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    One-drop Bottle短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 -12% 的销售额在抽样时增加。-23% 在接下来的一周增加。 概要 Pril 洗碗洗涤剂有一件事没有竞争对手: 集中力量。这意味着,要完全清洗一整套盘子,只需要一滴 Pril。这就是我们多年来在中东和北非市场一直在说的,…… 直到我们的竞争对手开始承诺同样的事情。从说 “一滴 Pril 就足够了” 到给他们的消费者一些他们自己能掌握的东西。 战略 说到洗碗类,每个人都提出了同样的大要求: 一滴液体的力量。我们没什么不同。事实上,Pril 已经陷入了在后期制作工作室制作的相同的屏幕陈词滥调演示的海洋中。但是在一个我们的目标可以明确看到大胆广告声明的结果的类别中,我们想把我们的钱放在我们的嘴里。所以,我们开始向中东的家庭主妇们证明 Pril 解决方案的力量。使用我们的目标首选语言,我们想想出一种简单而不言自明的方式,将我们的大屏幕演示放在消费者手中进行屏幕外测试。所有这些都要求采取行动,以空瓶子换取产品折扣。 活动描述 Pril 一滴瓶。精确的 Pril 洗涤剂瓶子… 可挤压并缩小到指甲的大小。在里面,1毫升的强大体积消除了一整套菜肴的外壳和油脂。 执行 制作过程花了 6 个多月的时间: 根据实际尺寸瓶子的精确设计和形状创建了一个模具,生产了 3.000 个可挤压的瓶子,并将 pril 液体注入其中。最后一个迷你大小的标签贴纸附在上面。最后加入了用来装液体的红色盖子。在一个月的时间里,样品被交给了阿联酋和埃及的主要超市。注: 这是限量版。没有大规模生产是为了我们关心地球母亲。


    案例简介:Outcome -12% sales increase at the moment of sampling.-23% increase the following week. Synopsis Pril dish-washing detergent has one thing no competitor has: Concentrated power. That means, to completely clean a whole set of dishes, it only takes one drop of Pril. That’s what we’ve been saying for years in the Middle East-North Africa Market,… Until our competitors started promising the same.Pril needed to make a stand for their everlasting promise. From saying "One Drop of Pril is enough" to giving their consumers something they can grasp with their own hands. Strategy When it comes to the dishwashing category, everyone is making the same big claim: the power of one drop of the liquid. We’re no different. In fact, Pril has fallen into the sea of sameness of on-screen cliché demos manufactured in post-production studios. But in a category where our target can explicitly see the results of bold advertising claims, we wanted to put our money where our mouth was. So, we set out to prove, empirically, to the homemakers of the Middle East the power of the Pril solution.Using our target’s preferred language, we wanted to come up with a simple and self-explanatory way of taking our big on-screen demo and putting it into consumers’ hands to test off-screen. All of it with a call to action to swap the empty bottle for product discount. Campaign Description The Pril One-Drop Bottle.The exact Pril detergent bottle… Squeezable and reduced to the size of a fingernail.Inside, the exact powerful volume of 1ml that removes crust and grease from a whole set of dishes. Execution The crafting process took over 6 months: A mold was created following the exact design and shape of the real size bottle, 3.000 squeezable bottles were produced and pril liquid was injected into it. A final mini size label sticker was attached to it. The red cap to hold the liquid was finally added at the end.In a period of a month the samples were handed over in main supermarkets in UAE and Egypt.Note: This was a limited edition. No mass scale production was intended for we do care about mother earth.

    One-drop Bottle

    案例简介:结果 -12% 的销售额在抽样时增加。-23% 在接下来的一周增加。 概要 Pril 洗碗洗涤剂有一件事没有竞争对手: 集中力量。这意味着,要完全清洗一整套盘子,只需要一滴 Pril。这就是我们多年来在中东和北非市场一直在说的,…… 直到我们的竞争对手开始承诺同样的事情。从说 “一滴 Pril 就足够了” 到给他们的消费者一些他们自己能掌握的东西。 战略 说到洗碗类,每个人都提出了同样的大要求: 一滴液体的力量。我们没什么不同。事实上,Pril 已经陷入了在后期制作工作室制作的相同的屏幕陈词滥调演示的海洋中。但是在一个我们的目标可以明确看到大胆广告声明的结果的类别中,我们想把我们的钱放在我们的嘴里。所以,我们开始向中东的家庭主妇们证明 Pril 解决方案的力量。使用我们的目标首选语言,我们想想出一种简单而不言自明的方式,将我们的大屏幕演示放在消费者手中进行屏幕外测试。所有这些都要求采取行动,以空瓶子换取产品折扣。 活动描述 Pril 一滴瓶。精确的 Pril 洗涤剂瓶子… 可挤压并缩小到指甲的大小。在里面,1毫升的强大体积消除了一整套菜肴的外壳和油脂。 执行 制作过程花了 6 个多月的时间: 根据实际尺寸瓶子的精确设计和形状创建了一个模具,生产了 3.000 个可挤压的瓶子,并将 pril 液体注入其中。最后一个迷你大小的标签贴纸附在上面。最后加入了用来装液体的红色盖子。在一个月的时间里,样品被交给了阿联酋和埃及的主要超市。注: 这是限量版。没有大规模生产是为了我们关心地球母亲。

    One-drop Bottle

    案例简介:Outcome -12% sales increase at the moment of sampling.-23% increase the following week. Synopsis Pril dish-washing detergent has one thing no competitor has: Concentrated power. That means, to completely clean a whole set of dishes, it only takes one drop of Pril. That’s what we’ve been saying for years in the Middle East-North Africa Market,… Until our competitors started promising the same.Pril needed to make a stand for their everlasting promise. From saying "One Drop of Pril is enough" to giving their consumers something they can grasp with their own hands. Strategy When it comes to the dishwashing category, everyone is making the same big claim: the power of one drop of the liquid. We’re no different. In fact, Pril has fallen into the sea of sameness of on-screen cliché demos manufactured in post-production studios. But in a category where our target can explicitly see the results of bold advertising claims, we wanted to put our money where our mouth was. So, we set out to prove, empirically, to the homemakers of the Middle East the power of the Pril solution.Using our target’s preferred language, we wanted to come up with a simple and self-explanatory way of taking our big on-screen demo and putting it into consumers’ hands to test off-screen. All of it with a call to action to swap the empty bottle for product discount. Campaign Description The Pril One-Drop Bottle.The exact Pril detergent bottle… Squeezable and reduced to the size of a fingernail.Inside, the exact powerful volume of 1ml that removes crust and grease from a whole set of dishes. Execution The crafting process took over 6 months: A mold was created following the exact design and shape of the real size bottle, 3.000 squeezable bottles were produced and pril liquid was injected into it. A final mini size label sticker was attached to it. The red cap to hold the liquid was finally added at the end.In a period of a month the samples were handed over in main supermarkets in UAE and Egypt.Note: This was a limited edition. No mass scale production was intended for we do care about mother earth.



    One-drop Bottle





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