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    Write the Future (180 sec)短视频广告营销案例



    写下未来 (180 秒)

    案例简介:世界顶级足球运动员的未来可能以史诗般的方式上演。一个国家的情绪。一个潜在英雄的衰落。名声。臭名昭著。一切都悬而未决。只有球场上的时刻才能决定真正发生的事情。误差的幅度不能小。 每隔四年,足球天堂的钥匙就会悬挂在国际精英面前。一个目标,一个传球,一个游戏保存铲球可以是名望和被遗忘的区别。在那一瞬间,球场上发生的事情产生了一种超越比赛和锦标赛的连锁反应。这部 “写未来” 电影是通过耐克足球的 Facebook 页面推出的,它的浏览量超过 4000万,在 Facebook 上的喜欢和推特上的提及比任何其他运动都多, 使耐克成为 2010年在线共享最多的品牌。 简要说明: 每隔四年,足球天堂的钥匙就会悬挂在国际精英面前。一个目标,一个传球,一个游戏保存铲球可以是名望和被遗忘的区别。在那一瞬间,球场上发生的事情产生了一种超越比赛和锦标赛的连锁反应。“写未来” 是一个信息平台,让耐克展示足球是如何产生这种连锁反应的。这让我们能够瞥见未来,看看球员们到底在为什么而战,在他们自己的生活中,以及那些跟随他们的人的生活中。我们的目标是将这个品牌融入这场主要锦标赛的对话中,以一种庆祝世界各地参赛球队和运动员以及足球迷的方式。 简要说明: 《书写未来》的特色是一群全能的足球巨星,包括韦恩 · 鲁尼、克里斯蒂亚诺 · 罗纳尔多、迪迪埃 · 德罗巴、罗纳尔迪尼奥、西奥 · 沃尔科特和塞斯克 · 法布雷加斯。广告展示了一点误差是如何导致终极荣耀或彻底沮丧的, 就像鲁尼错过了一个关键的传球,被送进了身体衰退,看到他最终被冲走,长胡子,超重,住在大篷车里。这部大片的其他亮点包括罗纳尔多的巨大雕像和荷马 · 辛普森、演员盖尔 · 加西亚 · 贝纳尔和湖人队的科比 · 布莱恩特的客串。

    写下未来 (180 秒)

    案例简介:The possible futures of the world's top footballers are played out in epic fashion. The mood of a nation. The decline of a would-be hero. Fame. Infamy. All hang in the balance. Only the moments on the pitch will decide what really happens. And the margins of error could not be smaller. Every four years, the keys to football heaven are dangled in front of the international elite. One goal, one pass, one game saving tackle can be the difference between fame and forgotten. And what happens on the pitch in that split second has a ripple effect that goes beyond the match and the tournament. The 'Write the Future' film was launched via Nike Football's Facebook page, propelling it to over 40 million views, with more likes on Facebook and more mentions on Twitter than any other campaign, making Nike the most shared brand online in 2010. Brief Explanation: Every four years, the keys to football heaven are dangled in front of the international elite. One goal, one pass, one game saving tackle can be the difference between fame and forgotten. What happens on the pitch in that split second has a ripple effect that goes beyond the match and the tournament. ‘Write the Future’ was a messaging platform that allowed Nike to show how football creates this ripple effect. It allowed us to give a glimpse into the future to see what the players were really playing for, in their own lives and the lives of those that follow them. Our goal was to weave the brand into the conversations around this major tournament in a way that celebrated the participating teams and athletes and engaged football fans around the world. Brief Explanation: ‘Write the Future’ features an almighty line up of football superstars including Wayne Rooney, Christiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Ronaldinho, Theo Walcott and Cesc Fabregas. The ad shows how the slightest margin of error can lead to ultimate glory or utter dejection, as is the case when Rooney misses a crucial pass and is sent into a physical decline that sees him ending up washed up, bearded, overweight and living in a caravan. The blockbuster commercial’s other highlights include a giant statue of Ronaldo and cameos from Homer Simpson, actor Gael Garcia Bernal and LA Lakers’ Kobe Bryant.

    Write the Future (180 sec)

    案例简介:世界顶级足球运动员的未来可能以史诗般的方式上演。一个国家的情绪。一个潜在英雄的衰落。名声。臭名昭著。一切都悬而未决。只有球场上的时刻才能决定真正发生的事情。误差的幅度不能小。 每隔四年,足球天堂的钥匙就会悬挂在国际精英面前。一个目标,一个传球,一个游戏保存铲球可以是名望和被遗忘的区别。在那一瞬间,球场上发生的事情产生了一种超越比赛和锦标赛的连锁反应。这部 “写未来” 电影是通过耐克足球的 Facebook 页面推出的,它的浏览量超过 4000万,在 Facebook 上的喜欢和推特上的提及比任何其他运动都多, 使耐克成为 2010年在线共享最多的品牌。 简要说明: 每隔四年,足球天堂的钥匙就会悬挂在国际精英面前。一个目标,一个传球,一个游戏保存铲球可以是名望和被遗忘的区别。在那一瞬间,球场上发生的事情产生了一种超越比赛和锦标赛的连锁反应。“写未来” 是一个信息平台,让耐克展示足球是如何产生这种连锁反应的。这让我们能够瞥见未来,看看球员们到底在为什么而战,在他们自己的生活中,以及那些跟随他们的人的生活中。我们的目标是将这个品牌融入这场主要锦标赛的对话中,以一种庆祝世界各地参赛球队和运动员以及足球迷的方式。 简要说明: 《书写未来》的特色是一群全能的足球巨星,包括韦恩 · 鲁尼、克里斯蒂亚诺 · 罗纳尔多、迪迪埃 · 德罗巴、罗纳尔迪尼奥、西奥 · 沃尔科特和塞斯克 · 法布雷加斯。广告展示了一点误差是如何导致终极荣耀或彻底沮丧的, 就像鲁尼错过了一个关键的传球,被送进了身体衰退,看到他最终被冲走,长胡子,超重,住在大篷车里。这部大片的其他亮点包括罗纳尔多的巨大雕像和荷马 · 辛普森、演员盖尔 · 加西亚 · 贝纳尔和湖人队的科比 · 布莱恩特的客串。

    Write the Future (180 sec)

    案例简介:The possible futures of the world's top footballers are played out in epic fashion. The mood of a nation. The decline of a would-be hero. Fame. Infamy. All hang in the balance. Only the moments on the pitch will decide what really happens. And the margins of error could not be smaller. Every four years, the keys to football heaven are dangled in front of the international elite. One goal, one pass, one game saving tackle can be the difference between fame and forgotten. And what happens on the pitch in that split second has a ripple effect that goes beyond the match and the tournament. The 'Write the Future' film was launched via Nike Football's Facebook page, propelling it to over 40 million views, with more likes on Facebook and more mentions on Twitter than any other campaign, making Nike the most shared brand online in 2010. Brief Explanation: Every four years, the keys to football heaven are dangled in front of the international elite. One goal, one pass, one game saving tackle can be the difference between fame and forgotten. What happens on the pitch in that split second has a ripple effect that goes beyond the match and the tournament. ‘Write the Future’ was a messaging platform that allowed Nike to show how football creates this ripple effect. It allowed us to give a glimpse into the future to see what the players were really playing for, in their own lives and the lives of those that follow them. Our goal was to weave the brand into the conversations around this major tournament in a way that celebrated the participating teams and athletes and engaged football fans around the world. Brief Explanation: ‘Write the Future’ features an almighty line up of football superstars including Wayne Rooney, Christiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Ronaldinho, Theo Walcott and Cesc Fabregas. The ad shows how the slightest margin of error can lead to ultimate glory or utter dejection, as is the case when Rooney misses a crucial pass and is sent into a physical decline that sees him ending up washed up, bearded, overweight and living in a caravan. The blockbuster commercial’s other highlights include a giant statue of Ronaldo and cameos from Homer Simpson, actor Gael Garcia Bernal and LA Lakers’ Kobe Bryant.

    写下未来 (180 秒)


    Write the Future (180 sec)








    Write The Future



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