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    # Squareshakes

    案例简介:战略 我们发现我们的观众,美食冒险千禧一代,转向 Instagram 寻找美食灵感,那里有超过 1.78亿张用 # food 标记的用户照片。但这些照片中只有 1% 是快餐的,不到 0.00001% 是声波食物 -- 如果你试图为你的下一个汉堡或甜点拍照,这一事实不会让你感到惊讶。考虑到这些事实,只有 118,000 名追随者,我们知道我们需要在 Instagram 上更强大的存在。所以我们给自己设定了一个简短的劫持 Instagram,它告知了我们活动的各个方面。我们与 Instagram 上最著名的厨师之一合作制作了 # SquareShakes。我们招募了六名 Instagram 著名设计师来设计包装。我们劫持了世界上最流行的音乐节 Coachella,在整个活动区域都有地理定位的 Instagram 广告。我们允许节日观众直接通过 Instagram 订购 # SquareShakes。 活动描述 我们创造了世界上第一个设计为 Instagrammed 的产品: SONIC # SquareShakes。从每个奶昔的玻璃到奶昔的配料,再到顶部的樱桃,一切都是方形的 -- 非常适合 Instagram 标志性的方形格式。每个奶昔的顶部都是由 Instagram 著名厨师雅克 · 拉 · 梅尔德设计的,从上面拍照时看起来很漂亮。为了推出 SONIC # SquareShakes,我们与六位 Instagram 著名的平面设计师合作,为每种口味创建包装。每个艺术家都在 Instagram 上分享他们的握手,吸引了数百万追随者的注意 -- 我们千禧一代设计意识的目标受众。但是 # SquareShakes 不仅仅是为 Instagram 制作的。当观众按下我们放在 Instagram 广告上的按钮时,他们也可以通过 Instagram 订购。我们通过手机的地理位置向参加科切拉音乐节的人即时发送了奶昔 -- 这是一个品牌第一次将 Instagram 变成快餐店。 结果 78% 的奶昔导致了顾客的 Instagram 帖子。获得了 650,000,000 多个印象。该活动超过了 Instagram 的基准参与率 172%。它是如此 Instagrammable 甚至 Instagram Instagrammed 它。尽管媒体和制作支出只有 150,000 美元,但我们的活动取得了前所未有的成本,声波每达到 0.0002 美分。这项活动在我们注重设计的千禧一代观众关心的所有地方赢得了全球媒体的报道: VICE 、 BuzzFeed 、 MSN 、 Fortune 、 Bon appetit 、 Fast Company 、 Food & Wine 、 Adweek, POPSUGAR,Delish,十七和 PSFK,仅举几例。# SquareShakes 成为 BuzzFeed 的热门话题。在社交媒体上,围绕 # SquareShakes 的对话 100% 积极,SONIC 受到了设计师、美食家和潮人的赞扬。但是最美味的部分是什么?# SquareShakes 帮助索尼克通过公关和社交 (Creamery Shakes) 实现了该公司 57 年历史中最成功的产品发布之一。 执行 我们发现 Instagram 上最 “喜欢” 的食物照片是从上面拍摄的,以抽象的成分解构和丰富多彩的图形背景为特色。所以我们设计了我们的 # SquareShakes 来利用这些趋势。每一种成分都被重新制作成方形,完全符合标志性的 Instagram 格式。牛奶被冷冻成立方体。樱桃被压成正方形。塞浦路斯金字塔盐的方形薄片被放在太妃糖的正方形上面。受欢迎的 Instagram 平面设计师为我们的 # SquareShakes 制作了彩色图案托盘。这些成为我们的客户拍摄他们的奶昔的微型背景。总共有 250 个手工制作的限量版 # 方形奶昔由我们的厨师准备,并交付给幸运的节日观众。在 Pinterest 上,创建了带有图形活动元素的板,供人们分享, 保存并从中获得灵感 -- 快餐产品第一次与我们的目标受众 -- 设计和食品社区相关。 概要 Instagram 上有 1.78亿多张标签为 # food 的照片。但是这些照片中只有不到 0.00001% 的照片展示了美国最受欢迎的免下车餐厅的食物。更糟糕的是,在 Instagram 粉丝最多的十个品牌中,有八个是索尼克的竞争对手 -- 其他快餐店。预算只有 150,000 美元 (促销项目制作、发布视频和媒体), 我们的目标是鼓励数百万在 Instagram 上分享食物照片的千禧一代也分享声波食物的图片。仅仅在五个小时内,最初只有 250 个手工制作的促销项目,我们就劫持了围绕 Coachella 的对话 -- 世界上最流行的音乐节。让 SONIC Insta 成为我们千年目标中的著名人物。

    # Squareshakes

    案例简介:Strategy We identified that our audience, food-adventure Millennials, turn to Instagram to find food inspiration, where there are over 178 million user photos tagged with #food.But barely 1% of those photos were of fast food, and fewer than 0.00001% were of SONIC food—a fact that won’t surprise you if you try to take a good photo of your next burger or dessert. With these facts in mind, and only 118,000 followers, we knew that we needed a stronger presence on Instagram. So we set ourselves a brief, to hijack Instagram, which informed every aspect of our campaign. We partnered with one of the most famous chefs on Instagram to create #SquareShakes. We recruited six Instagram-famous designers to design the packaging. We hijacked Coachella, the most Instagrammed music festival in the world, with geofenced Instagram ads throughout the event area. And we allowed festivalgoers to order #SquareShakes directly through Instagram. Campaign Description We created the world’s first product designed to be Instagrammed: SONIC #SquareShakes. Everything from the glass each shake was served in to the shake’s ingredients to the cherry on top was square—perfect for Instagram’s iconic square format. The top of each shake was styled by Instagram-famous chef Jacques La Merde to look beautiful when photographed from above. To launch SONIC #SquareShakes, we teamed with six Instagram-famous graphic designers to create packaging for each flavor. Each artist shared their shake on Instagram, capturing the attention of millions of followers— our Millennial design-conscious target audience.But #SquareShakes weren’t just made for Instagram. They could be ordered through Instagram, too, when viewers pressed a button that we placed on our Instagram ads. We delivered the shakes instantly to people attending Coachella Music Festival by using their phones’ geolocations—the first time a brand had turned Instagram into a fast-food restaurant. Outcome 78% of shakes served resulted in an Instagram post from customers. Over 650,000,000 impressions were earned. The campaign exceeded benchmark engagement rates on Instagram by 172%. It was so Instagrammable even Instagram Instagrammed it. And despite a media and production spend of just $150,000, our campaign achieved an unprecedented cost per reach for SONIC of just 0.0002 cents. The campaign earned global media coverage in all the places our design-conscious Millennial audience cares about: VICE, BuzzFeed, MSN, Fortune, Bon Appétit, Fast Company, Food & Wine, Adweek, POPSUGAR, Delish, Seventeen and PSFK, to name a few. #SquareShakes became a trending topic on BuzzFeed. The conversation around #SquareShakes has been 100% positive on social media, with SONIC praised by designers, foodies and hipsters alike.But the most delicious part? #SquareShakes helped SONIC achieve one of the most successful product launches through PR and Social (Creamery Shakes) in the company’s 57-year history. Execution We found that the most ‘liked’ food shots on Instagram were taken from above and featured abstract deconstructions of ingredients and colorful graphic backdrops. So we designed our #SquareShakes to leverage these trends. Every ingredient was remade square to perfectly fit the iconic Instagram format. Milk was frozen into cubes. Cherries were compressed into squares. Square flakes of Cypriot Pyramid Salt were placed atop squares of toffee. Popular Instagram graphic designers created colorful patterned trays for our #SquareShakes to be served on. These became miniature backdrops for our customers to photograph their shakes against.In total, 250 handcrafted, limited-edition #SquareShakes were prepared by our chefs and delivered to lucky festivalgoers. While on Pinterest, boards were created with graphic campaign elements for people to share, save and take inspiration from—one of the first times a fast-food product had become relevant to the design and food community, our target audience. Synopsis There are over 178 million photos tagged with #food on Instagram. But fewer than 0.00001% of these photos featured food from SONIC Drive-In—America’s most popular drive-in restaurant. To make matters worse, eight out of the ten brands with the most Instagram followers are SONIC’s competitors—other fast-food restaurants. With a budget of just $150,000 (promotional-item production, launch video and media), our objective was to encourage the millions of Millennials who share food photos on Instagram to share images of SONIC food too. In only five hours, with an initial run of just 250 handcrafted promotional items, we hijacked the conversation around Coachella—the most Instagrammed music festival in the world. Making SONIC Insta-famous among our Millennial target.


    案例简介:战略 我们发现我们的观众,美食冒险千禧一代,转向 Instagram 寻找美食灵感,那里有超过 1.78亿张用 # food 标记的用户照片。但这些照片中只有 1% 是快餐的,不到 0.00001% 是声波食物 -- 如果你试图为你的下一个汉堡或甜点拍照,这一事实不会让你感到惊讶。考虑到这些事实,只有 118,000 名追随者,我们知道我们需要在 Instagram 上更强大的存在。所以我们给自己设定了一个简短的劫持 Instagram,它告知了我们活动的各个方面。我们与 Instagram 上最著名的厨师之一合作制作了 # SquareShakes。我们招募了六名 Instagram 著名设计师来设计包装。我们劫持了世界上最流行的音乐节 Coachella,在整个活动区域都有地理定位的 Instagram 广告。我们允许节日观众直接通过 Instagram 订购 # SquareShakes。 活动描述 我们创造了世界上第一个设计为 Instagrammed 的产品: SONIC # SquareShakes。从每个奶昔的玻璃到奶昔的配料,再到顶部的樱桃,一切都是方形的 -- 非常适合 Instagram 标志性的方形格式。每个奶昔的顶部都是由 Instagram 著名厨师雅克 · 拉 · 梅尔德设计的,从上面拍照时看起来很漂亮。为了推出 SONIC # SquareShakes,我们与六位 Instagram 著名的平面设计师合作,为每种口味创建包装。每个艺术家都在 Instagram 上分享他们的握手,吸引了数百万追随者的注意 -- 我们千禧一代设计意识的目标受众。但是 # SquareShakes 不仅仅是为 Instagram 制作的。当观众按下我们放在 Instagram 广告上的按钮时,他们也可以通过 Instagram 订购。我们通过手机的地理位置向参加科切拉音乐节的人即时发送了奶昔 -- 这是一个品牌第一次将 Instagram 变成快餐店。 结果 78% 的奶昔导致了顾客的 Instagram 帖子。获得了 650,000,000 多个印象。该活动超过了 Instagram 的基准参与率 172%。它是如此 Instagrammable 甚至 Instagram Instagrammed 它。尽管媒体和制作支出只有 150,000 美元,但我们的活动取得了前所未有的成本,声波每达到 0.0002 美分。这项活动在我们注重设计的千禧一代观众关心的所有地方赢得了全球媒体的报道: VICE 、 BuzzFeed 、 MSN 、 Fortune 、 Bon appetit 、 Fast Company 、 Food & Wine 、 Adweek, POPSUGAR,Delish,十七和 PSFK,仅举几例。# SquareShakes 成为 BuzzFeed 的热门话题。在社交媒体上,围绕 # SquareShakes 的对话 100% 积极,SONIC 受到了设计师、美食家和潮人的赞扬。但是最美味的部分是什么?# SquareShakes 帮助索尼克通过公关和社交 (Creamery Shakes) 实现了该公司 57 年历史中最成功的产品发布之一。 执行 我们发现 Instagram 上最 “喜欢” 的食物照片是从上面拍摄的,以抽象的成分解构和丰富多彩的图形背景为特色。所以我们设计了我们的 # SquareShakes 来利用这些趋势。每一种成分都被重新制作成方形,完全符合标志性的 Instagram 格式。牛奶被冷冻成立方体。樱桃被压成正方形。塞浦路斯金字塔盐的方形薄片被放在太妃糖的正方形上面。受欢迎的 Instagram 平面设计师为我们的 # SquareShakes 制作了彩色图案托盘。这些成为我们的客户拍摄他们的奶昔的微型背景。总共有 250 个手工制作的限量版 # 方形奶昔由我们的厨师准备,并交付给幸运的节日观众。在 Pinterest 上,创建了带有图形活动元素的板,供人们分享, 保存并从中获得灵感 -- 快餐产品第一次与我们的目标受众 -- 设计和食品社区相关。 概要 Instagram 上有 1.78亿多张标签为 # food 的照片。但是这些照片中只有不到 0.00001% 的照片展示了美国最受欢迎的免下车餐厅的食物。更糟糕的是,在 Instagram 粉丝最多的十个品牌中,有八个是索尼克的竞争对手 -- 其他快餐店。预算只有 150,000 美元 (促销项目制作、发布视频和媒体), 我们的目标是鼓励数百万在 Instagram 上分享食物照片的千禧一代也分享声波食物的图片。仅仅在五个小时内,最初只有 250 个手工制作的促销项目,我们就劫持了围绕 Coachella 的对话 -- 世界上最流行的音乐节。让 SONIC Insta 成为我们千年目标中的著名人物。


    案例简介:Strategy We identified that our audience, food-adventure Millennials, turn to Instagram to find food inspiration, where there are over 178 million user photos tagged with #food.But barely 1% of those photos were of fast food, and fewer than 0.00001% were of SONIC food—a fact that won’t surprise you if you try to take a good photo of your next burger or dessert. With these facts in mind, and only 118,000 followers, we knew that we needed a stronger presence on Instagram. So we set ourselves a brief, to hijack Instagram, which informed every aspect of our campaign. We partnered with one of the most famous chefs on Instagram to create #SquareShakes. We recruited six Instagram-famous designers to design the packaging. We hijacked Coachella, the most Instagrammed music festival in the world, with geofenced Instagram ads throughout the event area. And we allowed festivalgoers to order #SquareShakes directly through Instagram. Campaign Description We created the world’s first product designed to be Instagrammed: SONIC #SquareShakes. Everything from the glass each shake was served in to the shake’s ingredients to the cherry on top was square—perfect for Instagram’s iconic square format. The top of each shake was styled by Instagram-famous chef Jacques La Merde to look beautiful when photographed from above. To launch SONIC #SquareShakes, we teamed with six Instagram-famous graphic designers to create packaging for each flavor. Each artist shared their shake on Instagram, capturing the attention of millions of followers— our Millennial design-conscious target audience.But #SquareShakes weren’t just made for Instagram. They could be ordered through Instagram, too, when viewers pressed a button that we placed on our Instagram ads. We delivered the shakes instantly to people attending Coachella Music Festival by using their phones’ geolocations—the first time a brand had turned Instagram into a fast-food restaurant. Outcome 78% of shakes served resulted in an Instagram post from customers. Over 650,000,000 impressions were earned. The campaign exceeded benchmark engagement rates on Instagram by 172%. It was so Instagrammable even Instagram Instagrammed it. And despite a media and production spend of just $150,000, our campaign achieved an unprecedented cost per reach for SONIC of just 0.0002 cents. The campaign earned global media coverage in all the places our design-conscious Millennial audience cares about: VICE, BuzzFeed, MSN, Fortune, Bon Appétit, Fast Company, Food & Wine, Adweek, POPSUGAR, Delish, Seventeen and PSFK, to name a few. #SquareShakes became a trending topic on BuzzFeed. The conversation around #SquareShakes has been 100% positive on social media, with SONIC praised by designers, foodies and hipsters alike.But the most delicious part? #SquareShakes helped SONIC achieve one of the most successful product launches through PR and Social (Creamery Shakes) in the company’s 57-year history. Execution We found that the most ‘liked’ food shots on Instagram were taken from above and featured abstract deconstructions of ingredients and colorful graphic backdrops. So we designed our #SquareShakes to leverage these trends. Every ingredient was remade square to perfectly fit the iconic Instagram format. Milk was frozen into cubes. Cherries were compressed into squares. Square flakes of Cypriot Pyramid Salt were placed atop squares of toffee. Popular Instagram graphic designers created colorful patterned trays for our #SquareShakes to be served on. These became miniature backdrops for our customers to photograph their shakes against.In total, 250 handcrafted, limited-edition #SquareShakes were prepared by our chefs and delivered to lucky festivalgoers. While on Pinterest, boards were created with graphic campaign elements for people to share, save and take inspiration from—one of the first times a fast-food product had become relevant to the design and food community, our target audience. Synopsis There are over 178 million photos tagged with #food on Instagram. But fewer than 0.00001% of these photos featured food from SONIC Drive-In—America’s most popular drive-in restaurant. To make matters worse, eight out of the ten brands with the most Instagram followers are SONIC’s competitors—other fast-food restaurants. With a budget of just $150,000 (promotional-item production, launch video and media), our objective was to encourage the millions of Millennials who share food photos on Instagram to share images of SONIC food too. In only five hours, with an initial run of just 250 handcrafted promotional items, we hijacked the conversation around Coachella—the most Instagrammed music festival in the world. Making SONIC Insta-famous among our Millennial target.

    # Squareshakes












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