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    Desktop Escape海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:概要 Kayak的简介是巩固其作为旅行预订行业先驱的地位,并向全球观众展示该品牌的预订创新和无缝购买体验。与传统媒体渠道相比,黑客入侵客户之旅提供了更多机会。目标受众洞察到人们的时间贫乏,为逃避而工作,每天都在寻找灵感,这使得桌面壁纸成为Kayak创新的首要任务,让他们从灵感到购买都成为旅行的首要任务。台式机是一种功能强大的未开发介质,对于普通工人来说,每天有7个小时的停留时间,而且仍然有三分之二的航班预订。在这里,用户已经重视旅行灵感和逃生,但是墙纸并没有针对新行为进行创新。在一个新的集成平台中缩短inspiration和retail之间的购买渠道,该平台已经每天有数百万人使用,可以满足业务目标。 战略 工人们已经在桌面上搜索了数百万次旅行壁纸,以寻找escape。盯着他们-和我们-面对的是7个小时的未开发媒体空间,这可以在无缝预订体验中展示Kayak的创新。通过驱使时间贫乏的工人下载谷歌关键词 (旅行壁纸,新的灵感和航班搜索),我们节省了人们在航班上的钱,时间搜索壁纸,并继续激励成千上万的潜在客户每天。桌面墙纸是一个已经专门用于遥远的目的地和度假梦的空间,但是没有旅游品牌拥有这个空间。由于创新是Kayak不可或缺的一部分,他们是采用这种新媒体并将其转变为媒体,零售和鼓舞人心的空间的最合适的品牌。Kayak对消费者的主要价值一直是激发用户以最精简,最直接的方式找到最便宜的航班。 相关性 Desktop Escape把Kayak品牌和服务体验带到了人们每天看的平台上。创新我们如何使用桌面壁纸,基于我们现有的将背景设置为美丽目的地的行为,现在可以预订飞往该目的地的航班。完全沉浸式、零售和360度客户参与。该工具提高了成千上万用户之间的品牌亲和力,因为价值交换对他们有利-便宜的航班和漂亮的壁纸会根据他们的喜好自动更新。一种不引人注目的增值品牌体验。 结果 该活动取得的成果远远超过了传统媒体的媒体预算,获得了超过7100万的印象和1000万美元的媒体收入。这只是公关,不包括100万小时,也不包括我们在用户面前赢得的停留时间,这些用户已经将智能皮划艇工具下载到他们的桌面上。创新是皮划艇不可或缺的,它们是最合适的品牌,也是第一个采用这种新媒体并将其转变为鼓舞人心的零售空间的旅游品牌,创造了一系列 “第一”。第一个桌面预订引擎。第一个从世界各地提取实时数据的桌面。“无缝的购买之路”-传染性的 “小隔间的旅行癖”-Business Insider “桌面预订仍然占优势”-PhocusWire “我们希望这不是愚人节的笑话,因为它有点天才。”-Conde Nast 执行 我们开发了从用户之旅到当前版本的工具,该工具现在已安装在成千上万的Windows和Mac台式机上。目的是使体验与使用Kayak网站预订航班一样无缝且轻松。我们将用户旅程提炼为三步过程-从Kayak的着陆页面下载,选择最近的机场,以及壁纸更改的频率。从那里开始使用实时数据和GPS进行自动化,这意味着受够了的工人可以看到圣保罗的照片,并立即在台式机上预订逃生。Kayak凭借他们的无缝创新,能够将您的壁纸变成一个下载,以获得无限的美丽图像流。开源图像,经过精心选择以涵盖热门目的地和鲜为人知的内容,以激发更远的旅行。Kayak的引擎优雅地坐在桌面上总是鼓舞人心,不断提供预订的可能性。 运动描述 平均而言,工人每天在电脑前花费7个小时,他们唯一的逃避就是桌面上的墙纸图像。Kayak的智能壁纸工具将这种现有行为变成了一个新的零售空间,拥有无与伦比的停留时间; 通过使用实时数据显示从您最近的机场飞往每个目的地的最便宜航班的壁纸。即时可预订的逃生使Kayak的服务在被俘虏的观众面前停留了超过一百万小时,并直接将旅行灵感与购买联系起来。改造一个一直盯着我们的未开发媒介几十年来一直在面对。通过创建第一个智能桌面壁纸工具,Kayak实现了壁纸中的第一次更新。“桌面逃生” 在一个新的集成且不引人注目的品牌平台中结合了媒体,灵感和零售。这个空间可以在一个接触点上提供无缝的直接购买路径,从灵感到购买航班,只需点击一下鼠标。


    案例简介:Synopsis Kayak’s brief was to solidify their position as a pioneer in the travel-booking industry and to demonstrate the brand’s booking innovation and seamless purchase experience to a global audience. Hacking the customer journey provided more opportunity than traditional media channels. The target audience insight that people are time-poor, work for escape, and search for inspiration on a daily basis, made the desktop wallpaper prime for innovation by Kayak, to place them top-of-mind for travel, from inspiration through to purchase. The desktop was a powerful untapped medium with unprecedented dwell times of 7 hours a day for the average worker, and where two-thirds of flight bookings are still made. Here users already value travel inspiration and escape but wallpapers have not innovated to new behaviours. Shortening the purchase funnel between inspiration and retail in a new integrated platform that was already used by millions every day would meet business objectives. Strategy Workers already search for escape with millions of searches for travel wallpaper from their desktops. Staring them – and us – in the face was 7 hours of untapped media space, that could display Kayak’s innovation in a seamless booking experience. By driving time-poor workers to download with Google Keywords (for travel wallpapers, new inspiration & flight search) we saved people money on flights, time searching for wallpapers, and continue to inspire thousands of potential customers every day. The desktop wallpaper was a space already devoted to far-flung destinations and holiday dreaming, but no travel brand owned this space. With innovation so integral to Kayak, they were the most fitting brand to take on this new medium and turn it into a media, retail and inspirational space. Kayak’s primary value to consumers has always been to inspire users to find the cheapest flights in the most streamlined and straightforward manner. Relevancy Desktop Escape took the Kayak brand and service experience to a platform people look at every day. Innovating how we use our desktop wallpapers, building on our existing behavior of setting our background to a beautiful destination, now with the added benefit of being able to book a flight to that very destination. A completely immersive, retail and 360° customer engagement. The tool increased brand affinity among the thousands of users because the value exchange was in their favour – cheaper flights and beautiful wallpapers automatically updating as often as they like. An unobtrusive value adding brand experience. Outcome The campaign achieved far greater results than our media budget would have allowed in traditional media, with over 71 million impressions and $10 million in earned media. That’s just PR, and without including the one million hours and counting in dwell time we have earned in front of users who have downloaded the smart Kayak tool to their desktops. With innovation so integral to Kayak, they were the most fitting brand, and the first travel brand to take on this new medium and turn it into an inspirational retail space, creating a host of ‘firsts’. The first desktop booking engine. The first desktop with real-time data drawn from all around the world. ‘Seamless path to purchase’ – Contagious ‘Wanderlust from the cubicle’ – Business Insider ‘Desktop booking still dominates’ – PhocusWire ‘We hope this isn't an April Fools' Day joke, because it's kind of genius.’ - Conde Nast Execution We developed the tool from user journey to the current version that is now installed on thousands of Windows and Mac desktops. The aim was to make the experience as seamless and hassle free as using the Kayak website to book your flights. We distilled the user journey into a three-step process – download from Kayak’s landing page, select nearest airport, and how often the wallpapers change. Automated from there on using real-time data and GPS, meaning a fed-up worker could see a picture of Sao Paulo and instantly book an escape in the desktop. Kayak, with their seamless innovation, were able to turn changing your wallpaper into one download for an unlimited flow of beautiful images. Open source images, carefully selected to cover both popular destinations and lesser known to inspire travel further afield. Kayak’s engine elegantly sat on the desktop always inspiring, constantly offering the possibility of booking. CampaignDescription On average workers spend 7 hours a day in front of a computer, where their only escape is wallpaper imagery on their desktop. Kayak’s smart wallpaper tool turned this existing behavior into a new retail space with unparalleled dwell time; by displaying wallpapers with the cheapest flights to each destination from your nearest airport, using real-time data. The instantly bookable escapes put Kayak’s service before a captive audience for over a million hours and directly linked travel inspiration to purchase. Transforming an untapped medium that has been staring us all in the face for decades. By creating the first smart desktop wallpaper tool, Kayak implemented the first update in wallpapers. ‘Desktop Escape’ combined media, inspiration and retail in a new integrated and unobtrusive brand platform. This space could host the seamless straightforward path to purchase from being inspired to purchasing flights in a single touchpoint with a single click.

    Desktop Escape

    案例简介:概要 Kayak的简介是巩固其作为旅行预订行业先驱的地位,并向全球观众展示该品牌的预订创新和无缝购买体验。与传统媒体渠道相比,黑客入侵客户之旅提供了更多机会。目标受众洞察到人们的时间贫乏,为逃避而工作,每天都在寻找灵感,这使得桌面壁纸成为Kayak创新的首要任务,让他们从灵感到购买都成为旅行的首要任务。台式机是一种功能强大的未开发介质,对于普通工人来说,每天有7个小时的停留时间,而且仍然有三分之二的航班预订。在这里,用户已经重视旅行灵感和逃生,但是墙纸并没有针对新行为进行创新。在一个新的集成平台中缩短inspiration和retail之间的购买渠道,该平台已经每天有数百万人使用,可以满足业务目标。 战略 工人们已经在桌面上搜索了数百万次旅行壁纸,以寻找escape。盯着他们-和我们-面对的是7个小时的未开发媒体空间,这可以在无缝预订体验中展示Kayak的创新。通过驱使时间贫乏的工人下载谷歌关键词 (旅行壁纸,新的灵感和航班搜索),我们节省了人们在航班上的钱,时间搜索壁纸,并继续激励成千上万的潜在客户每天。桌面墙纸是一个已经专门用于遥远的目的地和度假梦的空间,但是没有旅游品牌拥有这个空间。由于创新是Kayak不可或缺的一部分,他们是采用这种新媒体并将其转变为媒体,零售和鼓舞人心的空间的最合适的品牌。Kayak对消费者的主要价值一直是激发用户以最精简,最直接的方式找到最便宜的航班。 相关性 Desktop Escape把Kayak品牌和服务体验带到了人们每天看的平台上。创新我们如何使用桌面壁纸,基于我们现有的将背景设置为美丽目的地的行为,现在可以预订飞往该目的地的航班。完全沉浸式、零售和360度客户参与。该工具提高了成千上万用户之间的品牌亲和力,因为价值交换对他们有利-便宜的航班和漂亮的壁纸会根据他们的喜好自动更新。一种不引人注目的增值品牌体验。 结果 该活动取得的成果远远超过了传统媒体的媒体预算,获得了超过7100万的印象和1000万美元的媒体收入。这只是公关,不包括100万小时,也不包括我们在用户面前赢得的停留时间,这些用户已经将智能皮划艇工具下载到他们的桌面上。创新是皮划艇不可或缺的,它们是最合适的品牌,也是第一个采用这种新媒体并将其转变为鼓舞人心的零售空间的旅游品牌,创造了一系列 “第一”。第一个桌面预订引擎。第一个从世界各地提取实时数据的桌面。“无缝的购买之路”-传染性的 “小隔间的旅行癖”-Business Insider “桌面预订仍然占优势”-PhocusWire “我们希望这不是愚人节的笑话,因为它有点天才。”-Conde Nast 执行 我们开发了从用户之旅到当前版本的工具,该工具现在已安装在成千上万的Windows和Mac台式机上。目的是使体验与使用Kayak网站预订航班一样无缝且轻松。我们将用户旅程提炼为三步过程-从Kayak的着陆页面下载,选择最近的机场,以及壁纸更改的频率。从那里开始使用实时数据和GPS进行自动化,这意味着受够了的工人可以看到圣保罗的照片,并立即在台式机上预订逃生。Kayak凭借他们的无缝创新,能够将您的壁纸变成一个下载,以获得无限的美丽图像流。开源图像,经过精心选择以涵盖热门目的地和鲜为人知的内容,以激发更远的旅行。Kayak的引擎优雅地坐在桌面上总是鼓舞人心,不断提供预订的可能性。 运动描述 平均而言,工人每天在电脑前花费7个小时,他们唯一的逃避就是桌面上的墙纸图像。Kayak的智能壁纸工具将这种现有行为变成了一个新的零售空间,拥有无与伦比的停留时间; 通过使用实时数据显示从您最近的机场飞往每个目的地的最便宜航班的壁纸。即时可预订的逃生使Kayak的服务在被俘虏的观众面前停留了超过一百万小时,并直接将旅行灵感与购买联系起来。改造一个一直盯着我们的未开发媒介几十年来一直在面对。通过创建第一个智能桌面壁纸工具,Kayak实现了壁纸中的第一次更新。“桌面逃生” 在一个新的集成且不引人注目的品牌平台中结合了媒体,灵感和零售。这个空间可以在一个接触点上提供无缝的直接购买路径,从灵感到购买航班,只需点击一下鼠标。

    Desktop Escape

    案例简介:Synopsis Kayak’s brief was to solidify their position as a pioneer in the travel-booking industry and to demonstrate the brand’s booking innovation and seamless purchase experience to a global audience. Hacking the customer journey provided more opportunity than traditional media channels. The target audience insight that people are time-poor, work for escape, and search for inspiration on a daily basis, made the desktop wallpaper prime for innovation by Kayak, to place them top-of-mind for travel, from inspiration through to purchase. The desktop was a powerful untapped medium with unprecedented dwell times of 7 hours a day for the average worker, and where two-thirds of flight bookings are still made. Here users already value travel inspiration and escape but wallpapers have not innovated to new behaviours. Shortening the purchase funnel between inspiration and retail in a new integrated platform that was already used by millions every day would meet business objectives. Strategy Workers already search for escape with millions of searches for travel wallpaper from their desktops. Staring them – and us – in the face was 7 hours of untapped media space, that could display Kayak’s innovation in a seamless booking experience. By driving time-poor workers to download with Google Keywords (for travel wallpapers, new inspiration & flight search) we saved people money on flights, time searching for wallpapers, and continue to inspire thousands of potential customers every day. The desktop wallpaper was a space already devoted to far-flung destinations and holiday dreaming, but no travel brand owned this space. With innovation so integral to Kayak, they were the most fitting brand to take on this new medium and turn it into a media, retail and inspirational space. Kayak’s primary value to consumers has always been to inspire users to find the cheapest flights in the most streamlined and straightforward manner. Relevancy Desktop Escape took the Kayak brand and service experience to a platform people look at every day. Innovating how we use our desktop wallpapers, building on our existing behavior of setting our background to a beautiful destination, now with the added benefit of being able to book a flight to that very destination. A completely immersive, retail and 360° customer engagement. The tool increased brand affinity among the thousands of users because the value exchange was in their favour – cheaper flights and beautiful wallpapers automatically updating as often as they like. An unobtrusive value adding brand experience. Outcome The campaign achieved far greater results than our media budget would have allowed in traditional media, with over 71 million impressions and $10 million in earned media. That’s just PR, and without including the one million hours and counting in dwell time we have earned in front of users who have downloaded the smart Kayak tool to their desktops. With innovation so integral to Kayak, they were the most fitting brand, and the first travel brand to take on this new medium and turn it into an inspirational retail space, creating a host of ‘firsts’. The first desktop booking engine. The first desktop with real-time data drawn from all around the world. ‘Seamless path to purchase’ – Contagious ‘Wanderlust from the cubicle’ – Business Insider ‘Desktop booking still dominates’ – PhocusWire ‘We hope this isn't an April Fools' Day joke, because it's kind of genius.’ - Conde Nast Execution We developed the tool from user journey to the current version that is now installed on thousands of Windows and Mac desktops. The aim was to make the experience as seamless and hassle free as using the Kayak website to book your flights. We distilled the user journey into a three-step process – download from Kayak’s landing page, select nearest airport, and how often the wallpapers change. Automated from there on using real-time data and GPS, meaning a fed-up worker could see a picture of Sao Paulo and instantly book an escape in the desktop. Kayak, with their seamless innovation, were able to turn changing your wallpaper into one download for an unlimited flow of beautiful images. Open source images, carefully selected to cover both popular destinations and lesser known to inspire travel further afield. Kayak’s engine elegantly sat on the desktop always inspiring, constantly offering the possibility of booking. CampaignDescription On average workers spend 7 hours a day in front of a computer, where their only escape is wallpaper imagery on their desktop. Kayak’s smart wallpaper tool turned this existing behavior into a new retail space with unparalleled dwell time; by displaying wallpapers with the cheapest flights to each destination from your nearest airport, using real-time data. The instantly bookable escapes put Kayak’s service before a captive audience for over a million hours and directly linked travel inspiration to purchase. Transforming an untapped medium that has been staring us all in the face for decades. By creating the first smart desktop wallpaper tool, Kayak implemented the first update in wallpapers. ‘Desktop Escape’ combined media, inspiration and retail in a new integrated and unobtrusive brand platform. This space could host the seamless straightforward path to purchase from being inspired to purchasing flights in a single touchpoint with a single click.



    Desktop Escape






    广告公司: 麦肯 (英国 伦敦) 制作公司: Craft/McCann , Craft




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