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    Ponle Acento短视频广告营销案例



    Ponle Acento

    案例简介:相关性 “Ponle Acento”,从根本上改变最具标志性的美国文化,美国职棒大联盟,它这样做的授权给全社会身份公开,热情, 并自豪地与他人分享。“Ponle Acento” 相关的品牌与球迷和球员的一种全新的方式运用重音符号从字面上还是从,把它的球员的球衣,在外地和在社区。“Ponle Acento” 运动,成为文化运动。 概要 拉丁人已经离开了标志美国职棒大联盟的几十年。从罗卡斯特罗的外地的拉美裔人,要贝尔特兰 · 克莱门特 · 普格,不胜枚举。但是,美国西班牙球迷都去别处的文体娱乐活动。因此,我们的任务是与制作专业棒球吸引力的,令人兴奋,并参与到美国西班牙球迷。大约 17% 的美国和 27% + 的美国职棒大联盟是由西班牙人。然而,同样的人口只占 15% 的联赛的球迷。我们想重新铺设一条简单的信息--美国职棒大联盟不仅是你在哪里,它是属于你的地方。我们希望这个消息却让我们狂热的球迷和难以捉摸的 “光失效”,那些有点兴趣或不感兴趣的游戏。我们发起了一场,就无法到达各个渠道并呼吁他们通过他们的遗产。 活动描述 在体育运动中,其中 27% 的玩家是拉美裔,但几个拉美裔球迷是热爱游戏,美国职棒大联盟的 “Ponle Acento” (把重点就可以了) 运动开车通过添加口音的西班牙球员接受其遗产的名字的球衣。激动人心的行动呼吁,通过我们西班牙人在大,因为他们也加入这一倡议给两场内外的烙印。这个想法变成了一个文化运动,名人和球迷加入了数以百万计的,永远改变美国的消遣活动。 战略 为了达到更多的拉美裔球迷,我们接触到了另一种激情,连接到的游戏,一个重要的当今世界-拉丁骄傲。这个技能、戏曲、热情的拉丁人,加剧了棒球像雅绅特标志突出其母语的话。好像 jonrón (全垒打,campeón (冠军) 、和 pasión (激情) 并不是完全没有口音,就像名册不是完全不像 Canó,p é rez, 或冈萨雷斯。但口音做更多的事。他们注意到这些重要的细节,我们不想错过。那么为什么他们失踪的球员的球衣?我们使我们的任务,强调游戏,挑战玩家把真正的口音上的球衣,就自行作出宣布通过社交媒体和新闻。 结果 第一个球员的口音的球衣,洛杉矶道奇队的一垒手 Adrián gonz á lez,鸣叫和具有挑战性的公告中公布他的队友在沃尔玛 hern á ndez 也这样做。多 30 球员之后,添加口音的球衣和认识的运动。在社交媒体上的长腿,它迅速传播开来的 hashtag # PonleAcento。我们得到了 5亿万印在社交媒体上和几十个知名拉美影响力支持留言马克-安东尼,George lopez,Rosselyn s á nchez,Mario lopez,ren é p é rez “Residente” Canelo á lvarez, 和安赫利卡 · 瓦尔。该活动得到获得媒体直销如纽约时报,洛杉矶时报、 ESPN 、 NBC 体育,体育,华盛顿邮报,氛围,Mitú,品种繁多,,然后被捕,Telemundo,悠景, 还有更多。 执行 我们发起了一项综合活动,其中包括在电视、电台、社交媒体和,当然,拉美裔的美国职棒大联盟的球衣本身玩家。运动长腿的社交媒体,它迅速传播开来的 hashtag # PonleAcento (把重点就可以了) 而得到支持的突出的拉美人像马克 · 安东尼,George lopez,Rosselyn 桑切斯 mario lopez,ren é p é rez “Residente” Canelo á lvarez 、和安赫利卡 · 瓦尔。运动员、教练和球迷都添加口音的球衣促进活动的范围的社会空间,电视 (播放游戏),并在人的球类运动。最后,在一个大胆的美国职棒大联盟的口音上的标志在所有的平台的拉美裔。

    Ponle Acento

    案例简介:Relevancy “Ponle Acento” fundamentally changed one of the most iconic symbols of American culture, Major League Baseball, and it did so by empowering a community to love their identity openly, passionately, and to proudly share it with others. “Ponle Acento” connected the brand with fans and players in a completely new way by using the accent mark literally and metaphorically, putting it on players’ jerseys and on the field and in the community. The “Ponle Acento” campaign became a cultural movement. Synopsis Latinos have been leaving a mark on Major League Baseball for decades. From Lou Castro’s opening of the field for all Latinos, to Beltrán, Clemente, Puig, and countless others. But, US Hispanic sports fans are going elsewhere for their sports entertainment. So we were tasked with making professional baseball appealing, exciting, and engaging to the US Hispanic fan base. Roughly 17% of America and 27%+ of MLB is comprised of Hispanics. Yet, that same demographic only accounts for 15% of the league’s fan base. We wanted to relay a simple message - Major League Baseball is not only where you are, it’s where you belong. We wanted this message to resonate with our avid fans and with the ever-elusive “light lapsed” fan, those who are somewhat interested or uninterested in the game. We created a campaign that would reach them across various channels and appeal to them through their heritage. CampaignDescription In a sport where 27% of players are Hispanic, but few Latino fans are passionate about the game, MLB’s “Ponle Acento” (Put An Accent On It) campaign drove Hispanic players to embrace their heritage by adding accents to the names on their jerseys. This inspiring call to action was then adopted by US Hispanics at large, as they too joined this initiative to leave their mark both on and off the field. Soon the idea became a cultural movement that celebrities and fans joined by the millions, changing America’s pastime forever. Strategy In an effort to reach more Latino fans, we tapped into another passion to connect them to the game, one important in today’s world- Latino pride. The skill, drama, and passion of Latinos has accentuated baseball like an accent mark accentuates words in their native language. Words like jonrón (home run), campeón (champion), and pasión (passion) aren’t complete without an accent, just like rosters aren’t complete without names like Canó, Pérez, or González. But accents do more than that. They bring attention to those important details we don’t want to miss. So why are they missing from players’ jerseys? We made it our mission to put an accent on the game, by challenging players to put real accents on their jerseys, on their own accord, making the announcement public through social media and news. Outcome The first player to put an accent on his jersey was LA Dodgers first baseman Adrián González, making the announcement public in a tweet and challenging his teammate Kike Hernández to do the same. More than 30 players followed, adding accents to their jerseys and acknowledging the campaign. The movement grew legs on social media, where it went viral with the hashtag #PonleAcento. We garnered 500 million impressions on social media and dozens of prominent Latino influencers have supported the message including Marc Anthony, George López, Rosselyn Sánchez, Mario López, René Pérez “Residente”, Canelo Álvarez, and Angélica Vale. The campaign received earned media in outlets such as New York Times, LA Times, ESPN, NBC Sports, Vice Sports, The Washington Post, Vibe, Mitú, Variety, Televisa, Telemundo, Univision, and more. Execution We launched an integrated campaign, which included presence in TV, radio, social media and, of course, the jerseys themselves of Latino MLB players. The campaign grew legs on social media, where it went viral with the hashtag #PonleAcento (Put An Accent On It) and garnered support from prominent Latinos like Marc Anthony, George López, Rosselyn Sánchez, Mario López, René Pérez “Residente”, Canelo Álvarez, and Angélica Vale. Players, coaches, and fans alike added accents to their jerseys furthering the reach of the campaign in the social space, TV (aired games), and in-person at ball games. Finally, in a bold move, MLB put an accent on their logo in all their platforms for Hispanic Heritage Month.

    Ponle Acento

    案例简介:相关性 “Ponle Acento”,从根本上改变最具标志性的美国文化,美国职棒大联盟,它这样做的授权给全社会身份公开,热情, 并自豪地与他人分享。“Ponle Acento” 相关的品牌与球迷和球员的一种全新的方式运用重音符号从字面上还是从,把它的球员的球衣,在外地和在社区。“Ponle Acento” 运动,成为文化运动。 概要 拉丁人已经离开了标志美国职棒大联盟的几十年。从罗卡斯特罗的外地的拉美裔人,要贝尔特兰 · 克莱门特 · 普格,不胜枚举。但是,美国西班牙球迷都去别处的文体娱乐活动。因此,我们的任务是与制作专业棒球吸引力的,令人兴奋,并参与到美国西班牙球迷。大约 17% 的美国和 27% + 的美国职棒大联盟是由西班牙人。然而,同样的人口只占 15% 的联赛的球迷。我们想重新铺设一条简单的信息--美国职棒大联盟不仅是你在哪里,它是属于你的地方。我们希望这个消息却让我们狂热的球迷和难以捉摸的 “光失效”,那些有点兴趣或不感兴趣的游戏。我们发起了一场,就无法到达各个渠道并呼吁他们通过他们的遗产。 活动描述 在体育运动中,其中 27% 的玩家是拉美裔,但几个拉美裔球迷是热爱游戏,美国职棒大联盟的 “Ponle Acento” (把重点就可以了) 运动开车通过添加口音的西班牙球员接受其遗产的名字的球衣。激动人心的行动呼吁,通过我们西班牙人在大,因为他们也加入这一倡议给两场内外的烙印。这个想法变成了一个文化运动,名人和球迷加入了数以百万计的,永远改变美国的消遣活动。 战略 为了达到更多的拉美裔球迷,我们接触到了另一种激情,连接到的游戏,一个重要的当今世界-拉丁骄傲。这个技能、戏曲、热情的拉丁人,加剧了棒球像雅绅特标志突出其母语的话。好像 jonrón (全垒打,campeón (冠军) 、和 pasión (激情) 并不是完全没有口音,就像名册不是完全不像 Canó,p é rez, 或冈萨雷斯。但口音做更多的事。他们注意到这些重要的细节,我们不想错过。那么为什么他们失踪的球员的球衣?我们使我们的任务,强调游戏,挑战玩家把真正的口音上的球衣,就自行作出宣布通过社交媒体和新闻。 结果 第一个球员的口音的球衣,洛杉矶道奇队的一垒手 Adrián gonz á lez,鸣叫和具有挑战性的公告中公布他的队友在沃尔玛 hern á ndez 也这样做。多 30 球员之后,添加口音的球衣和认识的运动。在社交媒体上的长腿,它迅速传播开来的 hashtag # PonleAcento。我们得到了 5亿万印在社交媒体上和几十个知名拉美影响力支持留言马克-安东尼,George lopez,Rosselyn s á nchez,Mario lopez,ren é p é rez “Residente” Canelo á lvarez, 和安赫利卡 · 瓦尔。该活动得到获得媒体直销如纽约时报,洛杉矶时报、 ESPN 、 NBC 体育,体育,华盛顿邮报,氛围,Mitú,品种繁多,,然后被捕,Telemundo,悠景, 还有更多。 执行 我们发起了一项综合活动,其中包括在电视、电台、社交媒体和,当然,拉美裔的美国职棒大联盟的球衣本身玩家。运动长腿的社交媒体,它迅速传播开来的 hashtag # PonleAcento (把重点就可以了) 而得到支持的突出的拉美人像马克 · 安东尼,George lopez,Rosselyn 桑切斯 mario lopez,ren é p é rez “Residente” Canelo á lvarez 、和安赫利卡 · 瓦尔。运动员、教练和球迷都添加口音的球衣促进活动的范围的社会空间,电视 (播放游戏),并在人的球类运动。最后,在一个大胆的美国职棒大联盟的口音上的标志在所有的平台的拉美裔。

    Ponle Acento

    案例简介:Relevancy “Ponle Acento” fundamentally changed one of the most iconic symbols of American culture, Major League Baseball, and it did so by empowering a community to love their identity openly, passionately, and to proudly share it with others. “Ponle Acento” connected the brand with fans and players in a completely new way by using the accent mark literally and metaphorically, putting it on players’ jerseys and on the field and in the community. The “Ponle Acento” campaign became a cultural movement. Synopsis Latinos have been leaving a mark on Major League Baseball for decades. From Lou Castro’s opening of the field for all Latinos, to Beltrán, Clemente, Puig, and countless others. But, US Hispanic sports fans are going elsewhere for their sports entertainment. So we were tasked with making professional baseball appealing, exciting, and engaging to the US Hispanic fan base. Roughly 17% of America and 27%+ of MLB is comprised of Hispanics. Yet, that same demographic only accounts for 15% of the league’s fan base. We wanted to relay a simple message - Major League Baseball is not only where you are, it’s where you belong. We wanted this message to resonate with our avid fans and with the ever-elusive “light lapsed” fan, those who are somewhat interested or uninterested in the game. We created a campaign that would reach them across various channels and appeal to them through their heritage. CampaignDescription In a sport where 27% of players are Hispanic, but few Latino fans are passionate about the game, MLB’s “Ponle Acento” (Put An Accent On It) campaign drove Hispanic players to embrace their heritage by adding accents to the names on their jerseys. This inspiring call to action was then adopted by US Hispanics at large, as they too joined this initiative to leave their mark both on and off the field. Soon the idea became a cultural movement that celebrities and fans joined by the millions, changing America’s pastime forever. Strategy In an effort to reach more Latino fans, we tapped into another passion to connect them to the game, one important in today’s world- Latino pride. The skill, drama, and passion of Latinos has accentuated baseball like an accent mark accentuates words in their native language. Words like jonrón (home run), campeón (champion), and pasión (passion) aren’t complete without an accent, just like rosters aren’t complete without names like Canó, Pérez, or González. But accents do more than that. They bring attention to those important details we don’t want to miss. So why are they missing from players’ jerseys? We made it our mission to put an accent on the game, by challenging players to put real accents on their jerseys, on their own accord, making the announcement public through social media and news. Outcome The first player to put an accent on his jersey was LA Dodgers first baseman Adrián González, making the announcement public in a tweet and challenging his teammate Kike Hernández to do the same. More than 30 players followed, adding accents to their jerseys and acknowledging the campaign. The movement grew legs on social media, where it went viral with the hashtag #PonleAcento. We garnered 500 million impressions on social media and dozens of prominent Latino influencers have supported the message including Marc Anthony, George López, Rosselyn Sánchez, Mario López, René Pérez “Residente”, Canelo Álvarez, and Angélica Vale. The campaign received earned media in outlets such as New York Times, LA Times, ESPN, NBC Sports, Vice Sports, The Washington Post, Vibe, Mitú, Variety, Televisa, Telemundo, Univision, and more. Execution We launched an integrated campaign, which included presence in TV, radio, social media and, of course, the jerseys themselves of Latino MLB players. The campaign grew legs on social media, where it went viral with the hashtag #PonleAcento (Put An Accent On It) and garnered support from prominent Latinos like Marc Anthony, George López, Rosselyn Sánchez, Mario López, René Pérez “Residente”, Canelo Álvarez, and Angélica Vale. Players, coaches, and fans alike added accents to their jerseys furthering the reach of the campaign in the social space, TV (aired games), and in-person at ball games. Finally, in a bold move, MLB put an accent on their logo in all their platforms for Hispanic Heritage Month.

    Ponle Acento


    Ponle Acento










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