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    End The Silence短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 多米尼加共和国的黄金时段电视主要由女性传播者主持。我们与收视率最高的电视节目中最有影响力的女性进行了谈判,在她们的节目中进行现场表演。在每一场演出开始时,主持人似乎身体受到虐待,但表现正常,好像她什么都没发生。一个推特提要被放在屏幕上,以监控观众的反应。在社交媒体上谈论这件事的人越多,主持人看起来的伤痕就越少。 执行 2015年11月25日,我们在电视的收视率最高的节目中制作了一场现场直播。在每场演出开始时,主持人出现了身体虐待,但表现正常。一个推特消息被放在屏幕上,看人们的反应。在推特、 Instagram 和 Facebook 上谈论这件事的人越多,她出现的瘀伤就越少。在商业休息期间,化妆团队将减少公众反应引发的瘀伤。实时,每个主持人都在她的社交媒体档案上发布了她伤痕累累的照片。随着电视节目的结束,没有任何瘀伤,每个主持人都解释了为什么她在节目和个人资料中看起来很坏,质疑为什么这么多人为他们说话, 质疑为什么这么多人为他们说话,但对受虐待的受害者保持沉默。我们还提供了 lnea Vida 的电话号码,这是举报暴力侵害妇女案件的免费热线。 活动描述 只有 10% 的受虐妇女因害怕或羞愧而报告自己的罪犯。90% 的人保持沉默。我们知道我们必须激怒一个国家,让他们谈论这个致命的问题。但是品牌如何开始对话呢?与该国最有影响力的妇女进行了一次独特的谈判,使她们成为这一事业的大使,代表那些在提出暴力侵害妇女问题时无法被听到的人发言。观众成了目击者。 相关性 多米尼加共和国最大的零售商 La Sirena 想把这个国家最严重的社会问题之一作为焦点: 对妇女的暴力, 通过在电视上制作一个现场表演,让观众快速反应。 结果 -2015 年,多米尼加共和国国家统计组织报告称,与 2014年相比,杀害女性的人数减少了 4%。-这一行动引起了强烈的反应,人们要求知道这些妇女发生了什么。几分钟内,成千上万的帖子淹没了社交网络。-- 电视、娱乐、新闻、媒体和体育领域最著名的人物谈论了在线和直播电视。 -自由新闻产生了超过 200,000 美元。 -成千上万的人加入了该品牌关于一个不再容忍暴力侵害妇女行为的国家的重要性的对话,为 La Sirena 创造了品牌意识。 概要 多米尼加共和国在家庭暴力案件最多的国家中排名第六。在过去 10 年里,有 2,506 名妇女因此丧生。该国最大的零售商 Tiendas La Sirena 每天都喜欢多米尼加妇女,她希望通过宣传一个可以引起一个国家回应的信息来提高对这个问题的认识。11月25日,国际非暴力侵害妇女日,成为将这一问题置于中心地位的绝佳机会。


    案例简介:Strategy Prime-time television in the Dominican Republic, is mostly led by female communicators. We negotiated with the most influential women in the highest rated TV shows to perform a live action on their shows. At the beginning of each show, the host appeared physically abused, but acting normal, as if nothing had happened to her. A Twitter feed was placed on screen to monitor the audience's reaction. The more people talked about it on social media, the less bruised the host would appear. Execution On november 25th 2015, we created a live action on TV's highest rated programs. At the beginning of each show, the host appeared physically abused but acting normally. A twitter feed was placed on screen to see people's reaction. The more people talked about it on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook, the less bruised she would appear. During commercial breaks the make-up team would diminish the bruises triggered by the public’s reaction. On real time, every host posted her bruised picture on her social media profile. As the TV show ended, without any bruises every host explained why she looked battered during the program and profiles, questioning why so many people spoke out for them, questioning why so many people spoke out for them, but go silent with abused victims. We also provided the telephone number for Línea Vida, the free of charge hotline to report cases of violence against women. Campaign Description Only 10% of abused women report their offender due to fear or shame. 90% of them remain silent. We knew we had to provoke a nation and make them talk about this deadly issue. But how could the brand start the conversation? A unique negotiation with the country's most influential women made them the ambassadors for this cause by speaking on behalf of those who couldn't be heard while bringing up violence against women center stage. Audience became witnesses. Relevancy La Sirena, the largest retailer in Dominican Republic, wanted to bring center stage one of the country's worst social problems: Violence against women, by creating a live action on TV that generated a quick response on the audience. Outcome -In 2015, the National Statistics Organization of Dominican Republic reported a 4% decrease in femicides compared to 2014.-The action generated a firestorm of reactions, people demanding to know what happened to these women. Within minutes, thousands of posts flooded social networks. -The most prominent personalities in TV, entertainment, journalism, media and sports talked about the action online and live TV.-More than USD$200,000 were generated on free press.-Thousands of voices joined in on the brand's conversation about the importance of a nation that will no longer tolerate violence against women generating brand awareness for La Sirena. Synopsis Dominican Republic is ranked number 6 in countries with the highest cases of domestic violence. In the last 10 years, 2,506 women have lost their lives due to it. Tiendas La Sirena, the largest retailer in the country preferred daily by Dominican women, wanted to raise awareness for this issue by promoting a message that could generate a response from a nation. November 25th, the international day of non violence against women, became the perfect opportunity to bring this issue center stage.

    End The Silence

    案例简介:战略 多米尼加共和国的黄金时段电视主要由女性传播者主持。我们与收视率最高的电视节目中最有影响力的女性进行了谈判,在她们的节目中进行现场表演。在每一场演出开始时,主持人似乎身体受到虐待,但表现正常,好像她什么都没发生。一个推特提要被放在屏幕上,以监控观众的反应。在社交媒体上谈论这件事的人越多,主持人看起来的伤痕就越少。 执行 2015年11月25日,我们在电视的收视率最高的节目中制作了一场现场直播。在每场演出开始时,主持人出现了身体虐待,但表现正常。一个推特消息被放在屏幕上,看人们的反应。在推特、 Instagram 和 Facebook 上谈论这件事的人越多,她出现的瘀伤就越少。在商业休息期间,化妆团队将减少公众反应引发的瘀伤。实时,每个主持人都在她的社交媒体档案上发布了她伤痕累累的照片。随着电视节目的结束,没有任何瘀伤,每个主持人都解释了为什么她在节目和个人资料中看起来很坏,质疑为什么这么多人为他们说话, 质疑为什么这么多人为他们说话,但对受虐待的受害者保持沉默。我们还提供了 lnea Vida 的电话号码,这是举报暴力侵害妇女案件的免费热线。 活动描述 只有 10% 的受虐妇女因害怕或羞愧而报告自己的罪犯。90% 的人保持沉默。我们知道我们必须激怒一个国家,让他们谈论这个致命的问题。但是品牌如何开始对话呢?与该国最有影响力的妇女进行了一次独特的谈判,使她们成为这一事业的大使,代表那些在提出暴力侵害妇女问题时无法被听到的人发言。观众成了目击者。 相关性 多米尼加共和国最大的零售商 La Sirena 想把这个国家最严重的社会问题之一作为焦点: 对妇女的暴力, 通过在电视上制作一个现场表演,让观众快速反应。 结果 -2015 年,多米尼加共和国国家统计组织报告称,与 2014年相比,杀害女性的人数减少了 4%。-这一行动引起了强烈的反应,人们要求知道这些妇女发生了什么。几分钟内,成千上万的帖子淹没了社交网络。-- 电视、娱乐、新闻、媒体和体育领域最著名的人物谈论了在线和直播电视。 -自由新闻产生了超过 200,000 美元。 -成千上万的人加入了该品牌关于一个不再容忍暴力侵害妇女行为的国家的重要性的对话,为 La Sirena 创造了品牌意识。 概要 多米尼加共和国在家庭暴力案件最多的国家中排名第六。在过去 10 年里,有 2,506 名妇女因此丧生。该国最大的零售商 Tiendas La Sirena 每天都喜欢多米尼加妇女,她希望通过宣传一个可以引起一个国家回应的信息来提高对这个问题的认识。11月25日,国际非暴力侵害妇女日,成为将这一问题置于中心地位的绝佳机会。

    End The Silence

    案例简介:Strategy Prime-time television in the Dominican Republic, is mostly led by female communicators. We negotiated with the most influential women in the highest rated TV shows to perform a live action on their shows. At the beginning of each show, the host appeared physically abused, but acting normal, as if nothing had happened to her. A Twitter feed was placed on screen to monitor the audience's reaction. The more people talked about it on social media, the less bruised the host would appear. Execution On november 25th 2015, we created a live action on TV's highest rated programs. At the beginning of each show, the host appeared physically abused but acting normally. A twitter feed was placed on screen to see people's reaction. The more people talked about it on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook, the less bruised she would appear. During commercial breaks the make-up team would diminish the bruises triggered by the public’s reaction. On real time, every host posted her bruised picture on her social media profile. As the TV show ended, without any bruises every host explained why she looked battered during the program and profiles, questioning why so many people spoke out for them, questioning why so many people spoke out for them, but go silent with abused victims. We also provided the telephone number for Línea Vida, the free of charge hotline to report cases of violence against women. Campaign Description Only 10% of abused women report their offender due to fear or shame. 90% of them remain silent. We knew we had to provoke a nation and make them talk about this deadly issue. But how could the brand start the conversation? A unique negotiation with the country's most influential women made them the ambassadors for this cause by speaking on behalf of those who couldn't be heard while bringing up violence against women center stage. Audience became witnesses. Relevancy La Sirena, the largest retailer in Dominican Republic, wanted to bring center stage one of the country's worst social problems: Violence against women, by creating a live action on TV that generated a quick response on the audience. Outcome -In 2015, the National Statistics Organization of Dominican Republic reported a 4% decrease in femicides compared to 2014.-The action generated a firestorm of reactions, people demanding to know what happened to these women. Within minutes, thousands of posts flooded social networks. -The most prominent personalities in TV, entertainment, journalism, media and sports talked about the action online and live TV.-More than USD$200,000 were generated on free press.-Thousands of voices joined in on the brand's conversation about the importance of a nation that will no longer tolerate violence against women generating brand awareness for La Sirena. Synopsis Dominican Republic is ranked number 6 in countries with the highest cases of domestic violence. In the last 10 years, 2,506 women have lost their lives due to it. Tiendas La Sirena, the largest retailer in the country preferred daily by Dominican women, wanted to raise awareness for this issue by promoting a message that could generate a response from a nation. November 25th, the international day of non violence against women, became the perfect opportunity to bring this issue center stage.



    End The Silence










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