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    Planned Parenthood 'F*ck New York City'海报/平面广告营销案例



    计划生育 “纽约城”

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与集成相关? 我们的活动在电影 (在线/出租车电视) 、印刷 (OOH/杂志) 、社交、数字、筹款活动和各种类似避孕套、酒吧杯垫的物理宣传活动中栩栩如生,t恤和手提包。 大胆、简单的文案结构和明亮的粉色和黄色视觉标识的使用确保了每个接触点的一致性。 这场运动的每个方面都巧妙地与纽约的见解相关联。基于位置和媒介变得更加如此。例如,甚至与他们的网站相关的数字横幅标题。这样的 “F * ck那个女孩有足够的技能在地铁上涂睫毛膏” 的在线美容期刊。 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康和健康通讯的任何限制或规定,包括: 对于我们做广告的纽约市场没有具体的限制或规定 健康和健康工作必须证明它如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 纽约市计划生育协会 (PPNYC) 每年为超过60k多样化的纽约人提供基本的性健康和生殖健康护理。我们的工作利用创造力来获得对PPNYC正在为他们的城市提供的改变生活的健康服务的支持和赞赏。 背景 100多年来,纽约市计划生育组织 (PPNYC) 一直是成千上万依靠他们进行性健康和生殖健康护理的个人和家庭的希望灯塔。他们每年为超过6万不同的纽约人提供节育、性病/性传播感染检测、输精管切除术和一般健康和保健服务。 2018夏天,总统政府削减了资金,威胁着该组织在其成立城市的未来。PPNYC需要做一些大胆的事情,以确保所有性活跃的纽约人继续获得生殖保健。 我们的目标是争取纽约人的支持,更重要的是,PPNYC的捐款正在争取服务。通过个人捐赠减少对政府资金的依赖,PPNYC可以继续更自主地为社区服务。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) PPNYC允许所有纽约人不受歧视和判断地获得安全的性行为。有了PPNYC在他们的城市,纽约人可以不受限制地进行性活动。正是这种自由,我们的想法开始大张旗鼓地庆祝。 我们的想法提出了一个大胆的要求来保护纽约人安全相爱的自由 -- 保护纽约的自由。 这个想法本身就是一个响亮的行动号召。通过呼吁纽约人保护他们的核心自由之一,我们旨在点燃他们捐赠的动机。“自由自由” 旨在与比以往任何时候都更有权力、更愿意提供帮助的年轻一代对话。 我们的创意庆祝纽约所有美丽、多样化的人。以及PPNYC如何让他们安全地相爱,获得性和生殖保健。 描述策略 (30% 的选票) 我们发现,在2017年,纽约是美国性最活跃的城市。 平均每年156次,比全国平均水平高出五倍。 那是很大的激情。 对我们来说,这个统计数据不仅代表了纽约人对彼此的性激情,也代表了对城市本身的激情。 保护这种激情不仅代表PPNYC,而且通过其性健康服务实现。通过提高人们对PPNYC在纽约人充满激情的性生活中扮演的重要角色的认识,我们旨在改变行为,这样千禧一代的纽约人就会重视PPNYC,而不仅仅是他们的心,但是他们的钱包。 我们的战略是通过大胆宣布该组织的立场 -- 性自由以及所有人获得性保健和生殖保健 -- 来为PPNYC筹集捐款。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 该活动包括一部推出电影,社交和印刷品,庆祝纽约人安全f * ck,无论他们想要什么f * ck。 我们用纽约人的语言与他们交谈,庆祝他们有权安全离开的所有不同的人。“不管谁在他们的公寓里有洗衣机-烘干机。” “去你的即兴表演小组的人。” 竞选文案深入到对纽约生活古怪的见解。每项资产都有一个鼓励捐赠的CTA。 这项运动是利用一个沟通计划进行的,该计划旨在联系纽约人,让他们在何时何地可能在大脑上发生性行为。品牌饮料杯垫放在酒吧里。出租车电视在深夜乘车时播放这部电影。背景t恤、手提袋和避孕套也是为影响者和计划生育活动而制作的。该活动还包括在《纽约杂志》上的印刷版面。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) 我们的竞选在VICE,Rolling Stone,TIME和Nylon等出版物中推出了价值240,000美元的捐赠媒体。5,000个避孕套在纽约街头流行。4,000杯垫和2,000鸡尾酒餐巾被分发给我们的目标受众经常光顾的酒吧。500个手提包和t恤送给了支持PPNYC在纽约骄傲地穿着的千禧一代。 我们的努力引起了很大的轰动。 该运动在上市的第一天就受到了如此多的关注和关注,以至于反计划生育团体站出来反对该组织和我们的运动。随着2018年7月紧张的政治气候,计划生育国家办公室决定举行这场运动,并在晚些时候重新启动,以避免失去额外的联邦支持。早期的指标非常令人鼓舞,新的每月捐赠者的捐赠在发布的第一天激增。

    计划生育 “纽约城”

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Integrated? Our campaign came to life across film (online/taxi TV), print (OOH/magazine), social, digital, fundraising events and a variety of physical collateral—like condoms, bar coasters, t-shirts and totes. The bold, simple copywriting construct and use of a bright pink and yellow visual identity ensured consistency at every touchpoint. Every aspect of the campaign was cleverly contextual to New York insights. And became even more so based on placement and medium. For example, even digital banner headlines related to their website. Such “F*ck that girl skilled enough to apply mascara on the subway” for an online beauty periodical. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: No specific restrictions or regulations for the NYC market where we advertised Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) provides essential sexual and reproductive health care for the more than 60k diverse New Yorkers every year. Our work used creativity to rally support and appreciation for the life-changing health and wellness services that PPNYC is fighting to deliver for their city. Background For over 100 years, Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) has been a beacon of hope for the thousands of individuals and families who rely on them for sexual and reproductive health care. They provide access to birth control, STD/STI testing, vasectomies and general health and wellness to more than 60k diverse New Yorkers a year. In Summer 2018, the presidential administration was cutting their funding and threatening the future of the organization in its founding city. PPNYC needed to do something bold to ensure that all sexually active New Yorkers continue to have access to reproductive health care. Our objective was to rally the support and, importantly, donations of the New Yorkers PPNYC is fighting to serve. By reducing dependency on government funding through individual donations, PPNYC could continue serving their communities more autonomously. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) PPNYC gives all New Yorkers access to safe sex practices, without discrimination and without judgement. With PPNYC in their city, New Yorkers have the freedom to be sexually active without restrictions. It’s this freedom that our idea set out to celebrate in a big way. Our idea made a bold demand to protect New Yorkers freedom to safely love each other - Protect NYC’s Freedom to F*ck. The idea itself is a loud call to action. By calling on New Yorkers to protect one of their core freedoms, we aimed to ignite their motivation to donate. ‘Freedom to F*ck’ is meant to speak to a younger generation more empowered than ever and hopefully willing to help. Our creative idea celebrated all the beautiful, diverse people in NYC. And how PPNYC allows them to safely love each other with access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) We discovered that in 2017, New York was the most sexually active city in America. At an average of 156 times a year, that’s five times more than the national average. That’s a lot of passion. For us, this statistic represented not just the sexual passion that New Yorkers have for each other, but passion for the city itself. Protecting this passion is something PPNYC not only stands for, but enables through its sexual health services. By driving awareness of the essential role PPNYC plays in the passionate sex lives of New Yorkers, we aimed to change behavior so that Millennial New Yorkers would value PPNYC with not just their hearts, but their wallets. Our strategy was to rally donations for PPNYC by making a bold declaration about what the organization stands for - sexual freedom and access to sexual and reproductive healthcare for all. Describe the execution (30% of vote) The campaign included a launch film, social and print that celebrated New Yorkers right to safely f*ck, whoever the f*ck they want. We spoke to New Yorkers in their language, celebrating all the diverse people they have the right to safely f*ck. “F*ck whoever has a washer-dryer in their f*cking apartment.” “Fuck someone from your improv group.” Campaign copywriting went deep into eccentric insights about life in New York. Each asset had a CTA encouraging donations. The campaign was deployed using a communications plan designed to reach New Yorkers when and where they might have sex on the brain. Branded drink coasters were placed in bars. Taxi TV played the film during late night rides. Contextual t-shirts, totes and condoms were also created for influencers and Planned Parenthood events. The campaign also included a print placement in New York Magazine. List the results (20% of vote) Our campaign launched with $240,000 worth of donated media in publications like VICE, Rolling Stone, TIME and Nylon. 5,000 condoms hit the streets of New York. 4,000 coasters and 2,000 cocktail napkins were distributed to bars our target audience frequented. 500 tote bags and t-shirts were given to Millennials that support PPNYC to proudly wear around NYC. And our efforts landed with quite a splash. The campaign received so much buzz and visibility in its first days in-market that anti-Planned Parenthood groups rose up against the organization and our campaign. With a tense political climate in July 2018, Planned Parenthood’s national office decided to hold the campaign and re-launch at a later date to avoid losing additional federal support. Early indicators were very encouraging, with donations spiking the first day of launch with new monthly donors.

    Planned Parenthood 'F*ck New York City'

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与集成相关? 我们的活动在电影 (在线/出租车电视) 、印刷 (OOH/杂志) 、社交、数字、筹款活动和各种类似避孕套、酒吧杯垫的物理宣传活动中栩栩如生,t恤和手提包。 大胆、简单的文案结构和明亮的粉色和黄色视觉标识的使用确保了每个接触点的一致性。 这场运动的每个方面都巧妙地与纽约的见解相关联。基于位置和媒介变得更加如此。例如,甚至与他们的网站相关的数字横幅标题。这样的 “F * ck那个女孩有足够的技能在地铁上涂睫毛膏” 的在线美容期刊。 描述您所在国家/地区有关健康和健康通讯的任何限制或规定,包括: 对于我们做广告的纽约市场没有具体的限制或规定 健康和健康工作必须证明它如何符合 “改变生活的创造力” 的标准。为什么你的工作与健康相关? 纽约市计划生育协会 (PPNYC) 每年为超过60k多样化的纽约人提供基本的性健康和生殖健康护理。我们的工作利用创造力来获得对PPNYC正在为他们的城市提供的改变生活的健康服务的支持和赞赏。 背景 100多年来,纽约市计划生育组织 (PPNYC) 一直是成千上万依靠他们进行性健康和生殖健康护理的个人和家庭的希望灯塔。他们每年为超过6万不同的纽约人提供节育、性病/性传播感染检测、输精管切除术和一般健康和保健服务。 2018夏天,总统政府削减了资金,威胁着该组织在其成立城市的未来。PPNYC需要做一些大胆的事情,以确保所有性活跃的纽约人继续获得生殖保健。 我们的目标是争取纽约人的支持,更重要的是,PPNYC的捐款正在争取服务。通过个人捐赠减少对政府资金的依赖,PPNYC可以继续更自主地为社区服务。 描述创意 (20% 的选票) PPNYC允许所有纽约人不受歧视和判断地获得安全的性行为。有了PPNYC在他们的城市,纽约人可以不受限制地进行性活动。正是这种自由,我们的想法开始大张旗鼓地庆祝。 我们的想法提出了一个大胆的要求来保护纽约人安全相爱的自由 -- 保护纽约的自由。 这个想法本身就是一个响亮的行动号召。通过呼吁纽约人保护他们的核心自由之一,我们旨在点燃他们捐赠的动机。“自由自由” 旨在与比以往任何时候都更有权力、更愿意提供帮助的年轻一代对话。 我们的创意庆祝纽约所有美丽、多样化的人。以及PPNYC如何让他们安全地相爱,获得性和生殖保健。 描述策略 (30% 的选票) 我们发现,在2017年,纽约是美国性最活跃的城市。 平均每年156次,比全国平均水平高出五倍。 那是很大的激情。 对我们来说,这个统计数据不仅代表了纽约人对彼此的性激情,也代表了对城市本身的激情。 保护这种激情不仅代表PPNYC,而且通过其性健康服务实现。通过提高人们对PPNYC在纽约人充满激情的性生活中扮演的重要角色的认识,我们旨在改变行为,这样千禧一代的纽约人就会重视PPNYC,而不仅仅是他们的心,但是他们的钱包。 我们的战略是通过大胆宣布该组织的立场 -- 性自由以及所有人获得性保健和生殖保健 -- 来为PPNYC筹集捐款。 描述执行情况 (30% 的选票) 该活动包括一部推出电影,社交和印刷品,庆祝纽约人安全f * ck,无论他们想要什么f * ck。 我们用纽约人的语言与他们交谈,庆祝他们有权安全离开的所有不同的人。“不管谁在他们的公寓里有洗衣机-烘干机。” “去你的即兴表演小组的人。” 竞选文案深入到对纽约生活古怪的见解。每项资产都有一个鼓励捐赠的CTA。 这项运动是利用一个沟通计划进行的,该计划旨在联系纽约人,让他们在何时何地可能在大脑上发生性行为。品牌饮料杯垫放在酒吧里。出租车电视在深夜乘车时播放这部电影。背景t恤、手提袋和避孕套也是为影响者和计划生育活动而制作的。该活动还包括在《纽约杂志》上的印刷版面。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) 我们的竞选在VICE,Rolling Stone,TIME和Nylon等出版物中推出了价值240,000美元的捐赠媒体。5,000个避孕套在纽约街头流行。4,000杯垫和2,000鸡尾酒餐巾被分发给我们的目标受众经常光顾的酒吧。500个手提包和t恤送给了支持PPNYC在纽约骄傲地穿着的千禧一代。 我们的努力引起了很大的轰动。 该运动在上市的第一天就受到了如此多的关注和关注,以至于反计划生育团体站出来反对该组织和我们的运动。随着2018年7月紧张的政治气候,计划生育国家办公室决定举行这场运动,并在晚些时候重新启动,以避免失去额外的联邦支持。早期的指标非常令人鼓舞,新的每月捐赠者的捐赠在发布的第一天激增。

    Planned Parenthood 'F*ck New York City'

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Integrated? Our campaign came to life across film (online/taxi TV), print (OOH/magazine), social, digital, fundraising events and a variety of physical collateral—like condoms, bar coasters, t-shirts and totes. The bold, simple copywriting construct and use of a bright pink and yellow visual identity ensured consistency at every touchpoint. Every aspect of the campaign was cleverly contextual to New York insights. And became even more so based on placement and medium. For example, even digital banner headlines related to their website. Such “F*ck that girl skilled enough to apply mascara on the subway” for an online beauty periodical. Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Health & Wellness communications in your country/region including: No specific restrictions or regulations for the NYC market where we advertised Health & Wellness work must demonstrate how it meets the criteria 'life-changing creativity'. Why is your work relevant for Health & Wellness? Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) provides essential sexual and reproductive health care for the more than 60k diverse New Yorkers every year. Our work used creativity to rally support and appreciation for the life-changing health and wellness services that PPNYC is fighting to deliver for their city. Background For over 100 years, Planned Parenthood of New York City (PPNYC) has been a beacon of hope for the thousands of individuals and families who rely on them for sexual and reproductive health care. They provide access to birth control, STD/STI testing, vasectomies and general health and wellness to more than 60k diverse New Yorkers a year. In Summer 2018, the presidential administration was cutting their funding and threatening the future of the organization in its founding city. PPNYC needed to do something bold to ensure that all sexually active New Yorkers continue to have access to reproductive health care. Our objective was to rally the support and, importantly, donations of the New Yorkers PPNYC is fighting to serve. By reducing dependency on government funding through individual donations, PPNYC could continue serving their communities more autonomously. Describe the creative idea (20% of vote) PPNYC gives all New Yorkers access to safe sex practices, without discrimination and without judgement. With PPNYC in their city, New Yorkers have the freedom to be sexually active without restrictions. It’s this freedom that our idea set out to celebrate in a big way. Our idea made a bold demand to protect New Yorkers freedom to safely love each other - Protect NYC’s Freedom to F*ck. The idea itself is a loud call to action. By calling on New Yorkers to protect one of their core freedoms, we aimed to ignite their motivation to donate. ‘Freedom to F*ck’ is meant to speak to a younger generation more empowered than ever and hopefully willing to help. Our creative idea celebrated all the beautiful, diverse people in NYC. And how PPNYC allows them to safely love each other with access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. Describe the strategy (30% of vote) We discovered that in 2017, New York was the most sexually active city in America. At an average of 156 times a year, that’s five times more than the national average. That’s a lot of passion. For us, this statistic represented not just the sexual passion that New Yorkers have for each other, but passion for the city itself. Protecting this passion is something PPNYC not only stands for, but enables through its sexual health services. By driving awareness of the essential role PPNYC plays in the passionate sex lives of New Yorkers, we aimed to change behavior so that Millennial New Yorkers would value PPNYC with not just their hearts, but their wallets. Our strategy was to rally donations for PPNYC by making a bold declaration about what the organization stands for - sexual freedom and access to sexual and reproductive healthcare for all. Describe the execution (30% of vote) The campaign included a launch film, social and print that celebrated New Yorkers right to safely f*ck, whoever the f*ck they want. We spoke to New Yorkers in their language, celebrating all the diverse people they have the right to safely f*ck. “F*ck whoever has a washer-dryer in their f*cking apartment.” “Fuck someone from your improv group.” Campaign copywriting went deep into eccentric insights about life in New York. Each asset had a CTA encouraging donations. The campaign was deployed using a communications plan designed to reach New Yorkers when and where they might have sex on the brain. Branded drink coasters were placed in bars. Taxi TV played the film during late night rides. Contextual t-shirts, totes and condoms were also created for influencers and Planned Parenthood events. The campaign also included a print placement in New York Magazine. List the results (20% of vote) Our campaign launched with $240,000 worth of donated media in publications like VICE, Rolling Stone, TIME and Nylon. 5,000 condoms hit the streets of New York. 4,000 coasters and 2,000 cocktail napkins were distributed to bars our target audience frequented. 500 tote bags and t-shirts were given to Millennials that support PPNYC to proudly wear around NYC. And our efforts landed with quite a splash. The campaign received so much buzz and visibility in its first days in-market that anti-Planned Parenthood groups rose up against the organization and our campaign. With a tense political climate in July 2018, Planned Parenthood’s national office decided to hold the campaign and re-launch at a later date to avoid losing additional federal support. Early indicators were very encouraging, with donations spiking the first day of launch with new monthly donors.

    计划生育 “纽约城”


    Planned Parenthood 'F*ck New York City'










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