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    Sounds of Conquest短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:战略 在巴西,说唱讲述了征服和克服贫民窟的日常故事。银行的大多数运动员和客户出生和生活的地方。策略是利用这一已经涉及主题的文化运动,揭示运动员的日常成就。因此,加强日常成就也很重要的概念。即使你不是奥林匹克运动员。 结果 与竞选互动的人 6800万: Facebook: 37 million Instagram: 17 million 推特: 15.5 million 500 万读者在自发媒体上下载了 51 万首歌曲 50,在竞选视频中浏览了 8278.3亿次 175 reactions24.209 评论和提及 22000 股票数字顶级游戏 执行 巴西最大的 7 名说唱歌手创作了 7 首关于巴西运动员力量和优势的原创歌曲。每两个星期,一个新的轨道发布与视频剪辑。在竞选网站上,可以下载歌曲, 观看 ofs 的制作,并获得独家内容,如运动员的比赛和信息以及银行在体育赞助方面的历史。在 Spotify 上,人们可以听到征服专辑的声音和受每个运动员生活启发的播放列表。一个音乐频道提供了教如何演奏歌曲的教程。在街上,每首歌都赢得了涂鸦,印了一首歌词。涂鸦成为竞选活动视觉形象的一部分。最后,由 7 名说唱歌手组成的现场表演结束了庆祝巴西人多样性、包容性和成就的活动。 相关性 金融机构对奥运时期的体育有什么看法?在所有品牌都在谈论同一主题的时期,如何实现 “克服” 、 “力量” 和 “决心” 等术语?我们邀请了巴西最大的七名说唱歌手演唱世行赞助的运动员的力量和克服的故事。最终的结果是一场综合战役,其中有一个叫做征服之声的七首曲目。 活动描述 这个想法是为了表明伟大的征服者远远超出了奖牌。为此,CAIXA 邀请了巴西最重要的 7 名说唱歌手。说唱歌手遵循嘻哈文化主题,讲述奋斗和克服的故事,在体育运动中向巴西人致敬,讲述运动员的故事,并聚在一起唱一首激励的国歌, 多样性和包容性。 概要 CAIXA 是一家公共银行,负责最贫困巴西人的成就和社会包容。此外,它是巴西体育的主要赞助商。为了庆祝里约奥运会,CAIXA 要求发起一场运动,通过体育赞助加强世行的 DNA。


    案例简介:Strategy In Brazil, rap tells the day-to-day stories of conquest and overcoming of the ghetto. Place where most athletes and clients of the bank were born and live. The strategy was to use this cultural movement that already deals with the theme, to reveal the daily achievements of the athletes. And with that, strengthen the concept that day-to-day achievements are also important. Even if you are not an Olympic athlete. Outcome People interacting with the campaign 68 million:Facebook: 37 millionInstagram: 17 millionTwitter: 15.5 million5 million readers in spontaneous media51 thousand song downloads50,827,830 million views in campaign videoclips762,175 reactions24.209 comments and mentions22 thousand sharesDigital Top of Mind of the Games Execution 7 of the biggest rappers in Brazil produced 7 original songs about the strength and overcaming of the brazilian athletes. Every two weeks a new track was released with a video clip. On the campaigns website, it was possible to download the songs, watch the making ofs and have access to exclusive content such as games and informations about the athletes and the bank’s history in sponsorship in sports. On the Spotify people could listen to Sounds of Conquest album and a playlist inspired by the life of each athlete. A music channel has provided tutorials to teach how to play the songs. In the streets, each song earned a graffiti, stamping a piece of the lyrics. The graffiti became part of the campaign's visual identity. In the end, a live show with the 7 rappers closed the campaign that celebrated the diversity, inclusion and achievements of Brazilians. Relevancy What does a financial institution have to say about sports in the Olympic period? How to materialize terms such as "overcoming", "force" “strength” and "determination" in a period when all brands are talking about the same subject? We invite seven of the biggest rappers in Brazil to sing stories of strength and overcoming of athletes sponsored by the bank. The final result is an integrated campaign with a seven tracks álbum called Sounds of Conquest. CampaignDescription The idea was to show that great conquers go far beyond medals. For this, CAIXA invited 7 of the most important rappers in Brazil. Following the Hip Hop culture motif, narrating stories of struggle and overcoming, the rappers payed homage to Brazilians in sports, telling the story of athletes and getting together to sing an anthem of motivation, diversity and inclusion. Synopsis CAIXA is a public bank responsible for the achievements and for the social inclusion of the most needy Brazilians. In addition, it is the main sponsor of sports in Brazil. To celebrate the year of the Olympics in Rio, CAIXA requested a campaign that strengthened the bank's DNA through sports sponsorship.

    Sounds of Conquest

    案例简介:战略 在巴西,说唱讲述了征服和克服贫民窟的日常故事。银行的大多数运动员和客户出生和生活的地方。策略是利用这一已经涉及主题的文化运动,揭示运动员的日常成就。因此,加强日常成就也很重要的概念。即使你不是奥林匹克运动员。 结果 与竞选互动的人 6800万: Facebook: 37 million Instagram: 17 million 推特: 15.5 million 500 万读者在自发媒体上下载了 51 万首歌曲 50,在竞选视频中浏览了 8278.3亿次 175 reactions24.209 评论和提及 22000 股票数字顶级游戏 执行 巴西最大的 7 名说唱歌手创作了 7 首关于巴西运动员力量和优势的原创歌曲。每两个星期,一个新的轨道发布与视频剪辑。在竞选网站上,可以下载歌曲, 观看 ofs 的制作,并获得独家内容,如运动员的比赛和信息以及银行在体育赞助方面的历史。在 Spotify 上,人们可以听到征服专辑的声音和受每个运动员生活启发的播放列表。一个音乐频道提供了教如何演奏歌曲的教程。在街上,每首歌都赢得了涂鸦,印了一首歌词。涂鸦成为竞选活动视觉形象的一部分。最后,由 7 名说唱歌手组成的现场表演结束了庆祝巴西人多样性、包容性和成就的活动。 相关性 金融机构对奥运时期的体育有什么看法?在所有品牌都在谈论同一主题的时期,如何实现 “克服” 、 “力量” 和 “决心” 等术语?我们邀请了巴西最大的七名说唱歌手演唱世行赞助的运动员的力量和克服的故事。最终的结果是一场综合战役,其中有一个叫做征服之声的七首曲目。 活动描述 这个想法是为了表明伟大的征服者远远超出了奖牌。为此,CAIXA 邀请了巴西最重要的 7 名说唱歌手。说唱歌手遵循嘻哈文化主题,讲述奋斗和克服的故事,在体育运动中向巴西人致敬,讲述运动员的故事,并聚在一起唱一首激励的国歌, 多样性和包容性。 概要 CAIXA 是一家公共银行,负责最贫困巴西人的成就和社会包容。此外,它是巴西体育的主要赞助商。为了庆祝里约奥运会,CAIXA 要求发起一场运动,通过体育赞助加强世行的 DNA。

    Sounds of Conquest

    案例简介:Strategy In Brazil, rap tells the day-to-day stories of conquest and overcoming of the ghetto. Place where most athletes and clients of the bank were born and live. The strategy was to use this cultural movement that already deals with the theme, to reveal the daily achievements of the athletes. And with that, strengthen the concept that day-to-day achievements are also important. Even if you are not an Olympic athlete. Outcome People interacting with the campaign 68 million:Facebook: 37 millionInstagram: 17 millionTwitter: 15.5 million5 million readers in spontaneous media51 thousand song downloads50,827,830 million views in campaign videoclips762,175 reactions24.209 comments and mentions22 thousand sharesDigital Top of Mind of the Games Execution 7 of the biggest rappers in Brazil produced 7 original songs about the strength and overcaming of the brazilian athletes. Every two weeks a new track was released with a video clip. On the campaigns website, it was possible to download the songs, watch the making ofs and have access to exclusive content such as games and informations about the athletes and the bank’s history in sponsorship in sports. On the Spotify people could listen to Sounds of Conquest album and a playlist inspired by the life of each athlete. A music channel has provided tutorials to teach how to play the songs. In the streets, each song earned a graffiti, stamping a piece of the lyrics. The graffiti became part of the campaign's visual identity. In the end, a live show with the 7 rappers closed the campaign that celebrated the diversity, inclusion and achievements of Brazilians. Relevancy What does a financial institution have to say about sports in the Olympic period? How to materialize terms such as "overcoming", "force" “strength” and "determination" in a period when all brands are talking about the same subject? We invite seven of the biggest rappers in Brazil to sing stories of strength and overcoming of athletes sponsored by the bank. The final result is an integrated campaign with a seven tracks álbum called Sounds of Conquest. CampaignDescription The idea was to show that great conquers go far beyond medals. For this, CAIXA invited 7 of the most important rappers in Brazil. Following the Hip Hop culture motif, narrating stories of struggle and overcoming, the rappers payed homage to Brazilians in sports, telling the story of athletes and getting together to sing an anthem of motivation, diversity and inclusion. Synopsis CAIXA is a public bank responsible for the achievements and for the social inclusion of the most needy Brazilians. In addition, it is the main sponsor of sports in Brazil. To celebrate the year of the Olympics in Rio, CAIXA requested a campaign that strengthened the bank's DNA through sports sponsorship.



    Sounds of Conquest










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