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    You Know The Queen. Now Meet Elizabeth.短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 我们从看是什么让电视节目如此独特开始。皇冠不仅仅是另一个美丽的时期作品。相反,它提供了一个亲密的,揭示了世界上最著名的女性之一的肖像。由于需要保持令人难以置信的严格的公众形象,我们一直被拒绝接触女王陛下真实的私人历史。事实是,我们对她知之甚少。然而,王冠为我们提供了一个非常不同的视角。我们看到的不仅仅是君主,还有女人、妻子、母亲和女儿。我们的想法: 你认识女王。现在见见伊丽莎白。为了让观众对这部剧产生好奇,我们决定让观众一瞥她到底是谁: 一个真实的、多方面的个体。一个充满希望和恐惧、怪癖和古怪的人 -- 就像我们其他人一样。 战略 我们的目标受众是 20-40 岁的新加坡人,对女性有偏见。我们的概念和媒体策略从一开始就结合在一起。为了扩大我们需要的规模,我们利用了新加坡独特的人口和地理位置。新加坡是一个人口稠密的小岛,是 “环绕声” 户外活动的最佳地点。使用大规模和小规模处决的混合,我们可以在短时间内接触到广大人口。为了确保我们的活动保持吸引力,我们探索了以前不向广告开放的新媒体形式,模糊了环境和传统户外之间的界限。我们的概念侧重于使用媒体作为信息,就像使用内容一样。在两个月的时间里,我们与媒体所有者、房东、零售连锁店和超市进行了谈判,以确保 30 多个独特的媒体投放的权利。 执行 我们开始研究构成 “真正的伊丽莎白时代” 的所有好奇、令人惊讶和有趣的细节。通过这样做,我们发现了大量的事实,这些事实在很大程度上是未知的,并且极具启发性。例如,她丈夫给她起的绰号。她最喜欢的酒。她过敏。她的爱好。她早上醒来后做的第一件事。然后,我们利用这些事实,以各种非正统的方式将它们付诸实践。每个执行都是专门为上下文构建的。除了现有的媒体网站,我们还在电梯门、杯垫、路虎、邮筒、杜松子酒瓶、超市、家居商店、还有更多。我们甚至有自己的巡回柯基品牌大使乐队,鼓动新的粉丝。在密集的两周时间里,我们的活动在岛上的许多不同接触点展开。 概要 皇冠是网飞原创系列,灵感来自围绕伊丽莎白二世女王生活的真实事件。我们的简报是在新加坡推广新系列,并在 2016年11月4日的全球发布会上及时提高收视率。虽然网飞本身是一个数字品牌,但在简报会上,我们对数字或任何其他媒体渠道没有具体的偏见。相反,客户要求我们提供创意和媒体解决方案,无缝有效地实现我们的目标。我们的核心目标?通过可测量的在线 behaviours 来建立对该节目的好奇心和意识。与此同时,我们希望为品牌和系列创造强大的社交媒体吸引力。 结果 由于全球客户保密,我们无法透露活动期间新加坡收视率和订阅情况的具体数据。在竞选期间,谷歌搜索 “皇冠” 的月平均数量飙升了 1700%。活动和表演都获得了超过 60 万英镑的有机 pr值,在新加坡的 196 个新闻报道中被报道。该活动还赢得了超过 372,000 个有机推特印象,对话反映了我们活动产生的真正好奇心。社交媒体上的所有提及都是有机获得的,绝大多数推文都是非常积极的。 相关性 我们的概念提供了对最古老的媒体之一 -- 户外 -- 的全新呈现,并展示了它如何在这个时代仍然令人惊讶和着迷。这也是一个例子,说明从创意的诞生到执行,创意和媒体是如何成功地结合在一起的。我们的活动包括 30 多种不同的环境和户外执行,为不同地点定制信息和格式。此外,许多使用的格式以前在新加坡没有广告。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription We started out by looking at what makes the TV show so unique. The Crown is more than just another beautiful period piece. Instead, it offers an intimate, revealing portrait of one of the most famous women in the world. Because of the need to maintain an incredibly strict public image, we have always been denied access to Her Majesty’s authentic private history. The truth is, we know very little about her. The Crown, however, offers us a very different view. We see not just the monarch, but the woman, the wife, the mother, and the daughter. Our idea: You know the Queen. Now meet Elizabeth.To build curiosity around the show, we decided to give our audience a glimpse of who she really is: a real, multi-faceted individual. Someone with hopes and fears, quirks and oddities – just like the rest of us. Strategy Our target audience were Singaporeans aged 20-40, with a bias towards women. Our concept and media strategy were married together from the beginning. To generate the expansiveness we needed, we took advantage of Singapore’s unique demographics and geography. A tiny, densely populated island, Singapore is the perfect location for a ‘surround-sound’ outdoor approach. Using a mixture of large- and small-scale executions, we could reach out to a broad section of the population over a short period of time. To ensure our campaign remained engaging, we explored new media formats that were not previously open to advertising, blurring the lines between ambient and traditional outdoor. Our concept focused on using the medium as the message, just as much as the content. Over two months, we negotiated with media owners, landlords, retail chains and supermarkets to secure the rights to over 30 distinctive media placements. Execution We began by researching all the curious, surprising, and intriguing details that make up the ‘real Elizabeth’. In doing so, we uncovered a wealth of facts that were both largely unknown, and highly enlightening. For instance, the nickname given to her by her husband. Her favourite tipple. Her allergies. Her hobbies. The first thing she does after waking up in the morning. We then took these facts and brought them to life in a variety of unorthodox ways. Each execution was built specifically for context. As well as existing media sites, we found (or created from scratch) media space on lift doors, coasters, Land Rovers, post boxes, gin bottles, supermarkets, home furnishing stores, and more. We even had our own band of roving corgi brand ambassadors drumming up new fans. Over an intensive two-week period, our campaign rolled out at a host of different touchpoints right across the island. Synopsis The Crown is a Netflix original series, inspired by true events surrounding the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Our brief was to promote the new series in Singapore and drive viewership in time for its global launch on November 4, 2016. While Netflix itself is a digital brand, at point of briefing we had no specific bias towards digital or any other media channel. Instead, the client tasked us to deliver a creative and media solution that would work seamlessly and effectively to achieve our goals.Our core objective? To build curiosity and awareness of the show, as evidenced through measurable online behaviours. At the same time, we wanted to generate strong social media traction for both the brand and the series. Outcome Due to global client confidentiality, we are unable to reveal specific data on both viewership and subscriptions in Singapore during the campaign period.During the campaign period, the monthly average number of Google searches for “The Crown” soared by 1700%.Both the campaign and show earned over SGD560,000 in organic PR value, having been covered in 196 news reports in Singapore.The campaign also earned over 372,000 organic Twitter impressions, with conversations reflecting genuine curiosity generated by our campaign. All mentions on social media were gained organically, and the vast majority of the tweets were overwhelmingly positive. Relevancy Our concept offers a fresh take on one of the oldest media available – outdoor – and shows how it can still be surprising and engaging in this day and age. It’s also an example of how creative and media can be successfully married together from the birth of an idea, all the way through to execution.Our campaign features more than 30 different ambient and outdoor executions, with customised messaging and formats for different locations. In addition, many of the formats used were previously not available for advertising in Singapore.

    You Know The Queen. Now Meet Elizabeth.

    案例简介:活动描述 我们从看是什么让电视节目如此独特开始。皇冠不仅仅是另一个美丽的时期作品。相反,它提供了一个亲密的,揭示了世界上最著名的女性之一的肖像。由于需要保持令人难以置信的严格的公众形象,我们一直被拒绝接触女王陛下真实的私人历史。事实是,我们对她知之甚少。然而,王冠为我们提供了一个非常不同的视角。我们看到的不仅仅是君主,还有女人、妻子、母亲和女儿。我们的想法: 你认识女王。现在见见伊丽莎白。为了让观众对这部剧产生好奇,我们决定让观众一瞥她到底是谁: 一个真实的、多方面的个体。一个充满希望和恐惧、怪癖和古怪的人 -- 就像我们其他人一样。 战略 我们的目标受众是 20-40 岁的新加坡人,对女性有偏见。我们的概念和媒体策略从一开始就结合在一起。为了扩大我们需要的规模,我们利用了新加坡独特的人口和地理位置。新加坡是一个人口稠密的小岛,是 “环绕声” 户外活动的最佳地点。使用大规模和小规模处决的混合,我们可以在短时间内接触到广大人口。为了确保我们的活动保持吸引力,我们探索了以前不向广告开放的新媒体形式,模糊了环境和传统户外之间的界限。我们的概念侧重于使用媒体作为信息,就像使用内容一样。在两个月的时间里,我们与媒体所有者、房东、零售连锁店和超市进行了谈判,以确保 30 多个独特的媒体投放的权利。 执行 我们开始研究构成 “真正的伊丽莎白时代” 的所有好奇、令人惊讶和有趣的细节。通过这样做,我们发现了大量的事实,这些事实在很大程度上是未知的,并且极具启发性。例如,她丈夫给她起的绰号。她最喜欢的酒。她过敏。她的爱好。她早上醒来后做的第一件事。然后,我们利用这些事实,以各种非正统的方式将它们付诸实践。每个执行都是专门为上下文构建的。除了现有的媒体网站,我们还在电梯门、杯垫、路虎、邮筒、杜松子酒瓶、超市、家居商店、还有更多。我们甚至有自己的巡回柯基品牌大使乐队,鼓动新的粉丝。在密集的两周时间里,我们的活动在岛上的许多不同接触点展开。 概要 皇冠是网飞原创系列,灵感来自围绕伊丽莎白二世女王生活的真实事件。我们的简报是在新加坡推广新系列,并在 2016年11月4日的全球发布会上及时提高收视率。虽然网飞本身是一个数字品牌,但在简报会上,我们对数字或任何其他媒体渠道没有具体的偏见。相反,客户要求我们提供创意和媒体解决方案,无缝有效地实现我们的目标。我们的核心目标?通过可测量的在线 behaviours 来建立对该节目的好奇心和意识。与此同时,我们希望为品牌和系列创造强大的社交媒体吸引力。 结果 由于全球客户保密,我们无法透露活动期间新加坡收视率和订阅情况的具体数据。在竞选期间,谷歌搜索 “皇冠” 的月平均数量飙升了 1700%。活动和表演都获得了超过 60 万英镑的有机 pr值,在新加坡的 196 个新闻报道中被报道。该活动还赢得了超过 372,000 个有机推特印象,对话反映了我们活动产生的真正好奇心。社交媒体上的所有提及都是有机获得的,绝大多数推文都是非常积极的。 相关性 我们的概念提供了对最古老的媒体之一 -- 户外 -- 的全新呈现,并展示了它如何在这个时代仍然令人惊讶和着迷。这也是一个例子,说明从创意的诞生到执行,创意和媒体是如何成功地结合在一起的。我们的活动包括 30 多种不同的环境和户外执行,为不同地点定制信息和格式。此外,许多使用的格式以前在新加坡没有广告。

    You Know The Queen. Now Meet Elizabeth.

    案例简介:CampaignDescription We started out by looking at what makes the TV show so unique. The Crown is more than just another beautiful period piece. Instead, it offers an intimate, revealing portrait of one of the most famous women in the world. Because of the need to maintain an incredibly strict public image, we have always been denied access to Her Majesty’s authentic private history. The truth is, we know very little about her. The Crown, however, offers us a very different view. We see not just the monarch, but the woman, the wife, the mother, and the daughter. Our idea: You know the Queen. Now meet Elizabeth.To build curiosity around the show, we decided to give our audience a glimpse of who she really is: a real, multi-faceted individual. Someone with hopes and fears, quirks and oddities – just like the rest of us. Strategy Our target audience were Singaporeans aged 20-40, with a bias towards women. Our concept and media strategy were married together from the beginning. To generate the expansiveness we needed, we took advantage of Singapore’s unique demographics and geography. A tiny, densely populated island, Singapore is the perfect location for a ‘surround-sound’ outdoor approach. Using a mixture of large- and small-scale executions, we could reach out to a broad section of the population over a short period of time. To ensure our campaign remained engaging, we explored new media formats that were not previously open to advertising, blurring the lines between ambient and traditional outdoor. Our concept focused on using the medium as the message, just as much as the content. Over two months, we negotiated with media owners, landlords, retail chains and supermarkets to secure the rights to over 30 distinctive media placements. Execution We began by researching all the curious, surprising, and intriguing details that make up the ‘real Elizabeth’. In doing so, we uncovered a wealth of facts that were both largely unknown, and highly enlightening. For instance, the nickname given to her by her husband. Her favourite tipple. Her allergies. Her hobbies. The first thing she does after waking up in the morning. We then took these facts and brought them to life in a variety of unorthodox ways. Each execution was built specifically for context. As well as existing media sites, we found (or created from scratch) media space on lift doors, coasters, Land Rovers, post boxes, gin bottles, supermarkets, home furnishing stores, and more. We even had our own band of roving corgi brand ambassadors drumming up new fans. Over an intensive two-week period, our campaign rolled out at a host of different touchpoints right across the island. Synopsis The Crown is a Netflix original series, inspired by true events surrounding the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Our brief was to promote the new series in Singapore and drive viewership in time for its global launch on November 4, 2016. While Netflix itself is a digital brand, at point of briefing we had no specific bias towards digital or any other media channel. Instead, the client tasked us to deliver a creative and media solution that would work seamlessly and effectively to achieve our goals.Our core objective? To build curiosity and awareness of the show, as evidenced through measurable online behaviours. At the same time, we wanted to generate strong social media traction for both the brand and the series. Outcome Due to global client confidentiality, we are unable to reveal specific data on both viewership and subscriptions in Singapore during the campaign period.During the campaign period, the monthly average number of Google searches for “The Crown” soared by 1700%.Both the campaign and show earned over SGD560,000 in organic PR value, having been covered in 196 news reports in Singapore.The campaign also earned over 372,000 organic Twitter impressions, with conversations reflecting genuine curiosity generated by our campaign. All mentions on social media were gained organically, and the vast majority of the tweets were overwhelmingly positive. Relevancy Our concept offers a fresh take on one of the oldest media available – outdoor – and shows how it can still be surprising and engaging in this day and age. It’s also an example of how creative and media can be successfully married together from the birth of an idea, all the way through to execution.Our campaign features more than 30 different ambient and outdoor executions, with customised messaging and formats for different locations. In addition, many of the formats used were previously not available for advertising in Singapore.



    You Know The Queen. Now Meet Elizabeth.










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