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    Miscarriage Association - Cards of Acknowledgement海报/平面,户外广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 流产协会有一个意识问题和他们需要接触的特定受众-最近遭受婴儿损失的妇女。这是一个巨大的人生事件,但人们发现很难谈论它。我们用移动卡片直接接触到观众,也通过媒体间接接触到观众。在他们需要的确切时间,将帮助和支持完全交到需要它的人手中。我们还通过媒体的回应提高了人们对流产协会的认识。运动取得了明显和可衡量的结果。 背景 情况 四分之一的孕妇会发现他们失去了孩子。这是一个可怕的,可怕的经历。这也是一个孤独的人。孤独,因为你周围的人经常不知道如何承认发生了什么-他们找不到合适的词,或者更糟的是,任何词。这会让女人觉得这个重要的人生事件,无论多么短暂,都被忽视了,会被遗忘。流产协会在英国也有一个承认问题-但在这里为那些经历这一艰难时期的人提供支持和建议。 简介 流产被认为是人生的重要事件。得到流产协会更广泛的认可。给那些找不到的人致谢的话。 让女人有这种感觉,尽管短暂的生活已经得到承认。 目标 提高对流产协会的认识,并根据需要获得他们的帮助/支持 描述创意 (投票30%) 在英国,我们的贺卡商店有很大的展示架。在这些货架上坐着卡片,识别每一个重要的生活事件,包括出生,驾驶考试,新家,订婚,甚至离婚。但有一件重要的事情发生在数以百万计的女性身上,但没有得到承认 -- 流产。 人们发现很难找到正确的词语来承认婴儿的损失。他们经常说错话。或者什么也不说。让女人的经历更加孤独。因此,我们创建了致谢卡-专为流产妇女设计的精美简单卡。每条信息都被一组经历过的女性筛选过。排版的每一点,都是经历过的女性的笔迹。重要的是,每张卡片里都有流产协会的详细信息,在妇女需要的确切时间向她们提供帮助。 描述策略 (投票20%) 我们想在妇女需要的确切时间向她们提供帮助。我们希望将流产视为重要的人生事件。我们想提高人们对流产协会的认识。我们想给一个持久的时刻,以承认未来几年短暂的生活。重要的是,确认卡必须带有当场的消息。因此,每一行都由流产过的女性组成的小组进行筛选,排版是经历过这种经历的女性的笔迹。所有人都说这些是他们希望听到的话。 呼吁采取行动 联系流产协会 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 实施、时间轴、位置、规模 在英国母亲节之后的第二天早上,我们通过零售连锁店的邮戳在伦敦的卡片商店发起了这项活动。 列出结果 (投票30%) 列出结果 我们得到了我们想要的承认。 有870人阅读了我们的竞选活动。 BBC Radio 5现场直播了该活动。 对流产协会的访问在一夜之间翻了一番。 但最重要的是,亲人找到了以前找不到的词。 我们在需要帮助的女性手中,在她们需要的确切时间。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The Miscarriage Association had an awareness problem and a specific audience they needed to reach - women who have recently suffered the loss of a baby. This is a huge life event, but one that’s people find it hard to talk about. We reached that audience directly with our moving cards and indirectly through the media. Putting help and support quite literally in the hands of those who needed it, at the exact time they needed it. We also raised awareness of the Miscarriage Association through the media response. And the campaign achieved clear and measurable results. Background Situation 1 in 4 pregnant women will later find out they have lost their baby. It’s a horrible, horrible experience. It’s also a lonely one. Lonely because those around you often don’t know how to acknowledge what’s happened – they can’t find the right words or worse still, any words. This can make the woman feel like this important life event, however brief, has gone unnoticed and will be forgotten. The Miscarriage Association also has an acknowledgement issue in the UK - yet is here to offer support and advice to those going through this tough time. Brief Get miscarriage acknowledged as an important life event. Get the Miscarriage Association more widely acknowledged. Give words of acknowledgment for those who can’t find them. Make women feel like that albeit brief life has been acknowledged. Objective Raise awareness of the Miscarriage Association and get their help/support as needed Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) In the UK, our greeting cards stores have large display shelves. On those shelves sit cards that recognize every important life event, including Birth, Driving test, New Home, Engagement, even divorce. But there’s one important event that happens to millions of women which is not acknowledged – Miscarriage. People find it difficult to find the right words to acknowledge baby loss. They often say the wrong thing. Or say nothing at all. Making the experience even more lonely for the woman. So we created Cards of Acknowledgement - beautiful simple cards designed for women who have suffered miscarriage. Every message was screened by a panel of women who’ve been through it. Every bit of typography, is the handwriting of women who’ve been through it. Importantly - inside every card were details of the Miscarriage Association, putting help into the hands of women at the exact time they needed it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We wanted to put help into the hands of women at the exact time they needed it. We wanted to get Miscarriage acknowledged as an important life event. We wanted to raise awareness of the Miscarriage Association. And we wanted to give a lasting momento that would acknowledge a life that was briefly here, for years to come. It was important that Cards of Acknowledgement carried messages that were spot on. So every line was screened by a panel of women who have had miscarriages, and the typography was the handwriting of women who’d been through the experience. All of whom said these were the words they wish they’d heard. Call to action Contact the Miscarriage Association Describe the execution (20% of vote) Implementation, time line, placement, scale We launched the campaign in London card stores through the retail chain PostMark, the morning after Mothers Day in the UK. List the results (30% of vote) List the results We got the acknowledgement we wanted. 870k people read about our campaign. BBC Radio 5 Live featured the campaign. Visits to the Miscarriage Association doubled overnight. But most importantly, loved ones found the words they couldn’t find before. And we got help into the hands of women who needed it, at the exact time they needed it.

    Miscarriage Association - Cards of Acknowledgement

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与直接相关? 流产协会有一个意识问题和他们需要接触的特定受众-最近遭受婴儿损失的妇女。这是一个巨大的人生事件,但人们发现很难谈论它。我们用移动卡片直接接触到观众,也通过媒体间接接触到观众。在他们需要的确切时间,将帮助和支持完全交到需要它的人手中。我们还通过媒体的回应提高了人们对流产协会的认识。运动取得了明显和可衡量的结果。 背景 情况 四分之一的孕妇会发现他们失去了孩子。这是一个可怕的,可怕的经历。这也是一个孤独的人。孤独,因为你周围的人经常不知道如何承认发生了什么-他们找不到合适的词,或者更糟的是,任何词。这会让女人觉得这个重要的人生事件,无论多么短暂,都被忽视了,会被遗忘。流产协会在英国也有一个承认问题-但在这里为那些经历这一艰难时期的人提供支持和建议。 简介 流产被认为是人生的重要事件。得到流产协会更广泛的认可。给那些找不到的人致谢的话。 让女人有这种感觉,尽管短暂的生活已经得到承认。 目标 提高对流产协会的认识,并根据需要获得他们的帮助/支持 描述创意 (投票30%) 在英国,我们的贺卡商店有很大的展示架。在这些货架上坐着卡片,识别每一个重要的生活事件,包括出生,驾驶考试,新家,订婚,甚至离婚。但有一件重要的事情发生在数以百万计的女性身上,但没有得到承认 -- 流产。 人们发现很难找到正确的词语来承认婴儿的损失。他们经常说错话。或者什么也不说。让女人的经历更加孤独。因此,我们创建了致谢卡-专为流产妇女设计的精美简单卡。每条信息都被一组经历过的女性筛选过。排版的每一点,都是经历过的女性的笔迹。重要的是,每张卡片里都有流产协会的详细信息,在妇女需要的确切时间向她们提供帮助。 描述策略 (投票20%) 我们想在妇女需要的确切时间向她们提供帮助。我们希望将流产视为重要的人生事件。我们想提高人们对流产协会的认识。我们想给一个持久的时刻,以承认未来几年短暂的生活。重要的是,确认卡必须带有当场的消息。因此,每一行都由流产过的女性组成的小组进行筛选,排版是经历过这种经历的女性的笔迹。所有人都说这些是他们希望听到的话。 呼吁采取行动 联系流产协会 描述执行情况 (投票20%) 实施、时间轴、位置、规模 在英国母亲节之后的第二天早上,我们通过零售连锁店的邮戳在伦敦的卡片商店发起了这项活动。 列出结果 (投票30%) 列出结果 我们得到了我们想要的承认。 有870人阅读了我们的竞选活动。 BBC Radio 5现场直播了该活动。 对流产协会的访问在一夜之间翻了一番。 但最重要的是,亲人找到了以前找不到的词。 我们在需要帮助的女性手中,在她们需要的确切时间。

    Miscarriage Association - Cards of Acknowledgement

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Direct? The Miscarriage Association had an awareness problem and a specific audience they needed to reach - women who have recently suffered the loss of a baby. This is a huge life event, but one that’s people find it hard to talk about. We reached that audience directly with our moving cards and indirectly through the media. Putting help and support quite literally in the hands of those who needed it, at the exact time they needed it. We also raised awareness of the Miscarriage Association through the media response. And the campaign achieved clear and measurable results. Background Situation 1 in 4 pregnant women will later find out they have lost their baby. It’s a horrible, horrible experience. It’s also a lonely one. Lonely because those around you often don’t know how to acknowledge what’s happened – they can’t find the right words or worse still, any words. This can make the woman feel like this important life event, however brief, has gone unnoticed and will be forgotten. The Miscarriage Association also has an acknowledgement issue in the UK - yet is here to offer support and advice to those going through this tough time. Brief Get miscarriage acknowledged as an important life event. Get the Miscarriage Association more widely acknowledged. Give words of acknowledgment for those who can’t find them. Make women feel like that albeit brief life has been acknowledged. Objective Raise awareness of the Miscarriage Association and get their help/support as needed Describe the creative idea (30% of vote) In the UK, our greeting cards stores have large display shelves. On those shelves sit cards that recognize every important life event, including Birth, Driving test, New Home, Engagement, even divorce. But there’s one important event that happens to millions of women which is not acknowledged – Miscarriage. People find it difficult to find the right words to acknowledge baby loss. They often say the wrong thing. Or say nothing at all. Making the experience even more lonely for the woman. So we created Cards of Acknowledgement - beautiful simple cards designed for women who have suffered miscarriage. Every message was screened by a panel of women who’ve been through it. Every bit of typography, is the handwriting of women who’ve been through it. Importantly - inside every card were details of the Miscarriage Association, putting help into the hands of women at the exact time they needed it. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) We wanted to put help into the hands of women at the exact time they needed it. We wanted to get Miscarriage acknowledged as an important life event. We wanted to raise awareness of the Miscarriage Association. And we wanted to give a lasting momento that would acknowledge a life that was briefly here, for years to come. It was important that Cards of Acknowledgement carried messages that were spot on. So every line was screened by a panel of women who have had miscarriages, and the typography was the handwriting of women who’d been through the experience. All of whom said these were the words they wish they’d heard. Call to action Contact the Miscarriage Association Describe the execution (20% of vote) Implementation, time line, placement, scale We launched the campaign in London card stores through the retail chain PostMark, the morning after Mothers Day in the UK. List the results (30% of vote) List the results We got the acknowledgement we wanted. 870k people read about our campaign. BBC Radio 5 Live featured the campaign. Visits to the Miscarriage Association doubled overnight. But most importantly, loved ones found the words they couldn’t find before. And we got help into the hands of women who needed it, at the exact time they needed it.



    Miscarriage Association - Cards of Acknowledgement










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