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    案例简介:Fittle 是一个创新的玩具,它帮助孩子们学习盲文单词,并通过单词以有趣和有益的方式代表的形状来发现他们周围的世界。越来越多的谜题涵盖了整个字母表,由经验丰富的 Ravensburger 拼图专家设计,可以在网上免费获得,并且可以在任何地方进行 3d 打印,只需材料成本 (每款大约 0.5 美元)。通过来自全球益智社区的捐赠,Ravensburger 正在向印度各地尽可能多的 LVP 眼科网络 176 个眼科护理中心提供 3d 打印机, 以确保谜题到达最需要它们的手中。 Fittle 结合了一个简单的原则和现代技术的可能性。每个拼图由等于一个单词的字母数量的碎片组成,每个碎片上都有一个盲文字母浮雕。正确组装,形成一个词,拼图形成这个词所代表的物体的形状。这些谜题是专门设计的,带有导轨和不同的连接器,以防止不正确的装配。不断扩大的谜题集合涵盖了整个字母表,所有谜题都可以在网上免费获得,随时随地轻松 3d 打印。与此同时,谜题的设计是为了尽可能少地使用塑料材料,以最低的生产成本和最大的可及性。允许 3d 打印的 Fittle 谜题直接解决了第3 世界中负担得起的、可获得的盲文学习材料的挑战。通过 Ravensburger 提供的 3d 打印机,印度各地的儿童,无论经济状况如何,第一次有机会获得一种有效的学习盲文单词的方法,这种方法体现了 “通过游戏学习” 的理念。由于 3d 打印的灵活性概念和多功能性,Fittle 是一个具有无限可能性的项目。拼图的范围不断更新,新的模型和升级的基础上的研究和 user-feedback.Feedback 的眼睛护理中心已经非常出色。这个概念有效地提高了孩子的创造力,并激励他们想学习更多。已经向战略上最相关的地点提供了 3D 打印机,每天生产多达 50 个模型,更多的捐赠和 3D 打印机不断交付。超过 30,000 名患者参加了主要使用 Fittle 的 LVPEI 康复项目,总体上有可能达到 250万人。由于 3d 打印的多功能性,Fittle 有无限的可能性。根据研究和用户反馈,谜题的范围不断更新新的模型和升级。Ravensburger 每年销售数百万玩具,Fittle 的包装内促销活动正在吸引数百万人,以提高对该项目的支持。通过这种众包技术,Ravensburger 预计该项目将扩展到更多的地区。到目前为止,Fittle 已经在除南极洲之外的所有大陆印刷。Fittle 是第一个 3d 打印的盲文拼图。通过教育、设计和 3D 打印的创新结合, fittle 为世界第3 个国家的数百万盲人和视障人士提供了学习盲文的机会,这是就业和社会生活的关键。Fittle 不仅教授盲文字符和单词,还让你通过单词所代表的对象来发现世界。通过低成本的 3D 打印技术、免费的、不断扩大的 3D 打印机模型范围和全球益智社区的资金, fittle 将改变数百万盲人和视力障碍者的生活。


    案例简介:Fittle is an innovative toy that helps children to learn Braille words and also discover the world around them through the shapes that the words represent in a playful and rewarding manner. An expanding range of puzzles, covering the whole alphabet and designed by experienced Ravensburger puzzle experts, are available online for free and can be 3D-printed anywhere at only material costs (around $0.5 per model). With donations sourced from the worldwide puzzle-community, Ravensburger is providing 3D-printers to as many of the LVP eye network’s 176 eye care centers across India as possible, to ensure the puzzles reached the hands that need them the most. Fittle combines a simple principle with the possibilities of modern technology. Each puzzle consists of pieces equal to the amount of letters of a word, with a Braille letter embossed on every piece. Assembled correctly, a word is formed and the puzzle takes the shape of the object the word represents. The puzzles were specially designed with guide-lines and differing connectors to prevent incorrect assembly. The continuously expanding collection of puzzles covers the whole alphabet and all puzzles are available for free online to be easily 3D-printed anywhere. At the same time, the puzzles are designed to use as less plastic material as possible, for minimum production cost and maximum accessibility. Allowing the Fittle puzzles to be 3D-printed directly tackles the challenge of affordable and accessible braille learning materials in the 3rd world. With 3D-printers provided by Ravensburger, children across India, regardless of financial situation, for the first time have access to an effective method of learning braille words, that embodies the “learning through play” philosophy. Due to the flexibility concept and versatility of 3D-printing, Fittle is a project with endless possibilities. The range of puzzles is constantly updated with new models and upgrades based on studies and user-feedback.Feedback of eye care centers has been outstanding. The concept effectively boosts the child's creativity and motivates them to want to learn more. 3D printers have been provided to the strategically most relevant locations to produce up to 50 models per day, with more donations coming in and 3D printers being delivered continuously. Over 30,000 patients are participating in LVPEI rehabilitation programs where Fittle is primarily being used, reaching potentiall 2.5 million people overall. Due to the versatility of 3D-printing, Fittle has endless possibilities. The range of puzzles is constantly updated with new models and upgrades based on studies and user-feedback. Ravensburger, selling millions of toys every year, in-packaging promotion of Fittle is reaching millions of people to raise support for the project. Through this crowd sourcing technique, Ravensburger expects the project to expand into further regions. To date, Fittle has been printed in every continent excluding Antarctica.Fittle is the first 3D-printed Braille puzzle. Through its innovative combination of education, design and 3D printing, Fittle gives millions of blind and visually impaired people in 3rd world countries the opportunity to learn Braille – which is the key to employment and social life. Fittle doesn’t just teach Braille characters and words, but also let’s you discover the world through the objects the words represent.Through low-costing 3D-printing techniques, a free, constantly expanding model range and funding of 3D printers through the worldwide puzzle community, Fittle will change the lives of millions of blind and visually impaired people for better.


    案例简介:Fittle 是一个创新的玩具,它帮助孩子们学习盲文单词,并通过单词以有趣和有益的方式代表的形状来发现他们周围的世界。越来越多的谜题涵盖了整个字母表,由经验丰富的 Ravensburger 拼图专家设计,可以在网上免费获得,并且可以在任何地方进行 3d 打印,只需材料成本 (每款大约 0.5 美元)。通过来自全球益智社区的捐赠,Ravensburger 正在向印度各地尽可能多的 LVP 眼科网络 176 个眼科护理中心提供 3d 打印机, 以确保谜题到达最需要它们的手中。 Fittle 结合了一个简单的原则和现代技术的可能性。每个拼图由等于一个单词的字母数量的碎片组成,每个碎片上都有一个盲文字母浮雕。正确组装,形成一个词,拼图形成这个词所代表的物体的形状。这些谜题是专门设计的,带有导轨和不同的连接器,以防止不正确的装配。不断扩大的谜题集合涵盖了整个字母表,所有谜题都可以在网上免费获得,随时随地轻松 3d 打印。与此同时,谜题的设计是为了尽可能少地使用塑料材料,以最低的生产成本和最大的可及性。允许 3d 打印的 Fittle 谜题直接解决了第3 世界中负担得起的、可获得的盲文学习材料的挑战。通过 Ravensburger 提供的 3d 打印机,印度各地的儿童,无论经济状况如何,第一次有机会获得一种有效的学习盲文单词的方法,这种方法体现了 “通过游戏学习” 的理念。由于 3d 打印的灵活性概念和多功能性,Fittle 是一个具有无限可能性的项目。拼图的范围不断更新,新的模型和升级的基础上的研究和 user-feedback.Feedback 的眼睛护理中心已经非常出色。这个概念有效地提高了孩子的创造力,并激励他们想学习更多。已经向战略上最相关的地点提供了 3D 打印机,每天生产多达 50 个模型,更多的捐赠和 3D 打印机不断交付。超过 30,000 名患者参加了主要使用 Fittle 的 LVPEI 康复项目,总体上有可能达到 250万人。由于 3d 打印的多功能性,Fittle 有无限的可能性。根据研究和用户反馈,谜题的范围不断更新新的模型和升级。Ravensburger 每年销售数百万玩具,Fittle 的包装内促销活动正在吸引数百万人,以提高对该项目的支持。通过这种众包技术,Ravensburger 预计该项目将扩展到更多的地区。到目前为止,Fittle 已经在除南极洲之外的所有大陆印刷。Fittle 是第一个 3d 打印的盲文拼图。通过教育、设计和 3D 打印的创新结合, fittle 为世界第3 个国家的数百万盲人和视障人士提供了学习盲文的机会,这是就业和社会生活的关键。Fittle 不仅教授盲文字符和单词,还让你通过单词所代表的对象来发现世界。通过低成本的 3D 打印技术、免费的、不断扩大的 3D 打印机模型范围和全球益智社区的资金, fittle 将改变数百万盲人和视力障碍者的生活。


    案例简介:Fittle is an innovative toy that helps children to learn Braille words and also discover the world around them through the shapes that the words represent in a playful and rewarding manner. An expanding range of puzzles, covering the whole alphabet and designed by experienced Ravensburger puzzle experts, are available online for free and can be 3D-printed anywhere at only material costs (around $0.5 per model). With donations sourced from the worldwide puzzle-community, Ravensburger is providing 3D-printers to as many of the LVP eye network’s 176 eye care centers across India as possible, to ensure the puzzles reached the hands that need them the most. Fittle combines a simple principle with the possibilities of modern technology. Each puzzle consists of pieces equal to the amount of letters of a word, with a Braille letter embossed on every piece. Assembled correctly, a word is formed and the puzzle takes the shape of the object the word represents. The puzzles were specially designed with guide-lines and differing connectors to prevent incorrect assembly. The continuously expanding collection of puzzles covers the whole alphabet and all puzzles are available for free online to be easily 3D-printed anywhere. At the same time, the puzzles are designed to use as less plastic material as possible, for minimum production cost and maximum accessibility. Allowing the Fittle puzzles to be 3D-printed directly tackles the challenge of affordable and accessible braille learning materials in the 3rd world. With 3D-printers provided by Ravensburger, children across India, regardless of financial situation, for the first time have access to an effective method of learning braille words, that embodies the “learning through play” philosophy. Due to the flexibility concept and versatility of 3D-printing, Fittle is a project with endless possibilities. The range of puzzles is constantly updated with new models and upgrades based on studies and user-feedback.Feedback of eye care centers has been outstanding. The concept effectively boosts the child's creativity and motivates them to want to learn more. 3D printers have been provided to the strategically most relevant locations to produce up to 50 models per day, with more donations coming in and 3D printers being delivered continuously. Over 30,000 patients are participating in LVPEI rehabilitation programs where Fittle is primarily being used, reaching potentiall 2.5 million people overall. Due to the versatility of 3D-printing, Fittle has endless possibilities. The range of puzzles is constantly updated with new models and upgrades based on studies and user-feedback. Ravensburger, selling millions of toys every year, in-packaging promotion of Fittle is reaching millions of people to raise support for the project. Through this crowd sourcing technique, Ravensburger expects the project to expand into further regions. To date, Fittle has been printed in every continent excluding Antarctica.Fittle is the first 3D-printed Braille puzzle. Through its innovative combination of education, design and 3D printing, Fittle gives millions of blind and visually impaired people in 3rd world countries the opportunity to learn Braille – which is the key to employment and social life. Fittle doesn’t just teach Braille characters and words, but also let’s you discover the world through the objects the words represent.Through low-costing 3D-printing techniques, a free, constantly expanding model range and funding of 3D printers through the worldwide puzzle community, Fittle will change the lives of millions of blind and visually impaired people for better.













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