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    Unforgettable Costa Rica短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果 经过一年细致的地下游击队工作,我们的努力产生了 11,200 多个警告。所有这些都通过政府官方仪式公开,由当地和国际新闻媒体报道。 战略 我们在不同的互联网平台上找到了直接或间接暗示哥斯达黎加对未成年人进行性剥削的内容。在这些平台上,我们发现视频、图像、电子书和聊天暗示了这个问题。我们以评论、评论或提示的形式给这些内容的消费者和创建者留下了一条信息: 为那些在哥斯达黎加寻找年轻女孩的人提供免费住宿,还有一个链接。这个链接将用户引导到一个带有酒店美学的网站,一旦在这个网站上人们发现了来自监狱的图片和一个警告,包括保护我们孩子的法律。 相关性 令人难忘的哥斯达黎加找到了一种与目标受众交流的新方式,使用互联网内容,助长了对哥斯达黎加对未成年人进行性剥削不受到惩罚的误解。对于这些内容的消费者,我们给了他们一个提议: 免费呆在监狱里。 概要 哥斯达黎加对未成年人的性剥削问题与旅游业密切相关,涉及未成年人的性旅游甚至在购买机票之前就开始了。在论坛、博客、网站和社交网络背后,有一个行业有兴趣宣传对未成年人进行性剥削在哥斯达黎加不受惩罚的观点。这种误解是通过视频、图像、电子书、评论等产生的。我们的目标是在观看这些内容的人身上创造一种意识,即在哥斯达黎加,对未成年人的性剥削将导致他们入狱。 执行 通过一个非常有选择性的过程,我们浏览了不同的互联网平台,从博客和社交网络到色情网站。一年多来,我们直接或间接地追踪了哥斯达黎加对未成年人进行性剥削的内容。在每个内容的 “评论部分”,我们以评论、提示或私人信息的形式留下了一条信息: 为那些在哥斯达黎加寻找年轻女孩的人提供免费住宿,还有一个链接。链接将用户引导到一个具有酒店美学的网站,一旦在这个网站上,人们发现了来自监狱的图片和警告,包括保护我们孩子的法律。在这次地下游击工作之后,我们的努力产生了 11,200 多个警告。所有这些都通过政府官方仪式公开,由当地和国际新闻媒体报道。 活动描述 对于那些在哥斯达黎加寻找与未成年人发生性关系的互联网用户,政府为他们提供了一个他们永远不会忘记的酒店的免费住宿: 监狱


    案例简介:Outcome After a year of meticulous underground guerilla work going site by site and comment by comment, our effort generated more than 11,200 warnings. All of this was made public through a government official ceremony that was covered by local and international news media. Strategy We tracked down on different internet platforms content that directly or indirectly suggested the sexual exploitation of minors in Costa Rica. On those platforms we found videos, images, e-books, and chats implying this issue.To the consumers and creators of those contents we left a message in the form of a review, comment or tip: An offer for a free stay at a haven for those looking for young girls in Costa Rica, and a link.The link lead the users to a website with the aesthetics of an hotel, once on this site people found images from the prison and a warning including the laws protecting our children. Relevancy Unforgettable Costa Rica found a new way to communicate with the target audience, using the internet content that promotes the misconception that in Costa Rica sexual exploitation of minors is not punished. To the consumers of those contents we gave them an offer: Free stay, in our jails. Synopsis The issue of Sexual Exploitation of Minors in Costa Rica is deeply related to tourism.Sex tourism involving minors starts even before buying an airplane ticket. Behind forums, blogs, websites and social networks there is an industry interested in promoting the idea that sexual exploitation of minors is not punished in Costa Rica. This misconception is created through videos, images, e-books, comments and more.Our objective was to create in the people watching those contents, the awareness that in Costa Rica, the sexual exploitation of minors will lead them to jail. Execution Through a very selective process, we browsed through different internet platforms, from blogs and social networks, to porn websites.For over a year we tracked down the content directly or indirectly suggesting the sexual exploitation of minors in Costa Rica. On the “comment sections” of each one of those contents we left a message in the form of a review, comment, tip or private message: A free stay offer for those looking for young girls in Costa Rica, and a link.The link lead the users to a website with the aesthetics of an hotel, once on this site people found images from the prison and a warning including the laws protecting our children. After this underground guerrilla work, our effort generated more than 11,200 warnings. All of this was made public through a government official ceremony that was covered by local and international news media. Campaign Description For those Internet users looking for sex with minors in Costa Rica, the Government offered them a free stay in a hotel they’ll never forget: Prison

    Unforgettable Costa Rica

    案例简介:结果 经过一年细致的地下游击队工作,我们的努力产生了 11,200 多个警告。所有这些都通过政府官方仪式公开,由当地和国际新闻媒体报道。 战略 我们在不同的互联网平台上找到了直接或间接暗示哥斯达黎加对未成年人进行性剥削的内容。在这些平台上,我们发现视频、图像、电子书和聊天暗示了这个问题。我们以评论、评论或提示的形式给这些内容的消费者和创建者留下了一条信息: 为那些在哥斯达黎加寻找年轻女孩的人提供免费住宿,还有一个链接。这个链接将用户引导到一个带有酒店美学的网站,一旦在这个网站上人们发现了来自监狱的图片和一个警告,包括保护我们孩子的法律。 相关性 令人难忘的哥斯达黎加找到了一种与目标受众交流的新方式,使用互联网内容,助长了对哥斯达黎加对未成年人进行性剥削不受到惩罚的误解。对于这些内容的消费者,我们给了他们一个提议: 免费呆在监狱里。 概要 哥斯达黎加对未成年人的性剥削问题与旅游业密切相关,涉及未成年人的性旅游甚至在购买机票之前就开始了。在论坛、博客、网站和社交网络背后,有一个行业有兴趣宣传对未成年人进行性剥削在哥斯达黎加不受惩罚的观点。这种误解是通过视频、图像、电子书、评论等产生的。我们的目标是在观看这些内容的人身上创造一种意识,即在哥斯达黎加,对未成年人的性剥削将导致他们入狱。 执行 通过一个非常有选择性的过程,我们浏览了不同的互联网平台,从博客和社交网络到色情网站。一年多来,我们直接或间接地追踪了哥斯达黎加对未成年人进行性剥削的内容。在每个内容的 “评论部分”,我们以评论、提示或私人信息的形式留下了一条信息: 为那些在哥斯达黎加寻找年轻女孩的人提供免费住宿,还有一个链接。链接将用户引导到一个具有酒店美学的网站,一旦在这个网站上,人们发现了来自监狱的图片和警告,包括保护我们孩子的法律。在这次地下游击工作之后,我们的努力产生了 11,200 多个警告。所有这些都通过政府官方仪式公开,由当地和国际新闻媒体报道。 活动描述 对于那些在哥斯达黎加寻找与未成年人发生性关系的互联网用户,政府为他们提供了一个他们永远不会忘记的酒店的免费住宿: 监狱

    Unforgettable Costa Rica

    案例简介:Outcome After a year of meticulous underground guerilla work going site by site and comment by comment, our effort generated more than 11,200 warnings. All of this was made public through a government official ceremony that was covered by local and international news media. Strategy We tracked down on different internet platforms content that directly or indirectly suggested the sexual exploitation of minors in Costa Rica. On those platforms we found videos, images, e-books, and chats implying this issue.To the consumers and creators of those contents we left a message in the form of a review, comment or tip: An offer for a free stay at a haven for those looking for young girls in Costa Rica, and a link.The link lead the users to a website with the aesthetics of an hotel, once on this site people found images from the prison and a warning including the laws protecting our children. Relevancy Unforgettable Costa Rica found a new way to communicate with the target audience, using the internet content that promotes the misconception that in Costa Rica sexual exploitation of minors is not punished. To the consumers of those contents we gave them an offer: Free stay, in our jails. Synopsis The issue of Sexual Exploitation of Minors in Costa Rica is deeply related to tourism.Sex tourism involving minors starts even before buying an airplane ticket. Behind forums, blogs, websites and social networks there is an industry interested in promoting the idea that sexual exploitation of minors is not punished in Costa Rica. This misconception is created through videos, images, e-books, comments and more.Our objective was to create in the people watching those contents, the awareness that in Costa Rica, the sexual exploitation of minors will lead them to jail. Execution Through a very selective process, we browsed through different internet platforms, from blogs and social networks, to porn websites.For over a year we tracked down the content directly or indirectly suggesting the sexual exploitation of minors in Costa Rica. On the “comment sections” of each one of those contents we left a message in the form of a review, comment, tip or private message: A free stay offer for those looking for young girls in Costa Rica, and a link.The link lead the users to a website with the aesthetics of an hotel, once on this site people found images from the prison and a warning including the laws protecting our children. After this underground guerrilla work, our effort generated more than 11,200 warnings. All of this was made public through a government official ceremony that was covered by local and international news media. Campaign Description For those Internet users looking for sex with minors in Costa Rica, the Government offered them a free stay in a hotel they’ll never forget: Prison



    Unforgettable Costa Rica










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