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    案例简介:芝华士 25 号凭借《戛纳传奇》将游客带入标志性电影节 由进化局创建的互动门户网站探索了该活动的历史和魅力 (旧金山-2013年5月20日) 与戛纳电影节的官方赞助商芝华士 · 君威合作,数字机构进化局和制作公司第九单元以 “戛纳传奇” 纪念世界上最著名的电影节 “一个体验式网站本周首次亮相,让用户通过这个标志性活动进行虚拟贵宾之旅。 在线门户网站 www.chivas.com/cannes 通过一张互动的全景照片展现了戛纳电影节的所有魅力和兴奋。进入这张照片,游客会发现运河传奇名声的各个方面,从节日的红地毯和富丽堂皇的装饰艺术酒店到沿着海岸线滑行的游艇。一路上,他们看到了芝华士 25 号在节日中扮演的内在角色,从 5月15日到 5月26日。由 EVB 伦敦办公室创作的《戛纳传奇》向让戛纳电影节非同寻常的故事致敬,并让游客亲身体验这些故事。 “在社交空间与奢侈品牌合作, 丹尼尔 · 斯坦说: “第二次与生产公司 UNIT9 合作,在电影节期间生产这样一个大型项目,并在现场进行全面生产,对所有相关人员来说都是一个巨大的成就。”。 EVB 的创始人兼首席执行官。“我们对结果感到高兴,并兴奋地看到这项工作是如何在我们的门外收到的。" 沿着电影节和法国里维埃拉城市的路线,“戛纳传奇” 提供互动热点、原创摄影、高清视频内容和一些节日最引人注目的庆祝活动的 100 多个幕后图像,包括巴兹 · 鲁尔曼的《了不起的盖茨比》首映式派对上的芝华士 25 酒吧和芝华士之家采访休息室的综艺工作室。该网站允许来自世界各地的人们沿着海滨大道欣赏棕榈树,走进戛纳君悦酒店马丁内斯,沿着海岸线旅行, 随着白天消失到夜晚,体验能量的明显转变。 “芝华士 25 和戛纳电影节有着奢华和排他性的传统,我们很高兴连续第五年再次成为官方合作伙伴,” 詹姆斯 · 斯莱克说, 芝华士全球品牌总监。“我们想捕捉这个标志性节日的历史和我们的客人拥有的传奇芝华士 25 体验,并将其带到网上。" 关于进化局 EVB 是旧金山的一家全方位服务的数字营销机构,专门从事在线广告、社交媒体和创造性活动,激发消费者的参与。我们通过创造信徒、粉丝、福音,当然还有顾客来建立品牌。查看我们为客户提供的最新作品,如多汁水果、游戏、 Zynga 、 Absolut 、 Jameson 和 Facebook http://www.evb.com/work 。 关于芝华士君威 芝华士是一个真正的全球品牌,每年在欧洲、亚太和美洲 480万多个国家销售 150 个 9L 箱。芝华士的范围是风格的缩影,物质和排他性,包括芝华士 12 、 18 和 25 岁,芝华士范围的顶峰。作为戛纳电影节的官方赞助商,芝华士 25 连续第五年拥有奢华和排他性的传统, 让它成为为银幕传奇和世界上最负盛名的电影节的魅力干杯的完美饮料。


    案例简介:With ‘The Legend Of Cannes,’ Chivas Regal 25 Takes Visitors Inside the Iconic Film Festival Interactive Portal, Created by Evolution Bureau, Explores the Event’s History and Glamour (San Francisco – May 20, 2013) Working with Chivas Regal, an official sponsor of the Cannes Film Festival, digital agency Evolution Bureau and production company Unit 9 are honoring the world’s most celebrated film festival with “The Legend Of Cannes,” an experiential website debuting this week that takes users on a virtual VIP journey through the iconic event. The online portal, www.chivas.com/cannes, brings to life all the glamour and excitement of the Cannes Film Festival in one interactive, panoramic shot. Entering this photo, visitors discover all aspects of Cannes’ legendary fame, from the festival’s red carpet and the palatial Art Deco hotels to the yachts gliding along its coastline. Along the way, they see the intrinsic role that Chivas Regal 25 plays in the festival, spanning May 15 through May 26. “The Legend Of Cannes,” created by EVB’s London office, pays tribute to the stories that make the Cannes Film Festival extraordinary and allows visitors to experience them firsthand. “Working with a luxury brand in a social space, partnering with production company UNIT9 for the second time and producing such a large project with a full production on the ground during the festival is a tremendous accomplishment for all involved,” said Daniel Stein, EVB’s founder and CEO. “We’re delighted by the results and excited to see how the work is received outside our doors.” Along its route through the festival and French Riviera city, “The Legend Of Cannes” offers interactive hot spots, original photography, high definition video content and more than 100 behind-the-scenes images from some of the festival’s most high-profile celebrations, including the exclusive Chivas Regal 25 bar at the premiere party for Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” and the Variety Studio at Chivas House interview lounge. The site allows people from across the globe to admire the palms along the Promenade de la Croisette, step inside the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez and travel along the coastline, experiencing the palpable shift in energy as day fades into night. “Chivas Regal 25 and the Festival de Cannes share a heritage of luxury and exclusivity and we’re excited to be an official partner again, for the fifth consecutive year,” said James Slack, Global Brand Director of Chivas Regal. “We wanted to capture the history of this iconic festival and the legendary Chivas Regal 25 experience that our guests have and bring it to life online.” About Evolution Bureau EVB is a full-service digital marketing agency in San Francisco that specializes in creating online advertising, social media and creative campaigns that inspire consumer participation. We build brands by creating believers, fans, evangelists and, of course, customers. View our latest work for clients such as Juicy Fruit, Skittles, Zynga, Absolut, Jameson and Facebook at http://www.evb.com/work. About Chivas Regal Chivas Regal is a truly global brand, selling 4.8 million 9L cases annually in more than 150 countries across Europe, Asia Pacific and Americas. The Chivas Regal range is the epitome of style, substance and exclusivity and includes Chivas Regal 12, 18 and 25 Year Old, the pinnacle of the Chivas range. Marking a fifth consecutive year as official sponsor of the Festival de Cannes, Chivas Regal 25 has a heritage of luxury and exclusivity, making it the perfect drink to toast the silver screen legends and the glamour of the world’s most prestigious film festival.

    The Legend of Cannes

    案例简介:芝华士 25 号凭借《戛纳传奇》将游客带入标志性电影节 由进化局创建的互动门户网站探索了该活动的历史和魅力 (旧金山-2013年5月20日) 与戛纳电影节的官方赞助商芝华士 · 君威合作,数字机构进化局和制作公司第九单元以 “戛纳传奇” 纪念世界上最著名的电影节 “一个体验式网站本周首次亮相,让用户通过这个标志性活动进行虚拟贵宾之旅。 在线门户网站 www.chivas.com/cannes 通过一张互动的全景照片展现了戛纳电影节的所有魅力和兴奋。进入这张照片,游客会发现运河传奇名声的各个方面,从节日的红地毯和富丽堂皇的装饰艺术酒店到沿着海岸线滑行的游艇。一路上,他们看到了芝华士 25 号在节日中扮演的内在角色,从 5月15日到 5月26日。由 EVB 伦敦办公室创作的《戛纳传奇》向让戛纳电影节非同寻常的故事致敬,并让游客亲身体验这些故事。 “在社交空间与奢侈品牌合作, 丹尼尔 · 斯坦说: “第二次与生产公司 UNIT9 合作,在电影节期间生产这样一个大型项目,并在现场进行全面生产,对所有相关人员来说都是一个巨大的成就。”。 EVB 的创始人兼首席执行官。“我们对结果感到高兴,并兴奋地看到这项工作是如何在我们的门外收到的。" 沿着电影节和法国里维埃拉城市的路线,“戛纳传奇” 提供互动热点、原创摄影、高清视频内容和一些节日最引人注目的庆祝活动的 100 多个幕后图像,包括巴兹 · 鲁尔曼的《了不起的盖茨比》首映式派对上的芝华士 25 酒吧和芝华士之家采访休息室的综艺工作室。该网站允许来自世界各地的人们沿着海滨大道欣赏棕榈树,走进戛纳君悦酒店马丁内斯,沿着海岸线旅行, 随着白天消失到夜晚,体验能量的明显转变。 “芝华士 25 和戛纳电影节有着奢华和排他性的传统,我们很高兴连续第五年再次成为官方合作伙伴,” 詹姆斯 · 斯莱克说, 芝华士全球品牌总监。“我们想捕捉这个标志性节日的历史和我们的客人拥有的传奇芝华士 25 体验,并将其带到网上。" 关于进化局 EVB 是旧金山的一家全方位服务的数字营销机构,专门从事在线广告、社交媒体和创造性活动,激发消费者的参与。我们通过创造信徒、粉丝、福音,当然还有顾客来建立品牌。查看我们为客户提供的最新作品,如多汁水果、游戏、 Zynga 、 Absolut 、 Jameson 和 Facebook http://www.evb.com/work 。 关于芝华士君威 芝华士是一个真正的全球品牌,每年在欧洲、亚太和美洲 480万多个国家销售 150 个 9L 箱。芝华士的范围是风格的缩影,物质和排他性,包括芝华士 12 、 18 和 25 岁,芝华士范围的顶峰。作为戛纳电影节的官方赞助商,芝华士 25 连续第五年拥有奢华和排他性的传统, 让它成为为银幕传奇和世界上最负盛名的电影节的魅力干杯的完美饮料。

    The Legend of Cannes

    案例简介:With ‘The Legend Of Cannes,’ Chivas Regal 25 Takes Visitors Inside the Iconic Film Festival Interactive Portal, Created by Evolution Bureau, Explores the Event’s History and Glamour (San Francisco – May 20, 2013) Working with Chivas Regal, an official sponsor of the Cannes Film Festival, digital agency Evolution Bureau and production company Unit 9 are honoring the world’s most celebrated film festival with “The Legend Of Cannes,” an experiential website debuting this week that takes users on a virtual VIP journey through the iconic event. The online portal, www.chivas.com/cannes, brings to life all the glamour and excitement of the Cannes Film Festival in one interactive, panoramic shot. Entering this photo, visitors discover all aspects of Cannes’ legendary fame, from the festival’s red carpet and the palatial Art Deco hotels to the yachts gliding along its coastline. Along the way, they see the intrinsic role that Chivas Regal 25 plays in the festival, spanning May 15 through May 26. “The Legend Of Cannes,” created by EVB’s London office, pays tribute to the stories that make the Cannes Film Festival extraordinary and allows visitors to experience them firsthand. “Working with a luxury brand in a social space, partnering with production company UNIT9 for the second time and producing such a large project with a full production on the ground during the festival is a tremendous accomplishment for all involved,” said Daniel Stein, EVB’s founder and CEO. “We’re delighted by the results and excited to see how the work is received outside our doors.” Along its route through the festival and French Riviera city, “The Legend Of Cannes” offers interactive hot spots, original photography, high definition video content and more than 100 behind-the-scenes images from some of the festival’s most high-profile celebrations, including the exclusive Chivas Regal 25 bar at the premiere party for Baz Luhrmann’s “The Great Gatsby” and the Variety Studio at Chivas House interview lounge. The site allows people from across the globe to admire the palms along the Promenade de la Croisette, step inside the Grand Hyatt Cannes Hotel Martinez and travel along the coastline, experiencing the palpable shift in energy as day fades into night. “Chivas Regal 25 and the Festival de Cannes share a heritage of luxury and exclusivity and we’re excited to be an official partner again, for the fifth consecutive year,” said James Slack, Global Brand Director of Chivas Regal. “We wanted to capture the history of this iconic festival and the legendary Chivas Regal 25 experience that our guests have and bring it to life online.” About Evolution Bureau EVB is a full-service digital marketing agency in San Francisco that specializes in creating online advertising, social media and creative campaigns that inspire consumer participation. We build brands by creating believers, fans, evangelists and, of course, customers. View our latest work for clients such as Juicy Fruit, Skittles, Zynga, Absolut, Jameson and Facebook at http://www.evb.com/work. About Chivas Regal Chivas Regal is a truly global brand, selling 4.8 million 9L cases annually in more than 150 countries across Europe, Asia Pacific and Americas. The Chivas Regal range is the epitome of style, substance and exclusivity and includes Chivas Regal 12, 18 and 25 Year Old, the pinnacle of the Chivas range. Marking a fifth consecutive year as official sponsor of the Festival de Cannes, Chivas Regal 25 has a heritage of luxury and exclusivity, making it the perfect drink to toast the silver screen legends and the glamour of the world’s most prestigious film festival.



    The Legend of Cannes






    广告公司: Evolution Bureau (美国 Boulder) 制作公司: Unit 9


    With ‘The Legend Of Cannes,’ Chivas Regal 25 Takes Visitors Inside the Iconic Film Festival



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