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    BG -- 世界上第一个发推特的蜂蜜獾

    案例简介:寻找一种巧妙的方式来建立它的数字存在,约翰内斯堡动物园已经将它的社交媒体账户移交给了解动物园的 “一个人”。BG,一只住在动物园的蜜獾 (及其吉祥物) 承担了责任。这怎么可能? 嗯,这主要是由于他的高科技外壳,由屡获殊荣的数字机构 Hellocomputer 巧妙设计,由 BinarySpace 的技术向导汤姆 · 范登 · 邦建造,并通过 Draftfcb 约翰内斯堡向动物园游客传达。 BG 之所以被选中,是因为他白天和晚上都很活跃,有明确的个性,喜欢和人在一起,多亏了该机构设计的定制系统,他在 6月14日开始发推特。你可以在 @ zootweetslive 或 # tweetingbadger 关注 BG。你可以在这里看到他和他的推特角色: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGTptt7iwj8.The 由 Hellocomputer 开发和安装的系统包括安装在宽敞外壳中几个地方的运动触发的动物友好传感器,并以无线方式连接到外壳外的现场基站。基站本身连接到该机构的服务器,该服务器托管一个预先编写的推文数据库。当 BG 在他的营地移动时,他会穿过传感器,然后发送相关的推文。如果他在吃他的食物碗,他一定会触发一条与食物相关的推特,例如。 hellocomputer 的技术奇才对这个项目感到兴奋,动物园的团队欣然将 BG 变成了他们认为是世界上第一个推特动物园“Spokes animal” Hellocomputer 执行创意总监克里 · 朋友说。 “动物园在使用许多不同的传统媒体与动物爱好者联系方面做得很好,但是直到现在它已经远离了数字领域。在承认使用社交媒体与目标基地互动的许多好处后,它希望有一种特别吸引人的方式。 “Hellocomputer 的逻辑是,因为人们喜欢动物园的东西是它的动物,动物发推特是有意义的。 “这项工作现在已经落在 BG 的肩上,但是有很多有趣的候选人,他们在灭绝名单上,也可能成为他们物种的 '代言人'。谁知道未来会带来什么,”她说。约翰内斯堡动物园的品牌和传播经理莱塔 · 马德拉拉说,对动物园接受这一概念和系统至关重要的是 BG 的安全。 “虽然我们立即被 Hellocomputer 的创新提议迷住了,将我们最社交的动物之一变成社交媒体发言人,我们强调,我们根本不能让 BG 处于危险之中。“Hellocomputer 设计的系统使用无线传感器,所以 BG 没有什么可以咀嚼、窒息或纠缠的。它们也很小,不引人注目,并被安装在外壳的最高点,而基站及其太阳能电源则更难安装, 已经被放在围栏外面了。 “传感器也被封闭在难以穿透的有机玻璃中,如果 BG 真的能抓住他的爪子 -- 让我们面对现实, 蜜獾是足智多谋、非常强壮的生物 -- 他在短期内无法穿透它,它可以被找回由动物园工作人员。 “虽然 BG 的几条推文将讨论他的日常活动 -- 比如他在动物园散步,他带头, 他的用餐时间和玩耍时间 -- 我们显然也能得到他将在动物园宣传特别活动,并在相关时对时事发表评论。她说: “我们对结果感到兴奋,并期待着我们的许多支持者和公众定期与 BG 接触。”。“他是一只非常友好的獾,我们相信他会在推特上非常受欢迎。虽然 Hellocomputer 已经写了几条规则来管理 BG 的推特,限制每天一小时的推特数量或者从一个电台触发的推特数量,它的服务器将记录 BG 触发传感器的确切移动。如果动物园需要研究或促进对圈养动物行为的研究,这些数据将被保留下来,并在未来的某个日期提供给动物园。 “不仅这个系统为动物园提供了一种令人兴奋的、完全恰当的通过社交媒体与目标受众交流的方式, 它有可能有助于人类对动物行为的理解,并通过推断动物未来的福祉。 “我们再骄傲不过了,” 他总结道朋友。结束

    BG -- 世界上第一个发推特的蜂蜜獾

    案例简介:Looking for an ingenious way to build its digital presence the Johannesburg Zoo has handed over its social media account to ‘someone’ who knows the Zoo inside out. BG, a honey badger residing in the Zoo (and its mascot) has taken on the responsibility.How is this possible?Well, it’s largely due to his high-tech enclosure, cleverly devised by award-winning digital agency Hellocomputer, constructed by tech wizard at BinarySpace, Tom van den Bon, and communicated to Zoo visitors by Draftfcb Johannesburg.Selected because he is active during the day and at night, has a definite personality and loves being with people, BG began tweeting on June 14 this year thanks to a bespoke system devised by the agency.You can follow BG at @zootweetslive or #tweetingbadger. You can view him and his role as a twitterer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGTptt7iwj8.The system developed and installed by Hellocomputer comprises motion-triggered, animal-friendly sensors installed at several places in the spacious enclosure and connected wirelessly to an on-site base station located outside the enclosure.The base station is itself connected to the agency’s server, which hosts a database of pre-written tweets. As BG moves around his camp, he trips the sensors which then send relevant tweets. If he is munching at his food bowl, he’ll be sure to trigger a food-related tweet, for example.The techno-wizards at Hellocomputer are thrilled by the project and the team at the Zoo are amped to have turned BG into – in record time – what they believe is the world’s first tweeting zoo ‘spokes animal’ said Kerry Friend, executive creative director of Hellocomputer.“The Zoo does a wonderful job connecting with animal fans using many different traditional media, but it has steered away from the digital realm until now. Having acknowledged the many benefits of engaging with its target base using social media, it wanted an especially appealing way of doing so.“Hellocomputer’s logic was that, since the thing that people love about the Zoo is its animals, it makes sense for an animal to tweet.“The job has fallen on BG’s shoulders right now but there are plenty of interesting candidates, ones who are on the extinction list and who could become ‘spokesanimals’ for their species as well. Who knows what the future will bring,” she said.Critical to the Zoo’s acceptance of the concept and the system is BG’s safety, said Johannesburg Zoo’s Brand & Communications Manager, Letta Madlala.“While we were immediately enchanted by Hellocomputer’s innovative proposal to turn one of our most social animals into a social media spokesperson, we stressed that we could not put BG at risk at all.“The system designed by Hellocomputer utilises wireless sensors, so there’s nothing for BG to chew on, choke on or entangle himself in. They are also small and unobtrusive, and have been attached at the highest points of the enclosure, while the base station and its solar power source, which are more difficult to ruggedise, have been placed outside the enclosure.“The sensors are also enclosed in hard-to-penetrate Perspex so, if BG does manage to get his claws on one – and let’s face it, honey badgers are resourceful and very strong creatures – he will not be able to penetrate it in the short term and it can be retrieved by zoo staff.“While several of BG’s tweets will address his daily activities – such as his walks around the zoo which he takes on a lead, his mealtimes and his play times – we will obviously also be able to get him to promote special events at the Zoo and, when relevant, comment on current events.“We are thrilled with the results and look forward to many of our supporters and the public engaging with BG on a regular basis,” she said. “He’s a very friendly badger, we’re sure he’ll be very popular on twitter.”While Hellocomputer has written several rules to govern BG’s tweets limiting the number of tweets a day and an hour or the number of tweets triggered from one station, its server will log BG’s exact movements as they trigger the sensors.This data will be retained and made available to the Zoo at a future date should it have a need to research or contribute to research being done into animal behaviour in captivity.“Not only does this system provide the Zoo with an exciting and totally apt way of communicating with its target audiences through social media, it has the potential to contribute to mankind’s understanding of animal behaviour and by extrapolation animal well-being in the future.“We couldn’t be prouder,” concluded Friend.ends

    BG - The World's First Tweeting Honey Badger

    案例简介:寻找一种巧妙的方式来建立它的数字存在,约翰内斯堡动物园已经将它的社交媒体账户移交给了解动物园的 “一个人”。BG,一只住在动物园的蜜獾 (及其吉祥物) 承担了责任。这怎么可能? 嗯,这主要是由于他的高科技外壳,由屡获殊荣的数字机构 Hellocomputer 巧妙设计,由 BinarySpace 的技术向导汤姆 · 范登 · 邦建造,并通过 Draftfcb 约翰内斯堡向动物园游客传达。 BG 之所以被选中,是因为他白天和晚上都很活跃,有明确的个性,喜欢和人在一起,多亏了该机构设计的定制系统,他在 6月14日开始发推特。你可以在 @ zootweetslive 或 # tweetingbadger 关注 BG。你可以在这里看到他和他的推特角色: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGTptt7iwj8.The 由 Hellocomputer 开发和安装的系统包括安装在宽敞外壳中几个地方的运动触发的动物友好传感器,并以无线方式连接到外壳外的现场基站。基站本身连接到该机构的服务器,该服务器托管一个预先编写的推文数据库。当 BG 在他的营地移动时,他会穿过传感器,然后发送相关的推文。如果他在吃他的食物碗,他一定会触发一条与食物相关的推特,例如。 hellocomputer 的技术奇才对这个项目感到兴奋,动物园的团队欣然将 BG 变成了他们认为是世界上第一个推特动物园“Spokes animal” Hellocomputer 执行创意总监克里 · 朋友说。 “动物园在使用许多不同的传统媒体与动物爱好者联系方面做得很好,但是直到现在它已经远离了数字领域。在承认使用社交媒体与目标基地互动的许多好处后,它希望有一种特别吸引人的方式。 “Hellocomputer 的逻辑是,因为人们喜欢动物园的东西是它的动物,动物发推特是有意义的。 “这项工作现在已经落在 BG 的肩上,但是有很多有趣的候选人,他们在灭绝名单上,也可能成为他们物种的 '代言人'。谁知道未来会带来什么,”她说。约翰内斯堡动物园的品牌和传播经理莱塔 · 马德拉拉说,对动物园接受这一概念和系统至关重要的是 BG 的安全。 “虽然我们立即被 Hellocomputer 的创新提议迷住了,将我们最社交的动物之一变成社交媒体发言人,我们强调,我们根本不能让 BG 处于危险之中。“Hellocomputer 设计的系统使用无线传感器,所以 BG 没有什么可以咀嚼、窒息或纠缠的。它们也很小,不引人注目,并被安装在外壳的最高点,而基站及其太阳能电源则更难安装, 已经被放在围栏外面了。 “传感器也被封闭在难以穿透的有机玻璃中,如果 BG 真的能抓住他的爪子 -- 让我们面对现实, 蜜獾是足智多谋、非常强壮的生物 -- 他在短期内无法穿透它,它可以被找回由动物园工作人员。 “虽然 BG 的几条推文将讨论他的日常活动 -- 比如他在动物园散步,他带头, 他的用餐时间和玩耍时间 -- 我们显然也能得到他将在动物园宣传特别活动,并在相关时对时事发表评论。她说: “我们对结果感到兴奋,并期待着我们的许多支持者和公众定期与 BG 接触。”。“他是一只非常友好的獾,我们相信他会在推特上非常受欢迎。虽然 Hellocomputer 已经写了几条规则来管理 BG 的推特,限制每天一小时的推特数量或者从一个电台触发的推特数量,它的服务器将记录 BG 触发传感器的确切移动。如果动物园需要研究或促进对圈养动物行为的研究,这些数据将被保留下来,并在未来的某个日期提供给动物园。 “不仅这个系统为动物园提供了一种令人兴奋的、完全恰当的通过社交媒体与目标受众交流的方式, 它有可能有助于人类对动物行为的理解,并通过推断动物未来的福祉。 “我们再骄傲不过了,” 他总结道朋友。结束

    BG - The World's First Tweeting Honey Badger

    案例简介:Looking for an ingenious way to build its digital presence the Johannesburg Zoo has handed over its social media account to ‘someone’ who knows the Zoo inside out. BG, a honey badger residing in the Zoo (and its mascot) has taken on the responsibility.How is this possible?Well, it’s largely due to his high-tech enclosure, cleverly devised by award-winning digital agency Hellocomputer, constructed by tech wizard at BinarySpace, Tom van den Bon, and communicated to Zoo visitors by Draftfcb Johannesburg.Selected because he is active during the day and at night, has a definite personality and loves being with people, BG began tweeting on June 14 this year thanks to a bespoke system devised by the agency.You can follow BG at @zootweetslive or #tweetingbadger. You can view him and his role as a twitterer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGTptt7iwj8.The system developed and installed by Hellocomputer comprises motion-triggered, animal-friendly sensors installed at several places in the spacious enclosure and connected wirelessly to an on-site base station located outside the enclosure.The base station is itself connected to the agency’s server, which hosts a database of pre-written tweets. As BG moves around his camp, he trips the sensors which then send relevant tweets. If he is munching at his food bowl, he’ll be sure to trigger a food-related tweet, for example.The techno-wizards at Hellocomputer are thrilled by the project and the team at the Zoo are amped to have turned BG into – in record time – what they believe is the world’s first tweeting zoo ‘spokes animal’ said Kerry Friend, executive creative director of Hellocomputer.“The Zoo does a wonderful job connecting with animal fans using many different traditional media, but it has steered away from the digital realm until now. Having acknowledged the many benefits of engaging with its target base using social media, it wanted an especially appealing way of doing so.“Hellocomputer’s logic was that, since the thing that people love about the Zoo is its animals, it makes sense for an animal to tweet.“The job has fallen on BG’s shoulders right now but there are plenty of interesting candidates, ones who are on the extinction list and who could become ‘spokesanimals’ for their species as well. Who knows what the future will bring,” she said.Critical to the Zoo’s acceptance of the concept and the system is BG’s safety, said Johannesburg Zoo’s Brand & Communications Manager, Letta Madlala.“While we were immediately enchanted by Hellocomputer’s innovative proposal to turn one of our most social animals into a social media spokesperson, we stressed that we could not put BG at risk at all.“The system designed by Hellocomputer utilises wireless sensors, so there’s nothing for BG to chew on, choke on or entangle himself in. They are also small and unobtrusive, and have been attached at the highest points of the enclosure, while the base station and its solar power source, which are more difficult to ruggedise, have been placed outside the enclosure.“The sensors are also enclosed in hard-to-penetrate Perspex so, if BG does manage to get his claws on one – and let’s face it, honey badgers are resourceful and very strong creatures – he will not be able to penetrate it in the short term and it can be retrieved by zoo staff.“While several of BG’s tweets will address his daily activities – such as his walks around the zoo which he takes on a lead, his mealtimes and his play times – we will obviously also be able to get him to promote special events at the Zoo and, when relevant, comment on current events.“We are thrilled with the results and look forward to many of our supporters and the public engaging with BG on a regular basis,” she said. “He’s a very friendly badger, we’re sure he’ll be very popular on twitter.”While Hellocomputer has written several rules to govern BG’s tweets limiting the number of tweets a day and an hour or the number of tweets triggered from one station, its server will log BG’s exact movements as they trigger the sensors.This data will be retained and made available to the Zoo at a future date should it have a need to research or contribute to research being done into animal behaviour in captivity.“Not only does this system provide the Zoo with an exciting and totally apt way of communicating with its target audiences through social media, it has the potential to contribute to mankind’s understanding of animal behaviour and by extrapolation animal well-being in the future.“We couldn’t be prouder,” concluded Friend.ends

    BG -- 世界上第一个发推特的蜂蜜獾


    BG - The World's First Tweeting Honey Badger








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