shared thousands of times on social channels. We saw involvement from people at EY, Mars, Airbnb, Moneysupermarket, BT, and Aviva amongst hundreds of other high profile organisations. People now felt comfortable publicly supporting gender equality, driving awareness and affinity towards The Women’s Equality Party who saw a 275% spike in website traffic. It gave people a way to explain the cause to non believers and raise the issue within their own workplaces. Execution This was an unusual campaign, in that it ran for just one day on 10th November 2017. But the impact was huge. We started an email chain in an Out Of Office auto response email. A standard office tool, used in a completely innovative way, with a message that is anything but ordinary. No-one had ever used a mundane bit of office software as a media channel before. We took this everyday platform and turned it on its head. With a powerful message that was impossible to ignore when it bounced into an inbox. We created a movement, a way for people to protest from their desks. A brilliantly simple way for office workers to take part, without even leaving the office. It started with an email chain of 48 people, but after the major nationals picked it up, the campaign had a total reach of over 1.2bn. CampaignDescription Our idea was to set in motion a simple email chain-reaction, using an Out Of Office auto response email template. The ask was for people to switch on their Out Of Office for the day, saying that they would not be working for the rest of the year, as a symbol of solidarity to recognise Equal Pay Day and show their support. No-one had ever used a mundane bit of office software as a media channel before. We took this everyday platform and turned it on its head. With a powerful message that was impossible to ignore when it bounced into an inbox. We created a movement, a way for people to protest from their desks. A brilliantly simple and relevant way for the office workers to take part, without even leaving the office. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Last year the government announced that by April 2018 companies of 250 or more will have to publicly announce their gender pay gap. This is a hot topic in the news and government, bringing the issue of equality in the workforce to light. But, for centuries women have been ridiculed for standing up for their rights. A survey carried out by Sky News, 67% of British people think feminism has gone too far. So there is a major image problem with the notion of feminism. It’s a word that’s loaded with a legacy of militancy, politics and over a quarter of people associate the term with "bitchiness". And whilst most people say that they are supportive of the equality movement, many reject the idea of personally identifying with it. Our idea encouraged people to participate and talk about the gender pay gap. We started an email chain in the Out Of Office auto-response email template to go out on Equal Pay Day. A medium that actually reinforced our message. If women aren’t being paid, they shouldn’t have to work. They should be Out Of Office.

    I'm Out Of Office for equal pay.

    案例简介:概要 由作家和记者凯瑟琳 · 梅耶尔、广播公司和作家桑迪 · 托克维格共同创立的妇女平等党是英国一个成立两年的政党。它的目的是实现平等,团结所有性别、年龄、背景、种族的人, 在共同决心看到妇女享有与男子相同的权利和机会以及赋予所有妇女和女孩权力方面的信念和经验。他们的目标是建立一场争取性别平等的民粹主义运动,这需要帮助男性和女性理解为什么这项事业仍然相关和紧迫。同酬日是一个象征性的日子,承认英国的性别薪酬差距。这是因为,平均而言,女性的工资比男性低 18.4%。所以,在 2017年,11月10日星期五实际上是平均女性获得报酬的最后一天,与男性相比。因此,我们有一份简报,要求不仅在 11月10日提高对同工同酬日 18.4% 性别薪酬差距的认识,而且鼓励参与通常被动的办公室工作, 让一个不感兴趣和不相信的公众参与一个政治敏感和被误解的话题。 战略 虽然大多数人会支持平等,但许多人只是不知道性别薪酬差距的程度。这不是传统媒体渠道可以很容易解释的事情,当然也不是海报。我们需要一个平台,不仅能让我们的目标受众 -- 职业女性 -- 参与进来,还能让我们有空间向世界解释一个极其复杂的问题。因此,我们接受了普通的办公室外自动回复电子邮件,并通过一种媒体直接吸引了她们,这种媒体强化了我们的信息: 如果女性得不到报酬,她们就不应该工作。他们应该不在办公室。我们要求他们在 11月10日离职,作为团结的标志,说他们今年剩余时间都不会工作。 结果 每个办公室工作人员平均每天收到 121 封电子邮件,每个参与的人都直接与 100 多人交谈。它在社交媒体上螺旋式上升,人们在 Twitter 、 Instagram 、 Facebook 和 LinkedIn 上获得超过 200万的印象,并在一天结束时在 Twitter 上流行起来。我们看到英国广播公司、《太阳报》、《卫报》、《标准晚报》、《地铁》和《魅力》杂志的报道,达到了超过 1.2bn 的综合读者人数在社交渠道上被分享了数千次。我们看到 EY 、 Mars 、 Airbnb 、 Moneysupermarket 、 BT 和 Aviva 等数百个其他知名组织的参与。人们现在对公开支持性别平等感到舒适,提高了对妇女平等党的认识和亲和力,该党的网站流量激增了 275%。它给了人们向非信徒解释原因的方法,并在他们自己的工作场所提出了这个问题。 执行 这是一场不寻常的运动,因为它在 2017年11月10日只跑了一天。但影响是巨大的。我们在外出自动回复电子邮件中启动了一个电子邮件链。一个标准的办公工具,以一种完全创新的方式使用,带有一点也不普通的信息。以前没有人使用过普通的办公软件作为媒体渠道。我们拿起这个日常平台,把它的头。有一个强大的信息,当它被弹入收件箱时,是不可能忽略的。我们创造了一场运动,一种人们抗议的方式。对于办公室工作人员来说,这是一种非常简单的参与方式,甚至不用离开办公室。它从一个 48 人的电子邮件链开始,但是在主要国民拿起它后,这项运动的总覆盖面超过了 1.2bn 活动描述 我们的想法是使用外出自动回复电子邮件模板启动一个简单的电子邮件连锁反应。要求人们在一天内关掉他们的办公室,说他们将在一年的剩余时间里不工作, 作为团结的象征,承认同酬日并表示支持。以前没有人使用过普通的办公软件作为媒体渠道。我们拿起这个日常平台,把它的头。有一个强大的信息,当它被弹入收件箱时,是不可能忽略的。我们创造了一场运动,一种人们抗议的方式。对于办公室工作人员来说,这是一种非常简单和相关的方式,甚至不用离开办公室。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes 去年,政府宣布,到 2018年4月,250 或更多的公司将不得不公开宣布他们的性别薪酬差距。这是新闻和政府的热门话题,揭露了劳动力平等的问题。但是,几个世纪以来,妇女因捍卫自己的权利而受到嘲笑。天空新闻进行的一项调查显示,67% 的英国人认为女权主义走得太远了。所以女权主义的概念有一个重大的形象问题。这是一个充满了战斗精神、政治和政治遗产的词四分之一的人把这个词和 “痛苦” 联系在一起。虽然大多数人说他们支持平等运动,但许多人拒绝个人认同这一观点。我们的想法鼓励人们参与并谈论性别薪酬差距。我们在外出自动回复电子邮件模板中启动了一个电子邮件链,以便在同酬日外出。一个真正强化我们信息的媒介。如果女性得不到报酬,她们就不应该工作。他们应该不在办公室。

    I'm Out Of Office for equal pay.

    案例简介:Synopsis Co-founded by author and journalist Catherine Mayer and broadcaster and author Sandi Toksvig, the Women’s Equality Party is a two year old political party in Britain. It’s aim is to achieve equality, uniting people of all genders, ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences in the shared determination to see women enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men and to empower all women and girls. Their aim is to build a populist movement for gender equality and that requires helping both men and women understand why the cause is still relevant and urgent. Equal Pay Day is a symbolic day that recognises the gender pay gap in the UK. This is because, on average, women get paid 18.4% less than men. So, in 2017, Friday 10th November was effectively the last day that the average woman got paid, compared to men. So we had a brief that asked to not only drive awareness of the 18.4% gender pay gap for Equal Pay Day on 10th November, but to encourage participation with an often passive office workforce, and engage a disinterested and disbelieving public - for a politically sensitive, and hugely misunderstood topic. Strategy While most people will support equality, many simply aren’t aware of the extent of the gender pay gap. And this isn’t the sort of thing that can be easily explained in traditional media channels, and certainly not a poster. We needed a platform that would not only engage our target audience who were working women, but also gave us the space to explain an incredibly complex issue to the world. So we took the ordinary Out Of Office auto response email and used it to engage them directly through a medium that reinforced our message: if women aren't getting paid, they shouldn’t have to work. They should be Out Of Office. We asked them to switch on their Out Of Office on 10th November as a sign of solidarity, saying that they would not be working for the rest of the year. Outcome With every office worker receiving on average 121 emails a day, every individual who took part spoke directly to over 100 people. It spiralled on social media, with people taking to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn with impressions of over 2 million and trending on Twitter by the end of the day. We saw coverage on the BBC, The Sun, The Guardian, the Evening Standard, Metro and Glamour magazine, reaching a combined readership of over 1.2bn. Being shared thousands of times on social channels. We saw involvement from people at EY, Mars, Airbnb, Moneysupermarket, BT, and Aviva amongst hundreds of other high profile organisations. People now felt comfortable publicly supporting gender equality, driving awareness and affinity towards The Women’s Equality Party who saw a 275% spike in website traffic. It gave people a way to explain the cause to non believers and raise the issue within their own workplaces. Execution This was an unusual campaign, in that it ran for just one day on 10th November 2017. But the impact was huge. We started an email chain in an Out Of Office auto response email. A standard office tool, used in a completely innovative way, with a message that is anything but ordinary. No-one had ever used a mundane bit of office software as a media channel before. We took this everyday platform and turned it on its head. With a powerful message that was impossible to ignore when it bounced into an inbox. We created a movement, a way for people to protest from their desks. A brilliantly simple way for office workers to take part, without even leaving the office. It started with an email chain of 48 people, but after the major nationals picked it up, the campaign had a total reach of over 1.2bn. CampaignDescription Our idea was to set in motion a simple email chain-reaction, using an Out Of Office auto response email template. The ask was for people to switch on their Out Of Office for the day, saying that they would not be working for the rest of the year, as a symbol of solidarity to recognise Equal Pay Day and show their support. No-one had ever used a mundane bit of office software as a media channel before. We took this everyday platform and turned it on its head. With a powerful message that was impossible to ignore when it bounced into an inbox. We created a movement, a way for people to protest from their desks. A brilliantly simple and relevant way for the office workers to take part, without even leaving the office. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes Last year the government announced that by April 2018 companies of 250 or more will have to publicly announce their gender pay gap. This is a hot topic in the news and government, bringing the issue of equality in the workforce to light. But, for centuries women have been ridiculed for standing up for their rights. A survey carried out by Sky News, 67% of British people think feminism has gone too far. So there is a major image problem with the notion of feminism. It’s a word that’s loaded with a legacy of militancy, politics and over a quarter of people associate the term with "bitchiness". And whilst most people say that they are supportive of the equality movement, many reject the idea of personally identifying with it. Our idea encouraged people to participate and talk about the gender pay gap. We started an email chain in the Out Of Office auto-response email template to go out on Equal Pay Day. A medium that actually reinforced our message. If women aren’t being paid, they shouldn’t have to work. They should be Out Of Office.



    I'm Out Of Office for equal pay.






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