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    TUI BEER PLUMBER短视频广告营销案例



    TUI 啤酒管道工

    案例简介:描述客户的简报: TUI 迷失了方向。它的广告依赖于使用性感的女孩来建立新西兰的 “博客” 吸引力。虽然这已经工作了多年,但 TUI 饮酒者 (25 岁到 29 岁) 已经离开了。 随着主流啤酒类别的衰落和品牌失去相关性,我们需要采取行动。 我们再次回顾了品牌本质 “总是酿造的东西”,这是关于让小伙子们聚在一起时发生的滑稽动作栩栩如生。 我们开始挑战我们是一个品牌的看法,通过做一些事情来为品牌创造真正的社会货币和新的动力。 促进发展: 玩一个毫无戒心的 TUI 酒鬼的终极恶作剧。当他度假的时候,TUI 会接管他的房子,用 TUI 啤酒彻底翻新。 从频道来看,这不是你在电视上推出的东西。消费者需要有机地发现它,认可它,并通过它来产生影响,成为真正的 “病毒”。广泛的数字种子战略针对当地和国际上的主要影响者。 一旦兴趣达到狂热的程度,我们增加了传统频道 (电视和电影),并邀请消费者参加促销活动,通过 POS 在他们家里赢得 TUI 啤酒水龙头。 结果: 在前 24 小时内,YouTube 点击率超过 100万。头两天 51,000 Facebook 的 “份额”。 最受关注的是 2013年新西兰制作的视频。 在 800万个国家超过 224 次观看 (和计数)。 全球超过 3.17亿家媒体印象。恶作剧者在从墨尔本到洛杉矶的电视节目中接受采访。 目前国际总覆盖率为 104 件,总覆盖率为 3.158亿。 在竞选期间,TUI 在衰落的主流啤酒市场的份额增长到 25.3% 品牌受欢迎程度同比增长 8%,而目标只是为了阻止下降。 与产品/服务的相关性: 实际上,用啤酒给一个男人的房子做管道是实现这个品牌使命的完美方式: 找到让男孩们聚在一起喝啤酒的巧妙方式。 这对小伙子们来说是梦想成真,这个想法为今天的饮酒者夺回了 TUI 品牌的精神。只有 TUI 会有智慧和球的组合来实现这样的想法。 事实上,该品牌与其忠实的饮酒者合作完成了恶作剧,这只会加强这个想法的真实性。这是真正的饮酒者在他们最喜欢的啤酒厂的帮助下为真正的饮酒者做的。 Tui Brewery 完成了终极特技 -- 一所充满美味、酥脆、凉爽的 Tui 啤酒的房子。没有演员,没有布景,没有剧本,只有一些聪明的商人,14 个安全摄像头,12 桶啤酒,也没有保证它会成功 -- 所有这些都是真实的。

    TUI 啤酒管道工

    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: TUI had lost its way. Its advertising relied on using sexy girls to build Kiwi ‘bloke’ appeal. While that had worked for years, the TUI drinker (25 to 29) had moved on. With the mainstream beer category in decline and the brand losing relevance, we needed to take action. We revisited the brand essence again ‘always something brewing’ which was about bringing to life the antics that happen when blokes get together. We set out to challenge perceptions that we were a brand past its prime by doing something to generate true social currency and fresh momentum for the brand. Promotion Development: Play the ultimate prank on an unsuspecting TUI Drinker. While he was on holiday, TUI would take over his house and re-plumb it completely - with TUI beer. Channel-wise, this wasn’t something you launched on TV. Consumers needed to discover it organically, endorse it and pass it on for it to have impact and become truly ‘viral’. An extensive digital seeding strategy targeting key influencers both locally and internationally followed. Once interest hit fever pitch, we added traditional channels (TV &) Cinema and invited consumers to enter a promotion to win a TUI Beer Tap in their home via POS. Results: Over 1 million YouTube hits in first 24 hours. 51,000 Facebook ‘shares’ in first two days. Most watched NZ-produced video in 2013. Over 8 million views (and counting) in 224 countries. More than 317 million media impressions globally. Pranksters interviewed on TV programmes from Melbourne to LA. Total international coverage currently 104 pieces with a combined total reach of 315.8 million. TUI’s share of declining mainstream beer market grew to 25.3% during the campaign Brand popularity increased by 8% year on year when the goal was just to stop the decline. Relevancy to Product/Service: Actually plumbing a guy's house with beer was the perfect way of delivering on the brand’s mission: to find ingenious way of getting the boys together for a beer. It's dream come true for the lads and the idea recaptured the spirit of the TUI brand for today's drinkers. Only TUI would have the combination of smarts and balls to carry off such an idea. The fact that the brand collaborated with its loyal drinkers to pull off the prank only strengthened the authenticity of the idea. It was done for real by real drinkers, helped by their favourite brewery. Tui Brewery pulled off the ultimate stunt - a house plumbed with delicious, crispy cool Tui Beer. No actors, no sets, no script, just some clever tradesmen, 14 security cameras, 12 kegs of beer and no guarantee it would work - and all done completely for real.


    案例简介:描述客户的简报: TUI 迷失了方向。它的广告依赖于使用性感的女孩来建立新西兰的 “博客” 吸引力。虽然这已经工作了多年,但 TUI 饮酒者 (25 岁到 29 岁) 已经离开了。 随着主流啤酒类别的衰落和品牌失去相关性,我们需要采取行动。 我们再次回顾了品牌本质 “总是酿造的东西”,这是关于让小伙子们聚在一起时发生的滑稽动作栩栩如生。 我们开始挑战我们是一个品牌的看法,通过做一些事情来为品牌创造真正的社会货币和新的动力。 促进发展: 玩一个毫无戒心的 TUI 酒鬼的终极恶作剧。当他度假的时候,TUI 会接管他的房子,用 TUI 啤酒彻底翻新。 从频道来看,这不是你在电视上推出的东西。消费者需要有机地发现它,认可它,并通过它来产生影响,成为真正的 “病毒”。广泛的数字种子战略针对当地和国际上的主要影响者。 一旦兴趣达到狂热的程度,我们增加了传统频道 (电视和电影),并邀请消费者参加促销活动,通过 POS 在他们家里赢得 TUI 啤酒水龙头。 结果: 在前 24 小时内,YouTube 点击率超过 100万。头两天 51,000 Facebook 的 “份额”。 最受关注的是 2013年新西兰制作的视频。 在 800万个国家超过 224 次观看 (和计数)。 全球超过 3.17亿家媒体印象。恶作剧者在从墨尔本到洛杉矶的电视节目中接受采访。 目前国际总覆盖率为 104 件,总覆盖率为 3.158亿。 在竞选期间,TUI 在衰落的主流啤酒市场的份额增长到 25.3% 品牌受欢迎程度同比增长 8%,而目标只是为了阻止下降。 与产品/服务的相关性: 实际上,用啤酒给一个男人的房子做管道是实现这个品牌使命的完美方式: 找到让男孩们聚在一起喝啤酒的巧妙方式。 这对小伙子们来说是梦想成真,这个想法为今天的饮酒者夺回了 TUI 品牌的精神。只有 TUI 会有智慧和球的组合来实现这样的想法。 事实上,该品牌与其忠实的饮酒者合作完成了恶作剧,这只会加强这个想法的真实性。这是真正的饮酒者在他们最喜欢的啤酒厂的帮助下为真正的饮酒者做的。 Tui Brewery 完成了终极特技 -- 一所充满美味、酥脆、凉爽的 Tui 啤酒的房子。没有演员,没有布景,没有剧本,只有一些聪明的商人,14 个安全摄像头,12 桶啤酒,也没有保证它会成功 -- 所有这些都是真实的。


    案例简介:Describe the brief from the client: TUI had lost its way. Its advertising relied on using sexy girls to build Kiwi ‘bloke’ appeal. While that had worked for years, the TUI drinker (25 to 29) had moved on. With the mainstream beer category in decline and the brand losing relevance, we needed to take action. We revisited the brand essence again ‘always something brewing’ which was about bringing to life the antics that happen when blokes get together. We set out to challenge perceptions that we were a brand past its prime by doing something to generate true social currency and fresh momentum for the brand. Promotion Development: Play the ultimate prank on an unsuspecting TUI Drinker. While he was on holiday, TUI would take over his house and re-plumb it completely - with TUI beer. Channel-wise, this wasn’t something you launched on TV. Consumers needed to discover it organically, endorse it and pass it on for it to have impact and become truly ‘viral’. An extensive digital seeding strategy targeting key influencers both locally and internationally followed. Once interest hit fever pitch, we added traditional channels (TV &) Cinema and invited consumers to enter a promotion to win a TUI Beer Tap in their home via POS. Results: Over 1 million YouTube hits in first 24 hours. 51,000 Facebook ‘shares’ in first two days. Most watched NZ-produced video in 2013. Over 8 million views (and counting) in 224 countries. More than 317 million media impressions globally. Pranksters interviewed on TV programmes from Melbourne to LA. Total international coverage currently 104 pieces with a combined total reach of 315.8 million. TUI’s share of declining mainstream beer market grew to 25.3% during the campaign Brand popularity increased by 8% year on year when the goal was just to stop the decline. Relevancy to Product/Service: Actually plumbing a guy's house with beer was the perfect way of delivering on the brand’s mission: to find ingenious way of getting the boys together for a beer. It's dream come true for the lads and the idea recaptured the spirit of the TUI brand for today's drinkers. Only TUI would have the combination of smarts and balls to carry off such an idea. The fact that the brand collaborated with its loyal drinkers to pull off the prank only strengthened the authenticity of the idea. It was done for real by real drinkers, helped by their favourite brewery. Tui Brewery pulled off the ultimate stunt - a house plumbed with delicious, crispy cool Tui Beer. No actors, no sets, no script, just some clever tradesmen, 14 security cameras, 12 kegs of beer and no guarantee it would work - and all done completely for real.

    TUI 啤酒管道工












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