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    Clever Kash短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:ASB 银行的数字 piggybank,聪明的 Kash,旨在帮助孩子们在一个越来越没有现金的社会中想象他们的零花钱和储蓄。聪明的卡什是一只可爱的黄象,肚子上有一个 LED 屏幕。如果父母想给他们的孩子钱,他们可以打开 ASB 应用程序,从智能手机上 “刷卡” 硬币进入数字钱箱。然后通过蓝牙传输正确的更改,新的余额显示在屏幕上。孩子们可以设定储蓄目标,并在达到目标时获得徽章。有趣的图形和可爱的声音效果都增加了体验。 概要 ASB 银行的问题是世界的问题: 网上银行正在创造一个无现金的社会,那么当我们的孩子不再看到钱的价值时,他们怎么能继续理解钱的价值呢?我们有机会创造一个数字创新来回答数字世界带来的问题。简介通过创造一种创新的教育产品,让父母和孩子都能真正参与并与之互动,将孩子的钱箱带入 21世纪让孩子们再次与金钱的有形联系,同时愉悦他们的感官和头脑。目标为教孩子们储蓄注入新的活力加强 ASB 银行作为一家创新银行的资格保留年轻家庭的现有客户,并从竞争对手银行获得新客户。 战略 创造一种全新的教育孩子金融知识的方式,这完全是现有 behaviours 的核心 -- 即通过手机转账。 ASB 银行也有一个旧的、免费的黄色储蓄箱,叫做卡申,他们从 1960 年代就有了,但是没有人再关心它了。这是更新和再次创造价值的完美资产。数据收集和洞察 2015 是 ASB 移动银行超过实体银行的第一年。在新西兰,大多数父母年龄的人不再在口袋里携带现金 -- 但他们确实携带手机。目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织) 年轻家庭的父母(4-12 岁的儿童),通常是 30-49 岁。与平台移动银行的相关性现在是客户银行的主要方式,而不是构建一个单独的应用程序, 功能内置于现有的银行应用程序中,并在下一次例行更新期间更新了每一部手机。 活动描述 聪明的 Kash: 一个黄色玩具大象形状的无现金数字货币箱 -- 自 1960 年代以来,ASB 一直在使用这种标志性动物作为自己的储蓄箱。•它的腹部是一个数字屏幕,通过蓝牙与父母的手机银行应用程序交互。父母可以从他们的手机上 “刷卡” 钱 (通过 ASB 手机银行应用程序),聪明的 Kash syncs 会反映这种平衡,这样孩子就可以看到他们的零花钱。付款可以用名字个性化,目标可以设定,声音效果增加了光和乐趣。 结果 5 天内实现 10,000 感兴趣注册的商业目标。目前在 38,000。ASB 的品牌爱分数达到 93 分的历史最高水平,这是聪明的 Kash 的直接结果,促进了业绩 9% 的增长 (过去 6 个月)。感兴趣的客户高度参与。电子邮件的开盘率分别为 48 和 64%。(ASB 基准 30-35%。) 在所有新西兰国家、黄金时段新闻节目、国家报纸和在线媒体以及 NBC 新闻、 Fast Company 、 Re/Code 的国际报道中出现金融品牌 (共享超过 600 次) 、趋势预测网站等。估计有 10 百万以上的媒体印象。来自 10 多家全球银行/金融机构的联系,对该技术的许可感兴趣。超过 1,100 股 facebook 帖子,1,400 条评论和 10,000 个赞。视频帖子已被浏览 278,000 多次。超过 120,00 个 YouTube 视图。超过 98,000 分钟的内容被观看。试点的早期客户反馈显示了行为改变的证据 -- 更多的定期储蓄和更多关于金钱的对话。 执行 Implementationsmart Kash 是在 12 个月的时间里设计、研究、原型和开发的。然后它通过公关和 asb.co.nz 发布,并通过两个在线视频展示了聪明的 Kash 和开发/制作。一组注册的人被选择体验并反馈该设备,以获得 2016年9月向新西兰发布的更新版本。时间线感兴趣的注册启动 2015年9月 1,050 测试版单元的首次软启动 2016年1月在全国范围内大规模启动 2016年9月安置 1,050 个单元用于家庭住宅的反馈,测试和促销使用在 branch,人们可以进来尝试聪明的 KashScale 首次推出 2015年9月: 在全国范围内为注册的父母和影响者提供 1,050 个单位在全国范围内的分支机构和宣传材料大规模推出 2016年9月


    案例简介:ASB Bank’s digital piggybank, Clever Kash, is designed to help children visualise their pocket money and savings in an increasingly cashless society. Clever Kash is a cute yellow elephant with an LED screen on his belly. If parents want to give money to their child, they can open the ASB app and ‘swipe’ coins from their smartphone into the digital money box. The correct change is then transferred via Bluetooth and the new balance is displayed on the screen. Kids can set up savings goals and receive badges when they reach them. Fun graphics and cute sound effects all add to the experience. Synopsis ASB Bank’s problem is the world’s problem: online banking is creating a cashless society, so how could our children continue to understand the value of money, when they no longer see it? We had the chance to create a digital innovation to answer a problem created by the digital world.BriefBring the kid’s moneybox into the 21st century by creating an innovative and educational product that parent and child alike could genuinely participate in and interact with – connecting children once again to the tangibility of money while delighting their senses and minds.Objectives• Breathe new life into teaching children about saving• Reinforce ASB Bank’s credentials as an innovative bank• Retain existing customers with young families, and acquiring new ones from competitor banks. Strategy Create a whole new way of teaching kids financial literacy that was completely central to existing behaviours – ie transferring money via mobile phone.ASB Bank also had an old, free yellow savings box called Kashin that they’d had since the 1960s, but no one cares about it anymore. It was the perfect asset to update and make valuable again.Data gathering and insights• 2015 was the first year ASB mobile banking overtook physical banking.• In New Zealand, most people of parent age no longer carry cash in their pockets anymore – but they do carry mobile phones.Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/ organisations)Parents of young families (children aged 4-12), typically 30-49 years• Relevance to platformMobile banking is now the primary way customers bank, and rather than build a separate app, functionality was built into the existing banking app and updated every phone during the next routine update. Campaign Description • Clever Kash: a cashless, digital moneybox in the shape of a yellow toy elephant – the iconic animal ASB has used since the 1960s for its own savings boxes. • On its belly is a digital screen that interacts with a parent’s mobile banking app via Bluetooth.• Parents can “swipe” money from their phone (via ASB Mobile banking app), and Clever Kash syncs then reflects that balance, so the child can see their pocket money.• Payments can be personalised with names, goals can be set, and sound effects add light and playfulness. Outcome •Business objective of 10,000 registrations of interest met within 5 days. Currently at 38,000. •ASB’s Brand love scores reached all time high of 93 as a direct result of Clever Kash, contributing to 9% growth in performance (last 6 months). •Interested customers were highly engaged. Emails had open rates of 48 and 64%. (ASB benchmark 30-35%.)•Featured in all NZ national, primetime news shows, national newspapers and online media plus international coverage from NBC News, Fast Company, Re/Code, The Financial Brand (shared over 600+ times), trend forecasting sites and more. Estimated 10m+ media impressions.•Contact from 10+ global banks/financial institutions interested in licensing the technology.•Over 1,100 shares of facebook post, 1,400 comments and 10,000 likes. Video post viewed over 278,000 times. Over 120,00 YouTube views. Over 98,000 minutes of content watched.•Early customer feedback from pilot shows evidence of behavior change – more regular savings and more conversations about money. Execution ImplementationClever Kash was designed, researched, prototyped and developed over a twelve-month period. Then it was launched through PR and via asb.co.nz with a registration of interest and via two online videos showcasing Clever Kash and the development/making of. Groups of registered people were chosen to experience and feed back on the device for an updated version to launch to NZ in September 2016.Timeline• Registration of Interest launch September 2015• First soft launch of 1,050 beta units January 2016• Mass launch nationwide September 2016Placement• 1,050 units were used in family homes for feedback, testing and promotional use• In branch, where people could come in and try Clever KashScale• First launch September 2015: 1,050 units nationwide to registered parents and influencers• In Branch and promotional material nationwide• Mass launch September 2016

    Clever Kash

    案例简介:ASB 银行的数字 piggybank,聪明的 Kash,旨在帮助孩子们在一个越来越没有现金的社会中想象他们的零花钱和储蓄。聪明的卡什是一只可爱的黄象,肚子上有一个 LED 屏幕。如果父母想给他们的孩子钱,他们可以打开 ASB 应用程序,从智能手机上 “刷卡” 硬币进入数字钱箱。然后通过蓝牙传输正确的更改,新的余额显示在屏幕上。孩子们可以设定储蓄目标,并在达到目标时获得徽章。有趣的图形和可爱的声音效果都增加了体验。 概要 ASB 银行的问题是世界的问题: 网上银行正在创造一个无现金的社会,那么当我们的孩子不再看到钱的价值时,他们怎么能继续理解钱的价值呢?我们有机会创造一个数字创新来回答数字世界带来的问题。简介通过创造一种创新的教育产品,让父母和孩子都能真正参与并与之互动,将孩子的钱箱带入 21世纪让孩子们再次与金钱的有形联系,同时愉悦他们的感官和头脑。目标为教孩子们储蓄注入新的活力加强 ASB 银行作为一家创新银行的资格保留年轻家庭的现有客户,并从竞争对手银行获得新客户。 战略 创造一种全新的教育孩子金融知识的方式,这完全是现有 behaviours 的核心 -- 即通过手机转账。 ASB 银行也有一个旧的、免费的黄色储蓄箱,叫做卡申,他们从 1960 年代就有了,但是没有人再关心它了。这是更新和再次创造价值的完美资产。数据收集和洞察 2015 是 ASB 移动银行超过实体银行的第一年。在新西兰,大多数父母年龄的人不再在口袋里携带现金 -- 但他们确实携带手机。目标受众 (消费者人口/个人/组织) 年轻家庭的父母(4-12 岁的儿童),通常是 30-49 岁。与平台移动银行的相关性现在是客户银行的主要方式,而不是构建一个单独的应用程序, 功能内置于现有的银行应用程序中,并在下一次例行更新期间更新了每一部手机。 活动描述 聪明的 Kash: 一个黄色玩具大象形状的无现金数字货币箱 -- 自 1960 年代以来,ASB 一直在使用这种标志性动物作为自己的储蓄箱。•它的腹部是一个数字屏幕,通过蓝牙与父母的手机银行应用程序交互。父母可以从他们的手机上 “刷卡” 钱 (通过 ASB 手机银行应用程序),聪明的 Kash syncs 会反映这种平衡,这样孩子就可以看到他们的零花钱。付款可以用名字个性化,目标可以设定,声音效果增加了光和乐趣。 结果 5 天内实现 10,000 感兴趣注册的商业目标。目前在 38,000。ASB 的品牌爱分数达到 93 分的历史最高水平,这是聪明的 Kash 的直接结果,促进了业绩 9% 的增长 (过去 6 个月)。感兴趣的客户高度参与。电子邮件的开盘率分别为 48 和 64%。(ASB 基准 30-35%。) 在所有新西兰国家、黄金时段新闻节目、国家报纸和在线媒体以及 NBC 新闻、 Fast Company 、 Re/Code 的国际报道中出现金融品牌 (共享超过 600 次) 、趋势预测网站等。估计有 10 百万以上的媒体印象。来自 10 多家全球银行/金融机构的联系,对该技术的许可感兴趣。超过 1,100 股 facebook 帖子,1,400 条评论和 10,000 个赞。视频帖子已被浏览 278,000 多次。超过 120,00 个 YouTube 视图。超过 98,000 分钟的内容被观看。试点的早期客户反馈显示了行为改变的证据 -- 更多的定期储蓄和更多关于金钱的对话。 执行 Implementationsmart Kash 是在 12 个月的时间里设计、研究、原型和开发的。然后它通过公关和 asb.co.nz 发布,并通过两个在线视频展示了聪明的 Kash 和开发/制作。一组注册的人被选择体验并反馈该设备,以获得 2016年9月向新西兰发布的更新版本。时间线感兴趣的注册启动 2015年9月 1,050 测试版单元的首次软启动 2016年1月在全国范围内大规模启动 2016年9月安置 1,050 个单元用于家庭住宅的反馈,测试和促销使用在 branch,人们可以进来尝试聪明的 KashScale 首次推出 2015年9月: 在全国范围内为注册的父母和影响者提供 1,050 个单位在全国范围内的分支机构和宣传材料大规模推出 2016年9月

    Clever Kash

    案例简介:ASB Bank’s digital piggybank, Clever Kash, is designed to help children visualise their pocket money and savings in an increasingly cashless society. Clever Kash is a cute yellow elephant with an LED screen on his belly. If parents want to give money to their child, they can open the ASB app and ‘swipe’ coins from their smartphone into the digital money box. The correct change is then transferred via Bluetooth and the new balance is displayed on the screen. Kids can set up savings goals and receive badges when they reach them. Fun graphics and cute sound effects all add to the experience. Synopsis ASB Bank’s problem is the world’s problem: online banking is creating a cashless society, so how could our children continue to understand the value of money, when they no longer see it? We had the chance to create a digital innovation to answer a problem created by the digital world.BriefBring the kid’s moneybox into the 21st century by creating an innovative and educational product that parent and child alike could genuinely participate in and interact with – connecting children once again to the tangibility of money while delighting their senses and minds.Objectives• Breathe new life into teaching children about saving• Reinforce ASB Bank’s credentials as an innovative bank• Retain existing customers with young families, and acquiring new ones from competitor banks. Strategy Create a whole new way of teaching kids financial literacy that was completely central to existing behaviours – ie transferring money via mobile phone.ASB Bank also had an old, free yellow savings box called Kashin that they’d had since the 1960s, but no one cares about it anymore. It was the perfect asset to update and make valuable again.Data gathering and insights• 2015 was the first year ASB mobile banking overtook physical banking.• In New Zealand, most people of parent age no longer carry cash in their pockets anymore – but they do carry mobile phones.Target audience (consumer demographic/individuals/ organisations)Parents of young families (children aged 4-12), typically 30-49 years• Relevance to platformMobile banking is now the primary way customers bank, and rather than build a separate app, functionality was built into the existing banking app and updated every phone during the next routine update. Campaign Description • Clever Kash: a cashless, digital moneybox in the shape of a yellow toy elephant – the iconic animal ASB has used since the 1960s for its own savings boxes. • On its belly is a digital screen that interacts with a parent’s mobile banking app via Bluetooth.• Parents can “swipe” money from their phone (via ASB Mobile banking app), and Clever Kash syncs then reflects that balance, so the child can see their pocket money.• Payments can be personalised with names, goals can be set, and sound effects add light and playfulness. Outcome •Business objective of 10,000 registrations of interest met within 5 days. Currently at 38,000. •ASB’s Brand love scores reached all time high of 93 as a direct result of Clever Kash, contributing to 9% growth in performance (last 6 months). •Interested customers were highly engaged. Emails had open rates of 48 and 64%. (ASB benchmark 30-35%.)•Featured in all NZ national, primetime news shows, national newspapers and online media plus international coverage from NBC News, Fast Company, Re/Code, The Financial Brand (shared over 600+ times), trend forecasting sites and more. Estimated 10m+ media impressions.•Contact from 10+ global banks/financial institutions interested in licensing the technology.•Over 1,100 shares of facebook post, 1,400 comments and 10,000 likes. Video post viewed over 278,000 times. Over 120,00 YouTube views. Over 98,000 minutes of content watched.•Early customer feedback from pilot shows evidence of behavior change – more regular savings and more conversations about money. Execution ImplementationClever Kash was designed, researched, prototyped and developed over a twelve-month period. Then it was launched through PR and via asb.co.nz with a registration of interest and via two online videos showcasing Clever Kash and the development/making of. Groups of registered people were chosen to experience and feed back on the device for an updated version to launch to NZ in September 2016.Timeline• Registration of Interest launch September 2015• First soft launch of 1,050 beta units January 2016• Mass launch nationwide September 2016Placement• 1,050 units were used in family homes for feedback, testing and promotional use• In branch, where people could come in and try Clever KashScale• First launch September 2015: 1,050 units nationwide to registered parents and influencers• In Branch and promotional material nationwide• Mass launch September 2016



    Clever Kash


    广告公司: 盛世长城 (新西兰 奥克兰) 制作公司: Assembly




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