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    案例简介:即使有了我们所有的技术进步,我们物种还没有发明一种治疗方法来治疗困扰人类几千年的痛苦: 宿醉。直到现在。品牌发明机构 Humanaut 正在发起一场新的运动,旨在教育人们了解食品和药物管理局监管的宿醉疗法 Blowfish 的好处,就在圣帕特里克节周末和马奇疯狂之前。 此次活动的推出对 Blowfish 网站和包装设计进行了全面改革。谷歌、 Facebook 和 Instagram 的俏皮展示横幅突出了美国人每年感受到的 26亿次痛苦。每个标题都很真实,比如: “当你真的不能呼吸的时候,” “当你呼吸的时候,但就是这样” 和 “当你在医学上活着的时候, 但精神死亡。" “我们都有远离我们的夜晚,” Humanaut 创始人兼首席创意总监大卫 · 利特约翰说。“与一家认真对待宿醉并认为人们不应该因为玩得开心而受到惩罚的公司合作是很有趣的。我们喜欢把河豚视为聚会的制药公司。" 在线视频展示了昨晚的乐趣进入明天的工作日时发生的尴尬办公室互动。在一个动画中,一个女人试图保持专业,尽管她头上有一个翻倒的厕所。在另一个例子中,一个男人试图打字,而一个巨大的章鱼挤压他的大脑。“宿醉是最糟糕的,” 广告的叙述者在重新设计的盒子的动画镜头中说。“这就是为什么会有河豚,因为当你想死的时候,你也必须做一些事情。" “如果你注意到更多的人在三月份请病假,那不是巧合。” Blowfish 创始人兼首席执行官布伦纳 · 海瑟姆说。“工作效率是与圣帕特里克节和马奇疯狂相关的宿醉的最大受害者。我们是来帮忙的。“根据最近的一项研究,圣帕特里克节之后的第二天是美国今年第二受欢迎的“ 病假日 ”。令人惊讶的是,它仅次于疯狂三月的第一天,据估计,这让雇主损失了 1.34亿美元的生产力。(来源: https://www.nationalpayday.com/st-patricks-wrath-cost-hangover/ ) 虽然河豚中的成分似乎是基本的,但阿司匹林、咖啡因和泡腾片的特定配方比典型的药丸和一杯咖啡更快、更干净地缓解症状。它也有退款保证的支持。 人们可以在新设计的 forhangovers.com 上购买河豚,也可以在全国 8,500 家携带河豚的 CVS 商店购买河豚。 河豚祝大家在圣帕特里克节后快乐一天。


    案例简介:Even with all of our technological advances, our species has yet to invent a treatment for an affliction that has plagued humanity for millennia: Hangovers. Until now. Brand invention agency Humanaut is launching a new campaign aimed to educate people on the benefits of the FDA regulated hangover remedy called Blowfish, right before St. Patrick’s Day Weekend and March Madness. The campaign launch features a complete overhaul of the Blowfish website and package design. Playful display banners for Google, Facebook and Instagram highlight the pain that’s felt 2.6 billion times each year by Americans alone. Each rings true with headlines like: "For when you literally can't even," "For when you’re breathing but that’s about it" and "For when you’re medically alive, but mentally dead." “We’ve all had nights that get away from us,” says Humanaut founder and chief creative director David Littlejohn. “It’s been fun to work with a company that takes hangovers seriously and believes people shouldn’t be punished for having a good time. We like to think of Blowfish as the drug company that parties.” Online videos showcase the awkward office interactions that occur when last night’s fun creeps into tomorrow’s workday. In one animation, a woman tries to remain professional despite an overturned toilet on her head. In another, a man tries to type while a giant octopus squeezes his brain. “Hangovers are the worst,” the ad’s narrator says over an animated shot of the redesigned box. “That’s why there’s Blowfish, for when you feel like dying, but also have to do stuff.” “If you’ve ever noticed more people taking sick days in March, that’s no coincidence.” says Brenna Haysom, Blowfish founder and CEO. “Work productivity is the biggest victim of hangovers related to St. Patrick’s Day and March Madness. And we’re here to help.” According to a recent study, the day after St. Patrick’s Day is America’s second most popular “sick day” of the year. Amazingly, it’s second only to the opening days of March Madness, which are estimated to cost employers $134 million in lost productivity. (source: https://www.nationalpayday.com/st-patricks-wrath-cost-hangover/) While the ingredients in Blowfish may seem elementary, the specific formulation of aspirin, caffeine and effervescence are designed to deliver relief much faster and more cleanly than the typical pills and a cup of Joe. It’s backed by a money-back guarantee as well. People can purchase Blowfish on the newly designed forhangovers.com or at one of the 8,500 CVS stores that carry Blowfish nationwide. Blowfish would like to wish everyone a Happy Day After St. Patrick's Day.


    案例简介:即使有了我们所有的技术进步,我们物种还没有发明一种治疗方法来治疗困扰人类几千年的痛苦: 宿醉。直到现在。品牌发明机构 Humanaut 正在发起一场新的运动,旨在教育人们了解食品和药物管理局监管的宿醉疗法 Blowfish 的好处,就在圣帕特里克节周末和马奇疯狂之前。 此次活动的推出对 Blowfish 网站和包装设计进行了全面改革。谷歌、 Facebook 和 Instagram 的俏皮展示横幅突出了美国人每年感受到的 26亿次痛苦。每个标题都很真实,比如: “当你真的不能呼吸的时候,” “当你呼吸的时候,但就是这样” 和 “当你在医学上活着的时候, 但精神死亡。" “我们都有远离我们的夜晚,” Humanaut 创始人兼首席创意总监大卫 · 利特约翰说。“与一家认真对待宿醉并认为人们不应该因为玩得开心而受到惩罚的公司合作是很有趣的。我们喜欢把河豚视为聚会的制药公司。" 在线视频展示了昨晚的乐趣进入明天的工作日时发生的尴尬办公室互动。在一个动画中,一个女人试图保持专业,尽管她头上有一个翻倒的厕所。在另一个例子中,一个男人试图打字,而一个巨大的章鱼挤压他的大脑。“宿醉是最糟糕的,” 广告的叙述者在重新设计的盒子的动画镜头中说。“这就是为什么会有河豚,因为当你想死的时候,你也必须做一些事情。" “如果你注意到更多的人在三月份请病假,那不是巧合。” Blowfish 创始人兼首席执行官布伦纳 · 海瑟姆说。“工作效率是与圣帕特里克节和马奇疯狂相关的宿醉的最大受害者。我们是来帮忙的。“根据最近的一项研究,圣帕特里克节之后的第二天是美国今年第二受欢迎的“ 病假日 ”。令人惊讶的是,它仅次于疯狂三月的第一天,据估计,这让雇主损失了 1.34亿美元的生产力。(来源: https://www.nationalpayday.com/st-patricks-wrath-cost-hangover/ ) 虽然河豚中的成分似乎是基本的,但阿司匹林、咖啡因和泡腾片的特定配方比典型的药丸和一杯咖啡更快、更干净地缓解症状。它也有退款保证的支持。 人们可以在新设计的 forhangovers.com 上购买河豚,也可以在全国 8,500 家携带河豚的 CVS 商店购买河豚。 河豚祝大家在圣帕特里克节后快乐一天。


    案例简介:Even with all of our technological advances, our species has yet to invent a treatment for an affliction that has plagued humanity for millennia: Hangovers. Until now. Brand invention agency Humanaut is launching a new campaign aimed to educate people on the benefits of the FDA regulated hangover remedy called Blowfish, right before St. Patrick’s Day Weekend and March Madness. The campaign launch features a complete overhaul of the Blowfish website and package design. Playful display banners for Google, Facebook and Instagram highlight the pain that’s felt 2.6 billion times each year by Americans alone. Each rings true with headlines like: "For when you literally can't even," "For when you’re breathing but that’s about it" and "For when you’re medically alive, but mentally dead." “We’ve all had nights that get away from us,” says Humanaut founder and chief creative director David Littlejohn. “It’s been fun to work with a company that takes hangovers seriously and believes people shouldn’t be punished for having a good time. We like to think of Blowfish as the drug company that parties.” Online videos showcase the awkward office interactions that occur when last night’s fun creeps into tomorrow’s workday. In one animation, a woman tries to remain professional despite an overturned toilet on her head. In another, a man tries to type while a giant octopus squeezes his brain. “Hangovers are the worst,” the ad’s narrator says over an animated shot of the redesigned box. “That’s why there’s Blowfish, for when you feel like dying, but also have to do stuff.” “If you’ve ever noticed more people taking sick days in March, that’s no coincidence.” says Brenna Haysom, Blowfish founder and CEO. “Work productivity is the biggest victim of hangovers related to St. Patrick’s Day and March Madness. And we’re here to help.” According to a recent study, the day after St. Patrick’s Day is America’s second most popular “sick day” of the year. Amazingly, it’s second only to the opening days of March Madness, which are estimated to cost employers $134 million in lost productivity. (source: https://www.nationalpayday.com/st-patricks-wrath-cost-hangover/) While the ingredients in Blowfish may seem elementary, the specific formulation of aspirin, caffeine and effervescence are designed to deliver relief much faster and more cleanly than the typical pills and a cup of Joe. It’s backed by a money-back guarantee as well. People can purchase Blowfish on the newly designed forhangovers.com or at one of the 8,500 CVS stores that carry Blowfish nationwide. Blowfish would like to wish everyone a Happy Day After St. Patrick's Day.









    广告公司: Humanaut (美国 Chattanooga) 制作公司: Humanaut




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