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    Tribeca Film Festival Reactor短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:执行 -实现: 使用面部和语音映射,我们将用户的表情、屈折、动作和时间与标志性电影场景中的著名演员进行匹配,以生成基于度量的分数。每个用户都收到了他们最佳表现的电子邮件片段。最高得分赢得了电影节门票。-时间线: 3/28/16-4/24/16。-放置/规模: 反应堆活跃了 4 周,并放置在纽约市周围的多个位置,包括联合广场、华盛顿广场公园、哥伦布圆环、麦迪逊广场花园, 巴克莱中心和布鲁克林大桥公园 活动描述 Tribeca ReActor 以独特的乐趣和竞争力将人们与他们喜欢的电影结合在一起。这是第一台游戏表演的机器。使用语音识别、面部表情识别和运动传感器与定制软件相结合,它不仅可以让玩家 “看电影”,还可以对他们的表演进行评分。玩家走到独立的游戏亭,选择他们选择的经典电影场景,然后有机会重现那个场景。使用现成的技术与定制软件相结合,玩家表演被捕捉和得分,然后实时放入电影场景中,这样他们就和人群一起,可以现场观看他们最好的表演。反应堆然后自动创建播放器性能的视频,并上传到 Youtube 分享。如果玩家获得足够高的分数,他或她将赢得翠贝卡电影节的免费门票。 结果 数百张通过反应堆赠送/赚取的门票数千个视频分享数十家媒体报道了反应堆,来自赫芬顿邮报、 NBC 、 FoxNews 、 Adweek,许多来自世界各地的酒吧。成千上万的人参与了纽约市周围的每个街道反应堆的激活日常纽约人参与了 TFF,当时他们认为这是为了这个城市的电影精英 (导演、制片人、电影评论家, 等) • 单张机票销售增加 45%(超过 20% 的销售目标)。最重要的是 (TFF) 比单张门票销售目标高出 300 美元,开放日销售额比去年增长了 38%。 战略 数据收集: 是双重的。-首先,反应器收集 78 点面部表情数据,以及从每个执行场景的玩家每秒记录和采样 48,000 次的声音波形。它使用这些数据来生成基于度量的分数并创建一个片段。然后,它会自动将该片段连同放映时间、门票信息和节日亮点一起发送给每个玩家。从而创建所有参与者的电子邮件数据库。-目标观众: 25-40 岁的纽约人,他们是电影爱好者和娱乐爱好者。-与平台的相关性: 反应堆以非常个人的一对一的方式接触纽约人,利用他们对电影的热爱来鼓励他们参与品牌。-方法: 创建一个有趣的,完全互动的,身临其境的游戏,前往纽约的多个地点,将人们和伟大的电影结合在一起。 概要 -情况: 翠贝卡电影节在精英电影界的受欢迎程度迅速上升,但这一全球成功并没有转化为当地电影爱好者的出席。曾经为重建纽约街道而创建的节日现在被住在那里的人视为遥不可及。-简介: 通过向每天的纽约人非常公开和非常亲自地打开节日的大门来润滑出席的车轮。通过提醒每个人,翠贝卡电影节不是为那些 “了解电影” 的人举办的,而是为那些 “热爱电影” 的人举办的。 “-目标: o 增加整体门票销售和观众人数 o 将纽约人重新连接到他们的电影节


    案例简介:Execution - Implementation:Using facial and voice mapping, we matched user’s expressions, inflections, motion and timing against those of famous actors in iconic movie scenes to generate a metric-based score. Each user was emailed a clip of their best performance. Top scores won tickets to the festival. - Timeline: 3/28/16 - 4/24/16. - Placement/Scale: The ReActor was active for 4 weeks, and placed in multiple locations around New York City including Union Square, Washington Square Park, Columbus Circle, Madison Square Garden, Barclays Center and Brooklyn Bridge Park Campaign Description •The Tribeca ReActor brings people together with the movies they love in a uniquely fun and competitive away.•It’s the first machine to gamify acting. Using voice recognition, facial expression recognition and motion sensors combined with custom software, it not only drops players “into the movies”, it also scores them on their performances.•Players step up to the freestanding game kiosk, select a classic movie scene of their choice, then get a chance to reenact that scene.•Using off-the-shelf technology combined with custom software, player performances are captured and scored, then placed into movie scenes in real time so they, along with the crowd, can watch their best takes live.•The ReActor then automatically creates a video of the player’s performance and uploads it to Youtube for sharing.•If a player gets a high enough score, he or she wins free tickets to the Tribeca Film Festival. Outcome • Hundreds of tickets given away/earned through the ReActor• Thousands of videos shared• Dozens of media outlets covered the ReActor, from Huffington Post, NBC, FoxNews, Adweek, with many from pubs around the world.• Thousands engaged at each street ReActor activation around New York City• Everyday New Yorkers engaged with TFF when previously they thought it was for the movie elites of the city (Directors, Producers, Film Critics, etc.)• 45% increase in dollar sales for single ticket purchases (exceeding sales goal by 20%).• And Best of all (TFF) beat single ticket sales goals by $300K and saw a 38% increase in opening day sales versus last year. Strategy Data Gathering: Is two-fold. -First, the ReActor collects 78 points of facial expression data, along with a vocal waveform that's recorded and sampled 48,000 times per second from every player who performs a scene. It uses that data to generate a metric-based score and to create a clip.-Then, it automatically emails that clip to every player along with show times, ticket information and festival highlights. Thus creating an email-database of all participants. - Target Audience: New Yorkers between the ages of 25 - 40 who are film, and entertainment enthusiasts. - Relevance to platform: The ReActor reaches New Yorkers on a very personal, one-on-one level, using their love of movies to encourage participation with the brand. - Approach: Create a fun, fully interactive, immersive game that traveled to multiple locations in New York bringing people and great film together. Synopsis - Situation: The Tribeca Film Festival has enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity within elite film circles, but this global success has not translated into attendance by local film-lovers. The festival that was once created to re-build the streets of New York is now seen as unattainable by the very people who live there. - Brief: Grease the wheels of attendance by opening the doors of the festival very publicly and very personally to every-day New Yorkers. Democratize the experience by reminding everyone that Tribeca Film Festival is not for those who “know film”, it’s for those who “love film.” - Objectives:o Increase overall ticket sales and attendanceo Re-connect New Yorkers to their film festival

    Tribeca Film Festival Reactor

    案例简介:执行 -实现: 使用面部和语音映射,我们将用户的表情、屈折、动作和时间与标志性电影场景中的著名演员进行匹配,以生成基于度量的分数。每个用户都收到了他们最佳表现的电子邮件片段。最高得分赢得了电影节门票。-时间线: 3/28/16-4/24/16。-放置/规模: 反应堆活跃了 4 周,并放置在纽约市周围的多个位置,包括联合广场、华盛顿广场公园、哥伦布圆环、麦迪逊广场花园, 巴克莱中心和布鲁克林大桥公园 活动描述 Tribeca ReActor 以独特的乐趣和竞争力将人们与他们喜欢的电影结合在一起。这是第一台游戏表演的机器。使用语音识别、面部表情识别和运动传感器与定制软件相结合,它不仅可以让玩家 “看电影”,还可以对他们的表演进行评分。玩家走到独立的游戏亭,选择他们选择的经典电影场景,然后有机会重现那个场景。使用现成的技术与定制软件相结合,玩家表演被捕捉和得分,然后实时放入电影场景中,这样他们就和人群一起,可以现场观看他们最好的表演。反应堆然后自动创建播放器性能的视频,并上传到 Youtube 分享。如果玩家获得足够高的分数,他或她将赢得翠贝卡电影节的免费门票。 结果 数百张通过反应堆赠送/赚取的门票数千个视频分享数十家媒体报道了反应堆,来自赫芬顿邮报、 NBC 、 FoxNews 、 Adweek,许多来自世界各地的酒吧。成千上万的人参与了纽约市周围的每个街道反应堆的激活日常纽约人参与了 TFF,当时他们认为这是为了这个城市的电影精英 (导演、制片人、电影评论家, 等) • 单张机票销售增加 45%(超过 20% 的销售目标)。最重要的是 (TFF) 比单张门票销售目标高出 300 美元,开放日销售额比去年增长了 38%。 战略 数据收集: 是双重的。-首先,反应器收集 78 点面部表情数据,以及从每个执行场景的玩家每秒记录和采样 48,000 次的声音波形。它使用这些数据来生成基于度量的分数并创建一个片段。然后,它会自动将该片段连同放映时间、门票信息和节日亮点一起发送给每个玩家。从而创建所有参与者的电子邮件数据库。-目标观众: 25-40 岁的纽约人,他们是电影爱好者和娱乐爱好者。-与平台的相关性: 反应堆以非常个人的一对一的方式接触纽约人,利用他们对电影的热爱来鼓励他们参与品牌。-方法: 创建一个有趣的,完全互动的,身临其境的游戏,前往纽约的多个地点,将人们和伟大的电影结合在一起。 概要 -情况: 翠贝卡电影节在精英电影界的受欢迎程度迅速上升,但这一全球成功并没有转化为当地电影爱好者的出席。曾经为重建纽约街道而创建的节日现在被住在那里的人视为遥不可及。-简介: 通过向每天的纽约人非常公开和非常亲自地打开节日的大门来润滑出席的车轮。通过提醒每个人,翠贝卡电影节不是为那些 “了解电影” 的人举办的,而是为那些 “热爱电影” 的人举办的。 “-目标: o 增加整体门票销售和观众人数 o 将纽约人重新连接到他们的电影节

    Tribeca Film Festival Reactor

    案例简介:Execution - Implementation:Using facial and voice mapping, we matched user’s expressions, inflections, motion and timing against those of famous actors in iconic movie scenes to generate a metric-based score. Each user was emailed a clip of their best performance. Top scores won tickets to the festival. - Timeline: 3/28/16 - 4/24/16. - Placement/Scale: The ReActor was active for 4 weeks, and placed in multiple locations around New York City including Union Square, Washington Square Park, Columbus Circle, Madison Square Garden, Barclays Center and Brooklyn Bridge Park Campaign Description •The Tribeca ReActor brings people together with the movies they love in a uniquely fun and competitive away.•It’s the first machine to gamify acting. Using voice recognition, facial expression recognition and motion sensors combined with custom software, it not only drops players “into the movies”, it also scores them on their performances.•Players step up to the freestanding game kiosk, select a classic movie scene of their choice, then get a chance to reenact that scene.•Using off-the-shelf technology combined with custom software, player performances are captured and scored, then placed into movie scenes in real time so they, along with the crowd, can watch their best takes live.•The ReActor then automatically creates a video of the player’s performance and uploads it to Youtube for sharing.•If a player gets a high enough score, he or she wins free tickets to the Tribeca Film Festival. Outcome • Hundreds of tickets given away/earned through the ReActor• Thousands of videos shared• Dozens of media outlets covered the ReActor, from Huffington Post, NBC, FoxNews, Adweek, with many from pubs around the world.• Thousands engaged at each street ReActor activation around New York City• Everyday New Yorkers engaged with TFF when previously they thought it was for the movie elites of the city (Directors, Producers, Film Critics, etc.)• 45% increase in dollar sales for single ticket purchases (exceeding sales goal by 20%).• And Best of all (TFF) beat single ticket sales goals by $300K and saw a 38% increase in opening day sales versus last year. Strategy Data Gathering: Is two-fold. -First, the ReActor collects 78 points of facial expression data, along with a vocal waveform that's recorded and sampled 48,000 times per second from every player who performs a scene. It uses that data to generate a metric-based score and to create a clip.-Then, it automatically emails that clip to every player along with show times, ticket information and festival highlights. Thus creating an email-database of all participants. - Target Audience: New Yorkers between the ages of 25 - 40 who are film, and entertainment enthusiasts. - Relevance to platform: The ReActor reaches New Yorkers on a very personal, one-on-one level, using their love of movies to encourage participation with the brand. - Approach: Create a fun, fully interactive, immersive game that traveled to multiple locations in New York bringing people and great film together. Synopsis - Situation: The Tribeca Film Festival has enjoyed a meteoric rise in popularity within elite film circles, but this global success has not translated into attendance by local film-lovers. The festival that was once created to re-build the streets of New York is now seen as unattainable by the very people who live there. - Brief: Grease the wheels of attendance by opening the doors of the festival very publicly and very personally to every-day New Yorkers. Democratize the experience by reminding everyone that Tribeca Film Festival is not for those who “know film”, it’s for those who “love film.” - Objectives:o Increase overall ticket sales and attendanceo Re-connect New Yorkers to their film festival



    Tribeca Film Festival Reactor










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