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    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 为了在 2018 世界海洋日拥有对话,我们劫持了Corona自己的媒体频道,以帮助提高对海洋塑料污染的认识。 通过使用大量的执行,媒体渠道和影响者,我们引起了全球的关注,并成为全球主要市场的头条新闻。最终获得 26.9亿的媒体印象,实现我们向世界展示当今天堂现实的目标: 淹没在塑料中。 背景 今天,正如我们所知,天堂有灭绝的危险。我们的海洋淹没在塑料中,每年有惊人的 800万公吨塑料废物倾倒入海洋。 作为海滩的代名词品牌,Corona致力于保护天堂。但是现在,世界上大多数人不知道海洋塑料污染是一个全球性的问题,它影响到我们所有人。 为了让人们关心,科罗纳向我们介绍了提高全球对这个问题的认识 改变公众对天堂的看法,从田园诗般的到濒危的。 我们的简报反映了这一问题的规模,是一项全球运动,专门针对七个关键市场 :( 澳大利亚、哥伦比亚、智利)。多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、联合王国)。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 我们的海洋淹没在塑料中,但世界上大多数人并没有意识到这个巨大的环境问题。 为了突出这个问题并让每个人都关心,我们通过将塑料放入它不属于的其他地方来创建全球对话-从时尚到广告牌到活动。 与 2018 世界海洋日保持一致,我们劫持了天堂最具标志性的象征,包括Corona自己的品牌平台。在所有接触点 (包括大型装置、活动、Corona自己的品牌渠道、专门开发的产品,以及通过全球影响者和媒体推广),我们的 “海洋周” 活动取代了公众通常被喂养的原始海滩图像,处决显示天堂的真实状态: 淹没在塑料中。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 该运动的每一个要素和资产都旨在改变人们的看法,提高人们对海洋塑料污染的认识。 我们的活动吸引许多不同类型的消费者是关键,就像世界各地每个人面临的塑料污染一样。利用多个平台,我们能够产生全球赢得的媒体,并最大限度地扩大活动的覆盖面,以全球受众为目标 -- 从冲浪者和海滩游客到城市居民和时尚界的每个人。 此外,这也是一个教育消费者科罗纳与海洋保护协会持续合作的机会,并致力于到 2020 年保护全球 100 个岛屿。 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 在世界海洋日之前的一周,我们通过劫持Corona的OOH和DOOH开始了对话-将品牌熟悉的天堂图像交换为被塑料破坏的海滩,并在该品牌的全球标语 “这就是生活” 中添加了一个发人深省的问号。劫持事件继续在科罗纳的Instagram上进行,只展示了天堂真实污染状态的图像。 在全球主要城市,我们在高客流量地区创建了大型引人注目的设施。起初,这些类似于典型的电晕广告牌,但几天后就变成了由真正的海洋塑料制成的巨大的 “废物波”。 我们还重新设计了经典的夏威夷衬衫图案,包括塑料设计。这款限量版衬衫使用upcycled塑料制成,可在网上获得,收益捐赠给Parley for the Oceans。我们的影响者在晚间新闻中穿着它,在他们的社交频道上分享它,并用它来广播WSL比赛。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: Corona是海洋周期间最受关注的品牌。该活动获得了 26.9亿的媒体印象,增加了 13% 的品牌提及总数,并推动了 # 44% islandsprotected lifetime使用率的 100。 这场运动煽动了头版、议程设置新闻,并进入了主要市场的国家电视台和报纸: 澳大利亚 (澳大利亚人,新闻)。au),英国 (天空新闻,晚间标准),哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔 (La Republica,El Tiempo),多米尼加共和国 (Chevere Nights)。 在全球范围内,超过 200 名影响者分享了我们的内容,并产生了 3000万种社交印象。 我们的限量版天堂?衬衫在几天内售罄,并在世界各地的媒体报道中出现。 在智利,市长伊芙琳 · 马修斯在全国范围内报道了浪费浪潮后,支持科罗纳X · 帕利伙伴关系。 所有这些都在努力实现我们强调全球海洋塑料污染问题的目标。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? To own the conversation on World Oceans Day 2018, we hijacked Corona’s own media channels to help raise awareness for marine plastic pollution. By using a multitude of executions, media channels and influencers, we generated global attention and made headlines in key markets around the world. Ultimately garnering 2.69 billion earned media impressions and achieving our aim to show the world the reality of paradise today: drowning in plastic. Background Today, paradise as we know it is at risk of becoming extinct. Our oceans are drowning in plastic, with a staggering eight million metric tons of plastic waste dumped into the sea each year. As a brand synonymous with the beach, Corona is committed to protecting paradise. But right now, most of the world doesn’t know that marine plastic pollution is a global issue, which affects us all. To get people to care, Corona briefed us to raise global awareness of the issue and change the public’s perception of paradise from: idyllic to endangered. Reflecting the scale of the issue, our brief was a global campaign, focusing specifically on seven key markets: (Australia, Colombia, Chile. Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, United Kingdom). Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Our oceans are drowning in plastic, but most of the world is not aware of this colossal environmental issue. To highlight the issue and make everyone care, we created a global conversation by putting plastic into other places it doesn’t belong – everywhere from fashion to billboards to events. Aligning with World Oceans Day 2018, we hijacked the most iconic symbols of paradise, including Corona’s own brand platform. Across all touchpoints (including, large scale installations, events, Corona’s own brand channel, specifically developed products, and via global influencers and media outreach), our ‘Oceans Week’ campaign replaced the pristine beach images the public is usually fed, with executions that show paradise in its true state: drowning in plastic. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Every element and asset of the campaign was designed to change people’s perceptions and raise awareness for marine plastic pollution. It was key for our campaign to appeal to many different types of consumers, similar to how plastic pollution faces everyone, everywhere. Utilizing multiple platforms, we were able to generate global earned media and maximize the campaign’s reach to target a global audience - everyone from surfers and beach-goers, to city dwellers and the fashion world. Furthermore, it was also an opportunity to educate consumers on Corona's ongoing partnership with Parley For Oceans and commitment to protect 100 islands across the world by 2020. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) In the week leading up to World Oceans Day, we started the conversation by hijacking Corona’s OOH and DOOH - swapping the brand’s familiar images of paradise for beaches blighted by plastic, and added a thought-provoking question mark to the brand’s global tagline ‘This is Living’. The hijack continued on Corona’s Instagram, and featured only images of paradise’s true polluted state. In key global cities, we created large attention-grabbing installations in high foot traffic areas. At first these resembled typical Corona billboards, but over a few days were transformed into gigantic ‘Waves-of-Wastes’ built from real oceans plastic. We also redesigned the classic Hawaiian Shirt pattern, including plastic into the design. Made using upcycled plastic, the limited-edition shirt was available online, with proceeds donated to Parley for the Oceans. Our influencers wore it during the evening news, shared it on their social channels, and used it to broadcast the WSL competition. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Corona was the most talked about brand during Oceans Week. The campaign garnered 2.69 billion earned media impressions, increased total brand mentions by 13%, and drove 44% of #100islandsprotected lifetime usage. The campaign instigated front-page, agenda setting news and made it to national TV and newspapers in key markets: Australia (The Australian, News.Au), UK (Sky News, Evening Standard), Colombia and Ecuador (La Republica, El Tiempo), Dominican Republic (Chevere Nights). Globally, over 200 influencers shared our content and generated 30 million social impressions. Our limited-edition Paradise? Shirt sold out in a couple of days and was featured in media coverage all over the world. In Chile, mayor Evelyn Matthei gave her endorsement to the Corona X Parley partnership, following national coverage of the wave of waste. All of this working to achieve our aim of highlighting the issue of marine plastic pollution across the globe.

    Oceans Week

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与公关相关? 为了在 2018 世界海洋日拥有对话,我们劫持了Corona自己的媒体频道,以帮助提高对海洋塑料污染的认识。 通过使用大量的执行,媒体渠道和影响者,我们引起了全球的关注,并成为全球主要市场的头条新闻。最终获得 26.9亿的媒体印象,实现我们向世界展示当今天堂现实的目标: 淹没在塑料中。 背景 今天,正如我们所知,天堂有灭绝的危险。我们的海洋淹没在塑料中,每年有惊人的 800万公吨塑料废物倾倒入海洋。 作为海滩的代名词品牌,Corona致力于保护天堂。但是现在,世界上大多数人不知道海洋塑料污染是一个全球性的问题,它影响到我们所有人。 为了让人们关心,科罗纳向我们介绍了提高全球对这个问题的认识 改变公众对天堂的看法,从田园诗般的到濒危的。 我们的简报反映了这一问题的规模,是一项全球运动,专门针对七个关键市场 :( 澳大利亚、哥伦比亚、智利)。多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、联合王国)。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) 我们的海洋淹没在塑料中,但世界上大多数人并没有意识到这个巨大的环境问题。 为了突出这个问题并让每个人都关心,我们通过将塑料放入它不属于的其他地方来创建全球对话-从时尚到广告牌到活动。 与 2018 世界海洋日保持一致,我们劫持了天堂最具标志性的象征,包括Corona自己的品牌平台。在所有接触点 (包括大型装置、活动、Corona自己的品牌渠道、专门开发的产品,以及通过全球影响者和媒体推广),我们的 “海洋周” 活动取代了公众通常被喂养的原始海滩图像,处决显示天堂的真实状态: 淹没在塑料中。 描述公关策略 (30% 的选票) 该运动的每一个要素和资产都旨在改变人们的看法,提高人们对海洋塑料污染的认识。 我们的活动吸引许多不同类型的消费者是关键,就像世界各地每个人面临的塑料污染一样。利用多个平台,我们能够产生全球赢得的媒体,并最大限度地扩大活动的覆盖面,以全球受众为目标 -- 从冲浪者和海滩游客到城市居民和时尚界的每个人。 此外,这也是一个教育消费者科罗纳与海洋保护协会持续合作的机会,并致力于到 2020 年保护全球 100 个岛屿。 描述PR执行 (20% 的选票) 在世界海洋日之前的一周,我们通过劫持Corona的OOH和DOOH开始了对话-将品牌熟悉的天堂图像交换为被塑料破坏的海滩,并在该品牌的全球标语 “这就是生活” 中添加了一个发人深省的问号。劫持事件继续在科罗纳的Instagram上进行,只展示了天堂真实污染状态的图像。 在全球主要城市,我们在高客流量地区创建了大型引人注目的设施。起初,这些类似于典型的电晕广告牌,但几天后就变成了由真正的海洋塑料制成的巨大的 “废物波”。 我们还重新设计了经典的夏威夷衬衫图案,包括塑料设计。这款限量版衬衫使用upcycled塑料制成,可在网上获得,收益捐赠给Parley for the Oceans。我们的影响者在晚间新闻中穿着它,在他们的社交频道上分享它,并用它来广播WSL比赛。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 您必须至少包括以下两层: Corona是海洋周期间最受关注的品牌。该活动获得了 26.9亿的媒体印象,增加了 13% 的品牌提及总数,并推动了 # 44% islandsprotected lifetime使用率的 100。 这场运动煽动了头版、议程设置新闻,并进入了主要市场的国家电视台和报纸: 澳大利亚 (澳大利亚人,新闻)。au),英国 (天空新闻,晚间标准),哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔 (La Republica,El Tiempo),多米尼加共和国 (Chevere Nights)。 在全球范围内,超过 200 名影响者分享了我们的内容,并产生了 3000万种社交印象。 我们的限量版天堂?衬衫在几天内售罄,并在世界各地的媒体报道中出现。 在智利,市长伊芙琳 · 马修斯在全国范围内报道了浪费浪潮后,支持科罗纳X · 帕利伙伴关系。 所有这些都在努力实现我们强调全球海洋塑料污染问题的目标。

    Oceans Week

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for PR? To own the conversation on World Oceans Day 2018, we hijacked Corona’s own media channels to help raise awareness for marine plastic pollution. By using a multitude of executions, media channels and influencers, we generated global attention and made headlines in key markets around the world. Ultimately garnering 2.69 billion earned media impressions and achieving our aim to show the world the reality of paradise today: drowning in plastic. Background Today, paradise as we know it is at risk of becoming extinct. Our oceans are drowning in plastic, with a staggering eight million metric tons of plastic waste dumped into the sea each year. As a brand synonymous with the beach, Corona is committed to protecting paradise. But right now, most of the world doesn’t know that marine plastic pollution is a global issue, which affects us all. To get people to care, Corona briefed us to raise global awareness of the issue and change the public’s perception of paradise from: idyllic to endangered. Reflecting the scale of the issue, our brief was a global campaign, focusing specifically on seven key markets: (Australia, Colombia, Chile. Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, United Kingdom). Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) Our oceans are drowning in plastic, but most of the world is not aware of this colossal environmental issue. To highlight the issue and make everyone care, we created a global conversation by putting plastic into other places it doesn’t belong – everywhere from fashion to billboards to events. Aligning with World Oceans Day 2018, we hijacked the most iconic symbols of paradise, including Corona’s own brand platform. Across all touchpoints (including, large scale installations, events, Corona’s own brand channel, specifically developed products, and via global influencers and media outreach), our ‘Oceans Week’ campaign replaced the pristine beach images the public is usually fed, with executions that show paradise in its true state: drowning in plastic. Describe the PR strategy (30% of vote) Every element and asset of the campaign was designed to change people’s perceptions and raise awareness for marine plastic pollution. It was key for our campaign to appeal to many different types of consumers, similar to how plastic pollution faces everyone, everywhere. Utilizing multiple platforms, we were able to generate global earned media and maximize the campaign’s reach to target a global audience - everyone from surfers and beach-goers, to city dwellers and the fashion world. Furthermore, it was also an opportunity to educate consumers on Corona's ongoing partnership with Parley For Oceans and commitment to protect 100 islands across the world by 2020. Describe the PR execution (20% of vote) In the week leading up to World Oceans Day, we started the conversation by hijacking Corona’s OOH and DOOH - swapping the brand’s familiar images of paradise for beaches blighted by plastic, and added a thought-provoking question mark to the brand’s global tagline ‘This is Living’. The hijack continued on Corona’s Instagram, and featured only images of paradise’s true polluted state. In key global cities, we created large attention-grabbing installations in high foot traffic areas. At first these resembled typical Corona billboards, but over a few days were transformed into gigantic ‘Waves-of-Wastes’ built from real oceans plastic. We also redesigned the classic Hawaiian Shirt pattern, including plastic into the design. Made using upcycled plastic, the limited-edition shirt was available online, with proceeds donated to Parley for the Oceans. Our influencers wore it during the evening news, shared it on their social channels, and used it to broadcast the WSL competition. List the results (30% of vote) – must include at least two of the following tiers: Corona was the most talked about brand during Oceans Week. The campaign garnered 2.69 billion earned media impressions, increased total brand mentions by 13%, and drove 44% of #100islandsprotected lifetime usage. The campaign instigated front-page, agenda setting news and made it to national TV and newspapers in key markets: Australia (The Australian, News.Au), UK (Sky News, Evening Standard), Colombia and Ecuador (La Republica, El Tiempo), Dominican Republic (Chevere Nights). Globally, over 200 influencers shared our content and generated 30 million social impressions. Our limited-edition Paradise? Shirt sold out in a couple of days and was featured in media coverage all over the world. In Chile, mayor Evelyn Matthei gave her endorsement to the Corona X Parley partnership, following national coverage of the wave of waste. All of this working to achieve our aim of highlighting the issue of marine plastic pollution across the globe.



    Oceans Week










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