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    Through the Dark短视频广告营销案例




    案例简介:活动描述 我们从澳大利亚最著名和最受欢迎的行为之一开始: 山顶兜帽。他们的曲目《穿越黑暗》是乐队成员丹 · 史密斯 (MC 压力) 创作的一首关于他儿子利亚姆与白血病斗争的个人歌曲。这首歌原始而真实,与观众有着深刻的联系。这个想法是为了让它变得栩栩如生,把它相互冲突的情感转化成某种东西,让父亲的世界变得颠倒,让他通过恐惧走向希望。目标是创造一种身临其境的数字体验,让用户同时浏览两个 3D 世界,黑暗和光明。 概要 谷歌播放音乐需要在澳大利亚拥挤的流媒体环境中脱颖而出,在那里类似的歌曲目录和可比的价格意味着在用户眼中,一项服务与另一项服务几乎没有区别。我们的目标是让 Google Play 音乐与众不同,提高品牌知名度,并将其定位为音乐领域的创新者和当地行业的贡献者。 结果 《穿越黑暗》将 Hilltop hoods 的歌曲变成了身临其境的数字体验,精心渲染了两个完整的世界,这样用户就可以以前所未有的交互性在它们之间移动。数字技术被推到了极限,将谷歌播放音乐定位为拥挤的流媒体领域的创新者。拥有超过 400,000 个独特的用户互动,谷歌播放音乐的语音社交份额翻了一番,达到 24%。最重要的是,为食堂筹集的数千人帮助推出了《舞台的另一面》: 这是乐队提出的一项倡议,旨在帮助患有癌症的年轻澳大利亚人获得现场音乐,并会见他们最喜欢的艺术家。 执行 歌词是我们的叙事指南: 强有力的词,传达了父亲的世界因儿子的疾病而颠倒的有形感。为了让它们栩栩如生,我们制作了两个平行存在的完整世界,光明和黑暗,来代表关心与癌症作斗争的人的情感高潮和低谷。其结果是一个无缝流动的交互式视频,用户在恐惧中导航自己的道路,走向希望。完全由代码驱动,电影在浏览器中实时呈现。为了让用户在两个世界之间移动,摄像机被映射到桌面上的鼠标移动和移动设备上的加速度计。 战略 该策略是通过与当地艺术家合作,创造粉丝喜欢的独家内容,将 Google Play Music 定位为澳大利亚音乐行业的创新者和积极支持者。洞察: 它必须超越视觉和声音,给粉丝一个全新的体验,并以只有谷歌才能使用的方式使用技术,同时保持艺术家的真实愿景。我们的技术目标是创造一种互动视频体验,不仅美观、原创,我们也想留下一份遗产,让患有癌症的年轻人不断接触现场音乐。因此,从《黑暗》到谷歌播放音乐专辑的每一次点击都会向食堂捐赠 1 美元,以启动这项计划。


    案例简介:CampaignDescription We started with one of Australia's best-known and most loved acts: Hilltop Hoods. Their track, Through The Dark, is a deeply personal song written by band member Dan Smith (MC Pressure) about his son Liam’s battle with leukemia. Raw and real, the song connected deeply with audiences. The idea was to bring that to life, translating its conflicting emotions into something that would give a sense of a father’s world turned upside down and a journey through fear towards hope.The ambition was to create an immersive digital experience where users navigate through two simultaneous 3D worlds, The Dark and The Light. Synopsis Google Play Music needed to stand out in Australia’s crowded streaming landscape, where similar song catalogues and comparable pricing means there’s little differentiating one service from another in the eyes of users.Our objective was to set Google Play Music apart, increase brand awareness and position it as an innovator in the music space and a contributor to the local industry. Outcome Through the Dark transformed the Hilltop Hoods’ song into an immersive digital experience, meticulously rendering the two complete worlds so that users could move between them with unprecedented interactivity.Digital technologies were pushed to their limit, positioning Google Play Music as an innovator in the crowded, streaming landscape. With over 400,000 unique user interactions, social share of voice for Google Play Music doubled to 24%. And best of all, the thousands raised for CanTeen helped launch Side of Stage: an initiative conceived by the band to help young Australians living with cancer access live music and meet their favourite artists. Execution The lyrics were our narrative guide: powerful words that convey a tangible sense of a father’s world turned upside down by his son’s illness.To bring them to life, we crafted two complete worlds existing in parallel, the Light and the Dark, to represent the emotional highs and lows of caring for someone who’s battling cancer. The result is a seamlessly flowing interactive video where users navigate their own path through fear towards hope.Driven entirely by code, the film is rendered in real-time in the browser. To allow users to move between the two worlds, the cameras were mapped to mouse movements on desktop and the accelerometer on mobile devices. Strategy The strategy was to position Google Play Music as an innovator and active supporter of the Australian music industry by collaborating with local artists and creating exclusive content fans would love. The insight: it had to go beyond sight and sound, giving fans a completely new experience, and use technology in a way only Google could, while remaining true to the artist’s vision.Our technical ambition was to create an interactive video experience that was not only beautiful and original, but groundbreaking.We also wanted to leave a legacy, giving youths living with cancer ongoing access to live music. So each click-through from Through the Dark to the album on Google Play Music generated a $1 donation to CanTeen to kickstart the initiative.

    Through the Dark

    案例简介:活动描述 我们从澳大利亚最著名和最受欢迎的行为之一开始: 山顶兜帽。他们的曲目《穿越黑暗》是乐队成员丹 · 史密斯 (MC 压力) 创作的一首关于他儿子利亚姆与白血病斗争的个人歌曲。这首歌原始而真实,与观众有着深刻的联系。这个想法是为了让它变得栩栩如生,把它相互冲突的情感转化成某种东西,让父亲的世界变得颠倒,让他通过恐惧走向希望。目标是创造一种身临其境的数字体验,让用户同时浏览两个 3D 世界,黑暗和光明。 概要 谷歌播放音乐需要在澳大利亚拥挤的流媒体环境中脱颖而出,在那里类似的歌曲目录和可比的价格意味着在用户眼中,一项服务与另一项服务几乎没有区别。我们的目标是让 Google Play 音乐与众不同,提高品牌知名度,并将其定位为音乐领域的创新者和当地行业的贡献者。 结果 《穿越黑暗》将 Hilltop hoods 的歌曲变成了身临其境的数字体验,精心渲染了两个完整的世界,这样用户就可以以前所未有的交互性在它们之间移动。数字技术被推到了极限,将谷歌播放音乐定位为拥挤的流媒体领域的创新者。拥有超过 400,000 个独特的用户互动,谷歌播放音乐的语音社交份额翻了一番,达到 24%。最重要的是,为食堂筹集的数千人帮助推出了《舞台的另一面》: 这是乐队提出的一项倡议,旨在帮助患有癌症的年轻澳大利亚人获得现场音乐,并会见他们最喜欢的艺术家。 执行 歌词是我们的叙事指南: 强有力的词,传达了父亲的世界因儿子的疾病而颠倒的有形感。为了让它们栩栩如生,我们制作了两个平行存在的完整世界,光明和黑暗,来代表关心与癌症作斗争的人的情感高潮和低谷。其结果是一个无缝流动的交互式视频,用户在恐惧中导航自己的道路,走向希望。完全由代码驱动,电影在浏览器中实时呈现。为了让用户在两个世界之间移动,摄像机被映射到桌面上的鼠标移动和移动设备上的加速度计。 战略 该策略是通过与当地艺术家合作,创造粉丝喜欢的独家内容,将 Google Play Music 定位为澳大利亚音乐行业的创新者和积极支持者。洞察: 它必须超越视觉和声音,给粉丝一个全新的体验,并以只有谷歌才能使用的方式使用技术,同时保持艺术家的真实愿景。我们的技术目标是创造一种互动视频体验,不仅美观、原创,我们也想留下一份遗产,让患有癌症的年轻人不断接触现场音乐。因此,从《黑暗》到谷歌播放音乐专辑的每一次点击都会向食堂捐赠 1 美元,以启动这项计划。

    Through the Dark

    案例简介:CampaignDescription We started with one of Australia's best-known and most loved acts: Hilltop Hoods. Their track, Through The Dark, is a deeply personal song written by band member Dan Smith (MC Pressure) about his son Liam’s battle with leukemia. Raw and real, the song connected deeply with audiences. The idea was to bring that to life, translating its conflicting emotions into something that would give a sense of a father’s world turned upside down and a journey through fear towards hope.The ambition was to create an immersive digital experience where users navigate through two simultaneous 3D worlds, The Dark and The Light. Synopsis Google Play Music needed to stand out in Australia’s crowded streaming landscape, where similar song catalogues and comparable pricing means there’s little differentiating one service from another in the eyes of users.Our objective was to set Google Play Music apart, increase brand awareness and position it as an innovator in the music space and a contributor to the local industry. Outcome Through the Dark transformed the Hilltop Hoods’ song into an immersive digital experience, meticulously rendering the two complete worlds so that users could move between them with unprecedented interactivity.Digital technologies were pushed to their limit, positioning Google Play Music as an innovator in the crowded, streaming landscape. With over 400,000 unique user interactions, social share of voice for Google Play Music doubled to 24%. And best of all, the thousands raised for CanTeen helped launch Side of Stage: an initiative conceived by the band to help young Australians living with cancer access live music and meet their favourite artists. Execution The lyrics were our narrative guide: powerful words that convey a tangible sense of a father’s world turned upside down by his son’s illness.To bring them to life, we crafted two complete worlds existing in parallel, the Light and the Dark, to represent the emotional highs and lows of caring for someone who’s battling cancer. The result is a seamlessly flowing interactive video where users navigate their own path through fear towards hope.Driven entirely by code, the film is rendered in real-time in the browser. To allow users to move between the two worlds, the cameras were mapped to mouse movements on desktop and the accelerometer on mobile devices. Strategy The strategy was to position Google Play Music as an innovator and active supporter of the Australian music industry by collaborating with local artists and creating exclusive content fans would love. The insight: it had to go beyond sight and sound, giving fans a completely new experience, and use technology in a way only Google could, while remaining true to the artist’s vision.Our technical ambition was to create an interactive video experience that was not only beautiful and original, but groundbreaking.We also wanted to leave a legacy, giving youths living with cancer ongoing access to live music. So each click-through from Through the Dark to the album on Google Play Music generated a $1 donation to CanTeen to kickstart the initiative.



    Through the Dark










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