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    幼稚的甘比诺的法罗斯 · 阿尔

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与音乐娱乐狮子相关? AR通过一种固有地需要用户参与的媒介,提供了一种表达和与粉丝协作的新途径。粉丝可以走进传统的音乐视频,以全新的360 ° 视角观看和聆听事物。这提供了一个新的参与度水平,在一个充满零食的内容世界中与粉丝建立了有意义的联系。 背景 该项目是Childish Gambino,Google,MediaMonks在Unity3D的技术支持下的合作伙伴关系。强制令很简单: 在AR中使用多人游戏门户,让粉丝们进入幼稚的甘比诺的世界。简介是公开的: 探索幼稚的甘比诺的品牌哲学的创作极限以及他的新专辑的叙事元素。 描述创意 这是一次通过幼稚的甘比诺 (Gambino) 的音乐分享的AR之旅,鼓励歌迷参加一个神圣的公共空间,在那里他们可以释放他的品牌的隐藏含义并探索宇宙之旅。甘比诺 (Gambino) 的信息暗示了更深层次的含义,对生活的目的,而增强现实确实通过使用增强的图形改变现实世界来揭示这一点。我们在多个层面上梳理了这些概念。向粉丝们展示了通往一个神奇但隐藏的世界的门户。乍一看,这似乎是一个简单的游戏,但是当粉丝们深入挖掘时,就会有一个宇宙之旅,等待着兔子洞的到来。许多视觉隐喻和复活节彩蛋暗示了一种数字柏拉图的洞穴,在那里,2D世界以3D的方式栩栩如生。 描述策略 目标是两倍。1.幼稚的Gambino粉丝2.有兴趣开发增强现实应用的应用开发者。使用像幼稚的甘比诺 (Gambino) 这样的文化偶像,他的方法挑战了规范,非常适合将新含义赋予现实世界AR的新技术。我们的方法利用AR作为一种新的讲故事媒介,而不仅仅是a头。 描述执行情况 我们部署了一个跨平台 (iOS和Android) 的AR应用程序,该应用程序使用了云锚,这是Google和Unity3D的最新多人AR技术。这个应用程序是世界上第一个多人AR音乐体验,并邀请用户在幼稚的甘比诺的音乐世界中旅行。该应用程序是在Coachella启动的,与Childish Gambino的标题进行了两晚的匹配,并为Pixel 3创建了物理安装。 描述结果 该应用程序被选为Apple app store的特色,并在第一周下载了5万。它还获得了VanityFair,Billboard,Venture Beat,VRScout,Engadget以及更多的1亿印象的重大新闻报道。

    幼稚的甘比诺的法罗斯 · 阿尔

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Music? AR provides a new avenue for expression and collaboration with fans through a medium that inherently requires user participation. Fans can walk inside of a traditional music video and see and hear things in a completely new 360° point of view. This affords a new level of engagement that creates meaningful connections with fans in a world of snackable content. Background This project was a partnership between Childish Gambino, Google, MediaMonks with technical support from Unity3D. The mandatories were simple: use a multiplayer portal in AR that lets fans step into Childish Gambino’s world. The brief was open: Explore the creative limits of Childish Gambino’s brand philosophy and the narrative elements of his new album. Describe the creative idea This was a shared AR journey through Childish Gambino’s music that encouraged fans to participate in a sacred communal space where they could unlock the hidden meaning of his brand and explore a cosmic journey. Gambino’s message hints at a deeper meaning, a purpose to life, and Augmented Reality does reveals just that by transforming the real world with enhanced graphics. We teased out these concepts on multiple levels. Fans are presented with a portal to a magical but hidden world. At first glance it appears to be a simple game, but when fans dig deeper there’s a cosmic journey that awaits down the rabbit hole. Many visual metaphors and easter eggs hint at a sort of digital Plato’s Cave where a 2D world springs to life in 3D. Describe the strategy The target was two fold. 1. Childish Gambino fans 2. App developers interested in developing augmented reality apps. Using a cultural icon such as Childish Gambino who’s approach challenges norms was a perfect fit for a new technology that layers new meaning onto the real world - AR. Our approach leveraged AR as a new storytelling medium and not simply a gimmick. Describe the execution We deployed a cross platform (iOS & Android) AR app that used Cloud Anchors, the latest multiplayer AR tech from Google and Unity3D. This app was the world's first multiplayer AR musical experience and invited users to take a journey through Childish Gambino’s musical universe. The app was launched at Coachella to correspond with Childish Gambino headlining two nights and a physical installation created for the Pixel 3. Describe the outcome The app was selected to be featured on the Apple app store and was downloaded 50k+ in the first week. It also received major press coverage from VanityFair, Billboard, Venture Beat, VRScout, Engadget and many more 100M+ impressions.

    Pharos AR by Childish Gambino

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与音乐娱乐狮子相关? AR通过一种固有地需要用户参与的媒介,提供了一种表达和与粉丝协作的新途径。粉丝可以走进传统的音乐视频,以全新的360 ° 视角观看和聆听事物。这提供了一个新的参与度水平,在一个充满零食的内容世界中与粉丝建立了有意义的联系。 背景 该项目是Childish Gambino,Google,MediaMonks在Unity3D的技术支持下的合作伙伴关系。强制令很简单: 在AR中使用多人游戏门户,让粉丝们进入幼稚的甘比诺的世界。简介是公开的: 探索幼稚的甘比诺的品牌哲学的创作极限以及他的新专辑的叙事元素。 描述创意 这是一次通过幼稚的甘比诺 (Gambino) 的音乐分享的AR之旅,鼓励歌迷参加一个神圣的公共空间,在那里他们可以释放他的品牌的隐藏含义并探索宇宙之旅。甘比诺 (Gambino) 的信息暗示了更深层次的含义,对生活的目的,而增强现实确实通过使用增强的图形改变现实世界来揭示这一点。我们在多个层面上梳理了这些概念。向粉丝们展示了通往一个神奇但隐藏的世界的门户。乍一看,这似乎是一个简单的游戏,但是当粉丝们深入挖掘时,就会有一个宇宙之旅,等待着兔子洞的到来。许多视觉隐喻和复活节彩蛋暗示了一种数字柏拉图的洞穴,在那里,2D世界以3D的方式栩栩如生。 描述策略 目标是两倍。1.幼稚的Gambino粉丝2.有兴趣开发增强现实应用的应用开发者。使用像幼稚的甘比诺 (Gambino) 这样的文化偶像,他的方法挑战了规范,非常适合将新含义赋予现实世界AR的新技术。我们的方法利用AR作为一种新的讲故事媒介,而不仅仅是a头。 描述执行情况 我们部署了一个跨平台 (iOS和Android) 的AR应用程序,该应用程序使用了云锚,这是Google和Unity3D的最新多人AR技术。这个应用程序是世界上第一个多人AR音乐体验,并邀请用户在幼稚的甘比诺的音乐世界中旅行。该应用程序是在Coachella启动的,与Childish Gambino的标题进行了两晚的匹配,并为Pixel 3创建了物理安装。 描述结果 该应用程序被选为Apple app store的特色,并在第一周下载了5万。它还获得了VanityFair,Billboard,Venture Beat,VRScout,Engadget以及更多的1亿印象的重大新闻报道。

    Pharos AR by Childish Gambino

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment Lions for Music? AR provides a new avenue for expression and collaboration with fans through a medium that inherently requires user participation. Fans can walk inside of a traditional music video and see and hear things in a completely new 360° point of view. This affords a new level of engagement that creates meaningful connections with fans in a world of snackable content. Background This project was a partnership between Childish Gambino, Google, MediaMonks with technical support from Unity3D. The mandatories were simple: use a multiplayer portal in AR that lets fans step into Childish Gambino’s world. The brief was open: Explore the creative limits of Childish Gambino’s brand philosophy and the narrative elements of his new album. Describe the creative idea This was a shared AR journey through Childish Gambino’s music that encouraged fans to participate in a sacred communal space where they could unlock the hidden meaning of his brand and explore a cosmic journey. Gambino’s message hints at a deeper meaning, a purpose to life, and Augmented Reality does reveals just that by transforming the real world with enhanced graphics. We teased out these concepts on multiple levels. Fans are presented with a portal to a magical but hidden world. At first glance it appears to be a simple game, but when fans dig deeper there’s a cosmic journey that awaits down the rabbit hole. Many visual metaphors and easter eggs hint at a sort of digital Plato’s Cave where a 2D world springs to life in 3D. Describe the strategy The target was two fold. 1. Childish Gambino fans 2. App developers interested in developing augmented reality apps. Using a cultural icon such as Childish Gambino who’s approach challenges norms was a perfect fit for a new technology that layers new meaning onto the real world - AR. Our approach leveraged AR as a new storytelling medium and not simply a gimmick. Describe the execution We deployed a cross platform (iOS & Android) AR app that used Cloud Anchors, the latest multiplayer AR tech from Google and Unity3D. This app was the world's first multiplayer AR musical experience and invited users to take a journey through Childish Gambino’s musical universe. The app was launched at Coachella to correspond with Childish Gambino headlining two nights and a physical installation created for the Pixel 3. Describe the outcome The app was selected to be featured on the Apple app store and was downloaded 50k+ in the first week. It also received major press coverage from VanityFair, Billboard, Venture Beat, VRScout, Engadget and many more 100M+ impressions.

    幼稚的甘比诺的法罗斯 · 阿尔


    Pharos AR by Childish Gambino










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