案例简介:“让双方探索是什么问题使我们团结起来,而不是指责那些分裂我们的问题。” 这些话是我们今天需要听到的 -- 即使它们是在20世纪60年代说的。肯尼迪总统认为,我们每个人都有责任为我们的国家建设一个更美好的未来。新的前沿运动通过他的话语、语气和前瞻性信息捕捉到了这种精神。7月15日,(与新前沿演讲60周年同时) JFK不仅会发言,他将成为所有美国人提交他们对 # NewNewFrontier的愿景的试探板。“JFK相信人们塑造世界和创造更美好未来的力量 -- 这是他总统任期的核心原则,也是现在比以往任何时候都更需要的。我们国家的未来取决于人民的行动,在过去的几个月里,随着越来越多的人质疑 “正常”,我们看到了这种情况的发生努力创造一个更好的 “正常”,对所有人来说都是真正平等、有代表性和公平的。"-Cecelia Parrish,马丁公司的规划总监,很多人想知道我们如何恢复正常,也许我们应该问问自己,“正常” 是我们真正想要的吗?“新前沿” 运动使美国人能够表达他们对如何让我们的国家变得更好的想法。“我们上一次竞选活动的重点是JFK的话对今天挑战的力量,这仍然是这个想法的核心。他的话与今天发生的事情非常相关,并且有力地提醒我们一个真正的领导者听起来是什么样的-我们想把这个想法变成现实,但要比文字更积极。竞选。我们想超越灵感,让人们做点什么 -- 因为他们是要创造新常态的人,而不是负责人。"-Cecelia Parrish,马丁机构的规划主任,当该国继续与系统性种族主义相关的问题作斗争时,这场运动提醒我们需要面对 “无知和偏见无法克服的问题”。由美国马丁机构为约翰 · F创作的数字广告肯尼迪图书馆基金会,类别包括: 教育、公共利益、非政府组织。
案例简介:“Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.” Those are the words we need to hear today—even if they were spoken in the 1960s. President Kennedy believed that each of us are responsible for building a better future for our country. And the New New Frontier campaign captures that spirit through his words, tone and forward-looking message. On July 15, (in tandem with the 60th anniversary of the New Frontier speech) JFK won’t only speak, he’ll become a sounding board for all Americans to submit their visions for a #NewNewFrontier. “JFK believed in the power of people to shape the world and make a better future – it was a core tenet of his presidency and it’s something that is needed now more than ever. The future of our country rests with its people taking action, we’ve seen that come to life in the last few months as more and more people question “normal,” and fight to create a better “normal,” that is truly equal, representative and fair for all.” – Cecelia Parrish, Planning Director at The Martin Agency With so many wondering how we’ll get back to normal, maybe we should ask ourselves, is “normal” what we really want? The ‘New New Frontier’ campaign empowers Americans to voice their ideas on how we can make our country better. “Our last campaign focused on the power of JFK’s words against today’s challenges and that is still at the heart of the idea. His words are so relevant to what’s happening today and a powerful reminder of what a true leader sounds like – we wanted to bring that idea to life but in a more active way than the Words Count campaign. We wanted to go beyond inspiration and get people to do something – because they are the ones who are going to create the new normal, not the people in charge.” – Cecelia Parrish, Planning Director at The Martin Agency And as the country continues to struggle with issues related to systemic racism, the campaign reminds us of the need to confront “unconquered problems of ignorance and prejudice.” Digital advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, within the categories: Education, Public Interest, NGO.
The New, New Frontier
案例简介:“让双方探索是什么问题使我们团结起来,而不是指责那些分裂我们的问题。” 这些话是我们今天需要听到的 -- 即使它们是在20世纪60年代说的。肯尼迪总统认为,我们每个人都有责任为我们的国家建设一个更美好的未来。新的前沿运动通过他的话语、语气和前瞻性信息捕捉到了这种精神。7月15日,(与新前沿演讲60周年同时) JFK不仅会发言,他将成为所有美国人提交他们对 # NewNewFrontier的愿景的试探板。“JFK相信人们塑造世界和创造更美好未来的力量 -- 这是他总统任期的核心原则,也是现在比以往任何时候都更需要的。我们国家的未来取决于人民的行动,在过去的几个月里,随着越来越多的人质疑 “正常”,我们看到了这种情况的发生努力创造一个更好的 “正常”,对所有人来说都是真正平等、有代表性和公平的。"-Cecelia Parrish,马丁公司的规划总监,很多人想知道我们如何恢复正常,也许我们应该问问自己,“正常” 是我们真正想要的吗?“新前沿” 运动使美国人能够表达他们对如何让我们的国家变得更好的想法。“我们上一次竞选活动的重点是JFK的话对今天挑战的力量,这仍然是这个想法的核心。他的话与今天发生的事情非常相关,并且有力地提醒我们一个真正的领导者听起来是什么样的-我们想把这个想法变成现实,但要比文字更积极。竞选。我们想超越灵感,让人们做点什么 -- 因为他们是要创造新常态的人,而不是负责人。"-Cecelia Parrish,马丁机构的规划主任,当该国继续与系统性种族主义相关的问题作斗争时,这场运动提醒我们需要面对 “无知和偏见无法克服的问题”。由美国马丁机构为约翰 · F创作的数字广告肯尼迪图书馆基金会,类别包括: 教育、公共利益、非政府组织。
The New, New Frontier
案例简介:“Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.” Those are the words we need to hear today—even if they were spoken in the 1960s. President Kennedy believed that each of us are responsible for building a better future for our country. And the New New Frontier campaign captures that spirit through his words, tone and forward-looking message. On July 15, (in tandem with the 60th anniversary of the New Frontier speech) JFK won’t only speak, he’ll become a sounding board for all Americans to submit their visions for a #NewNewFrontier. “JFK believed in the power of people to shape the world and make a better future – it was a core tenet of his presidency and it’s something that is needed now more than ever. The future of our country rests with its people taking action, we’ve seen that come to life in the last few months as more and more people question “normal,” and fight to create a better “normal,” that is truly equal, representative and fair for all.” – Cecelia Parrish, Planning Director at The Martin Agency With so many wondering how we’ll get back to normal, maybe we should ask ourselves, is “normal” what we really want? The ‘New New Frontier’ campaign empowers Americans to voice their ideas on how we can make our country better. “Our last campaign focused on the power of JFK’s words against today’s challenges and that is still at the heart of the idea. His words are so relevant to what’s happening today and a powerful reminder of what a true leader sounds like – we wanted to bring that idea to life but in a more active way than the Words Count campaign. We wanted to go beyond inspiration and get people to do something – because they are the ones who are going to create the new normal, not the people in charge.” – Cecelia Parrish, Planning Director at The Martin Agency And as the country continues to struggle with issues related to systemic racism, the campaign reminds us of the need to confront “unconquered problems of ignorance and prejudice.” Digital advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, within the categories: Education, Public Interest, NGO.
The New, New Frontier
- 广告品牌: John F. Kennedy Library Foundation
- 发布日期: 2020-07
- 行业领域: 公益慈善 , 公共事业
- 媒体类别: 短视频 , 图文
- 广告语言: 英语
- 媒介平台: 网络
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