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    Hand of Humanity短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:喜剧中心首播作家/导演乔希 · 米勒的开创性新集 品牌内容系列 “Handy” 最新剧集特色赞助商 Sabra 鹰嘴豆泥 加州洛杉矶 -- 作家/导演乔希 · 米勒和现实生活中的手模特埃里希 · 莱恩又回来看《得心应手》的新一集 “在喜剧中心看到的品牌内容系列提供了一种喜剧,讲述了一个努力在竞争激烈的好莱坞成功的手工模特的日常困境。最新一集于 5月13日星期六首播,发现莱恩的角色埃里克 · 托马斯 · 莱恩正在为赞助这一集的 Sabra Hummus 制作广告。 由内容制作公司 Kids At Play (与米勒的品牌内容公司、洛杉矶 HUMONGOUS Productions 合作) 为喜剧中心制作, 最新一集《人类之手》是 Handy 系列的第五集。之前的剧集有赞助商 Casio 、 Black & Decker 、 Joe's Crab Shack 和 Zales Diamonds。 对于米勒来说,他的职业生涯始于广告文案和创意总监,与克里夫 · 弗里曼和合作伙伴等顶级机构合作,然后转向全职导演 “得心应手”, 事实证明,品牌内容是他全方位讲故事和营销技能的绝佳工具。 举个例子,在新的一集中,埃里克正在 g 新 Sabra Hummus 广告的片场,他面临着几个挑战; 不仅要抓住 “swoosh and scoop” 产品的机会, 还描绘了整个家庭的双手,包括一个男孩和一个母亲,这涉及到红色指甲油的耻辱。 米勒解释了 “swoosh and scoop” 的整个想法 (而不是《 dip and scoop 》,该片的导演,广受赞誉的喜剧演员安妮 · 瑟蒂奇,错误地称之为《 dip and scoop 》) 灵感来自萨布拉的一个实际脚本说明。 米勒说: “有了《 handy 》,我可以接受任何品牌属性或客户笔记,并以真实有趣的方式将其融入剧集。”。“在这一集中,食品设计师实际上纠正了导演,并对 '猛扑和铲斗' 方法进行了详细描述,在这种方法中,你将载体浸入一个完整的半圆中, 当埃里希专注地看着他时,他扭曲了一切,冒犯了有人告诉他如何 “练习他的艺术”。在最初的剧本中,我称之为 “dip and scoop”,萨布拉纠正了它,而不是称之为 “swoosh and scoop”。我认为这种区别很有趣,所以我在剧集中使用了它。这对品牌来说很有趣,也很完美。" “Handy” 历史: 受米勒和莱恩在 2015年的红色藤蔓咬伤广告中的现实世界的启发, 米勒设想了一个关于一个讨人喜欢但又自我重要的模特的生活的模拟,试图在好莱坞留下自己的印记。由此产生的短片 “手工作: 男性手模特的肖像” 由米勒编剧和导演,由莱恩主演,在包括西雅图国际电影节在内的几个主要电影节上获得了成功, 夏威夷国际电影节和旧金山独立电影节。 继电影节之后,米勒意识到这个概念与当时新兴的品牌娱乐内容世界相关。他与他的管理公司 Principato Young Entertainment 和制作公司 Kids At Play 一起提出了这个概念,并在喜剧中心找到了一个心甘情愿的媒体合作伙伴。每一集都是两分钟半的时间,包括一个完整的广告片段。 “我觉得在过去的几集中,我们已经打开了节奏和结构,这是几件事的高潮: 我使用两台相机来捕捉埃里希的反应, 这并不总是在剧本中,但通常很搞笑; 我们每一集都改进了一种编辑风格;和埃里希的性格发展。我期待着继续这个系列,并帮助喜剧中心让他们成为网络和我们的成功。"


    案例简介:Comedy Central Premieres New Episode Of Writer/Director Josh Miller’s Ground-Breaking Branded Content Series “Handy” Latest Episode Features Sponsor Sabra Hummus LOS ANGELES, CA – Writer/Director Josh Miller and real-life hand model Erich Lane are back for a new episode of “Handy,” the branded content series seen on Comedy Central that offers a comedic take on the day-to-day travails of a working hand model trying to make it in hyper-competitive Hollywood. The latest episode, which premiered on Saturday, May 13, finds Lane’s character, Erik Thomas Layne, plying his craft on set of a commercial for Sabra Hummus, who sponsored the episode. Produced by content production company Kids At Play (in association with Miller’s company for branded content, HUMONGOUS Productions, Los Angeles) for Comedy Central, the latest episode “Hand of Humanity” marks the fifth in the Handy series. Prior episodes have featured sponsors Casio, Black & Decker, Joe’s Crab Shack and Zales Diamonds. For Miller, who began his career as an advertising Copywriter and Creative Director with such top agencies as Cliff Freeman & Partners and Team One, before turning to directing full-time, “Handy”, and branded content, have proven to be an excellent vehicle for his full range of story-telling and marketing skills. Case in point, in the new episode Erik is on the set of a g new Sabra Hummus commercial where he faces several challenges; to not only nail the “swoosh and scoop” product shot, but also portray the hands of an entire family, including a boy and a mom, which involves the humiliation of red nail polish. Miller explains the whole idea of the “swoosh and scoop” (as opposed to “dip and scoop” as the director in spot, acclaimed comedic actress Annie Sertich, mistakenly calls it) was inspired by an actual script note from Sabra. “With ‘Handy,’ I can embrace any brand attribute or client note and incorporate it into the episode in way that’s authentic - and entertaining,” Miller says. “In this episode, the food stylist actually corrects the director and launches into a detailed description of the ‘swoosh and scoop’ method in which you ‘dip the carrier in a full semi-circle, twisting at the end’ while Erich looks on intently, offended that someone’s telling him how to “practice his art”. In the initial script, I referred to it as ‘dip and scoop,’ and Sabra corrected it instead calling it ‘swoosh and scoop.’ I thought that distinction was funny, so I used it in the episode. It’s funny and perfectly on-message for the brand.” ‘Handy’ History: Inspired by Miller and Lane’s real-world work together on a Red Vines Bites ad in 2015, Miller envisioned a mockumentary about the life of a likable yet self-important hand model trying to make his mark in Hollywood. The resulting short film, “Hand Job: Portrait of a Male Hand Model,” written and directed by Miller and starring Lane, found success at several major film festivals including the Seattle International Film Festival, Hawaii International Film Festival and San Francisco Indiefest. Following its festival run, Miller realized the concept relevant in the then emerging world of branded entertainment content. He pitched the concept with his management company Principato Young Entertainment, and production company Kids At Play, and found a willing media partner in Comedy Central. Each ‘Handy’ episode is two and a half minutes, comprising an entire commercial break. “I feel like in the last couple episodes we’ve unlocked a rhythm and structure to these that has been the culmination of several things: my use of 2 cameras to always capture Erich’s reaction, which are not always in the script but often hilarious; an editing style that we’ve refined with each episode; and Erich’s character development. I’m looking forward to continuing the series and helping Comedy Central make them a success for the network and our.”

    Hand of Humanity

    案例简介:喜剧中心首播作家/导演乔希 · 米勒的开创性新集 品牌内容系列 “Handy” 最新剧集特色赞助商 Sabra 鹰嘴豆泥 加州洛杉矶 -- 作家/导演乔希 · 米勒和现实生活中的手模特埃里希 · 莱恩又回来看《得心应手》的新一集 “在喜剧中心看到的品牌内容系列提供了一种喜剧,讲述了一个努力在竞争激烈的好莱坞成功的手工模特的日常困境。最新一集于 5月13日星期六首播,发现莱恩的角色埃里克 · 托马斯 · 莱恩正在为赞助这一集的 Sabra Hummus 制作广告。 由内容制作公司 Kids At Play (与米勒的品牌内容公司、洛杉矶 HUMONGOUS Productions 合作) 为喜剧中心制作, 最新一集《人类之手》是 Handy 系列的第五集。之前的剧集有赞助商 Casio 、 Black & Decker 、 Joe's Crab Shack 和 Zales Diamonds。 对于米勒来说,他的职业生涯始于广告文案和创意总监,与克里夫 · 弗里曼和合作伙伴等顶级机构合作,然后转向全职导演 “得心应手”, 事实证明,品牌内容是他全方位讲故事和营销技能的绝佳工具。 举个例子,在新的一集中,埃里克正在 g 新 Sabra Hummus 广告的片场,他面临着几个挑战; 不仅要抓住 “swoosh and scoop” 产品的机会, 还描绘了整个家庭的双手,包括一个男孩和一个母亲,这涉及到红色指甲油的耻辱。 米勒解释了 “swoosh and scoop” 的整个想法 (而不是《 dip and scoop 》,该片的导演,广受赞誉的喜剧演员安妮 · 瑟蒂奇,错误地称之为《 dip and scoop 》) 灵感来自萨布拉的一个实际脚本说明。 米勒说: “有了《 handy 》,我可以接受任何品牌属性或客户笔记,并以真实有趣的方式将其融入剧集。”。“在这一集中,食品设计师实际上纠正了导演,并对 '猛扑和铲斗' 方法进行了详细描述,在这种方法中,你将载体浸入一个完整的半圆中, 当埃里希专注地看着他时,他扭曲了一切,冒犯了有人告诉他如何 “练习他的艺术”。在最初的剧本中,我称之为 “dip and scoop”,萨布拉纠正了它,而不是称之为 “swoosh and scoop”。我认为这种区别很有趣,所以我在剧集中使用了它。这对品牌来说很有趣,也很完美。" “Handy” 历史: 受米勒和莱恩在 2015年的红色藤蔓咬伤广告中的现实世界的启发, 米勒设想了一个关于一个讨人喜欢但又自我重要的模特的生活的模拟,试图在好莱坞留下自己的印记。由此产生的短片 “手工作: 男性手模特的肖像” 由米勒编剧和导演,由莱恩主演,在包括西雅图国际电影节在内的几个主要电影节上获得了成功, 夏威夷国际电影节和旧金山独立电影节。 继电影节之后,米勒意识到这个概念与当时新兴的品牌娱乐内容世界相关。他与他的管理公司 Principato Young Entertainment 和制作公司 Kids At Play 一起提出了这个概念,并在喜剧中心找到了一个心甘情愿的媒体合作伙伴。每一集都是两分钟半的时间,包括一个完整的广告片段。 “我觉得在过去的几集中,我们已经打开了节奏和结构,这是几件事的高潮: 我使用两台相机来捕捉埃里希的反应, 这并不总是在剧本中,但通常很搞笑; 我们每一集都改进了一种编辑风格;和埃里希的性格发展。我期待着继续这个系列,并帮助喜剧中心让他们成为网络和我们的成功。"

    Hand of Humanity

    案例简介:Comedy Central Premieres New Episode Of Writer/Director Josh Miller’s Ground-Breaking Branded Content Series “Handy” Latest Episode Features Sponsor Sabra Hummus LOS ANGELES, CA – Writer/Director Josh Miller and real-life hand model Erich Lane are back for a new episode of “Handy,” the branded content series seen on Comedy Central that offers a comedic take on the day-to-day travails of a working hand model trying to make it in hyper-competitive Hollywood. The latest episode, which premiered on Saturday, May 13, finds Lane’s character, Erik Thomas Layne, plying his craft on set of a commercial for Sabra Hummus, who sponsored the episode. Produced by content production company Kids At Play (in association with Miller’s company for branded content, HUMONGOUS Productions, Los Angeles) for Comedy Central, the latest episode “Hand of Humanity” marks the fifth in the Handy series. Prior episodes have featured sponsors Casio, Black & Decker, Joe’s Crab Shack and Zales Diamonds. For Miller, who began his career as an advertising Copywriter and Creative Director with such top agencies as Cliff Freeman & Partners and Team One, before turning to directing full-time, “Handy”, and branded content, have proven to be an excellent vehicle for his full range of story-telling and marketing skills. Case in point, in the new episode Erik is on the set of a g new Sabra Hummus commercial where he faces several challenges; to not only nail the “swoosh and scoop” product shot, but also portray the hands of an entire family, including a boy and a mom, which involves the humiliation of red nail polish. Miller explains the whole idea of the “swoosh and scoop” (as opposed to “dip and scoop” as the director in spot, acclaimed comedic actress Annie Sertich, mistakenly calls it) was inspired by an actual script note from Sabra. “With ‘Handy,’ I can embrace any brand attribute or client note and incorporate it into the episode in way that’s authentic - and entertaining,” Miller says. “In this episode, the food stylist actually corrects the director and launches into a detailed description of the ‘swoosh and scoop’ method in which you ‘dip the carrier in a full semi-circle, twisting at the end’ while Erich looks on intently, offended that someone’s telling him how to “practice his art”. In the initial script, I referred to it as ‘dip and scoop,’ and Sabra corrected it instead calling it ‘swoosh and scoop.’ I thought that distinction was funny, so I used it in the episode. It’s funny and perfectly on-message for the brand.” ‘Handy’ History: Inspired by Miller and Lane’s real-world work together on a Red Vines Bites ad in 2015, Miller envisioned a mockumentary about the life of a likable yet self-important hand model trying to make his mark in Hollywood. The resulting short film, “Hand Job: Portrait of a Male Hand Model,” written and directed by Miller and starring Lane, found success at several major film festivals including the Seattle International Film Festival, Hawaii International Film Festival and San Francisco Indiefest. Following its festival run, Miller realized the concept relevant in the then emerging world of branded entertainment content. He pitched the concept with his management company Principato Young Entertainment, and production company Kids At Play, and found a willing media partner in Comedy Central. Each ‘Handy’ episode is two and a half minutes, comprising an entire commercial break. “I feel like in the last couple episodes we’ve unlocked a rhythm and structure to these that has been the culmination of several things: my use of 2 cameras to always capture Erich’s reaction, which are not always in the script but often hilarious; an editing style that we’ve refined with each episode; and Erich’s character development. I’m looking forward to continuing the series and helping Comedy Central make them a success for the network and our.”



    Hand of Humanity






    广告公司: Humongous (美国 洛杉矶) 制作公司: Kids at Play




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