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    The Bulletpen短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:相关性 这项工作与直接狮子有关,因为国家教育部需要提供教育预算高于战争的消息, 我们在子弹中发现了一种直接向传播信息的人传递信息的方式。我们把它提供给记者、作家和意见领袖。作为交换,我们要求他们用子弹写或画他们自己的和平和受过教育的哥伦比亚的想法,向媒体展示哥伦比亚是如何开始重写它的历史的。然后,每个人都写了关于它。 活动描述 为了提醒每个人,我们国家和平的未来在于教育,我们决定创造一个独特的象征,将战争元素变成和平元素。 战略 哥伦比亚的战争已经持续了将近 60 年,但是今年随着和平协议的签署; 教育比战争获得了更高的预算。国家教育部需要向 4800万哥伦比亚人传播这一消息。所以我们把战争的一个因素变成了和平的因素: 子弹。然后,我们把它提供给记者、作家和意见领袖,这样他们就可以开始写作,用它来描绘他们自己对一个和平和受过教育的哥伦比亚的想法。然后,每个人都写了关于它。 概要 自 1958年以来,哥伦比亚的战争一直在进行。在过去的 30 年里,有 600万多名受害者,但今年随着和平协议的签署; 教育获得了比战争更高的预算。教育部想要传播这个消息。为了提醒每个人,我们国家和平的未来在于教育,我们决定创造一份独特的圣诞礼物,将战争元素变成和平元素。Bulletpen。我们把子弹变成笔,作为我们信息的象征: “子弹标志着我们的过去。教育将书写我们的未来 ”我们把它提供给记者、作家和意见领袖。作为交换,我们要求他们用子弹写或画他们自己的和平和受过教育的哥伦比亚的想法,向媒体展示哥伦比亚是如何开始重写它的历史的。 执行 我们要求军事工业给我们用过的子弹桶。然后我们把他们的火药倒空,清洗,雕刻,用墨水填充,并把它们变成我们信息的象征: “子弹标志着我们的过去。教育将书写我们的未来 ”我们把它作为圣诞礼物直接邮寄给记者、作家和意见领袖,我们还在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳的“ 干草节 ”等活动中送给了它。 结果 * 国内和国际媒体报道,从美国到中国,中央电视台新闻,美国有线电视新闻网,德国 Welle,Whashintog 邮报,黎巴嫩准时,法新社,意大利拉斯塔姆帕,阿斯卡奈,西班牙埃尔蒙多, telemundo International,MSN,新闻,雅虎新闻,智利,Terra 新闻和数百个拉丁美洲新闻网站。*我们继续通过 campaing 在自由新闻中产生的价值。Bulletpen 和我们的信息仍然从世界各地产生越来越多的新闻。*包括胡安 · 曼努埃尔 · 桑托斯总统和美国国家组织秘书长路易斯 · 阿尔马格罗在内的 500 多名有影响力的人物共同改写了这个国家的历史。 * 在 2016年3月的民意调查中,国家教育部长吉娜 · 帕罗迪被列为哥伦比亚最佳部长。


    案例简介:Relevancy This work is relevant for Direct Lions, because the Ministry of National Education needed to give the news about education having a higher budget than war, and we found in the bulletpen a way of delivering our message directly to the people that could spread the word. We offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders. In exchange, we asked them to write or draw with the Bulletpen their own idea of a peaceful and educated Colombia to show the press how Colombia is starting to rewrite it´s history. And then, everybody wrote with and about it. Campaign Description To remind everyone that the future of our country in peace lies in education, we decided to create a unique symbol, turning an element of war into one of peace. Strategy War in Colombia has been going on for almost 60 years, but this year with the sign of the peace agreement; education received a higher budget than war. And the Ministry of National Education needed to spread the news to 48 million Colombians.So we turned an element of war into one of peace: The Bulletpen. Then, we offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders so they could start writing and drawing with it their own idea of a peaceful and educated Colombia. And then, everybody wrote with and about it. Synopsis War in Colombia has been going on since 1958. With more than 6 million victims in the last 30 years, but this year with the sign of the peace agreement; education received a higher budget than war. And the Ministry of Education wants to spread the news. To remind everyone that the future of our country in peace lies in education, we decided to create a unique Christmas gift, turning an element of war into one of peace. The Bulletpen. We transformed bullets into pens as a symbol of our message: “Bullets marked our past. Education will write our future” We offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders. In exchange, we asked them to write or draw with the Bulletpen their own idea of a peaceful and educated Colombia to show the press how Colombia is starting to rewrite it´s history. Execution We asked the military industry to give us the used bullets casks. Then we emptied them of their gun powder, cleaned them, engraved them, filled them with ink and transformed them into the symbol of our message: “Bullets marked our past. Education will write our future”We offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders as a Christmas gift direct mailing and also we gave it at events like “Hay Festival” at Cartagena, Colombia. Outcome * National and international media coverage, from US to China, CCTV news, CNN, Deutsche Welle, The Whashintog Post, Lebanon on Time, AFP, LA Stampa Italia, AskaNews, El Mundo Spain, Telemundo International, MSN, news, Yahoo news, La Nación Chile, , Terra news and hundreds of Latinoamerican news websites. * We continue cuantificating the value generate in free press by the campaing. The Bulletpen and our message still generates more and more news from all over the world. * More than 500 influential personalities including President Juan Manuel Santos and Luis Almagro General Secretary of the Organization of America States joined together to rewrite the history of the country.* Gina Parody, Minister of National Education was rank as the best minister of Colombia in a public opinion poll made in march 2016.

    The Bulletpen

    案例简介:相关性 这项工作与直接狮子有关,因为国家教育部需要提供教育预算高于战争的消息, 我们在子弹中发现了一种直接向传播信息的人传递信息的方式。我们把它提供给记者、作家和意见领袖。作为交换,我们要求他们用子弹写或画他们自己的和平和受过教育的哥伦比亚的想法,向媒体展示哥伦比亚是如何开始重写它的历史的。然后,每个人都写了关于它。 活动描述 为了提醒每个人,我们国家和平的未来在于教育,我们决定创造一个独特的象征,将战争元素变成和平元素。 战略 哥伦比亚的战争已经持续了将近 60 年,但是今年随着和平协议的签署; 教育比战争获得了更高的预算。国家教育部需要向 4800万哥伦比亚人传播这一消息。所以我们把战争的一个因素变成了和平的因素: 子弹。然后,我们把它提供给记者、作家和意见领袖,这样他们就可以开始写作,用它来描绘他们自己对一个和平和受过教育的哥伦比亚的想法。然后,每个人都写了关于它。 概要 自 1958年以来,哥伦比亚的战争一直在进行。在过去的 30 年里,有 600万多名受害者,但今年随着和平协议的签署; 教育获得了比战争更高的预算。教育部想要传播这个消息。为了提醒每个人,我们国家和平的未来在于教育,我们决定创造一份独特的圣诞礼物,将战争元素变成和平元素。Bulletpen。我们把子弹变成笔,作为我们信息的象征: “子弹标志着我们的过去。教育将书写我们的未来 ”我们把它提供给记者、作家和意见领袖。作为交换,我们要求他们用子弹写或画他们自己的和平和受过教育的哥伦比亚的想法,向媒体展示哥伦比亚是如何开始重写它的历史的。 执行 我们要求军事工业给我们用过的子弹桶。然后我们把他们的火药倒空,清洗,雕刻,用墨水填充,并把它们变成我们信息的象征: “子弹标志着我们的过去。教育将书写我们的未来 ”我们把它作为圣诞礼物直接邮寄给记者、作家和意见领袖,我们还在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳的“ 干草节 ”等活动中送给了它。 结果 * 国内和国际媒体报道,从美国到中国,中央电视台新闻,美国有线电视新闻网,德国 Welle,Whashintog 邮报,黎巴嫩准时,法新社,意大利拉斯塔姆帕,阿斯卡奈,西班牙埃尔蒙多, telemundo International,MSN,新闻,雅虎新闻,智利,Terra 新闻和数百个拉丁美洲新闻网站。*我们继续通过 campaing 在自由新闻中产生的价值。Bulletpen 和我们的信息仍然从世界各地产生越来越多的新闻。*包括胡安 · 曼努埃尔 · 桑托斯总统和美国国家组织秘书长路易斯 · 阿尔马格罗在内的 500 多名有影响力的人物共同改写了这个国家的历史。 * 在 2016年3月的民意调查中,国家教育部长吉娜 · 帕罗迪被列为哥伦比亚最佳部长。

    The Bulletpen

    案例简介:Relevancy This work is relevant for Direct Lions, because the Ministry of National Education needed to give the news about education having a higher budget than war, and we found in the bulletpen a way of delivering our message directly to the people that could spread the word. We offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders. In exchange, we asked them to write or draw with the Bulletpen their own idea of a peaceful and educated Colombia to show the press how Colombia is starting to rewrite it´s history. And then, everybody wrote with and about it. Campaign Description To remind everyone that the future of our country in peace lies in education, we decided to create a unique symbol, turning an element of war into one of peace. Strategy War in Colombia has been going on for almost 60 years, but this year with the sign of the peace agreement; education received a higher budget than war. And the Ministry of National Education needed to spread the news to 48 million Colombians.So we turned an element of war into one of peace: The Bulletpen. Then, we offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders so they could start writing and drawing with it their own idea of a peaceful and educated Colombia. And then, everybody wrote with and about it. Synopsis War in Colombia has been going on since 1958. With more than 6 million victims in the last 30 years, but this year with the sign of the peace agreement; education received a higher budget than war. And the Ministry of Education wants to spread the news. To remind everyone that the future of our country in peace lies in education, we decided to create a unique Christmas gift, turning an element of war into one of peace. The Bulletpen. We transformed bullets into pens as a symbol of our message: “Bullets marked our past. Education will write our future” We offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders. In exchange, we asked them to write or draw with the Bulletpen their own idea of a peaceful and educated Colombia to show the press how Colombia is starting to rewrite it´s history. Execution We asked the military industry to give us the used bullets casks. Then we emptied them of their gun powder, cleaned them, engraved them, filled them with ink and transformed them into the symbol of our message: “Bullets marked our past. Education will write our future”We offered it to journalists, writers and opinion leaders as a Christmas gift direct mailing and also we gave it at events like “Hay Festival” at Cartagena, Colombia. Outcome * National and international media coverage, from US to China, CCTV news, CNN, Deutsche Welle, The Whashintog Post, Lebanon on Time, AFP, LA Stampa Italia, AskaNews, El Mundo Spain, Telemundo International, MSN, news, Yahoo news, La Nación Chile, , Terra news and hundreds of Latinoamerican news websites. * We continue cuantificating the value generate in free press by the campaing. The Bulletpen and our message still generates more and more news from all over the world. * More than 500 influential personalities including President Juan Manuel Santos and Luis Almagro General Secretary of the Organization of America States joined together to rewrite the history of the country.* Gina Parody, Minister of National Education was rank as the best minister of Colombia in a public opinion poll made in march 2016.



    The Bulletpen










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