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    STEAL BANKSY短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:描述活动/条目 艺术系列酒店是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的豪华连锁酒店。每家酒店都有主题,展示澳大利亚著名艺术家的作品。他们需要确保入住率在安静的夏季达到最大化,并要求我们创建一个公关活动来销售 1,000 间客房。在有限的 80,000 美元预算中,我们需要找到一个机会来获得曝光。我们想要争议,但以一种适合这个当代、时尚、艺术主导的连锁酒店的方式。因此,我们从法医心理学格言中获得灵感,“坏人做好人梦想的事情”,将其应用于酒店业 (小偷小摸的同义词) 和艺术界 (艺术抢劫)。有了这个,我们的想法诞生了 -- “偷银行”: 过夜。偷艺术。如果客人们可以偷一件街头艺术家班克斯的原创艺术品 (价值 15,000 美元) 而不被抓住,那就是他们的了。如果被逮捕了,就回到墙上去了。我们通过媒体呼吁发起了这场运动,煽动几名记者记录他们自己的尝试。在最初的公关宣传之后,我们利用社交媒体提供这幅画的下落线索,并展示闭路电视上挫败尝试的镜头,从而保持了势头。甚至包括瑟琳娜 · 威廉姆斯在内的名人也尝试并在推特上发布了这一消息。这场运动引起了澳大利亚媒体 (如《悉尼先驱晨报》、《时代》) 和包括美国有线电视新闻网、《洛杉矶时报》和《纽约观察报》在内的全球各地的关注。公关提及跨越新闻、旅游和艺术媒体、印刷、广播、在线 -- 收到超过 300 次提及。 描述客户的简报 目标是在一个月内预订 1,000 间客房。公关活动有三个目标来实现这一点: a) 提高对艺术系列酒店的认识; b) 开车送人们去网站; c) 让人们预订房间。这些酒店吸引了年轻、时髦、城市、专业人士的观众。他们住在酒店是因为他们豪华、时尚,并提供不同的艺术体验。(然而,整个夏天,我们错过了正常的商业市场。)这场运动必须很酷,植根于艺术世界,这是他们想谈论的事情。 结果 通过公关提高公众意识: 艺术系列酒店前所未有地受到公众的关注,为他们的产品创造了前所未有的意识。这项运动在国内通过印刷、广播、在线出版物、博客获得了大规模报道,并在世界各地 (61 个国家) 获得了估计价值 2.1 美元的报道。在社交媒体上,它积累了 3,083 次活动提及,仅在推特上就估计达到 6.7。网站访问量: 公关和社交报道吸引了 105,000 多名游客访问酒店网站 (增长 112%)。房间预订: 该活动最终导致超过 1,500 间客房在 4 周内售出,超出了我们 1,000 的目标 50%,并产生了 300% 的投资回报。引用艺术系列酒店首席执行官威尔 · 迪格的话,《偷班克斯》是 “迄今为止我们做过的最好的活动”。" 执行 我们发起了一个媒体活动,阐述了挑战,并展示了班克斯。律师概述的条款规定了游戏规则,但也是以好的艺术抢劫应该是什么精神写的: 规则 2。冷静。艺术窃贼总是很酷的规则 19。海洋 11 笑话是不能容忍的。艺术品被 GPS 跟踪,所以我们可以联系成功的小偷并核实其真实性。有定期的社交媒体更新和失败尝试的视频片段发布。我们还通过接触最活跃的社交媒体评论员和记者,提供提示/内幕信息来刺激对话。记者甚至通过主流媒体和推特记录了他们的尝试。最初的班克斯最终被偷了,我们利用这一点进行了新一轮的公关报道。公众仍然感兴趣,我们又挂了一个班克斯,又开始了。 形势 在一个小的预算 (80,000 美元) 的活动需要创造最大的公关在夏天出售 1,000 间客房。我们需要使用公关来推动对网站的访问和 12月15日至 1月15日间的客房预订。这是艺术系列酒店安静月 (没有商务旅行)。那个月墨尔本没有重大事件、体育或文化事件 -- 除夕的 3 天被排除在促销活动之外! 战略 我们的策略是通过艺术品盗窃的挑衅性领域,创造一场随着时间的推移而演变的运动,并有新的兴趣点可谈。我们想让《偷班克斯》成为一种社会货币,这要归功于班克斯在当地的形象和流行文化中的许多抢劫电影,我们知道我们有一个丰富的领域来刺激讨论。随着活动的发展,我们发布了艺术行踪的线索,以及闭路电视上失败的镜头,这引发了新的对话,并保持了阴谋。最后,我们计划扩大最终成功的盗窃。正如所希望的,我们成功的小偷是狡猾的足以证明抢劫本身就是一个引人注目的故事。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The Art Series Hotels are a luxury hotel-chain located in Melbourne, Australia. Each hotel is themed and displays works by famous Australian artists. They needed to ensure occupancy rates were maximised over their quiet summer period and asked us to create a PR campaign to sell 1,000 rooms. On a limited $80,000 budget we needed to find a hook to earn the exposure. We wanted controversy, but in a manner befitting this contemporary, hip, art led hotel chain. So we took inspiration from the forensic psychology adage ,'bad men do what good men dream', applying it to the hotel industry (synonymous with petty theft) and the art world (art heists). With this, our idea was born - ‘steal Banksy’: Stay the night. Steal the art. If guests could steal an original piece of art by street artist, Banksy, (valued at $15,000) without being caught it was theirs to keep. If apprehended, back on the wall it went. We launched the campaign with a media call, instigating several journalists to document their own attempts. After the initial PR push, we kept momentum by using social media to give clues to the painting’s whereabouts and showcase CCTV footage of foiled attempts. Even celebrities, including Serena Williams, made attempts and tweeted about it. The campaign generated attention throughout Australian media (e.g. Sydney Morning Herald, The Age) and across the globe including CNN, LA Times and New York Observer. PR mentions spanned news, travel and art media, print, radio, online - receiving over 300 mentions. Describe the brief from the client The goal was to have 1,000 rooms booked over a month. The PR campaign had 3 objectives to meet this: a) Create awareness of the Art Series Hotels; b) Drive people to the web site; c) Get people to book a room. The hotels attract an audience of young, hip, urban, professionals. They stay at the hotels because they are luxurious, fashionable and offer a different artistic experience. (However, over summer we miss out on our normal business market.) The campaign had to be cool, rooted in the world of art, and something they would want to talk about. Results Drive awareness via PR: The Art series Hotels was in the public eye like never before, generating unprecedented awareness for their offering. The campaign achieved massive coverage domestically across print, radio, online publications, blogs and was picked up around the world (61 countries) with an estimated value of $2.1m. In social media it accumulated 3,083 campaign mentions with an estimated reach of 6.7m on Twitter alone. Website visits: The PR and social coverage drove more than 105,000 visitors to the hotel website (an increase of 112%). Room Bookings: The campaign ultimately led to more than 1,500 rooms being sold in 4 weeks, exceeding our briefed target of 1,000 by 50% and generating a 300% return on investment. To quote Art Series Hotel CEO Will Deague, Steal Banksy was "by far the best campaign we’ve ever done.” Execution We launched with a media event that set out the challenge and showed off the Banksy. The terms outlined by lawyers set out the rules for the game but were also written in the spirit of what a good art heist should be all about: Rule 2. Be cool. Art thieves are always cool Rule 19. Oceans 11 jokes will not be tolerated. The art was GPS tracked, so we could contact the successful thief and verify its authenticity. There were regular social media updates and video footage releases of failed attempts. We also stimulated conversations by reaching out to the most active social media commentators and journalists, proffering tips/insider information. Journalists even documented their attempts via mainstream media and Twitter. The original Banksy was eventually stolen and we leveraged that for a further round of PR coverage. With the public still interested we hung another Banksy and started again. The Situation On a small budget ($80,000) the campaign needed to create maximum PR to sell 1,000 rooms over summer. We needed to use PR to drive visits to the website and room bookings between December 15th and January 15th. This is Art Series Hotels quiet month (no business travel). There were no big events, sporting or cultural happenings in Melbourne for that month - and the 3 days over New Year's Eve were excluded from the promotion! The Strategy Our strategy was to create a campaign that evolved over time with fresh points of interest to talk about, via the provocative territory of art theft. We wanted Steal Banksy to become a piece of social currency and thanks to Banksy’s local profile and to the many heist movies in popular culture we knew we had a rich territory to stimulate discussion. As the campaign evolved we released clues to the art’s whereabouts along with CCTV footage of failed attempts, which drove fresh conversations and maintained intrigue. Finally we planned to amplify the ultimately successful theft. As hoped, our successful thieves were devious enough that the heist was a compelling story in its own right.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目 艺术系列酒店是一家位于澳大利亚墨尔本的豪华连锁酒店。每家酒店都有主题,展示澳大利亚著名艺术家的作品。他们需要确保入住率在安静的夏季达到最大化,并要求我们创建一个公关活动来销售 1,000 间客房。在有限的 80,000 美元预算中,我们需要找到一个机会来获得曝光。我们想要争议,但以一种适合这个当代、时尚、艺术主导的连锁酒店的方式。因此,我们从法医心理学格言中获得灵感,“坏人做好人梦想的事情”,将其应用于酒店业 (小偷小摸的同义词) 和艺术界 (艺术抢劫)。有了这个,我们的想法诞生了 -- “偷银行”: 过夜。偷艺术。如果客人们可以偷一件街头艺术家班克斯的原创艺术品 (价值 15,000 美元) 而不被抓住,那就是他们的了。如果被逮捕了,就回到墙上去了。我们通过媒体呼吁发起了这场运动,煽动几名记者记录他们自己的尝试。在最初的公关宣传之后,我们利用社交媒体提供这幅画的下落线索,并展示闭路电视上挫败尝试的镜头,从而保持了势头。甚至包括瑟琳娜 · 威廉姆斯在内的名人也尝试并在推特上发布了这一消息。这场运动引起了澳大利亚媒体 (如《悉尼先驱晨报》、《时代》) 和包括美国有线电视新闻网、《洛杉矶时报》和《纽约观察报》在内的全球各地的关注。公关提及跨越新闻、旅游和艺术媒体、印刷、广播、在线 -- 收到超过 300 次提及。 描述客户的简报 目标是在一个月内预订 1,000 间客房。公关活动有三个目标来实现这一点: a) 提高对艺术系列酒店的认识; b) 开车送人们去网站; c) 让人们预订房间。这些酒店吸引了年轻、时髦、城市、专业人士的观众。他们住在酒店是因为他们豪华、时尚,并提供不同的艺术体验。(然而,整个夏天,我们错过了正常的商业市场。)这场运动必须很酷,植根于艺术世界,这是他们想谈论的事情。 结果 通过公关提高公众意识: 艺术系列酒店前所未有地受到公众的关注,为他们的产品创造了前所未有的意识。这项运动在国内通过印刷、广播、在线出版物、博客获得了大规模报道,并在世界各地 (61 个国家) 获得了估计价值 2.1 美元的报道。在社交媒体上,它积累了 3,083 次活动提及,仅在推特上就估计达到 6.7。网站访问量: 公关和社交报道吸引了 105,000 多名游客访问酒店网站 (增长 112%)。房间预订: 该活动最终导致超过 1,500 间客房在 4 周内售出,超出了我们 1,000 的目标 50%,并产生了 300% 的投资回报。引用艺术系列酒店首席执行官威尔 · 迪格的话,《偷班克斯》是 “迄今为止我们做过的最好的活动”。" 执行 我们发起了一个媒体活动,阐述了挑战,并展示了班克斯。律师概述的条款规定了游戏规则,但也是以好的艺术抢劫应该是什么精神写的: 规则 2。冷静。艺术窃贼总是很酷的规则 19。海洋 11 笑话是不能容忍的。艺术品被 GPS 跟踪,所以我们可以联系成功的小偷并核实其真实性。有定期的社交媒体更新和失败尝试的视频片段发布。我们还通过接触最活跃的社交媒体评论员和记者,提供提示/内幕信息来刺激对话。记者甚至通过主流媒体和推特记录了他们的尝试。最初的班克斯最终被偷了,我们利用这一点进行了新一轮的公关报道。公众仍然感兴趣,我们又挂了一个班克斯,又开始了。 形势 在一个小的预算 (80,000 美元) 的活动需要创造最大的公关在夏天出售 1,000 间客房。我们需要使用公关来推动对网站的访问和 12月15日至 1月15日间的客房预订。这是艺术系列酒店安静月 (没有商务旅行)。那个月墨尔本没有重大事件、体育或文化事件 -- 除夕的 3 天被排除在促销活动之外! 战略 我们的策略是通过艺术品盗窃的挑衅性领域,创造一场随着时间的推移而演变的运动,并有新的兴趣点可谈。我们想让《偷班克斯》成为一种社会货币,这要归功于班克斯在当地的形象和流行文化中的许多抢劫电影,我们知道我们有一个丰富的领域来刺激讨论。随着活动的发展,我们发布了艺术行踪的线索,以及闭路电视上失败的镜头,这引发了新的对话,并保持了阴谋。最后,我们计划扩大最终成功的盗窃。正如所希望的,我们成功的小偷是狡猾的足以证明抢劫本身就是一个引人注目的故事。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry The Art Series Hotels are a luxury hotel-chain located in Melbourne, Australia. Each hotel is themed and displays works by famous Australian artists. They needed to ensure occupancy rates were maximised over their quiet summer period and asked us to create a PR campaign to sell 1,000 rooms. On a limited $80,000 budget we needed to find a hook to earn the exposure. We wanted controversy, but in a manner befitting this contemporary, hip, art led hotel chain. So we took inspiration from the forensic psychology adage ,'bad men do what good men dream', applying it to the hotel industry (synonymous with petty theft) and the art world (art heists). With this, our idea was born - ‘steal Banksy’: Stay the night. Steal the art. If guests could steal an original piece of art by street artist, Banksy, (valued at $15,000) without being caught it was theirs to keep. If apprehended, back on the wall it went. We launched the campaign with a media call, instigating several journalists to document their own attempts. After the initial PR push, we kept momentum by using social media to give clues to the painting’s whereabouts and showcase CCTV footage of foiled attempts. Even celebrities, including Serena Williams, made attempts and tweeted about it. The campaign generated attention throughout Australian media (e.g. Sydney Morning Herald, The Age) and across the globe including CNN, LA Times and New York Observer. PR mentions spanned news, travel and art media, print, radio, online - receiving over 300 mentions. Describe the brief from the client The goal was to have 1,000 rooms booked over a month. The PR campaign had 3 objectives to meet this: a) Create awareness of the Art Series Hotels; b) Drive people to the web site; c) Get people to book a room. The hotels attract an audience of young, hip, urban, professionals. They stay at the hotels because they are luxurious, fashionable and offer a different artistic experience. (However, over summer we miss out on our normal business market.) The campaign had to be cool, rooted in the world of art, and something they would want to talk about. Results Drive awareness via PR: The Art series Hotels was in the public eye like never before, generating unprecedented awareness for their offering. The campaign achieved massive coverage domestically across print, radio, online publications, blogs and was picked up around the world (61 countries) with an estimated value of $2.1m. In social media it accumulated 3,083 campaign mentions with an estimated reach of 6.7m on Twitter alone. Website visits: The PR and social coverage drove more than 105,000 visitors to the hotel website (an increase of 112%). Room Bookings: The campaign ultimately led to more than 1,500 rooms being sold in 4 weeks, exceeding our briefed target of 1,000 by 50% and generating a 300% return on investment. To quote Art Series Hotel CEO Will Deague, Steal Banksy was "by far the best campaign we’ve ever done.” Execution We launched with a media event that set out the challenge and showed off the Banksy. The terms outlined by lawyers set out the rules for the game but were also written in the spirit of what a good art heist should be all about: Rule 2. Be cool. Art thieves are always cool Rule 19. Oceans 11 jokes will not be tolerated. The art was GPS tracked, so we could contact the successful thief and verify its authenticity. There were regular social media updates and video footage releases of failed attempts. We also stimulated conversations by reaching out to the most active social media commentators and journalists, proffering tips/insider information. Journalists even documented their attempts via mainstream media and Twitter. The original Banksy was eventually stolen and we leveraged that for a further round of PR coverage. With the public still interested we hung another Banksy and started again. The Situation On a small budget ($80,000) the campaign needed to create maximum PR to sell 1,000 rooms over summer. We needed to use PR to drive visits to the website and room bookings between December 15th and January 15th. This is Art Series Hotels quiet month (no business travel). There were no big events, sporting or cultural happenings in Melbourne for that month - and the 3 days over New Year's Eve were excluded from the promotion! The Strategy Our strategy was to create a campaign that evolved over time with fresh points of interest to talk about, via the provocative territory of art theft. We wanted Steal Banksy to become a piece of social currency and thanks to Banksy’s local profile and to the many heist movies in popular culture we knew we had a rich territory to stimulate discussion. As the campaign evolved we released clues to the art’s whereabouts along with CCTV footage of failed attempts, which drove fresh conversations and maintained intrigue. Finally we planned to amplify the ultimately successful theft. As hoped, our successful thieves were devious enough that the heist was a compelling story in its own right.













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