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    We Mixed India!短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:结果和有效性: 塔塔天空的 “成本感知” 和 “金钱价值” 的 GFK 模式研究分数分别增加了 10% 和 5%。对 “truchoice” 塔塔天空套餐的订阅达到了创纪录的 140万。这一努力赢得了令人垂涎的 goaest 2010 奖 2011 年印度广告电视最佳作品的 “金牌”。在执行 “不同频道混合语言” 之前,这是一个经典的创新案例,它不仅相关,而且有效,因为它为塔塔天空提供了所需的订阅。 创意执行: 我们混合了印度!在语言频道的直播内容中,我们用不同的语言播放内容。观众不理解这种新语言,因此大吃一惊。例如,一个西印度语言频道在直播节目中播放东印度语言内容。接下来是一条信息,提醒观众不要为他们不看的频道付费。随后有一条信息要切换到塔塔天空 DTH。发布此消息后,常规直播节目恢复。12 个领先的语言渠道创造了 42 个类似的语言变化情况。这次订婚让 730万观众大吃一惊,让他们意识到他们目前正在为他们不懂的语言付费。与实时内容的整合确保了在商业广告时段不会出现收视率下降的情况。一个单一的想法贯穿了多种文化和人口统计学。这是印度电视上的第一次。 见解、战略和想法: 印度是一个在 27 个不同的州专门使用 21 种不同语言的国家。一种语言的观众通常不懂其他语言。这种多样性导致了印度的多种语言渠道。然而,有线网络和直接到户 (DTH) 玩家将所有不同的语言频道捆绑在一起,因此迫使观众为他们不理解和观看的频道付费。为了让观众减少非观看频道的成本负担,塔塔天空 DTH 推出了 “truchoice”,这是一个独特的套餐,允许他们只为他们理解的语言频道付费。因此,媒体必须让消费者意识到他们为他们甚至不看的频道付费。洞察力 -- “当一个人被惊喜抓住时,意识会更深” -- 引导我们去做以前从未做过的事情。我们出人意料地抓住了观众,让他们看他们不明白的东西,并告诉他们不要付钱。


    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: GFK Mode research scores for ‘cost perception’ and ‘value for money’ for TATA SKY increased by 10% & 5% respectively. Subscriptions to ‘TruChoice’ TATA SKY packages touched a record 1.4 million. The effort won “The Gold” for the best work on television in Indian Advertising for 2010 in the coveted Goafest’ 2011 awards. This never done before execution of “mixing language on different channels” is a classic case of innovation that was not only relevant but also effective as it delivered desired subscriptions for TATA SKY. Creative Execution: We mixed India! In the middle of live content of a language channel, we aired content with a different language. Viewers did not understand the new language and were caught by surprise. For example, a Western Indian language channel aired Eastern Indian language content during live programming. It was followed up with a message reminding viewers not to pay for channels that they don’t watch. A message to switch to TATA SKY DTH followed. Post this, the regular live programming resumed. 12 leading language channels created 42 similar situations of language change. This engagement surprised 7.3 million audiences and made them realize that they were currently paying for languages they don’t understand. The integration into live content ensured that there was no loss of viewership that otherwise happens during commercial ad breaks. A single idea cut through multiple cultures and demographics. This was a first on Indian Television. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: India is a country with 21 different languages spoken exclusively in 27 different states. Viewers of one language often don’t understand other languages. Such diversity has resulted in multiple language channels in India. However, cable networks and direct-to-home (DTH) players bundle all different language channels in a single offering, hence forcing the viewers to pay for channels that they don’t understand and watch. To allow viewers to reduce cost burden of non-viewed channels, TATA SKY DTH introduced ‘Truchoice’, a unique package allowing them to pay only for the language channels they understand. Media thus had to make consumers realize that they were paying for channels they don’t even watch. Insight - “Realizations are deeper when one is caught by surprise”- led us to do what has never been done before. We caught viewers unexpectedly by making them watch what they don’t understand and telling them not to pay for it.

    We Mixed India!

    案例简介:结果和有效性: 塔塔天空的 “成本感知” 和 “金钱价值” 的 GFK 模式研究分数分别增加了 10% 和 5%。对 “truchoice” 塔塔天空套餐的订阅达到了创纪录的 140万。这一努力赢得了令人垂涎的 goaest 2010 奖 2011 年印度广告电视最佳作品的 “金牌”。在执行 “不同频道混合语言” 之前,这是一个经典的创新案例,它不仅相关,而且有效,因为它为塔塔天空提供了所需的订阅。 创意执行: 我们混合了印度!在语言频道的直播内容中,我们用不同的语言播放内容。观众不理解这种新语言,因此大吃一惊。例如,一个西印度语言频道在直播节目中播放东印度语言内容。接下来是一条信息,提醒观众不要为他们不看的频道付费。随后有一条信息要切换到塔塔天空 DTH。发布此消息后,常规直播节目恢复。12 个领先的语言渠道创造了 42 个类似的语言变化情况。这次订婚让 730万观众大吃一惊,让他们意识到他们目前正在为他们不懂的语言付费。与实时内容的整合确保了在商业广告时段不会出现收视率下降的情况。一个单一的想法贯穿了多种文化和人口统计学。这是印度电视上的第一次。 见解、战略和想法: 印度是一个在 27 个不同的州专门使用 21 种不同语言的国家。一种语言的观众通常不懂其他语言。这种多样性导致了印度的多种语言渠道。然而,有线网络和直接到户 (DTH) 玩家将所有不同的语言频道捆绑在一起,因此迫使观众为他们不理解和观看的频道付费。为了让观众减少非观看频道的成本负担,塔塔天空 DTH 推出了 “truchoice”,这是一个独特的套餐,允许他们只为他们理解的语言频道付费。因此,媒体必须让消费者意识到他们为他们甚至不看的频道付费。洞察力 -- “当一个人被惊喜抓住时,意识会更深” -- 引导我们去做以前从未做过的事情。我们出人意料地抓住了观众,让他们看他们不明白的东西,并告诉他们不要付钱。

    We Mixed India!

    案例简介:Results and Effectiveness: GFK Mode research scores for ‘cost perception’ and ‘value for money’ for TATA SKY increased by 10% & 5% respectively. Subscriptions to ‘TruChoice’ TATA SKY packages touched a record 1.4 million. The effort won “The Gold” for the best work on television in Indian Advertising for 2010 in the coveted Goafest’ 2011 awards. This never done before execution of “mixing language on different channels” is a classic case of innovation that was not only relevant but also effective as it delivered desired subscriptions for TATA SKY. Creative Execution: We mixed India! In the middle of live content of a language channel, we aired content with a different language. Viewers did not understand the new language and were caught by surprise. For example, a Western Indian language channel aired Eastern Indian language content during live programming. It was followed up with a message reminding viewers not to pay for channels that they don’t watch. A message to switch to TATA SKY DTH followed. Post this, the regular live programming resumed. 12 leading language channels created 42 similar situations of language change. This engagement surprised 7.3 million audiences and made them realize that they were currently paying for languages they don’t understand. The integration into live content ensured that there was no loss of viewership that otherwise happens during commercial ad breaks. A single idea cut through multiple cultures and demographics. This was a first on Indian Television. Insights, Strategy and the Idea: India is a country with 21 different languages spoken exclusively in 27 different states. Viewers of one language often don’t understand other languages. Such diversity has resulted in multiple language channels in India. However, cable networks and direct-to-home (DTH) players bundle all different language channels in a single offering, hence forcing the viewers to pay for channels that they don’t understand and watch. To allow viewers to reduce cost burden of non-viewed channels, TATA SKY DTH introduced ‘Truchoice’, a unique package allowing them to pay only for the language channels they understand. Media thus had to make consumers realize that they were paying for channels they don’t even watch. Insight - “Realizations are deeper when one is caught by surprise”- led us to do what has never been done before. We caught viewers unexpectedly by making them watch what they don’t understand and telling them not to pay for it.



    We Mixed India!






    广告公司: Maxus (印度 孟买)




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