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    案例简介:概要 在多米尼加共和国,37% 的女性结婚的法令》之前,12% 月岁生日之前。更糟的是,法律实际上可以让这个但是很大一部分的国家对这一现实。儿童基金会要求我们有助于使这一事关国家利益而采取行动的政府修改法律。 战略 我们的方针是以讲故事的原料,引起反感的观众,让他们感到不舒服和需求的电视网络的电视剧了, 这是一个常见的现象在我国的时候不雅内容。我们接着我们谈话的厌恶的呐喊,变化,揭示的故事直接从人们的生活经历的这种暴力行为, 真实的故事,没有人想看了,让公众知道,通过一项法律,允许儿童结婚,并且已经被改变。该战略是为了得到大众的支持,名人,新闻,最重要的是,政府官员来改变这一法律。 相关性 电视是最重要的媒体在多米尼加共和国和专题片 (连续剧) 是收视率最高的电视网络的内容。为了人民,我们必须利用相关的电视观众的拉,用数字来促使对话。引发一场谈话,要求法律变化的 结果 -月集-史上最强的肥皂剧成为热门话题离线和在线。-在第一个月周: 超过 US $1,048,278 获得媒体上,超过 6,000,000 的 YouTube 和 FaceBook,该国仅有 1060万人。-超过 200 个 airings 和安置等各大电视台、公关报道在电视、报纸、杂志、数码频道、社交媒体和广播。-超过 1,000,000 的影响力和博客回应我们的消息。-议员公开说,必须修改法律,甚至在副总统也牵涉其中。-一个新的法律,禁止婚姻法令》之前的,带出例外。-这项运动被正式确认为最成功的儿童基金会的活动。 执行 在国内,肥皂剧最看片的含量。我们创造了一个十集的故事的精力充沛的爱一个成年男子与一名未成年少女和原始暴力和虐待之后,所有她的家庭是什么也不能做这件事。秀公演的综合活动和节目在黄金时段播出的最重要的电视网络,并在互联网上右后。这点燃了社交媒体上的谈话是电视剧观众要求停播。然后,现场采访我们发现了这些故事,不是小说,实际上是现实生活的灵感。在此之后,谈话转到人们承认政府修改法律。 活动描述 我们创造了一个内容吸引观众在看他们的这一现实。肥皂剧是最受瞩目的全国媒体和电视内容,这就是为什么我们创建了一个十集的故事一种不寻常的爱: 精力充沛的爱一个成年男子与一名未成年少女和原始暴力和虐待之后,所有她的家庭是什么也不能做这件事。秀公演的综合活动和节目在黄金时段播出的最重要的电视网络,并在互联网上右后。愤怒是我们的目标,我们想惹观众让他们生气的肥皂剧的内容,以开始进行对话。


    案例简介:Synopsis In the Dominican Republic, 37% of women get married before turning 18, and 12% before their 15th birthday. To make matters worse, the law actually allows this but a big part of the country is blind to this reality. Unicef asked for our help to make this a matter of national interest and demand action from the government to change the law. Strategy Our strategy was to tell the story in a raw way to provoke disgust in the viewers, making them feel uncomfortable and demand the TV networks to take the soap opera off air, which is a common occurrence in our country when it comes to indecent content. We then turned our conversation from disgust into a war cry for change, by revealing that the stories where taken directly from the lives of people going through this kind of violence, true stories that no one would like to see ever again, letting the public know that there is a law that allows child marriage and that it had to be changed. The strategy was to get the support of the public, celebrities, the press and, most importantly, get government officials to change this law. Relevancy TV is the most important media in Dominican Republic and telenovelas (soap operas) are the highest rated content in every TV network. In order to reach the population we had to take advantage of the relevance that TV has in the country to pull in the audience, and using digital to push them into conversation. Igniting a conversation that would demand the law to be change by the government Outcome - 10 episodes -The Worst Soap Opera became trending topic offline & online. - In the first 2 weeks: More than US$1,048,278 on earned media, More than 6,000,000 views on YouTube and FaceBook, in a country with only 10.6 million people. -More than 200 airings and placements including major TV networks, PR coverage in TV, newspapers, magazines, digital channels, social media and radio. -Over 1,000,000 influencers & bloggers echoed our message. -Congressmen spoke publicly about the necessity to modify the law, and even the Vice-president got involved. -A new law was made prohibiting marriage until 18 years of age, with out exceptions. -The Campaign has been officially recognized as one of the most successful UNICEF campaigns. Execution In the country, soap operas are the most viewed piece of content. We created a ten episode story about the lusty love of an adult man living with an underage girl and the raw violence and abuse that followed, all while her family was unable to do anything about it. The show premiered with an integrated campaign and the episodes aired during prime time in the most important TV networks, and on the Internet right after. This ignited a conversation on social media were the viewers asked to take the soap opera off air. Then, on live interviews we revealed that these stories were not fiction and were actually inspired by real life ones. After this, the conversation switched into people pleading the government to change the law. CampaignDescription We created a piece of content that lured viewers in and showed them this reality. Soap operas are the most watched media and TV content in the country, that's why we created a ten episode story about an unusual kind of love: the lusty love of an adult man living with an underage girl and the raw violence and abuse that followed, all while her family was unable to do anything about it. The show premiered with an integrated campaign and the episodes aired during prime time in the most important TV networks, and on the Internet right after. Indignation was our goal, we wanted to provoke the audience by making them angry with the content of the soap opera in order to start a conversation.

    The Worst Soap Opera

    案例简介:概要 在多米尼加共和国,37% 的女性结婚的法令》之前,12% 月岁生日之前。更糟的是,法律实际上可以让这个但是很大一部分的国家对这一现实。儿童基金会要求我们有助于使这一事关国家利益而采取行动的政府修改法律。 战略 我们的方针是以讲故事的原料,引起反感的观众,让他们感到不舒服和需求的电视网络的电视剧了, 这是一个常见的现象在我国的时候不雅内容。我们接着我们谈话的厌恶的呐喊,变化,揭示的故事直接从人们的生活经历的这种暴力行为, 真实的故事,没有人想看了,让公众知道,通过一项法律,允许儿童结婚,并且已经被改变。该战略是为了得到大众的支持,名人,新闻,最重要的是,政府官员来改变这一法律。 相关性 电视是最重要的媒体在多米尼加共和国和专题片 (连续剧) 是收视率最高的电视网络的内容。为了人民,我们必须利用相关的电视观众的拉,用数字来促使对话。引发一场谈话,要求法律变化的 结果 -月集-史上最强的肥皂剧成为热门话题离线和在线。-在第一个月周: 超过 US $1,048,278 获得媒体上,超过 6,000,000 的 YouTube 和 FaceBook,该国仅有 1060万人。-超过 200 个 airings 和安置等各大电视台、公关报道在电视、报纸、杂志、数码频道、社交媒体和广播。-超过 1,000,000 的影响力和博客回应我们的消息。-议员公开说,必须修改法律,甚至在副总统也牵涉其中。-一个新的法律,禁止婚姻法令》之前的,带出例外。-这项运动被正式确认为最成功的儿童基金会的活动。 执行 在国内,肥皂剧最看片的含量。我们创造了一个十集的故事的精力充沛的爱一个成年男子与一名未成年少女和原始暴力和虐待之后,所有她的家庭是什么也不能做这件事。秀公演的综合活动和节目在黄金时段播出的最重要的电视网络,并在互联网上右后。这点燃了社交媒体上的谈话是电视剧观众要求停播。然后,现场采访我们发现了这些故事,不是小说,实际上是现实生活的灵感。在此之后,谈话转到人们承认政府修改法律。 活动描述 我们创造了一个内容吸引观众在看他们的这一现实。肥皂剧是最受瞩目的全国媒体和电视内容,这就是为什么我们创建了一个十集的故事一种不寻常的爱: 精力充沛的爱一个成年男子与一名未成年少女和原始暴力和虐待之后,所有她的家庭是什么也不能做这件事。秀公演的综合活动和节目在黄金时段播出的最重要的电视网络,并在互联网上右后。愤怒是我们的目标,我们想惹观众让他们生气的肥皂剧的内容,以开始进行对话。

    The Worst Soap Opera

    案例简介:Synopsis In the Dominican Republic, 37% of women get married before turning 18, and 12% before their 15th birthday. To make matters worse, the law actually allows this but a big part of the country is blind to this reality. Unicef asked for our help to make this a matter of national interest and demand action from the government to change the law. Strategy Our strategy was to tell the story in a raw way to provoke disgust in the viewers, making them feel uncomfortable and demand the TV networks to take the soap opera off air, which is a common occurrence in our country when it comes to indecent content. We then turned our conversation from disgust into a war cry for change, by revealing that the stories where taken directly from the lives of people going through this kind of violence, true stories that no one would like to see ever again, letting the public know that there is a law that allows child marriage and that it had to be changed. The strategy was to get the support of the public, celebrities, the press and, most importantly, get government officials to change this law. Relevancy TV is the most important media in Dominican Republic and telenovelas (soap operas) are the highest rated content in every TV network. In order to reach the population we had to take advantage of the relevance that TV has in the country to pull in the audience, and using digital to push them into conversation. Igniting a conversation that would demand the law to be change by the government Outcome - 10 episodes -The Worst Soap Opera became trending topic offline & online. - In the first 2 weeks: More than US$1,048,278 on earned media, More than 6,000,000 views on YouTube and FaceBook, in a country with only 10.6 million people. -More than 200 airings and placements including major TV networks, PR coverage in TV, newspapers, magazines, digital channels, social media and radio. -Over 1,000,000 influencers & bloggers echoed our message. -Congressmen spoke publicly about the necessity to modify the law, and even the Vice-president got involved. -A new law was made prohibiting marriage until 18 years of age, with out exceptions. -The Campaign has been officially recognized as one of the most successful UNICEF campaigns. Execution In the country, soap operas are the most viewed piece of content. We created a ten episode story about the lusty love of an adult man living with an underage girl and the raw violence and abuse that followed, all while her family was unable to do anything about it. The show premiered with an integrated campaign and the episodes aired during prime time in the most important TV networks, and on the Internet right after. This ignited a conversation on social media were the viewers asked to take the soap opera off air. Then, on live interviews we revealed that these stories were not fiction and were actually inspired by real life ones. After this, the conversation switched into people pleading the government to change the law. CampaignDescription We created a piece of content that lured viewers in and showed them this reality. Soap operas are the most watched media and TV content in the country, that's why we created a ten episode story about an unusual kind of love: the lusty love of an adult man living with an underage girl and the raw violence and abuse that followed, all while her family was unable to do anything about it. The show premiered with an integrated campaign and the episodes aired during prime time in the most important TV networks, and on the Internet right after. Indignation was our goal, we wanted to provoke the audience by making them angry with the content of the soap opera in order to start a conversation.



    The Worst Soap Opera










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