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    The Fin短视频广告营销案例



    案例简介:概要 Northwell Health 是世界上最大的医院系统之一,拥有 61,000 名员工、 550 个临床中心和 21 家医院。他们致力于通过创新提高医疗保健水平。截至 2016年,不允许假肢从土地到水的无缝过渡。在过去,截肢者必须移除或更换假肢才能进入水中。许多人完全避免这种情况。 • 6% 的受伤退伍军人从战争中失踪。美国有 200万名截肢者。作为一家健康医院,诺思韦尔的媒体预算非常有限。 活动描述 创造性的想法分为两个连续的阶段: 1) 我们没有谈论诺思韦尔健康令人难以置信的退伍军人服务和创新理念,而是通过实时创新来展示它。经过几个月的发展,鳍作为一个伪装成两栖假肢的公关/媒体故事诞生了。2) 第二部分,同样重要的是,利用这一创新,推出一个可定制的媒体故事,让媒体通过赚来的媒体使用和瞄准特定的受众。 战略 当要求创建一个广告活动时,该机构注意到假肢的需求没有得到满足,并提议创建一个同类的两栖假肢。假肢的想法是设计一个创新的宣传项目,然后是一个媒体工具包,让故事能够被定制并接触到许多观众。促进现实生活中的实时创新,以展示诺思韦尔健康的军事和退伍军人联络服务的不可思议的能力。促进诺思韦尔不同的医疗专业知识,如 3D 打印和退伍军人服务。通过退休的海军陆战队返回水中的旅程来推广创新设计。考虑诺思韦尔想要到达的社区: 退伍军人、他们的家人和截肢者。 结果 Fin 不仅改变了公众对 Northwell Health 及其创新服务的看法,还将改变无数截肢者的生活。广播电视台和主要新闻网络 (有线电视新闻网、福克斯、美国广播公司、全国广播公司、等)。 • 490万美元的媒体收入。社交媒体提及增长 548%。 2.48亿印象。一部迷你纪录片,被像今日秀这样的媒体重播。《纽约时报》科学版封面上的两页故事。接下来是 164,000 观看的 Facebook live 活动。 “感觉就像我有我的腿背。 “-丹 · 拉斯科,Fin 的接收者。受到退伍军人事务部、受伤战士、芝麻街军人家庭和紫心基金会等退伍军人组织的赞扬。自发布以来,一群新的截肢者已经伸出手,开始接受 Fin。 相关性 我们通过公关活动推出了 Fin 的故事。从《纽约时报》独家的 Facebook 现场活动开始,他们可以看到 Fin 在行动 (见结果)。几周后,一场更大的公关活动邀请了许多媒体来观看并会见丹和 Fin 背后的团队。在接下来的几周内,Fin 的故事被任何付费媒体宣传。公关是计划,也是 Fin 如此成功的原因。 执行 这是第一款两栖假肢,允许退伍军人在不更换假肢的情况下进出水。通过满足他们的需求,Fin 提高了人们对他们面临的挑战的认识。Fin 是一个伪装成两栖假肢的公关故事。该活动以《纽约时报》独家头版报道启动。接下来是 25 分钟的 Facebook 直播活动,164,000 观看。新闻发布会展示了鳍如何改变了一名截肢者的生活。短片和在线中心允许感兴趣的各方控制他们消费的故事片段。短片翻了一番作为媒体工具包,放大了 Fin 的叙述。几周后,通过社交媒体、网络横幅、电子邮件和户外活动,针对纽约地区的退伍军人、他们的家人、体育爱好者进行有偿安置。

    案例简介:Synopsis Northwell Health is one of the largest hospital systems in the world, with 61,000 employees, 550 clinician centers and 21 hospitals.They have a commitment to raising the standard of health care through innovation.•As of 2016, no prosthetic allowed for a seamless transition from land to water. •In the past, amputees had to remove or change their prosthetic to enter the water. Many avoid it altogether due to this situation.•6% of injured veterans return from war missing a limb.•There are 2 million amputees in the United States.•As a health hospital, Northwell has a very limited media budget. CampaignDescription The creative idea came in two successive phases: •1) Instead of talking about Northwell Health’s incredible veteran services and innovative philosophy, we demonstrated it by creating an innovation in real time. After months of development, the Fin was born as a PR/media story disguised as an amphibious prosthetic. •2) The second part, and equally important, was to use this innovation to launch a customizable media story for outlets to use and target to specific audiences through earned media. Strategy While the ask was to create an ad campaign, the agency noticed an unmet need in prosthetics and proposed creating a first-of-its-kind amphibious prosthetic. The idea of the prosthetic was to design an innovative promotional item, followed by a media kit that allowed the story to be customized and reach many audiences. •Promote real-life, real-time innovation in action to demonstrate the incredible capabilities of Northwell Health’s Military and Veteran Liaison Services. •Promote Northwell’s different medical expertise, such as 3D printing and Veterans Services. •Promote the innovative design through the journey of a retired Marine returning to the water. •Consider the communities Northwell wants to reach: veterans, their families, and amputees. Outcome The Fin not only transformed how the public sees Northwell Health and its innovative services, it will change the lives of countless amputees.•Video segments by broadcast TV stations and online by major news networks (CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, etc).•$4.9 million in earned media placements.•548% growth in social media mentions.•248 million impressions.•A mini-documentary that was recut by media outlets like The Today Show.•A two-page story on the cover of the science section of The New York Times.•Followed by a Facebook live event viewed by 164 thousand.•“It felt like I had my leg back.” - Dan Lasko, recipient of The Fin.•Commended by veteran organizations like The Department of Veterans Affairs, The Wounded Warriors, Sesame Street for Military Families and The Purple Heart Foundation.•Since launch, a new group of amputees have reached out and begun the process of receiving The Fin. Relevancy We launched the story of The Fin exclusively with a PR campaign. •Starting with an exclusive Facebook live event by the New York Times where they could see The Fin in action (see results on what that led to). •This was followed a few weeks later with a larger PR event inviting a number of media outlets to see and meet Dan and the team behind The Fin.•It wasn’t for another few weeks after that the Fin’s story was promoted with any paid media.•PR was the plan and the reason The Fin was as successful as it was. Execution A first-of-its-kind amphibious prosthetic that allows veterans to enter and exit the water without changing prosthetics. By serving their needs, The Fin raises awareness around their challenges. The Fin is a PR story disguised as an amphibious prosthetic. •The campaign launched with an exclusive front-page story in the New York Times. •This was followed by a 25-minute Facebook live event that was viewed by 164 thousand. •A press conference demonstrating how The Fin changed the life of a veteran amputee.•A short film and online hub allowed interested parties to control which pieces of the story they consumed.•A short film doubled as a media kit, amplifying The Fin’s narrative. •Weeks later, paid placements targeted veterans, their families, sports enthusiasts in the New York area, across social media, web banners, email and with out-of-home.

    The Fin

    案例简介:概要 Northwell Health 是世界上最大的医院系统之一,拥有 61,000 名员工、 550 个临床中心和 21 家医院。他们致力于通过创新提高医疗保健水平。截至 2016年,不允许假肢从土地到水的无缝过渡。在过去,截肢者必须移除或更换假肢才能进入水中。许多人完全避免这种情况。 • 6% 的受伤退伍军人从战争中失踪。美国有 200万名截肢者。作为一家健康医院,诺思韦尔的媒体预算非常有限。 活动描述 创造性的想法分为两个连续的阶段: 1) 我们没有谈论诺思韦尔健康令人难以置信的退伍军人服务和创新理念,而是通过实时创新来展示它。经过几个月的发展,鳍作为一个伪装成两栖假肢的公关/媒体故事诞生了。2) 第二部分,同样重要的是,利用这一创新,推出一个可定制的媒体故事,让媒体通过赚来的媒体使用和瞄准特定的受众。 战略 当要求创建一个广告活动时,该机构注意到假肢的需求没有得到满足,并提议创建一个同类的两栖假肢。假肢的想法是设计一个创新的宣传项目,然后是一个媒体工具包,让故事能够被定制并接触到许多观众。促进现实生活中的实时创新,以展示诺思韦尔健康的军事和退伍军人联络服务的不可思议的能力。促进诺思韦尔不同的医疗专业知识,如 3D 打印和退伍军人服务。通过退休的海军陆战队返回水中的旅程来推广创新设计。考虑诺思韦尔想要到达的社区: 退伍军人、他们的家人和截肢者。 结果 Fin 不仅改变了公众对 Northwell Health 及其创新服务的看法,还将改变无数截肢者的生活。广播电视台和主要新闻网络 (有线电视新闻网、福克斯、美国广播公司、全国广播公司、等)。 • 490万美元的媒体收入。社交媒体提及增长 548%。 2.48亿印象。一部迷你纪录片,被像今日秀这样的媒体重播。《纽约时报》科学版封面上的两页故事。接下来是 164,000 观看的 Facebook live 活动。 “感觉就像我有我的腿背。 “-丹 · 拉斯科,Fin 的接收者。受到退伍军人事务部、受伤战士、芝麻街军人家庭和紫心基金会等退伍军人组织的赞扬。自发布以来,一群新的截肢者已经伸出手,开始接受 Fin。 相关性 我们通过公关活动推出了 Fin 的故事。从《纽约时报》独家的 Facebook 现场活动开始,他们可以看到 Fin 在行动 (见结果)。几周后,一场更大的公关活动邀请了许多媒体来观看并会见丹和 Fin 背后的团队。在接下来的几周内,Fin 的故事被任何付费媒体宣传。公关是计划,也是 Fin 如此成功的原因。 执行 这是第一款两栖假肢,允许退伍军人在不更换假肢的情况下进出水。通过满足他们的需求,Fin 提高了人们对他们面临的挑战的认识。Fin 是一个伪装成两栖假肢的公关故事。该活动以《纽约时报》独家头版报道启动。接下来是 25 分钟的 Facebook 直播活动,164,000 观看。新闻发布会展示了鳍如何改变了一名截肢者的生活。短片和在线中心允许感兴趣的各方控制他们消费的故事片段。短片翻了一番作为媒体工具包,放大了 Fin 的叙述。几周后,通过社交媒体、网络横幅、电子邮件和户外活动,针对纽约地区的退伍军人、他们的家人、体育爱好者进行有偿安置。

    The Fin

    案例简介:Synopsis Northwell Health is one of the largest hospital systems in the world, with 61,000 employees, 550 clinician centers and 21 hospitals.They have a commitment to raising the standard of health care through innovation.•As of 2016, no prosthetic allowed for a seamless transition from land to water. •In the past, amputees had to remove or change their prosthetic to enter the water. Many avoid it altogether due to this situation.•6% of injured veterans return from war missing a limb.•There are 2 million amputees in the United States.•As a health hospital, Northwell has a very limited media budget. CampaignDescription The creative idea came in two successive phases: •1) Instead of talking about Northwell Health’s incredible veteran services and innovative philosophy, we demonstrated it by creating an innovation in real time. After months of development, the Fin was born as a PR/media story disguised as an amphibious prosthetic. •2) The second part, and equally important, was to use this innovation to launch a customizable media story for outlets to use and target to specific audiences through earned media. Strategy While the ask was to create an ad campaign, the agency noticed an unmet need in prosthetics and proposed creating a first-of-its-kind amphibious prosthetic. The idea of the prosthetic was to design an innovative promotional item, followed by a media kit that allowed the story to be customized and reach many audiences. •Promote real-life, real-time innovation in action to demonstrate the incredible capabilities of Northwell Health’s Military and Veteran Liaison Services. •Promote Northwell’s different medical expertise, such as 3D printing and Veterans Services. •Promote the innovative design through the journey of a retired Marine returning to the water. •Consider the communities Northwell wants to reach: veterans, their families, and amputees. Outcome The Fin not only transformed how the public sees Northwell Health and its innovative services, it will change the lives of countless amputees.•Video segments by broadcast TV stations and online by major news networks (CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC, etc).•$4.9 million in earned media placements.•548% growth in social media mentions.•248 million impressions.•A mini-documentary that was recut by media outlets like The Today Show.•A two-page story on the cover of the science section of The New York Times.•Followed by a Facebook live event viewed by 164 thousand.•“It felt like I had my leg back.” - Dan Lasko, recipient of The Fin.•Commended by veteran organizations like The Department of Veterans Affairs, The Wounded Warriors, Sesame Street for Military Families and The Purple Heart Foundation.•Since launch, a new group of amputees have reached out and begun the process of receiving The Fin. Relevancy We launched the story of The Fin exclusively with a PR campaign. •Starting with an exclusive Facebook live event by the New York Times where they could see The Fin in action (see results on what that led to). •This was followed a few weeks later with a larger PR event inviting a number of media outlets to see and meet Dan and the team behind The Fin.•It wasn’t for another few weeks after that the Fin’s story was promoted with any paid media.•PR was the plan and the reason The Fin was as successful as it was. Execution A first-of-its-kind amphibious prosthetic that allows veterans to enter and exit the water without changing prosthetics. By serving their needs, The Fin raises awareness around their challenges. The Fin is a PR story disguised as an amphibious prosthetic. •The campaign launched with an exclusive front-page story in the New York Times. •This was followed by a 25-minute Facebook live event that was viewed by 164 thousand. •A press conference demonstrating how The Fin changed the life of a veteran amputee.•A short film and online hub allowed interested parties to control which pieces of the story they consumed.•A short film doubled as a media kit, amplifying The Fin’s narrative. •Weeks later, paid placements targeted veterans, their families, sports enthusiasts in the New York area, across social media, web banners, email and with out-of-home.


    The Fin





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