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    案例简介:Serviceplan 与 L V Prasad 眼科研究所和 Ravensburger 合作开发世界上第一个 3D 打印盲文拼图 Fittle。 Serviceplan Health & Life 已经与印度的 L V Prasad 眼科研究所和领先的教育玩具公司 Ravensburger 合作创建了 Fittle, 3D 打印盲文拼图,使数百万视障儿童的教育更容易理解和参与。 2018年3月12日 -- 一种创新的、负担得起的盲人和视障人士学习和发现的新方式,Fittle 模型可以从 Fittle 网站下载,3d 打印几乎零成本, 这意味着学习盲文变得比以往任何时候都更容易。 为了进一步完成盲文识字难题,Fittle 项目正在筹集资金,向过去买不起昂贵学习设备的发展中国家社区提供 3D 打印机。有越来越多的 Fittle 模型,包括火箭、鼠标、小提琴、鱼、船、钥匙和皇冠,这些模型将涵盖整个字母表。这些谜题是由经验丰富的谜题设计师为最吸引人的学习体验而设计的,可以免费下载: http://fittle-project.com/ 服务计划正在与印度的 L 诉普拉萨德眼科研究所合作,那里有 2200万视力受损的人,其中大部分最终失业、文盲和社会经济地位低, 由于财政拮据,他们无法在很小的时候接受教育。现有的盲文学习教育工具要么太贵,无法让人们使用,要么没有足够的吸引力来鼓励互动。为了解决这个问题,Serviceplan Health & Life 与印度 L V Prasad 眼科研究所和 Ravensburger 的 Anthony Vipin Das 博士和团队合作, 世界领先的拼图和益智玩具公司,开发世界上第一个 3D 打印盲文拼图 Fittle。 这部电影将在印度的电影院上映,由 Prasads 集团管理,作为公共服务信息,以提高对 3D 盲文拼图教育方面的认识, 以及如何下载打印谜题模板的解释。 L 诉普拉萨德眼科研究所视力康复研究所所长 Beula Christy 博士评论说: “Fittle 为视力受损的儿童开辟了一条新的途径,探索他们周围的世界,使之尽可能接近现实。除了是学习盲文的动力,这个有趣的娱乐玩具通过建设性的游戏时间影响整体发展。 Fittle 的学习机会是巨大的,从精细的运动活动开始,以增强更高层次的认知功能,如注意力、聚焦、问题解决、物体持久性、概念学习等等。通过这一合作倡议,L V Prasad Eye Institute 和 Ravensburger 期待为世界各地的特殊需求儿童提供知识和整体发展的礼物。" 容易理解和引人入胜,每个谜题被分成与字母数量相等的部分,这些字母组合在一起构成单词和物体。拼图底部的一条线与不同形状的连接器相结合,使视障儿童能够找到正确的组合,并理解如何拼写简单的单词,如布莱叶盲文中的鱼, 而在同一时间,直观感觉的形状的物体。 Fittle 背后的想法最初是由印度甘地纳加国家设计研究所的设计师 Tania Jain 提出的 ( http://taniajain.com ) 在海德拉巴 “diy 工作室” 期间,L 诉普拉萨德眼科研究所副主任安东尼 · 维平 · 达斯博士的指导下, 由 LVPEI 和麻省理工学院媒体实验室 Ramesh Raskar 的相机文化小组组织。 Ravensburger 自 1883年以来一直致力于让儿童接受教育,并与 LVPEI 合作, 服务计划健康与生活和服务计划创新作为其企业社会责任计划的一部分,以实现大规模的概念,利用他们在拼图设计和 3D 打印方面的专业知识来开发越来越多的 3D 打印盲文拼图,特别是涵盖整个字母表 设计为 3d 打印,每个拼图只需 0.5 美元的材料成本。 为了将这些创新的学习工具带到视障人士手中,Ravensburger 和他们在世界各地的益智爱好者客户群一起,正在为在区域 LVPEI 中心建立的 3D 打印机筹集资金,在印度 190 多个当地眼部护理中心的 LVPEI 网络中免费分发 Fittle 拼图,惠及 250万名患者。 依靠 3D 打印进行生产对该项目有许多优势: 它不仅比目前规模的大规模生产更便宜,而且更灵活,允许不断设计, 测试和改进新型号,并立即重现丢失的单个零件,尤其是处理盲童时很重要。与其他盲文学习工具相比,使用 Fittle LVPEI 可以教育更多预算相同的人: 10,000 美元可以提供 4 个数字盲文阅读器, 200 本盲文书籍 -- 或者一台 3D 打印机和 16,000 个 Fittle 谜题,12 个谜题覆盖字母表。 Fittle 用于盲文教育的眼部护理中心的反馈非常突出。“通过游戏学习” 的概念有效地提高了孩子的创造力,并激励他们想学习更多。到目前为止,在该项目的软启动后,已经向战略上最相关的地方提供了足够的 3D 打印机,每天生产多达 50 个模型, 随着更多的捐赠和更多的 3D 打印机的交付,该项目继续提高全球的认识。 Ravensburger 营销主管 Christian Bulla: “作为一家致力于全球儿童童趣发展的国际公司,我们对 Fittle 的支持是自然的。Ravensburger 的核心价值观是快乐、教育和团结,所以参与一个明确体现这些价值观的项目来帮助世界各地的儿童是令人难以置信的。" 服务计划 Health & Life 创意总监 Christophe Bohlender 评论道: “作为一家机构,我们真正受到创新的推动,以激发客户的兴趣。Fittle 将最先进的技术与创造性的产品理念相结合,为世界各地许多儿童的生活带来改变。成为这个项目的一部分对我来说真的很兴奋。"


    案例简介:Serviceplan partner with L V Prasad Eye Institute and Ravensburger to develop Fittle, the World’s First 3D Printed Braille Puzzle. Serviceplan Health & Life have teamed up with the L V Prasad Eye Institute in India and leading educational toy company Ravensburger to create Fittle, 3D printed Braille puzzles that make education for millions of visually impaired children more accessible and engaging. 12 March 2018 — An innovative and affordable new way for blind and visually impaired people to learn and discover, Fittle models can be downloaded from the Fittle website and 3D-printed at almost zero cost, meaning that learning Braille becomes more accessible than ever. To further complete the Braille literacy puzzle, the Fittle Project is raising funds to provide 3D printers to communities in developing countries who couldn’t afford expensive learning devices in the past. There is a growing range of Fittle models including a Rocket, Mouse, Violin, Fish, Boat, Key and Crown, which will cover the entire alphabet. The puzzles have been created by experienced puzzle designers for the most engaging learning experience and are free to download:http://fittle-project.com/ Serviceplan are working with the L V Prasad Eye Institute in India, where there are 22 million visually impaired people, a significant majority of whom end up unemployed, illiterate and with low socio-economic status, due to financial constraints preventing them access to education at a young age. The existing Braille learning educational tools are either too expensive to make them accessible, or not engaging enough to encourage interaction. To address this problem, Serviceplan Health & Life partnered with Dr. Anthony Vipin Das and team at the L V Prasad Eye Institute in India (LVPEI) and Ravensburger, the world’s leading company for puzzles and educational toys, to develop Fittle, the world’s first 3D printed Braille puzzle. The Fittle film will be shown in movie theatres in India, managed by the Prasads group, as a public service message to increase awareness of the educational aspect of the 3D Braille Puzzles, and an explanation of how to download the template for printing the puzzles. Dr. Beula Christy, Head of the Institute for Vision Rehabilitation, L V Prasad Eye Institute commented: “Fittle opens a new avenue for children with visual impairment to explore the world around them to its closest possible reality. Besides being a motivator to learn Braille, this amusing recreational toy influences overall development through a constructive playtime. The learning opportunities of Fittle are huge, beginning with fine motor activity to enhanced higher level cognitive functioning such as attention, focusing, problem solving, object permanence, concept learning and much more. With this collaborative initiative, L V Prasad Eye Institute and Ravensburger look forward to provide the gift of knowledge and holistic development to special needs children the world over.” Accessible and engaging, each puzzle is divided into parts equal to the amount of letters, which when combined form the word and object. A line at the bottom of the puzzle combined with different shaped connectors, enable visually impaired children to find the right combination and understand how to spell simple words such as Fish in Braille, whilst at the same time getting a sense of the shape of the object. The idea behind Fittle was first conceived by Tania Jain, a designer from the National Institute of Design in Gandhinagar, India (http://taniajain.com) under the mentorship of Dr. Anthony Vipin Das, Associate Director at the L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) during a ‘DIY workshop’ in Hyderabad, organized by LVPEI and the Camera Culture Group of Ramesh Raskar from MIT Media Lab. Ravensburger, committed to giving children access to education since 1883 under the motto ‘learning by doing’, partnered with LVPEI, Service plan Health & Life and Service plan Innovation as part of their corporate social responsibility program to bring the concept to reality at large scale, using their expertise in puzzle design and 3D printing to develop a growing collection of 3D printed Braille puzzles covering the entire alphabet, specially designed to be 3D-printed at only $0.5 material cost per puzzle. To bring these innovative learning tools to the hands of the visually impaired, Ravensburger together with their customer base of puzzle enthusiasts around the world, is raising funds for the 3D printers which are set up in the regional LVPEI centers to distribute Fittle puzzles for free across the LVPEI network of over 190 local eye care centers across India, reaching 2.5 million patients. Relying on 3D printing for production has many advantages for the project: Not only is it cheaper than mass production at the current scale, it’s also much more flexible, allowing to constantly design, test and improve new models as well as instantly reproduce single parts gone missing, which is especially important when dealing with blind children. In comparison to other Braille learning tools, using Fittle LVPEI can educate multiple more people with the same budget: $10,000 can provide 4 digital Braille readers, 200 Braille books – or one 3D printer and 16,000 Fittle puzzles, with 12 puzzles covering the Alphabet. Feedback of eye care centres where Fittle has been used for Braille education has been outstanding. The “learning through play” concept effectively boosts the child's creativity and motivates them to want to learn more. So far, after the soft-launch of the project, enough 3D printers have been provided to the strategically most relevant locations to produce up to 50 models per day, with more donations coming in and more 3D printers being delivered as the project continues to raise awareness globally. Christian Bulla, Head of Marketing, Ravensburger: “As an international company dedicated to the playful development of children worldwide, our support of Fittle is a natural fit. Ravensburger’s core values are joy, education and togetherness, so it’s incredible to be involved with a project that clearly embodies these values to help children around the world.” Christophe Bohlender, Creative Director Text, Service plan Health & Life commented: “As an agency we are truly driven by innovation to excite our clients. Fittle combines state of the art technology with a creative product idea to make a difference in the lives of many children around the world. To be part of this project is really exciting for me.”


    案例简介:Serviceplan 与 L V Prasad 眼科研究所和 Ravensburger 合作开发世界上第一个 3D 打印盲文拼图 Fittle。 Serviceplan Health & Life 已经与印度的 L V Prasad 眼科研究所和领先的教育玩具公司 Ravensburger 合作创建了 Fittle, 3D 打印盲文拼图,使数百万视障儿童的教育更容易理解和参与。 2018年3月12日 -- 一种创新的、负担得起的盲人和视障人士学习和发现的新方式,Fittle 模型可以从 Fittle 网站下载,3d 打印几乎零成本, 这意味着学习盲文变得比以往任何时候都更容易。 为了进一步完成盲文识字难题,Fittle 项目正在筹集资金,向过去买不起昂贵学习设备的发展中国家社区提供 3D 打印机。有越来越多的 Fittle 模型,包括火箭、鼠标、小提琴、鱼、船、钥匙和皇冠,这些模型将涵盖整个字母表。这些谜题是由经验丰富的谜题设计师为最吸引人的学习体验而设计的,可以免费下载: http://fittle-project.com/ 服务计划正在与印度的 L 诉普拉萨德眼科研究所合作,那里有 2200万视力受损的人,其中大部分最终失业、文盲和社会经济地位低, 由于财政拮据,他们无法在很小的时候接受教育。现有的盲文学习教育工具要么太贵,无法让人们使用,要么没有足够的吸引力来鼓励互动。为了解决这个问题,Serviceplan Health & Life 与印度 L V Prasad 眼科研究所和 Ravensburger 的 Anthony Vipin Das 博士和团队合作, 世界领先的拼图和益智玩具公司,开发世界上第一个 3D 打印盲文拼图 Fittle。 这部电影将在印度的电影院上映,由 Prasads 集团管理,作为公共服务信息,以提高对 3D 盲文拼图教育方面的认识, 以及如何下载打印谜题模板的解释。 L 诉普拉萨德眼科研究所视力康复研究所所长 Beula Christy 博士评论说: “Fittle 为视力受损的儿童开辟了一条新的途径,探索他们周围的世界,使之尽可能接近现实。除了是学习盲文的动力,这个有趣的娱乐玩具通过建设性的游戏时间影响整体发展。 Fittle 的学习机会是巨大的,从精细的运动活动开始,以增强更高层次的认知功能,如注意力、聚焦、问题解决、物体持久性、概念学习等等。通过这一合作倡议,L V Prasad Eye Institute 和 Ravensburger 期待为世界各地的特殊需求儿童提供知识和整体发展的礼物。" 容易理解和引人入胜,每个谜题被分成与字母数量相等的部分,这些字母组合在一起构成单词和物体。拼图底部的一条线与不同形状的连接器相结合,使视障儿童能够找到正确的组合,并理解如何拼写简单的单词,如布莱叶盲文中的鱼, 而在同一时间,直观感觉的形状的物体。 Fittle 背后的想法最初是由印度甘地纳加国家设计研究所的设计师 Tania Jain 提出的 ( http://taniajain.com ) 在海德拉巴 “diy 工作室” 期间,L 诉普拉萨德眼科研究所副主任安东尼 · 维平 · 达斯博士的指导下, 由 LVPEI 和麻省理工学院媒体实验室 Ramesh Raskar 的相机文化小组组织。 Ravensburger 自 1883年以来一直致力于让儿童接受教育,并与 LVPEI 合作, 服务计划健康与生活和服务计划创新作为其企业社会责任计划的一部分,以实现大规模的概念,利用他们在拼图设计和 3D 打印方面的专业知识来开发越来越多的 3D 打印盲文拼图,特别是涵盖整个字母表 设计为 3d 打印,每个拼图只需 0.5 美元的材料成本。 为了将这些创新的学习工具带到视障人士手中,Ravensburger 和他们在世界各地的益智爱好者客户群一起,正在为在区域 LVPEI 中心建立的 3D 打印机筹集资金,在印度 190 多个当地眼部护理中心的 LVPEI 网络中免费分发 Fittle 拼图,惠及 250万名患者。 依靠 3D 打印进行生产对该项目有许多优势: 它不仅比目前规模的大规模生产更便宜,而且更灵活,允许不断设计, 测试和改进新型号,并立即重现丢失的单个零件,尤其是处理盲童时很重要。与其他盲文学习工具相比,使用 Fittle LVPEI 可以教育更多预算相同的人: 10,000 美元可以提供 4 个数字盲文阅读器, 200 本盲文书籍 -- 或者一台 3D 打印机和 16,000 个 Fittle 谜题,12 个谜题覆盖字母表。 Fittle 用于盲文教育的眼部护理中心的反馈非常突出。“通过游戏学习” 的概念有效地提高了孩子的创造力,并激励他们想学习更多。到目前为止,在该项目的软启动后,已经向战略上最相关的地方提供了足够的 3D 打印机,每天生产多达 50 个模型, 随着更多的捐赠和更多的 3D 打印机的交付,该项目继续提高全球的认识。 Ravensburger 营销主管 Christian Bulla: “作为一家致力于全球儿童童趣发展的国际公司,我们对 Fittle 的支持是自然的。Ravensburger 的核心价值观是快乐、教育和团结,所以参与一个明确体现这些价值观的项目来帮助世界各地的儿童是令人难以置信的。" 服务计划 Health & Life 创意总监 Christophe Bohlender 评论道: “作为一家机构,我们真正受到创新的推动,以激发客户的兴趣。Fittle 将最先进的技术与创造性的产品理念相结合,为世界各地许多儿童的生活带来改变。成为这个项目的一部分对我来说真的很兴奋。"


    案例简介:Serviceplan partner with L V Prasad Eye Institute and Ravensburger to develop Fittle, the World’s First 3D Printed Braille Puzzle. Serviceplan Health & Life have teamed up with the L V Prasad Eye Institute in India and leading educational toy company Ravensburger to create Fittle, 3D printed Braille puzzles that make education for millions of visually impaired children more accessible and engaging. 12 March 2018 — An innovative and affordable new way for blind and visually impaired people to learn and discover, Fittle models can be downloaded from the Fittle website and 3D-printed at almost zero cost, meaning that learning Braille becomes more accessible than ever. To further complete the Braille literacy puzzle, the Fittle Project is raising funds to provide 3D printers to communities in developing countries who couldn’t afford expensive learning devices in the past. There is a growing range of Fittle models including a Rocket, Mouse, Violin, Fish, Boat, Key and Crown, which will cover the entire alphabet. The puzzles have been created by experienced puzzle designers for the most engaging learning experience and are free to download:http://fittle-project.com/ Serviceplan are working with the L V Prasad Eye Institute in India, where there are 22 million visually impaired people, a significant majority of whom end up unemployed, illiterate and with low socio-economic status, due to financial constraints preventing them access to education at a young age. The existing Braille learning educational tools are either too expensive to make them accessible, or not engaging enough to encourage interaction. To address this problem, Serviceplan Health & Life partnered with Dr. Anthony Vipin Das and team at the L V Prasad Eye Institute in India (LVPEI) and Ravensburger, the world’s leading company for puzzles and educational toys, to develop Fittle, the world’s first 3D printed Braille puzzle. The Fittle film will be shown in movie theatres in India, managed by the Prasads group, as a public service message to increase awareness of the educational aspect of the 3D Braille Puzzles, and an explanation of how to download the template for printing the puzzles. Dr. Beula Christy, Head of the Institute for Vision Rehabilitation, L V Prasad Eye Institute commented: “Fittle opens a new avenue for children with visual impairment to explore the world around them to its closest possible reality. Besides being a motivator to learn Braille, this amusing recreational toy influences overall development through a constructive playtime. The learning opportunities of Fittle are huge, beginning with fine motor activity to enhanced higher level cognitive functioning such as attention, focusing, problem solving, object permanence, concept learning and much more. With this collaborative initiative, L V Prasad Eye Institute and Ravensburger look forward to provide the gift of knowledge and holistic development to special needs children the world over.” Accessible and engaging, each puzzle is divided into parts equal to the amount of letters, which when combined form the word and object. A line at the bottom of the puzzle combined with different shaped connectors, enable visually impaired children to find the right combination and understand how to spell simple words such as Fish in Braille, whilst at the same time getting a sense of the shape of the object. The idea behind Fittle was first conceived by Tania Jain, a designer from the National Institute of Design in Gandhinagar, India (http://taniajain.com) under the mentorship of Dr. Anthony Vipin Das, Associate Director at the L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) during a ‘DIY workshop’ in Hyderabad, organized by LVPEI and the Camera Culture Group of Ramesh Raskar from MIT Media Lab. Ravensburger, committed to giving children access to education since 1883 under the motto ‘learning by doing’, partnered with LVPEI, Service plan Health & Life and Service plan Innovation as part of their corporate social responsibility program to bring the concept to reality at large scale, using their expertise in puzzle design and 3D printing to develop a growing collection of 3D printed Braille puzzles covering the entire alphabet, specially designed to be 3D-printed at only $0.5 material cost per puzzle. To bring these innovative learning tools to the hands of the visually impaired, Ravensburger together with their customer base of puzzle enthusiasts around the world, is raising funds for the 3D printers which are set up in the regional LVPEI centers to distribute Fittle puzzles for free across the LVPEI network of over 190 local eye care centers across India, reaching 2.5 million patients. Relying on 3D printing for production has many advantages for the project: Not only is it cheaper than mass production at the current scale, it’s also much more flexible, allowing to constantly design, test and improve new models as well as instantly reproduce single parts gone missing, which is especially important when dealing with blind children. In comparison to other Braille learning tools, using Fittle LVPEI can educate multiple more people with the same budget: $10,000 can provide 4 digital Braille readers, 200 Braille books – or one 3D printer and 16,000 Fittle puzzles, with 12 puzzles covering the Alphabet. Feedback of eye care centres where Fittle has been used for Braille education has been outstanding. The “learning through play” concept effectively boosts the child's creativity and motivates them to want to learn more. So far, after the soft-launch of the project, enough 3D printers have been provided to the strategically most relevant locations to produce up to 50 models per day, with more donations coming in and more 3D printers being delivered as the project continues to raise awareness globally. Christian Bulla, Head of Marketing, Ravensburger: “As an international company dedicated to the playful development of children worldwide, our support of Fittle is a natural fit. Ravensburger’s core values are joy, education and togetherness, so it’s incredible to be involved with a project that clearly embodies these values to help children around the world.” Christophe Bohlender, Creative Director Text, Service plan Health & Life commented: “As an agency we are truly driven by innovation to excite our clients. Fittle combines state of the art technology with a creative product idea to make a difference in the lives of many children around the world. To be part of this project is really exciting for me.”









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