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    Threebots - The World of Mitsubishi Electric短视频,音频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 三机器人展览由三个工业机器人组成,是品牌展览 “三菱电气世界” 的亮点和缩影,因为它涵盖了工厂自动化的所有学科: 该公司 90% 的组件由内部制造,包括显示器、伺服电机、控制器和机器人本身。在精彩的循环中,三个机器人被机器人快速和谐运动的能力和几乎有机的外观所吸引。屏幕上的幽默舞蹈和运动图形以一种高度优雅和吸引人的方式对齐,弥合了人和机器之间的差距,达到自给自足和有趣的效果。游客可以通过界面切换到互动模式: 机器人提供各种产品的信息并自我介绍。这三个机器人都配有屏幕,因此传达了一种技术最新进展的感觉 -- 以高度迷人的装置的形式。 执行 这些机器人已经在 classical 的经典 “3d 动画计划 Cinema 4D 中制作了动画。我们开发了脚本,这样我们就可以用机器人的本地脚本语言导出所有动画。一个复杂的虚拟索具系统允许我们在完美的空间对齐和定时中动画整个系统,这是工业机器人编程软件不可能做到的。这是创造这个整体雕塑的唯一方法,在这个雕塑中,运动图形和机器人本身成为主角。 结果 这个装置特别突出的是高标准和简单性,它同时结合了三菱电机产品的技术进步,用于促销目的。许多来自专业部门的国际游客前来参观该安装,因为它令人印象深刻地展示了所有三菱电机产品之间完美而不寻常的相互作用。这些装置每天运行 8 小时,每周运行 5 天。因此,即使它非常复杂,它也令人印象深刻地展示了 Mitsubishis 电气工厂自动化系统的稳健性。配备监视器的三个机器人的编排质量确保了游客完全着迷:结果是,内容在情感上得到传达,公司的整体形象得到积极提升。在第一年,这个内部的 “品牌世界” 拥有超过 2500 名访客。 战略 在工业自动化领域,一个机器人展览被设计成一个令人印象深刻的视觉手势 -- 从展览的各个角落以及大楼前的街道都能看到。作为 “三菱电气世界” 旅程结束时的亮点,它体现了该公司的全部技术优势。这是一个完全自动化的安装,让参观者 “与机器人并驾齐驱”,从而体验最先进的技术和最高的精度。 概要 三菱电机在杜塞尔多夫附近的 Ratingen 建立了一个新的欧洲总部,该品牌的展览也将在这里展出。这家日本科技公司希望创造一个品牌空间,邀请专家和外行人同样遇到其复杂的解决方案范围并进入对话。空间提供 -- 一个长长的现代房间,前面有玻璃和巨大的日光 -- 设定了决定因素: 将三菱电机展示为一个面向未来、富有同情心和创新的公司,保持新鲜、热情, 生动而好奇,尽管它的遗产和长期存在。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription The THREEBOTS exhibit, consisting of three industrial robots, is the highlight and epitome in the brand exhibition ‘The World of Mitsubishi Electric’ as it captures all disciplines involved in factory automation: 90% of components used for are manufactured in-house by the company, including displays, servomotors, controllers and the robots themselves. In the highlight-by loop THREEBOTS fascinate with the robots’ ability for swift harmonious movements and their almost organic appearance. The humoristic choreography and motion graphics on the screen are aligned in a highly elegant and appealing way, bridging the gap between human and machine to self-sufficient and playful effect. Visitors can switch to an interactive mode via interface: The robots give information about a diverse range of products and introduce themselves. Each equipped with a screen, the three robots thus convey a sense of the latest advances in technology – in the form of a highly fascinating installation. Execution The robots have been animated in the „classical“ 3D-animation program Cinema 4D. We developed scripts so that we could export all animations in the native script language for the robots. A complex virtual rigging-system allowed us to animate the complete system in perfect spacial alignment and timing what would not have been possible with industry robot programming software. It was the only way to create this wholistic sculpture where motion graphics and the robots themselves become together the main actor. Outcome What is particularly outstanding about this installation is the high standard and simplicity with which it simultaneously combines the technological advances of Mitsubishi Electric’s products for promotional purposes.A lot of international visitors from professional sector come to see the installation, since it impressively shows the perfect and very uncommon interplay between all Mitsubishi Electric products. The installations runs 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. So even it is really complex it impressively shows the robustness of Mitsubishis Electric factory automation systems.The quality of the choreography of the three robots equipped with monitors ensures that visitors are thoroughly fascinated: the result is that content is conveyed emotionally and the image of the company is positively enhanced overall.In it's first year this internal „brand world“ with the THREEBOTS had more than 2500 visitors. Strategy In the field of industrial automation a robot exhibit was designed to become an impressive visual gesture – visible from all over the exhibition as well as from the street in front of the building. As an highpoint at the end of the journey through ‘The World of Mitsubishi Electric’ it embodies the company’s entire technological compentence. An completely automated installation that puts the visitors ‘eye in eye with a robot’ and thereby experience state-of-the-art technology and highest precision. Synopsis Mitsubishi Electric has built a new European headquarter in Ratingen near Düsseldorf in which an exhibition of the brand will also be housed. The Japanese technology company wanted to create a brand space that invites specialist and layman likewise to encounter its complex solution range and enter into dialog. The spatial offer – a long stretched modern room with glass front and vast daylight – sets the determinants: presenting Mitsubishi Electric as a future-orientated, sympathetic and innovative company that has remained fresh, enthusiastic, vivid and curious despite its heritage and long existence.

    Threebots - The World of Mitsubishi Electric

    案例简介:活动描述 三机器人展览由三个工业机器人组成,是品牌展览 “三菱电气世界” 的亮点和缩影,因为它涵盖了工厂自动化的所有学科: 该公司 90% 的组件由内部制造,包括显示器、伺服电机、控制器和机器人本身。在精彩的循环中,三个机器人被机器人快速和谐运动的能力和几乎有机的外观所吸引。屏幕上的幽默舞蹈和运动图形以一种高度优雅和吸引人的方式对齐,弥合了人和机器之间的差距,达到自给自足和有趣的效果。游客可以通过界面切换到互动模式: 机器人提供各种产品的信息并自我介绍。这三个机器人都配有屏幕,因此传达了一种技术最新进展的感觉 -- 以高度迷人的装置的形式。 执行 这些机器人已经在 classical 的经典 “3d 动画计划 Cinema 4D 中制作了动画。我们开发了脚本,这样我们就可以用机器人的本地脚本语言导出所有动画。一个复杂的虚拟索具系统允许我们在完美的空间对齐和定时中动画整个系统,这是工业机器人编程软件不可能做到的。这是创造这个整体雕塑的唯一方法,在这个雕塑中,运动图形和机器人本身成为主角。 结果 这个装置特别突出的是高标准和简单性,它同时结合了三菱电机产品的技术进步,用于促销目的。许多来自专业部门的国际游客前来参观该安装,因为它令人印象深刻地展示了所有三菱电机产品之间完美而不寻常的相互作用。这些装置每天运行 8 小时,每周运行 5 天。因此,即使它非常复杂,它也令人印象深刻地展示了 Mitsubishis 电气工厂自动化系统的稳健性。配备监视器的三个机器人的编排质量确保了游客完全着迷:结果是,内容在情感上得到传达,公司的整体形象得到积极提升。在第一年,这个内部的 “品牌世界” 拥有超过 2500 名访客。 战略 在工业自动化领域,一个机器人展览被设计成一个令人印象深刻的视觉手势 -- 从展览的各个角落以及大楼前的街道都能看到。作为 “三菱电气世界” 旅程结束时的亮点,它体现了该公司的全部技术优势。这是一个完全自动化的安装,让参观者 “与机器人并驾齐驱”,从而体验最先进的技术和最高的精度。 概要 三菱电机在杜塞尔多夫附近的 Ratingen 建立了一个新的欧洲总部,该品牌的展览也将在这里展出。这家日本科技公司希望创造一个品牌空间,邀请专家和外行人同样遇到其复杂的解决方案范围并进入对话。空间提供 -- 一个长长的现代房间,前面有玻璃和巨大的日光 -- 设定了决定因素: 将三菱电机展示为一个面向未来、富有同情心和创新的公司,保持新鲜、热情, 生动而好奇,尽管它的遗产和长期存在。

    Threebots - The World of Mitsubishi Electric

    案例简介:CampaignDescription The THREEBOTS exhibit, consisting of three industrial robots, is the highlight and epitome in the brand exhibition ‘The World of Mitsubishi Electric’ as it captures all disciplines involved in factory automation: 90% of components used for are manufactured in-house by the company, including displays, servomotors, controllers and the robots themselves. In the highlight-by loop THREEBOTS fascinate with the robots’ ability for swift harmonious movements and their almost organic appearance. The humoristic choreography and motion graphics on the screen are aligned in a highly elegant and appealing way, bridging the gap between human and machine to self-sufficient and playful effect. Visitors can switch to an interactive mode via interface: The robots give information about a diverse range of products and introduce themselves. Each equipped with a screen, the three robots thus convey a sense of the latest advances in technology – in the form of a highly fascinating installation. Execution The robots have been animated in the „classical“ 3D-animation program Cinema 4D. We developed scripts so that we could export all animations in the native script language for the robots. A complex virtual rigging-system allowed us to animate the complete system in perfect spacial alignment and timing what would not have been possible with industry robot programming software. It was the only way to create this wholistic sculpture where motion graphics and the robots themselves become together the main actor. Outcome What is particularly outstanding about this installation is the high standard and simplicity with which it simultaneously combines the technological advances of Mitsubishi Electric’s products for promotional purposes.A lot of international visitors from professional sector come to see the installation, since it impressively shows the perfect and very uncommon interplay between all Mitsubishi Electric products. The installations runs 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. So even it is really complex it impressively shows the robustness of Mitsubishis Electric factory automation systems.The quality of the choreography of the three robots equipped with monitors ensures that visitors are thoroughly fascinated: the result is that content is conveyed emotionally and the image of the company is positively enhanced overall.In it's first year this internal „brand world“ with the THREEBOTS had more than 2500 visitors. Strategy In the field of industrial automation a robot exhibit was designed to become an impressive visual gesture – visible from all over the exhibition as well as from the street in front of the building. As an highpoint at the end of the journey through ‘The World of Mitsubishi Electric’ it embodies the company’s entire technological compentence. An completely automated installation that puts the visitors ‘eye in eye with a robot’ and thereby experience state-of-the-art technology and highest precision. Synopsis Mitsubishi Electric has built a new European headquarter in Ratingen near Düsseldorf in which an exhibition of the brand will also be housed. The Japanese technology company wanted to create a brand space that invites specialist and layman likewise to encounter its complex solution range and enter into dialog. The spatial offer – a long stretched modern room with glass front and vast daylight – sets the determinants: presenting Mitsubishi Electric as a future-orientated, sympathetic and innovative company that has remained fresh, enthusiastic, vivid and curious despite its heritage and long existence.



    Threebots - The World of Mitsubishi Electric






    广告公司: Elastique (德国 Cologne) 制作公司: Elastique




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