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    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? The Last Column is shocking, emotional, captivating content, from video to audio passing by book and print, it communicates the CPJ (committee to protect journalists) message like never before, bringing the issue of war reporter’s murder and safety back into our daily conversation. Background The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide and defends the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal. Numerous journalists die every year reporting the news. And while many people have heard of high-profile cases like Jamal Khashoggi, the general public is completely unaware of the tragic scope of the situation: 1,337 journalists have been killed in the line of duty since 1992. How could we get the public to remember these journalists and speak up about the safety of those still out in the field? Describe the creative idea We created a memorial movement bringing attention to the human cost of journalism: The Last Column. An integrated initiative featuring a logo made of the names of the 1,337 journalists killed in action, a book gathering the final works of more than twenty murdered journalists, and video & audio interviews with their friends and families. A way to immortalize the courageous men and women killed in the service of newsgathering. Describe the strategy We wanted to use those closest to the problem: the journalistic institutions, key reporters, and press freedom advocates, to help amplify our message: “their Legacy is now in our hands”. We identified the key outlets that had taken a huge stand about violence against journalists, and enlisted them as collaborators. This resulted in donated media, consisting of 3 days of full-page ads in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and New York Post. We also pre-briefed key exclusives which ran in the likes of Monocle, Time Magazine, Politico, NPR, and more. Finally we mailed books to key influencers, journalists, media commentators and press freedom advocates. Their bottom up conversations about the power of the book also helped catalyze a national broadcast appearance in one of the most popular morning shows in America: Morning Joe, where they had a 5 minute segment on the show. Describe the execution The Last Column launched on March 13, 2019, with events in New York and Washington D.C., a panel on the human cost of journalism at SXSW, prominent donated placements in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, an animated logo video, and educational content. 1,000 limited-edition copies of the book were printed and shared through influencers and partnerships with international bookstores. A website served as a hub for the movement, featuring The Last Column e-book, video interviews with friends, colleagues, and families of the journalists, and a podcast where they read their loved ones’ final articles. Describe the outcome The movement was embraced by the journalism community and shared worldwide through written coverage in Time, The Hill, The New York Post, and Monocle, and on-air coverage on MSNBC, Al Jazeera, and C-Span. It spread internationally, reaching over 300 million media impressions. Those closest to the cause became its ambassadors, using their own social channels to share and inspire the public to stand for the journalists’ safety. Ensuring these names and stories are here to stay.

    The Last Column


    The Last Column

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Entertainment? The Last Column is shocking, emotional, captivating content, from video to audio passing by book and print, it communicates the CPJ (committee to protect journalists) message like never before, bringing the issue of war reporter’s murder and safety back into our daily conversation. Background The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide and defends the right of journalists to report the news safely and without fear of reprisal. Numerous journalists die every year reporting the news. And while many people have heard of high-profile cases like Jamal Khashoggi, the general public is completely unaware of the tragic scope of the situation: 1,337 journalists have been killed in the line of duty since 1992. How could we get the public to remember these journalists and speak up about the safety of those still out in the field? Describe the creative idea We created a memorial movement bringing attention to the human cost of journalism: The Last Column. An integrated initiative featuring a logo made of the names of the 1,337 journalists killed in action, a book gathering the final works of more than twenty murdered journalists, and video & audio interviews with their friends and families. A way to immortalize the courageous men and women killed in the service of newsgathering. Describe the strategy We wanted to use those closest to the problem: the journalistic institutions, key reporters, and press freedom advocates, to help amplify our message: “their Legacy is now in our hands”. We identified the key outlets that had taken a huge stand about violence against journalists, and enlisted them as collaborators. This resulted in donated media, consisting of 3 days of full-page ads in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal and New York Post. We also pre-briefed key exclusives which ran in the likes of Monocle, Time Magazine, Politico, NPR, and more. Finally we mailed books to key influencers, journalists, media commentators and press freedom advocates. Their bottom up conversations about the power of the book also helped catalyze a national broadcast appearance in one of the most popular morning shows in America: Morning Joe, where they had a 5 minute segment on the show. Describe the execution The Last Column launched on March 13, 2019, with events in New York and Washington D.C., a panel on the human cost of journalism at SXSW, prominent donated placements in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal, an animated logo video, and educational content. 1,000 limited-edition copies of the book were printed and shared through influencers and partnerships with international bookstores. A website served as a hub for the movement, featuring The Last Column e-book, video interviews with friends, colleagues, and families of the journalists, and a podcast where they read their loved ones’ final articles. Describe the outcome The movement was embraced by the journalism community and shared worldwide through written coverage in Time, The Hill, The New York Post, and Monocle, and on-air coverage on MSNBC, Al Jazeera, and C-Span. It spread internationally, reaching over 300 million media impressions. Those closest to the cause became its ambassadors, using their own social channels to share and inspire the public to stand for the journalists’ safety. Ensuring these names and stories are here to stay.


    The Last Column






    广告公司: FF (美国 纽约) 制作公司: VII Agency




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