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    INCOMPLETE BIOS短视频广告营销案例



    BIOS 不完整

    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 总统竞选时,候选人的基础上的发言所捕获的多数票,留下重大问题放在一边。 哥斯达黎加也不例外。在 2014 总统大选中,没有一位候选人在包括政府直接与儿童保护有关的行动计划,因此,Paniamor,基金会致力于保护儿童, 决定设立一项运动,以迫使候选人。 目标: 实现目标的压力,哥斯达黎加总统候选人,包括儿童保护政策的政府计划。 战略和执行: 维基百科是一个社交工具的重量级人物的传记的发现。我们可以看到其历史和成就。我们利用这个来显示相反: "总统候选人做过任何有关对儿童保护的哥斯达黎加”。 我们创建了一些游击队的行动: 不完整的 Bios。 月。我们进行干预的月最受欢迎的总统候选人的传记的维基百科。 月.我们开了一章,题为 “保护儿童政策”,并让它空白,证明,没有人有任何确定实现这一问题。 月。通过 # incompletebios 和媒体,我们 viralized 行动的候选人。 几个小时后,封锁维基百科的传记,而是整个国家已经在谈论这件事。 描述客户的简报: 该运动的主要目标是使儿童保护的一个重要组成部分的政治议程。我们请到了月领先的候选人,是由 95% 的选票, 我们的目标是影响 100%,这样他们就会公开和道义上的承诺包括一章中的政府计划。 结果: 输出/宣传: 通过活动,该国的公民意识到,没有政策,以及公众压力由各月考生填写的传记的既定政策,保护儿童, 其中,哥斯达黎加新任总统。超过 15,000,000 万印在社会媒体,运动和制造中存在许多其他来源。 知识考虑的问题: 用 $ 月投资,只有编辑的维基百科,我们实现了采访、新闻报道和斑点在电视、广播、报刊、和数字媒体。该候选人公开回答到博爱基金会直接参与活动的政策,包括在政府计划。 动作/业务影响的影响: 这个活动是 100% 有效,因为所有候选人的目标包括保护儿童的政府计划,此外,他们公开讨论的问题, 哥斯达黎加公民之间建立意识。 执行: 我们创造了一章的所有候选人的月维基页面标题,保护儿童,并留下的空白,以表明,没有一位候选人在有任何政策上的问题, 为了创造一个冲动的候选人中,包括政策的政府计划。在低于 24 小时,维基百科的被禁止的网页,但媒体已经在谈论它,和每一个重大消息来源的报道。这影响到了候选人和哥斯达黎加公民等计划。结果是,各月对竞选候选人公开通报它们的政府计划与新开发的章节对儿童的保护。 情况: 这方面的情况是,在总统选举候选人只谈论这些问题给得票最多,一边把其他重要问题,如保护儿童。的机会,为客户,博爱基金会,一个非营利性组织保护儿童,是利用 2014 选举在哥斯达黎加,主题辩论的议题,将意识。没有任何候选人的政府计划,包括儿童保护政策到这点。 战略: 是一个非营利组织,有低预算的活动, 这使这一挑战的影响在月前总统候选人公开的方式是如此巨大,哥斯达黎加的选民可以看到。考虑到这一点,我们制定了一项战略,包括数字媒体和主要信息来源向公众开放。

    BIOS 不完整

    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: During presidential campaigns, candidates base their speeches on what captures the most votes, leaving major issues aside. Costa Rica is no exception. For the 2014 presidential campaign, none of the candidates included straightforward actions related to Child Protection in their government plans, reason why, Paniamor, a foundation dedicated to child protection, decided to create a campaign to put pressure on the candidates. Objective: Accomplish the goal of pressuring Costa Rica´s presidential candidates to include Child Protection policies in their government plans. Strategy & Execution: Wikipedia is a social tool where influential people's biographies can be found. We can see their history and accomplishments. We took advantage of this in order to show the contrary: "None of the presidential candidates had done anything relevant towards child protection in Costa Rica". We created a digital guerrilla initiative: Incomplete Bios. 1. We intervened the 5 most popular presidential candidates' biographies on Wikipedia. 2. We opened a chapter titled “Child Protection Policies”, and left it blank, evidencing that none of the them had any established towards that issue. 3. Through #incompletebios and the media, we viralized the action to push on candidates. A few hours later, Wikipedia blocked the biographies, but the whole country was already talking about it. Describe the brief from the client: The main objective for the campaign was to make child protection an important part of the political agenda. We reached out to the 5 leading presidential candidates, that consisted of 95% of the votes, and our goal was to impact 100% of them so they would publicly and morally make a commitment to include the chapter in their government plans. Results: Output/Awareness: Through the campaign, the country's citizens became conscious about the absent policies, and the public pressure made all 5 candidates fill out their biographies with established policies towards Child Protection, amongst them, Costa Rica's new president. More than 15,000,000 impressions were made on social media, and the campaign made presence in numerous other sources. Knowledge/Consideration: With a $0 investment, and only editing on Wikipedia, we achieved interviews, news reports, and spots on TV, radio, press, and digital media. The candidates publicly engaged with the campaign by answering to Paniamor Foundation directly with established policies they were including in their government plans. Action/Business Impact: The impact that the campaign made was 100% effective since all candidates targeted included child protection in their government plans, and furthermore, they publicly addressed the issue, creating consciousness among the Costa Rican citizens. Execution: We created a chapter in all 5 of the candidates Wikipedia pages titled, Child Protection, and left in blank, as a statement to show that none of the candidates had any policies towards the issue, in order to generate an impulse among candidates to include policies in their government plans. In less than 24 hours, Wikipedia banned the pages, but the media was already talking about it, and every major news source in the country covered it. The impact was made to the candidates and the Costa Rican citizens such as planned. The result was that all 5 candidates responded to the campaign publicly by communicating their government plans with the newly developed chapter about child protection. The Situation: The context of the situation is that in presidential elections, candidates only talk about those issues that give the most votes, leaving other important issues aside, such as child protection. The opportunity for the client, Paniamor Foundation, a non-profit organization for child protection, was to take advantage of the 2014 elections in Costa Rica to bring the subject up for debate and bring consciousness. None of the candidates' government plans included child protection policies up until this point. The Strategy: Being a non-profit organization, there was a low budget for the campaign, which made it a challenge to impact the 5 top presidential candidates publicly in a way that would be so massive that the entire Costa Rican voters could see. Taking this into account, we developed a strategy that would include digital media and a major information source open to the public.


    案例简介:描述活动/条目: 总统竞选时,候选人的基础上的发言所捕获的多数票,留下重大问题放在一边。 哥斯达黎加也不例外。在 2014 总统大选中,没有一位候选人在包括政府直接与儿童保护有关的行动计划,因此,Paniamor,基金会致力于保护儿童, 决定设立一项运动,以迫使候选人。 目标: 实现目标的压力,哥斯达黎加总统候选人,包括儿童保护政策的政府计划。 战略和执行: 维基百科是一个社交工具的重量级人物的传记的发现。我们可以看到其历史和成就。我们利用这个来显示相反: "总统候选人做过任何有关对儿童保护的哥斯达黎加”。 我们创建了一些游击队的行动: 不完整的 Bios。 月。我们进行干预的月最受欢迎的总统候选人的传记的维基百科。 月.我们开了一章,题为 “保护儿童政策”,并让它空白,证明,没有人有任何确定实现这一问题。 月。通过 # incompletebios 和媒体,我们 viralized 行动的候选人。 几个小时后,封锁维基百科的传记,而是整个国家已经在谈论这件事。 描述客户的简报: 该运动的主要目标是使儿童保护的一个重要组成部分的政治议程。我们请到了月领先的候选人,是由 95% 的选票, 我们的目标是影响 100%,这样他们就会公开和道义上的承诺包括一章中的政府计划。 结果: 输出/宣传: 通过活动,该国的公民意识到,没有政策,以及公众压力由各月考生填写的传记的既定政策,保护儿童, 其中,哥斯达黎加新任总统。超过 15,000,000 万印在社会媒体,运动和制造中存在许多其他来源。 知识考虑的问题: 用 $ 月投资,只有编辑的维基百科,我们实现了采访、新闻报道和斑点在电视、广播、报刊、和数字媒体。该候选人公开回答到博爱基金会直接参与活动的政策,包括在政府计划。 动作/业务影响的影响: 这个活动是 100% 有效,因为所有候选人的目标包括保护儿童的政府计划,此外,他们公开讨论的问题, 哥斯达黎加公民之间建立意识。 执行: 我们创造了一章的所有候选人的月维基页面标题,保护儿童,并留下的空白,以表明,没有一位候选人在有任何政策上的问题, 为了创造一个冲动的候选人中,包括政策的政府计划。在低于 24 小时,维基百科的被禁止的网页,但媒体已经在谈论它,和每一个重大消息来源的报道。这影响到了候选人和哥斯达黎加公民等计划。结果是,各月对竞选候选人公开通报它们的政府计划与新开发的章节对儿童的保护。 情况: 这方面的情况是,在总统选举候选人只谈论这些问题给得票最多,一边把其他重要问题,如保护儿童。的机会,为客户,博爱基金会,一个非营利性组织保护儿童,是利用 2014 选举在哥斯达黎加,主题辩论的议题,将意识。没有任何候选人的政府计划,包括儿童保护政策到这点。 战略: 是一个非营利组织,有低预算的活动, 这使这一挑战的影响在月前总统候选人公开的方式是如此巨大,哥斯达黎加的选民可以看到。考虑到这一点,我们制定了一项战略,包括数字媒体和主要信息来源向公众开放。


    案例简介:Describe the campaign/entry: During presidential campaigns, candidates base their speeches on what captures the most votes, leaving major issues aside. Costa Rica is no exception. For the 2014 presidential campaign, none of the candidates included straightforward actions related to Child Protection in their government plans, reason why, Paniamor, a foundation dedicated to child protection, decided to create a campaign to put pressure on the candidates. Objective: Accomplish the goal of pressuring Costa Rica´s presidential candidates to include Child Protection policies in their government plans. Strategy & Execution: Wikipedia is a social tool where influential people's biographies can be found. We can see their history and accomplishments. We took advantage of this in order to show the contrary: "None of the presidential candidates had done anything relevant towards child protection in Costa Rica". We created a digital guerrilla initiative: Incomplete Bios. 1. We intervened the 5 most popular presidential candidates' biographies on Wikipedia. 2. We opened a chapter titled “Child Protection Policies”, and left it blank, evidencing that none of the them had any established towards that issue. 3. Through #incompletebios and the media, we viralized the action to push on candidates. A few hours later, Wikipedia blocked the biographies, but the whole country was already talking about it. Describe the brief from the client: The main objective for the campaign was to make child protection an important part of the political agenda. We reached out to the 5 leading presidential candidates, that consisted of 95% of the votes, and our goal was to impact 100% of them so they would publicly and morally make a commitment to include the chapter in their government plans. Results: Output/Awareness: Through the campaign, the country's citizens became conscious about the absent policies, and the public pressure made all 5 candidates fill out their biographies with established policies towards Child Protection, amongst them, Costa Rica's new president. More than 15,000,000 impressions were made on social media, and the campaign made presence in numerous other sources. Knowledge/Consideration: With a $0 investment, and only editing on Wikipedia, we achieved interviews, news reports, and spots on TV, radio, press, and digital media. The candidates publicly engaged with the campaign by answering to Paniamor Foundation directly with established policies they were including in their government plans. Action/Business Impact: The impact that the campaign made was 100% effective since all candidates targeted included child protection in their government plans, and furthermore, they publicly addressed the issue, creating consciousness among the Costa Rican citizens. Execution: We created a chapter in all 5 of the candidates Wikipedia pages titled, Child Protection, and left in blank, as a statement to show that none of the candidates had any policies towards the issue, in order to generate an impulse among candidates to include policies in their government plans. In less than 24 hours, Wikipedia banned the pages, but the media was already talking about it, and every major news source in the country covered it. The impact was made to the candidates and the Costa Rican citizens such as planned. The result was that all 5 candidates responded to the campaign publicly by communicating their government plans with the newly developed chapter about child protection. The Situation: The context of the situation is that in presidential elections, candidates only talk about those issues that give the most votes, leaving other important issues aside, such as child protection. The opportunity for the client, Paniamor Foundation, a non-profit organization for child protection, was to take advantage of the 2014 elections in Costa Rica to bring the subject up for debate and bring consciousness. None of the candidates' government plans included child protection policies up until this point. The Strategy: Being a non-profit organization, there was a low budget for the campaign, which made it a challenge to impact the 5 top presidential candidates publicly in a way that would be so massive that the entire Costa Rican voters could see. Taking this into account, we developed a strategy that would include digital media and a major information source open to the public.

    BIOS 不完整












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